Why the Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin] Is BAD for Everyday Carry

Why the Best Damn EDC [Taylor Martin] Is BAD for Everyday Carry

Marine X

11 месяцев назад

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Intelligent Zombie
Intelligent Zombie - 03.10.2023 04:11

It is shockingly scary how similar this video is to Overexposed’s take on Peter McKinnon. The thumbnail, same concept of topic (talking crap about another creator) and even the framing of the shot. Idk if this is stolen straight up or coincidence. Either way both videos were L takes.

EDC GEAR & SURVIVAL - 02.10.2023 17:00

I agree so much with this video you nailed it I know people who have left the EDC world because the prices of flashlights knives gear has just skyrocketed and then you get somebody that doesn’t have money. Oh shows a cheaper night for Gerber and mtech Swiss Army knife then you get guys out there to make fun of them so they leave the EDC community because they can’t afford this nice gear, great video and I agree to 100%. They need to come down in the prices on knives and gear. Or a lot of people will leave the EDC world.

Stress Elemental
Stress Elemental - 01.10.2023 17:45

Love BDEDC, but his channel really has changed from a "carry" channel, to a "collector" channel. Seeing all the Chris Reeves, and titanium tools is neat, its for aesthetics and is visually pleasing. I watch him for entertainment, and you for information.

shane harkins
shane harkins - 01.10.2023 05:30

If you have to critique another person’s content to create content you are officially irrelevant.

Matt Kamoda
Matt Kamoda - 30.09.2023 14:53

He does edc videos for guys with un scuffed work boots that hang out at Starbucks.

Marcel Majerčík
Marcel Majerčík - 29.09.2023 13:13

The most sought after value in edc is personality. I mean eberybody wants to make their kit stand out in the crowd. Some do it by buying stuff others can't afford, some by modifying reasonably priced pieces of gear. I personally like modifying because it's more fun.

SickBOOM - 28.09.2023 20:41

Nope I agree
I probably watch maybe 1/3 of his video before I get bored
But I watch all your videos all the way through
And still use my tomtoc bag becuz of you

R2G - 28.09.2023 18:53

I have to agree that Taylor Martin is an absolute sellout pu**y.

Kris Mak
Kris Mak - 28.09.2023 05:40

I called Taylor a hypocrite who just wants to sell ya overpriced junk well over three years ago. Because you have a better following base, I thank you for saying it louder than I could 👍

BrokeBoyTactical - 25.09.2023 17:13

No disrespect but who made you the Czar the of EDC? If your Channel wants to cater to the user side of EDC then I think that's great. Like you said this is also a hobby for most. Again you said it, "most". A lot of people just want something pretty to put in their pocket but they also wanted to be a quality cutting tool. Most people are never going to use their knife for anyting and I truly mean that. Do you know how many people I know that carry a Chris Reeve sebenza like myself and open a box with a Victorinox that cost $20? Like you said "most"so if anything what Taylor Martin is doing is catering to the majority of the EDC community. I'm on the forums man and there's a small select group of guys who complain about what you're complaining about. There's always one or two individuals out of ten thousand that have a problem with unused to gear. But in reality it's called everyday carry not everyday user or everyday beater is it? It's called everyday carry so as long as these things are carried everyday does not matter if you use them. Idk... I just don't really think it's up to you to decide what's good for the community and was not because the community is far more diverse than people who just beat up their stuff.

Dracirate - 24.09.2023 18:30

I agreed with you until you started ranting about things selling out. Great video, I subscribed.

KC's Outdoor World!
KC's Outdoor World! - 24.09.2023 15:53

I like @tristate_edc

KC's Outdoor World!
KC's Outdoor World! - 24.09.2023 15:49

Each to their own,
I do more budget because I have 2 kids and I work corrections.
I do have some high end stuff, but I worked OT for it.
Have a great day 🙂

Ron Thorpe
Ron Thorpe - 24.09.2023 04:41

Maybe you are just sad because he has way more subscribers than you…
More views
More success ..
hey I understand it’s tough out there.

The RC Guru
The RC Guru - 24.09.2023 00:29

I like his videos, and a couple other channels. It shows me some of the stuff that’s out there and gives me ideas and sometimes I’ll even look for a more generic version or make my own. I have common sense though and don’t get the urge to buy every new shiny thing flashed across the internet. I’m a fan of laid back content. Those high energy characters are exhausting and they constantly act like what they’re shilling is the best thing you need right now ever! Subbing to your channel now. Easygoing no nonsense content.

Daves Everyday Carry and Survival equipment
Daves Everyday Carry and Survival equipment - 23.09.2023 22:20

Best Damn EDC is, well my favourite. Hes very good at EDC. Taylor Martin was the person that got me in edc i dont think hes bad, hes really good. And pocket checks and his gear revews are awesome. I trust Taylor Martins videos. Im also making my one EDC channel because of Taylor Martin, Taylor Martins videos made me want to do EDC stuff.
Keep up the great videos and EDC gear.

