The truth about hydrogen

The truth about hydrogen

DW Planet A

2 года назад

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@DWPlanetA - 25.02.2022 18:01

What do you make of the hydrogen hype?

@aatt691 - 30.01.2024 22:28

Imagine if the green hydrogen is successful and any one in 2070 watch this video 😅

@stanyeaman4824 - 30.01.2024 14:15

Making free hydrogen uses more energy than you get out of it by turning it back into water. It makes no sense.

@GregoryBoyce-sl9ny - 30.01.2024 13:57

the fractional reserve banks that pocket lines your push this to hype is the truth of any positive solutions off fossil fuels. The unscience of BS

@kevinishki - 30.01.2024 07:49

Water vapor is also a greenhouse gas. Probably not a good idea if every car to emits it. Battery technology and thorium reactors are the best approach imo. Thorium reactors aren't useful for making nuclear weapons though

@BlurryFace-zz2ro - 29.01.2024 10:01

People always point out problems with hydrogen, where does power that charges the Tesla come from? Fossil fuels. Those cars also are heavy and a huge fire hazard so I also think electric is also just hype.

@JosephDeLuna-yj8vg - 29.01.2024 00:07

How Much Does It Cost To Obtain Hydrogen?! From What Ever Source You Have?! You Are Blowing Smoke Up The People Butt Who Listen To Your Bull Shit!!! Listen To Me! They Have Been Doing This For 50 Years! With No Success! Nuclear, Hydro, Coal, Oil And Natural Gas Are Our "Alternative"! Grow Up!!!

@uppertributaries - 25.01.2024 09:35

How does that Chlorine taste?..... PEM!

@peterdejong5456 - 19.01.2024 12:57

Off course we need to focus more on clean fossil fuels. By 2050 the world's energy demand will have doubled and by 2100 it will have quadrupled. We will need every energy source known to man, including fossil and nuclear, not to end up in a worldwide and permanent energy crisis by then.

@MacreyTurbinesRenewableEnergy - 15.01.2024 17:56


@nishalall3510 - 15.01.2024 09:51

Something to keep brainstorming on !!

@khaoscip1234A - 14.01.2024 20:29

Oil still controls the markets so it controls hidrogen... You can make a nuclear plant and then make green hidrogen next to it but it's easier to just make gas, or iphones in China

@petesig93 - 13.01.2024 02:19

Carbon capture and storage? OMG! This old furphy.
It has NOT been done in any commercially viable process despite so much blather and effort over the past 30+ years. Even if the 'capture' bit got sorted, storage in the earth is entirely unproven, and it is most likely that CO2 would simply seep through the rock structures.

@petesig93 - 13.01.2024 02:15

Air travel? On hydrogen? Never mind the good old debacle that was the Hindenburg..... Hydrogen has the lowest energy density of all fuels. Can you imagine the disaster potential of flying through the stratosphere in an aircraft whose fuel must be pressurised to 700 psi 😳🤣 And the weight of such pressurised fuel tanks? 🤣 Never mind its extreme flammability 🔥 THAT is a marketing catastrophe 😱

@ninjahflighttaktiks1467 - 10.01.2024 14:30

The renewables that power the hydrogen creation. How green really is the production of solar panels? How long does it take to offset the carbon footprint that they create and does the destruction caused from the production of say a wind turbine or solar cell worth the energy we get out of it?

@TheSwipeking - 08.01.2024 21:55

HYDROGEN..better still Brown's Gas 100% is the very very very best way to get healthy..I have cured cancer using this..foot ulcers kidney damage a hypo thyroid issues etc etc etc....AQUACURE AC50 machine did this for me!!! FACT!!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

@ourv9603 - 05.01.2024 09:57

Most hydrogen suppliers are oil companies. They make Hydrogen out of gasoline.
Talk about unclear on the concept. Maybe they do that because they are anti
clean fuel.


@sasabogdanovic893 - 03.01.2024 00:06

We know how hydrogen is obtained from water, but I wonder how water can be obtained again through combustion, from which hydrogen can be obtained again.

@georgestreicher252 - 02.01.2024 19:51

There is a fourth way to produce hydrogen that this video does not explore. The inventors Stanely Meyer and Dennis Klien where able to change water into a burnable gas by exciting water molecules with certain frequencies. The resulting gas produced on the vehicle was able to power those vehicles. There is no need for separation of the gas or storage of any kind as hydrogen/oxygen gas was produced on demand as needed. Also, saw a video on You Tube using copper sulfate as a catalyst in an electrolysis process. The content creator was able to power a small generator with gas produced on demand. In your videos you always demonize CO2 as a greenhouse gas. There are scientists that dispute this claim as CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis and is ultimately needed for all life on earth. Could you please do a video exploring those that dispute CO2 is a detrimental to the environment?

