Why Do You Think a Family is a Burden?

Why Do You Think a Family is a Burden?

Jordan B Peterson

4 месяца назад

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@vivvpprof - 22.04.2024 03:00

Your reason is turning rancid, Jordan.

@blanktrigger8863 - 22.04.2024 13:50

Moreover, they complain about all those choices they chose, meaning they simply multiply their burden. Their suffering increase, but they're too stupid (arrogant) to stop multiplying it, which is what complaining is. You complain when you know something is bad to do but refuse to stop doing it, as a power game to feel like you have the answers to life.

@Sorrus-B4lyfe - 24.04.2024 10:39

To me, it’s not about freedom. Freedom is definitely great and you’re a strong person with this power of freedom.

Yet. Had a single mom growing up working 7 days a week so was my Uncles and Aunts = They were miserable and definitely weren’t supportive parents, they wanted me to shut up and do homework till I become a lawyer or doctor.

To me. Having children when I’m not rich or have the time in the work… is a burden not only on me but on them. Being miserable and just taking out your frustration and anger on your children.

I never want to be them.

@Cody-jx1sc - 24.04.2024 15:43

I need a family.

@stevewaterhouse3025 - 26.04.2024 12:26

Jordy, we are free to do with our lives what and how we wish .

@colormangascans - 27.04.2024 00:36

a lot of ad hominems... salty that some of us are actually getting tons of pussy?

@Carrillophotography - 02.05.2024 11:05

It’s a bit arrogant to think that we deserve more than we have. If you’re lucky enough to have what you once asked for, be happy with it.
I remember being through my 20’s and having choices. Women, social gatherings. Now in my 30’s I sometimes feel that same arrogance to be rudely awakened by the fact that I’m no longer as good looking or charming as I was then. Evident by the type of women that approach me. Low hanging fruit but once I’m approached by something above that, I’m intimidated and lost on what to do next. Don’t fall victim to your own vanity.

@Matt-vo1ge - 04.05.2024 02:00

Going to have porridge with oat milk and some pecans.

@libertasinfinitum6657 - 04.05.2024 04:39

We need an open forum to discuss the challenges put forth by his outstanding mind.

I consider myself contemplative. I try to discern as much as I can. I thought I knew what I was doing as a young punk.

I didn't pursue a family. I had contempt for our wars and our ways. Why would I subject someone I love more than myself to potential and probable suffering?

I was blessed with a family, not of my own blood. I have even more contempt over our wars and our ways.

I've learned about the experiments conducted on the poor and 3rd world countries. I've learned about the thousands of years of conquest and slavery. I've learned about the food supply and manipulative marketing to children. I've learned about the human trafficking, slave labor, and sanctioned X abuse of children.

Is it really wrong to spare a child from these conflicts?

@محمد_حبيب_الله - 04.05.2024 17:00

I prefer freedom with being able to eat anything I want than a family

@hope4463 - 05.05.2024 02:04

Men think women and children are a burden. They want a girlfriend but no responsibility.

@MillenialWanderer - 08.05.2024 06:07

I don’t think it’s a burden at all it’s finding a partner that is the challenge

@sofidofie - 09.05.2024 06:54

My dad called our family a burden once. He called me, his child, a burden. It hurts sometimes 😔

@mst-pierrem5729 - 09.05.2024 15:00

Not judging but omg more than one partner at a times when romantic partners are and keeping a relationship is already hardwork.... I'd be exhausted if I had more than 1 at a time.

@lgbnz - 16.05.2024 08:54

this was a great live seminar!

@Anonymous-sb9rr - 16.05.2024 09:48

I'm not sure about the two-tone suit. Is he Harvey Dent?

@C-Millstone - 17.05.2024 05:01

Keyword, us.

@gaia7240 - 17.05.2024 12:58

In this "society" it is a burden, you need a community and that doesn't exist anymore, you could die anyday and you will leave them alone and scared, this is the real problem, now all the responsability in on 2 or even 1 person and that is too much to handle

@felipemoraes3814 - 19.05.2024 20:48

These people who say “I want the freedom to have many partners” are slaves to their own desire.
Freedom is the ability to do what is NECESSARY, not what you want.

@yvonne43249 - 20.05.2024 00:40

Great man Jordan ❤

@katisugarbaker7349 - 20.05.2024 01:21

It’s freedom until they have no one and nothing to help with whatever it is they need help with. Even if it’s just learning to grow up.

