How Azerbaijan Started Riots in France

How Azerbaijan Started Riots in France


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@evielikeshugs1055 - 03.06.2024 01:39

Most canaks do support independence, so it's not a minorty of canaks but rather a minorty of the island

The situation is complex

@imperatorarmenator - 02.06.2024 12:58

Quality as always ❤
Loving the new style.
Keep up the great work Akrav jan

@Gormenia - 01.06.2024 04:25

Never knew this stuff existed if this video never told me I would have never knew.

@Niggexp38 - 01.06.2024 04:24

Great Video as always!

Btw, I have also started to make videos now!

@marcosantoniooliveira7965 - 30.05.2024 05:32

make videos explaining how Azeris use bots, once I went to make a comment praising your country and out of nowhere a bunch of accounts cursed me, cordonedly, I know it's bots because I used to do that.

@MrNarek973 - 28.05.2024 09:56

@Akrav I like your objective videos but I have a feeling you went to soft on france in this one. Yes azerbaijan is taking advantage of the situation and escalating it... but it is a situation which france is entirely to blame for. Its sounds like they are beeing very hypocritical. In the end of your video you make it look like the Kanaks are straying away from democracy but the reality seems to be that france isn't beeing entirely democratic in their way of handling the situation and the kanaks are accepting the only help they are getting, even if it is by azerbaijan. I guess they didnt think as far that accepting their help will only make things worse, it really is a deal with the devil.
Azerbaijan is taking advantage.
The kanaks aren't beeing smart with accepting their help.
But france created the desperate situation.

@balabani - 28.05.2024 04:56

Inimitable Akrav always thorough and accurate. Thank you.

@balabani - 28.05.2024 04:55


@edwardgrigoryan3982 - 28.05.2024 00:34

Love the production of this video and looking forward to watching more from you. Well done. Obviously this is a cynical Azeri ploy with no substance behind it. However, I believe there is lots of nuance to the situation with the Kanak people and the referenda that you gloss over here. You are very likely aware of this, as it's quite clear you do plenty of reading and research of your own, but I would like to particularly emphasize the point that the Kanak are only a minority in New Caledonia due to a deliberate effort by France to populate the area with non Kanak French nationals who vote in alignment with the interests of the metropole. I find this in a way comparable to the Russian tactic of historically "Russifying" regions it seeks to dominate by populating them with Russians and diluting the indigenous population, as is the case in the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc. Azerbaijan is just capitalizing on a legitimate grievance, though it's quite clear that France is willing to do anything to maintain the status quo in NC, so I doubt much will change. That said, the cult of personality petro-dictatorship that is Azerbaijan sincerely playing a role in some kind of "decolonization movement" is farcical. It's sad to the see the Kanak leadership and populace sucked into that so easily, but then again, I suppose their options are limited.

@vaazma - 27.05.2024 21:11


@amarhadjimurad2363 - 27.05.2024 13:50

Armenian living karabk don't want autonomy but independent or be part Armenian proper

@dhjddjjejdjf1680 - 26.05.2024 09:28

Bu kanalın sahibi gerizekalı mı? :D

@suzannecampbell4946 - 25.05.2024 03:12

I was looking at videos on the Armenian genocide and in the comments a lot of turks said that the Armenians also massacred that tens of thousands of turks I don’t know the validity of this and I want to know if that’s true or not great video by the way

@naltun4702 - 24.05.2024 20:44

Excellent video, mersi

@mohammedtijani3749 - 24.05.2024 11:45

Out of topic but can you put the soundtracks used for this video in the description.

I like the style of this channel, pixel art should have more online presence 😁

@doraemon402 - 23.05.2024 17:52

LOL, of course the referendums are rigged, the colonizers shouldn't be able to vote, it's the way the French have of manipulating the demographics of a territory they colonized. The pro-independence segment of people who are actually from NC is the majority.

I can't think of two worse nations on Earth than the frenchies and the azeris. But yet you'll call an imperial power that will not simply let go of its colonies a "democracy". The French will never leave, they'll have to be kicked out. Just as the brave African nations are doing.

@hetmankp - 23.05.2024 16:28

You left out a key element of this story, namely why the Kanak boycotted the third referendum. The reason they gave was that they had been disproportionately affected by the COVID pandemic and therefore, while the pandemic was still raging, it was not an appropriate time for a vote. This doesn't seem unreasonable and it makes you wonder why France would refuse (Afraid that they might lose under fairer circumstances? The previous vote was a close thing).

France has not been above all sorts of pretty atrocious behaviour in their former colonies, even up until today, so while Azerbaijan's involvement is clearly suspect, if France wants to play with the big boys and demonstrate it's a significant power worthy of regional leadership, it should get its own house in order.

@StaLeninosus - 23.05.2024 10:49

Azerbaijan is talking about giving independnece when it has Artsakh in it. World became HOI4...