Edit: function dose comes first, hobbies later. But i think EDC is a mix of Hobbie and Function

Thom Reynolds
Thom Reynolds - 23.09.2023 18:08

Totally agree. I don't need a 500-800 dollar knife that can puncture a car hood and not need to be sharpened after. Can't see myself ever killing a car with a knife. Does it WORK for the kind of stuff I need to do. Medford might be well made, but again, I don't need to stab a tank and another American made 50 to 150 dollar knife would open a bag of concrete mix or cut string just as well or better.

Andy Ceballos
Andy Ceballos - 22.09.2023 08:07

I used to be really into EDC, but I stopped buying new knives and gear because I found myself getting expensive items that I was afraid to use (Didn’t wanna put wear on it). Plus, I realized I didn't really need most of it.

The only thing I’m still into that the EDC community got me into is watches. I can do without the dozens of unused knives, flashlights, mini prybars, titanium keychain clips and all the other overpriced indie gear.

Jeremy Wright
Jeremy Wright - 22.09.2023 01:18

Without throwing any hate around, I can say I don't relate to Taylor Martin's content at all. Am I supposed to every day carry a Rolex watch and a $500 pocket knife? I'm just not his target audience. I also can't stand all the "pocket trash" stuff like special coins and beads or whatever and the pokemon mentality of trying to catch every new "drop". I used to carry around a little face that I carved, so I get it, I get the worry stone mentality, but I think it should be something you make or something that's special to your life, not just another consumerist thing to buy.

Bhunt 919
Bhunt 919 - 21.09.2023 14:20

Hard to show use on your knives when you have over 500 knives

Rob - 21.09.2023 08:57

I watched your video and was trying to understand your point. What I got out of it is your looking for more views so you put a title up that will catch people’s eyes. I get it but your video was a total waste of my time and I have no reason to subscribe to your channel. No offense just didn’t make any sense.

RaceHead - 21.09.2023 07:27

just watch some of Taylor Martin's phone dog content from back in the day and you'll understand his style.

hangemhigh13 - 21.09.2023 06:30

You have an opinion. Good for you. You use your stuff. Good for you. No one cares. You know what though? Taylor is way more positive and accepting of the way everyone uses their edc. So stop with your "better than everyone" attitude. You're just jealous because no one likes you. Have the day you deserve.

Bill Doyle
Bill Doyle - 21.09.2023 03:53

Concentrate on yourself and throwing shade in the EDC community should not be accepted! Ive followed many many people for a very long time and this sir is BS! Unfolloed and will bring this up in many communities!

Ryan Kanters
Ryan Kanters - 20.09.2023 16:42

Imma just keep it with my victorinox and rovyvon flashlash, afterall thats all i need 😂😅

ivan svalker
ivan svalker - 20.09.2023 02:30

Somethings are worth it. A chris reeve is 10p lercent worth it. It will last a life time and its easy to maintain. I agree about the expensive flash lights and multitool prybar tool things. I bought the big idea design tpt slide and it is so annoying to switch out a blade. Evem gave myself a scar doing so, its waaay kver priced. And yes you and i and all of the community know that he does not use his gear. It looks to clean and to pretty. MY chris reeve, again i support chris reeve 100 lercent, is scratched up, it has snail trails like crazy because i actually use it. Simply buy what YOU KNOW YOU WILL USE. Dont buy stuff because people like best damn edc has it. If you like 500 or 19 dollar knife buy what you want and what you like.

Ladybugtwingirl - 19.09.2023 19:14

His videos used to be good now it's just all titanium knives and flashlights that cost 600$

jon louis
jon louis - 19.09.2023 14:28

I hate that channel and stopped watching it years ago. I'm just a working guy, I'm barely getting by and don't have that kind of money.

machendachen - 19.09.2023 06:48

I lost interest when he started going into fancy expensive blades that I can’t fathom spending all that money. Already have too much crap! Realized it’s just better to get affordable items that work, and they actually get used! 😂😂

Tony Guerrero
Tony Guerrero - 19.09.2023 05:17

I agree..! What's happening here with his channel that alot of the EDC gear he shows will double or triple in price which drives me nuts!!

Neeves Knives
Neeves Knives - 18.09.2023 17:32

when i first started my channel all my knives looked worn and used because i only had so many to test, after you get a lot of knives you can rotate them out, and as long as you take care of them and keep them clean you can keep a knife looking good for a long time, edges is something i pay attention to because that is what is going to determine if you are using it or not, has it been sharpened or is it still factory. you do have to have the eye for it which many do

Ricky - 18.09.2023 17:02

I started on his videos, I’m sure a lot of people do, my edc philosophy has done a 180 since then. I don’t stuff my pockets full of junk anymore. If it’s not useful during my day or justifiable then I take it out of my pocket

George Cadenas
George Cadenas - 18.09.2023 11:15

His chanel will always trump yours becuase he does pander to the Gear Q**rs.

