美国人没钱加油?! 揭秘油价疯涨背后的原因!Things you want to know about the soaring gas prices in US&world

美国人没钱加油?! 揭秘油价疯涨背后的原因!Things you want to know about the soaring gas prices in US&world

Plus One

54 года назад

300 Просмотров

美国人今年加油都加不起?! 华尔街预计,按照目前油价上涨的趋势,在美国的每户人竟然要多花$2000!到底是什么原因导致美国油价飙涨?汽油价格疯涨对美国人生活影响有多大?美国和世界油价最高的地方在哪里?打开视频,跟着天天一起揭秘关于油价的5个真相!

Is it true that Americans can’t afford gas this year? According to a Wall Street estimate, if the current trend of rising gas prices continues, a typical American family could spend an extra $2,000 this year! What is actually driving up U.S. oil prices? How much are Americans affected by the soaring gasoline prices? Where are the highest oil prices in the US vs the rest of the world? Follow Day to uncover 5 facts about gas prices!

#GasPrices #油价 #美国


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