@peterazlac1739 - 02.01.2024 19:25

Green hydrogen from renewables is a fantasy. First renewables have not been getting cheaper, especially from offshore units as you will see if you examine the financial data from Dong and other offshore owners in the UK. In fact it is getting so much more expensive that in order to get them to build these white elephants the UK Government has now upped the guaranteed payment by 30% to over twice the cost of power from a gas unit and this is not taking into account the cost of upgrading the grid. In the UK it is estimated that to switch all fossil fuel uses to electricity will require the power supply to be tripled and there is not a cat in hells chance of doing this from renewables given the periods when the wind does not blow. Fortunately the UK has a solution, hydrogen which they intend to use in the national gas grid to replace methane for domestic and industrial use. The intend to produce it by steam reforming of North Sea gas burying the carbon dioxide in existing deplete North Sea gas and oil wells. But a more practical solution is to use the surplus power from the fleet of small modular nuclear units they intend to deploy from 2030 as the backbone of the grid to supply dispatchable power. These units need to operate at near maximum load 24/7 and the surplus power can be used to produce hydrogen locally by hydrolysis. The new technique of absorbing the hydrogen on a net of boron nanoparticles removed the need to liquefy it for transport use. JCB, the UK producer of construction and farm machines is already producing modified diesel engines that run on hydrogen and these can be used in trucks, busses and trains. So the real net zero future is hydrogen as Toyota, Porsche and other auto manufacturers agree. Incidentally Porsche has a process to produce synthetic fuel from carbon dioxide that fits well with steam reforming. It is a pity Green zealots are so ignorant of chemistry and so wedded to methods of producing energy that belong in the 17th century.

@docvinny2694 - 02.01.2024 18:45

This Channel appears to be funded by Elon Musk😅😅

@kpkro9652 - 01.01.2024 17:12

Massive security issue for both hydrogen and batteries, the other blow up, not much else left around yhem

@Oliveir51 - 01.01.2024 12:47

Baking soda ? Salt is good enough. Electrolysis from seawater using solar will be a solution and there is trials

@boulerice-archives - 28.12.2023 22:01


@GregoryBoyce-sl9ny - 28.12.2023 13:08

your paid off by fossil fuels dude

@_d000v1 - 20.12.2023 17:18

Great content! Well, we nedd updates about this video. :)

@mattiapreti9034 - 18.12.2023 23:42

Unsurprisingly, this video has overlooked hydroelectric giants such as Canada, which produces major amounts of water driven Hydro-electricity. Facilities in Canada and specifically the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia all produce enough surplus hydro-electricity—and have for decades—to sell and power some of the most populous parts of the northern United States.
Both the provinces of Ontario and Quebec have built large hydrogen plants at the hydraulic dams that are powered by 100% natural energy. DW, your videos are great but lack significant global market research.

@joyceart5949 - 18.12.2023 02:31

I think we need to focus on all are alternatives. Too many people think the big idea will come from one invention, when infact it will be many inventions that will salve the problem. Even water cars; cars that run on water arnt a safe solution; hydrogen leaks release methane in to the atmosphere. Methane is 80 time worse for the environment then carbon dioxide. It also tales 30 years to remove methane fron the atmosphere. Even if they say there wont be any leaks, just look at the recent oil spills. There will always be human error. This is true for hydrogen vehicles and hydrogen in general.

Solar powered cars may have their problems with finding enough sun to charge, but as the technology advances they keep geting better and they work and dont contribute to greenhouse gass or carbon dioxide, and if you add charging stations to top off your battery your in good shape!

Solar is an alternative that doesnt contribute to carbon additions, but solving this problem will truly take many ideas.

@mrmurdock6994 - 18.12.2023 02:26

hydrogen is the future. what we need to focus now is to improve on creating hydrogen.

@FishWrap - 16.12.2023 18:56

There’s no fossils in hydrocarbons (fossil fuels)….
CO2 is actually plant food….
Finally, outer space is a very cold place so enjoy the warm weather…🎉🎉

@hprincely - 13.12.2023 22:22

Yeah go nuclear that is the only way out I suppose

@user-fx9gh3hq8j - 10.12.2023 09:47

My friend who is a scientist in India has recently invented a method to produce Green Hydrogen. This method does not need an external source /electricity ( no electricity from Solar or Wind power) to produce Green Hydrogen. It can be produced in situ. So, you can produce it at the place where you want to use it. Waiting for some seed investors to take it off.