@CharlesOakley - 24.05.2024 09:13

If this speaks to you, you are already a failure.

@chriswimer6296 - 25.05.2024 01:13

Great job arguing against the stupidest position
🙄 slow clap

@melvinmokayamagori7743 - 25.05.2024 08:10

This guy only knows how to appeal to emotions can he actually make a point?

@HAHAHAHA24418 - 26.05.2024 03:53

Spot on brother Jordan highly appreciate your insights. So articulate and respectful bless you brother in his name HALLELUJAH !

@owjanshahmiri7038 - 27.05.2024 03:47

As much as I love Professor Peterson but I firmly believe family is nothing but a burden.....Society needs you to be chained down by restrictions so it can impose it's values on you. Limit yourself to one woman, work 60 hours per week, pay lots of interest on borrowed money and so on

@hippiecritegymnastics3311 - 27.05.2024 09:26

Oh, ya know.... 24/7, year in year out, lab rat and pin cushion of the US Directed Energy Weapons and Mind Control Programs... and others.

@ramyahjlika7475 - 27.05.2024 11:19

can someone pls help me with the whole video link thanks you

@TheMackirk - 28.05.2024 09:17

First...because family is a burden. Second he did not give an explanation why a family is not a burden. Third he says he doubts the existence of freedom of choice but did not explain why. And fourth and lastly he wants people to adapt his way of living.

@HUMBLE-EYES - 29.05.2024 11:25

Im a single man havent got my own family i have GOD aslong as i am close to him i feel Good if i dont get a family ill still love him

@judywaddell1650 - 29.05.2024 20:31

Love Jordan

@riku6146 - 30.05.2024 00:44

Does this granny fucker get that life is not as easy as it is for him? Not everyone is a millionire and has the money to feed a family in this capitalistic economy?

@matthewbacque1622 - 31.05.2024 08:32

Option 1: You are a single woman who casually dates men. You have a new sexual partner every few months. They don't invest in your emotional well-being, and even if they tried, you have a wall up and would break it off before they could tell you. These men only engage with you when they feel like it-- and when they do feel like it, it's for their own exploits & gratification. You cannot ultimately trust these men, or confide in them the feelings of your heart, because the moment you do, they walk away. Countless sexual partners, all throughout your adult life. Relationships remain frequent, and shallow, deriving all pleasure from detached sexual connection, and the agreed upon, but unspoken- angst towards shared accountability.

Option 2: You are a married woman. Your husband loves you unconditionally. You have a child. You laugh together. You cry together. He goes to work to provide for you and your family. He thinks about you and makes sure to call you during his work day. He provides a strong financial base for your family. Abundance is given freely to achieve your dreams, and you live in harmony with each other. He lives to serve you. In times of turmoil, he is your support, and provides you with compassion & guidance. You trust him with your life, and he loves you & your child with every fiber of his being. He eliminates negative patterns in his life to be a better husband for you. You love him for who he is, and who he is becoming. Your emotional intimacy nourishes your spirit, and you feel joyful & Complete.

Question: Which woman is free?

@luaybader6538 - 31.05.2024 20:44

It's never a burden to start a family, but sadly people who start it wrong say that it is, and people who see bad examples think it's a burden

@chipcook5346 - 02.06.2024 19:00

"Maybe even less than one partner." Suddenly, my day brightened right up.

@SaebyeolHan2272 - 03.06.2024 12:30

“Pretty much everyone else wants to limit you maybe even less than 1 partner.” You nailed it. 🤣🤣

@herschelschueler - 04.06.2024 00:35

Freedom can only be appreciated if you know restraint. True freedom will elude most people in this world.

@impulse894 - 04.06.2024 08:25

Nah, we just don’t like headache. Good luck though 😂

@flagulantmichael - 05.06.2024 06:43

answer: there is a lack of responsibility for there actions. they DON'T practice LOVE and God's commandments and, PAY for it at the END...
take care

@shefalianupchatterjee5958 - 06.06.2024 01:10

Yes my mom never wanted tht

@calamityjehn - 07.06.2024 08:46

Some people are happier their relationships are not constrained to specific boxes. Is it really hard to beleive with how many different people are in this world, that some dont want the "traditional" and that they are happier and more fulfilled with a different path? And that people who choose differently arent broken or lesser then those who do want traditional values?