@adelaide4625 - 23.05.2024 09:48

Hey great video ! I just wanted to add something. About the last referendum, Why is it so much one sided ? Kanak culture involve a lot of rites and France held this third vote right after covid 19, anak were "busy" in rites about the dead..

Also, the reason of this revolt is about Macron forcing a law that break this noumea chart. This new law allow colonial european to vote, which they were not allowed before. All of the vote made on Caledonia was from Kanak people, European could not. Now, they lost the political power to decide wither or not they vote for independence etc. Why is it important ? Because France gave to white people a lot of the earth and buildin in Caledonia. It's "our" way of colonizing, we bring white people, give them land and slowly but surely they replace and dominate locals.

Also the situation there is very awful, Kanak are like second class citizen, "Strip Tease Enculé de Kanak" is a french broadcast that show how the situation is : A white guy having all the lands etc insulting kanak of being useless, subhuman, that without white people the country would just die etc.

Anyway great video, just to understand why Kanak people would even go as far as aligning with Russia (which is not really the case btw) you need to understand the colonial aspect of the situation :)

@puzzled012 - 23.05.2024 09:24

so Kosovo is not Serbia, despite history, having Serbian majority till relatively recently, but New Caledonia is French? that is Frankish homeland, right?

@mjw907 - 23.05.2024 08:49

The ongoing french colonial empire is one of the biggest atrocities no one talks about

@GodBeforeTheWorld - 23.05.2024 03:47

The truth has to be torn from the grasp of those who seek to hide it! Akrav, thank you 🙏🏼

@baku_m_salti3128 - 23.05.2024 00:59

I think you could've gone into more detail on why the third referendum was boycotted and the issues that faced the island during the pandemic in which it was held. My question is, if France did allow a redo of the third referendum, what might happen? 🤔

@reconscout2238 - 23.05.2024 00:53

Lol paranoid armenians believing turkeyto be more powerfull than it actually is

@asharista3152 - 23.05.2024 00:08

Azerbaijanis just wants to liberate their ancestral lands in Caledonia. 😁

@C6Fever - 22.05.2024 23:42

Apres! 💯

@maelystyn1055 - 22.05.2024 21:02

Seeing this from France I’d tend to support the struggle for independence but they don’t want independence they just hate armenians

@viktorneshaniyan3298 - 22.05.2024 21:01

Thanks for deep dive in that topic

@ardayldrm2656 - 22.05.2024 20:44

I like the channel yet: Azerbaijan is also a fledgling democracy(edit: totally false sorry). Russia is the key for reginal security. New Caledonians were not happy with France and Kanak people's futile attempts for retaining their vanning political power causes the violence not foreign interference.

@xqzqfr - 22.05.2024 19:56

I also was shocked about Azerbaijan being part of this 'civil war'. As a French with Armenian origins (my family is entirely Armenian but I was bornes in France) you are kind of wrong on some points. Yes, we can blame Azerbaijan for taking part of this conflict. However, this situation already was 'predicted' during the referendums. New Caledonia was mainly populated of Melanesians (the indigenes of the region like in Australia and New Zealand) then after the colonisation of France and the settlement under the 3rd French Republic, the Europeans people who by the way are mainly prisoneers, workers, colonisers, and Pieds-Noirs (French people who were born in an overseas territory) had more right than the indigenes/Kanaks. This lasted until 1947 I think the date you said during the video when New Caledonia became an overseas territory and all the inhabitants could vote for French elections and local. Then in 1988 a law passed that only people born before 1989 and their heirs could vote for local government to avoid more European immigration and to keep their autonomy but also to intend and get independance. Then like you said people who lived in New Caledonia for more than 10 years could have the right to vote and Kanaks protest against it because it ados 25-27 thousand voters to ≈160000 and they all were European New voters. That's why some un unrest happened but also the boycot of the third referendum. Amidst all of the inhabitants, now only 40≈45% are indigenes which is really worse. To conclude (finally), the president and the minister of Interior (idk how to say it in English) officialised the referendums that were corrupted and then boycotted. This explains the 'civil war' and even if Azerbaijan plans on taking a big part of it it didn't really changed that much to the situation.

@Zaman805 - 22.05.2024 19:55

And I hear somewhere about Azerbaijan being the reason the Iranian president's helicopter crashing. But, it could have been that the helicopter was old and the weather. Because that helicopter was made in the 60's, the sanctions mean that a lot of stuff in Iran are old and malfunction a lot. Like the planes too.
Rest in peace Ebrahim Raisi.

@SlavaDomnului1 - 22.05.2024 19:52

Amazing video. Love and support to Armenians everywhere from Romania 🇦🇲🇷🇴

@Roubentvo - 22.05.2024 19:17

@holyarmor578 - 22.05.2024 19:06

Aliyevstan is so cringe

@wimblewomble4751 - 22.05.2024 18:53

Amazing video as always, btw have you seen the new caledonian separatists waving Azerbaijani flags, kind of ironic if you think about it