@leonardobrunorende5363 - 01.12.2023 02:10

And... WHAT is the truth...???

@ericchin739 - 30.11.2023 02:58

No, hydrogen is not the future. It's quite stupid and sort of flies in the face of the water issue in the world....

Nuclear energy is where its at.

But, the public is too stupid to read a book instead of fear porn on the internet about how Nuclear energy works.

@JoSciFi - 29.11.2023 02:11

You don’t need fossil fuel to run an electrolysis machine, and trains already transport tons of hydrogen right? Can we convert trains to hydrogen?

@QiuQiuChannel-ni3xj - 24.11.2023 12:39

The cheapest hydrogen is made from Oil so Oil Companies definitely will push it for to replace gases, same thing different packaging 🥱

@lostinthought4354 - 23.11.2023 15:10

Uuuuugh ..... bullshit!

@EssexCountyPhoto - 20.11.2023 11:32

Great "journalism".

Paid for by the World Economic Forum sect ???...

Let's talk about the "all-electric" hype.

Who's making huge profits? (China)

What damages to the earth caused by over-mining lithium? (China don't care)

Why are governments not warning people about the insane risks linked to electric vehicles fires?... (They explode!)

Why are the "scientists" forgetting to mention that if every car driver in the world had an electric vehicle, the national grids would collapse.



@Sourcecode01 - 20.11.2023 05:53

Net zero is a scam, it's impossible but pushes another plan/agenda I am all for making the world a clean place but forcing people to conform to laws and or taxes/limitations of their free will is against life itself and is avoidable easily but the people in control seem to be limited in their vision.

@michaeldufresne9199 - 20.11.2023 03:19

waste into hydrogen flash graphene you got more studying to do its more abundant

@mitchellbutler7068 - 19.11.2023 02:05

Its explosive , its unstable and on the molecular level it can work its way through an aluminum or steel skin tank and leak out . Highly flammable… gasoline is better

@user-tb1vd2ss7v - 18.11.2023 08:52

The future is finding the best educated balance on fuel source.

@Planet_Cents - 17.11.2023 21:13

We love the video! It’s a huge step in the right direction. We hope the video reaches as many people as possible, we would go ahead to add your video to one of our playlists to inspire climate solutions. -Team Planet Cents

@DavidJCarrell - 14.11.2023 17:46

H2 is also being considered as a solution for long term electricity storage since that role cannot be played by lithium ion batteries (which have an enormous upstream carbon footprint anyways that nobody seems to want to ever mention).

@user-uy2ps6ii1r - 11.11.2023 22:19

Brasil is booming right now on H2

@stormselah - 11.11.2023 17:03

It is convenient to use just any bunch of video images when makeing these cheap videos. But as cool and sensational as some of these clips - they don't relate to the narative and thus, create a wrong impression. I guess a truthful effort is either too hard or too boring for click bait like this. Keep cranking this junk out whilst your audience is generally naive. Great work.

@bradleyguestscunthorpe5885 - 10.11.2023 18:08

Great video

@jacobbentley1615 - 08.11.2023 18:23

A solution that requires everyone to do something isn't a solution.

@logmeindangit - 06.11.2023 20:59

First of all, there is no "climate crisis." That is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. The US government classifying CO2 as a pollutant is an example of this absursity. AGW is claimed, but not provable, regardless of all the efforts to create "scientific evidence." The scientists choose data that supports the con but do not step back and look at Earth's surface temperature objectively. Doing a little top-level math using slight variations in solar radiation shows that CO2 is not even a factor, buried in the noise of the margin of error. The Earth is greener now than it was a.century ago, correlating with the increase in CO2. Plants are thriving with the increased CO2, and reducing it via long-term sequestration will cripple and could actually kill all carbon-based life on Earth. Be objective, not emotional.
Understand that energy control is a huge goal for govrnments. If it can all be blamed on CO2 as a.pollutant, or is responsible for global warming, then governments can control the masses far more effectively and dictate how we all must live in order to cooperate with an oppressive, hypocritical, elite government.
And no, I am not a.conspiracy theorist, I am mostly objective and not emotional about things like this, and especially any attempts by governments to regulate my life, when they don't impose those same.costs, burdens, limitations and restrictions on themselves. Do as I say, not as I do? Um, no. This is as controlling and.misinforming as the food pyramid chart, or that welfare benefits the recipients more than it traps them in a perpetually impoverished lifestyle by destroying their spirit and the dual-parent home.

Color me cynical. I accept it. But for good reason.