Yours and "EricasEDC" are some of the best EDC channels.

I like hia channel but I do agree that it's way too expensive.

Apo Abeey
Apo Abeey - 17.09.2023 23:37

you are so damn right 😁

Glenn Frey
Glenn Frey - 16.09.2023 21:16

I don‘t agree. It is more a hobby to me. But others may see it differently. In the end it doesn‘t matter. He tries to make a living out of it and I enjoy the videos. Everybody is free to not watch his videos. No need for drinking „haterate“. It is like in the music business: Not the best singer/musician is necessarily the most famous one. Some can‘t sing at all. But a lot of people enjoy listening to them. It is HIS vidoes and HE can decide the content. Don‘t play the song if you don‘t like it. And don‘t make famous singers responsible for others not becoming famous.

Totoy Brown
Totoy Brown - 15.09.2023 18:24

dog, is anything wrong owning some feel good edc? and also owning some beater edc esp for work/outdoors? stop being a termite and contribute dum*

Rich Clark
Rich Clark - 15.09.2023 07:32

I dislike how he kinda comes across as bragging/showing off all of his gear and the free stuff he gets. I like how other channels do giveaways with that type of stuff as opposed to putting it in a pelican case.

rbrookstx - 14.09.2023 06:15

I found you from excessorize me and I really appreciate your feedback.

CyclicPsycho Recondo
CyclicPsycho Recondo - 13.09.2023 17:07

Wtf is this guy talking about? This is a strange reach for clout type video. You keep telling this other more popular creator to do things… why would he listen to you? Maybe you should take some tips from him.

Michael Rivera
Michael Rivera - 12.09.2023 18:08

I unsub to Taylor since I started buying a whole lot of shit I don’t use. I’ve gave up on flash lights at $300 and gear that’s unpractical. I had to give away wallets, blades, lighters, flashlights etc. I follow you and still have the Tomtoc bag you recommended compared to pocket organizers from Taylor that I gave up to friends.

Duane Brown
Duane Brown - 11.09.2023 14:25

I agree 100%! His channel is so Gucci! Who is paying over $200 for a pen, flashlight, utility knife, etc. none of his stuff has any wear to it. Everything is pretty for a display but never used.

Fact Finder General
Fact Finder General - 11.09.2023 08:17

It's basically a string of shill videos. He and others are out here calling unboxing videos "reviews" which is a joke. That's why it's all expensive gear that clearly hasn't been used. It's advertising disguised as content.

Michael - 10.09.2023 20:03

I’ve wasted my fair share of $$$ on EDC stuff that I really don’t need. Even what I carry now is stuff that I use regularly, but really don’t “need”.

That said, I stop watching EDC videos when the content creator brings out several $500+ flashlights, pry bars, etc. trying to justify why I should buy one. Sorry my guy… there is no reason to carry a $500 EDC flashlight other than you got way too much money.

Daryle Ferguson
Daryle Ferguson - 10.09.2023 03:20

He's all good,i know he got flash stuff,but, intelligent people will buy the same stuff,to suit themselves,with time,youll have the best stuff to suit you,he makes carrying EDC,cool,which is Practical,and,you want to carry,in your style,real men wear,EDC.

Everyday Evan
Everyday Evan - 09.09.2023 20:19

I quit watching him. I'm a cop and I don't make enough money to afford the shit he showcases. Don't get me wrong, buy quality gear, but I don't have dozens upon dozens of multiple knives, flashlights and multitools. I might have 3 or 4 pouches, flashlights and knives, but that's it. Basically, all my shit put together, will fit in a shoebox. I don't have a hard time deciding what I'm gonna carry on a daily basis. Awesome video brah.

True Budget EDC & Prepping
True Budget EDC & Prepping - 09.09.2023 01:10


I am fucking your waifu and there's nothing you can do about it
I am fucking your waifu and there's nothing you can do about it - 08.09.2023 19:43

You should sue twitter for taking your name X

cristian verzelloni
cristian verzelloni - 08.09.2023 04:07

Sir, I discovered Mr. Martin before discovering you. I can tell you that both of you are worth watching, imho, for very different reason. I am a traveler, I am an expatriate, I am a collector, I am a professional, I am a prepper... I am, as anybody out there, many thing... so I take ideas from you for hard use uber practical stuff, while I take from Best DAMN edc some cool idea more usable in some instances, while excessorize me give me the "toy for big boy" stuff I may be willing to invest... but then deep into my backpack there is an E&E and Survival kit I developed while watching Ranger Bushcraft and survival... all this to say that every one of you cover a niche of the EDC space that may or may not overlap... you don't cover it all, nor Mr. Martin does, never found a channel that cover it all... we need you all to stay ahead of the curve, we need you all to see different perspective of the same topic... take care