@calamityjehn - 07.06.2024 09:16

Pride isnt just about a bloated sense of ego. Even now there are still tons of people across this country afraid to come out because their communties are engrained by religious beleif and conservative dogma that it is better to be dead then queer. I literally did not know gay people existed because it was viewed as some sort of huge evil sin you didnt talk about, you were not allowed to talk or even think about or else face verbal abuse or physical violence from parents, peers, everyone and too bad if you felt different but couldnt discuss or share or be allowed to explore because other peoples comfort level of conformity always mattered more then your rights to identity.

Its not being "shoved down your throats", anymore then literally everything else I or many others were taught growing up. Its being broadcasted so that if you do feel that way, you know you aren't alone and that you aren't some sort of disgusting sub human monster. You're a person like anyone else, the "pride" is the equillibrium of that realization and the process of letting go of societal stigma of self loathing that the queer community has and still is dealing with now. This comment section is evidence enough.

Also claiming they arent a community is just very haughtily dismissive and just straight up not how community works?

Example:In that fans of Jordan peterson are a community, they are not just one note cardboard cutout bobbleheads that just like how he talks (like how some think queer people are just sex crazed debauchery fiends which is a blanket statement and makes it easier to hate or disgusted of a group), Some of his fans are christians, some are not; They are a diverse group of similar flavored ideologies and tend to be conservative and more traditional values.

Same thing with the LGBTQ. Its not just "oh wow same sex wooo". They are also a group that support individuality, personal choice, right to freedom of self expression in all formats, not just sexual. That family isnt just by blood, that you dont have to want what society has said you should want or else there is something wrong with you. Their flavor of ideologies tend to be progressive. Ie, they too are just as much a community. You cant just huff and say a group of people isnt a real community just because you dont like or understand them.That's just childish.

@calamityjehn - 07.06.2024 09:38

The thing is that people claim they dont care what you do behind closed doors, except if that were the case, then appearing queer in certain areas of the country wouldnt literally be a possible invite to verbal and physical abuse. The queers aren't the ones going around beating up or harassing straight people for appearing straight while they're out and about minding their own business out in the world or online.

@homophilosofikus8215 - 08.06.2024 17:27

Life is not about what you want. It`s about what you get and how you handle that

@jcb0112 - 12.06.2024 02:24

The phrase burden of responsibility doesnt register in petersons head

@onepoeticromancer - 15.06.2024 18:48

People feel like families are a burden due to the moral decay that has occurred during our slide down the slippery slope. Actual problems keep getting "solved" by creating more problems with government intervention, the nanny state, an erosion of personal responsibility and freedom, and most importantly, the turning away from our creator. It shouldn't surprise us that when Adam neglected his responsibility in the garden and blamed Eve and God for his unwillingness to take his job seriously that we would continue to slide. You can draw a straight line from the fall in the garden through the wars, through the creation of big government, through the welfare state, through the push to pull women (and men for that matter) out of the household and into the "work force" to the point they are "too busy" to raise their families and lean on "society" to raise their children for them, which is why there is so much rot in the public schools. I can go on and on (and due to the short attention spans of the Tik-Tok and Shorts ADHD correlated results of the slippery slope), but few will read this anyway. It's just so easy to see that it hurts to even think about it.

@282XVL - 19.06.2024 00:48

Respectfully, let me straight up answer these rhetorical questions.

Why do I think a family is a burden? Doing one's duty by family requires a substantial financial and time investment. It creates mutual obligations I would be honour bound to meet forever. The same resources and time could be spent on other pursuits that I simply prefer to enjoy.

Why do I think choice that I may or may not have is freedom? That is because the choice to say NO remains open. I can't say NO with honour to a permanent relationship that I have offered my word of commitment to. Certainly, I can't end that at will without substantial pain on both sides. I don't want to have a partner - I have no desire to negotiate and compromise how I live my life with someone else. It is not everyone else that wants to limit me to less than one partner - it is I who chooses to impose that limit upon myself.

@christianfinkbeiner684 - 21.06.2024 05:56

No, thanks. I like to take naps and not change shitty diapers.

@user-lh2og2ib1i - 27.06.2024 13:05

Because it gives you a shield

@thejkyle - 28.06.2024 05:35

I gotta get me one of those “heaven and hell” suits.
