Dash Cam Owners Australia Weekly Submissions May Week 1

Dash Cam Owners Australia Weekly Submissions May Week 1

Dash Cam Owners Australia

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@shaynegadsden - 10.05.2024 09:54

I don't think there was really anything wrong with the first one, it might look a bit odd but didn't seem like the vehicle was sliding or that the driver wasn't in control

@domsdriveway1282 - 10.05.2024 09:06

This is the funniest compilation I've seen in a long time - like when that second truck pulled out, and the scooter slipped.

@statters - 10.05.2024 08:14

OMG, so many of these people just need to take a Valium.

@aliozen3342 - 10.05.2024 06:53

No wonder majority of people can’t drive for shit in Australia, all of your outlooks on the road rules differ so drastically 😂 I’ve seen people in third world countries without road markings, lanes or road rules drive more civilised thank you wankers who think you own the roads 😂😂

@mouldypretzel - 10.05.2024 06:27

Damn Lucas 😅

@MrCreepus - 10.05.2024 04:37

The best thing about watching these, at least in my mind, is the constant changing of talk shows, music, news, banter.. It reminds me of playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and constantly flipping through the stations while speeding around and smashing into shit.

@taraspetrovich8711 - 10.05.2024 03:43

Spider on the windshield!
Me: Is this a Jurassic park?
Me again: No, this is Australia, not Ukraine.
A very interesting country!

@jeffd696 - 10.05.2024 01:36

ok Australia.. I hope you like my new label for you, china v2.0

@BullDogAU - 09.05.2024 21:19

here i was thinking the worst drivers with taxi drivers and self entitled ignorant car drivers but it's clear by this video truck drivers are not just arrogant but total fking clowns. hope this video was forwarded to the proper authorities, none of these people deserve the priviledge of holding a license

@drdrai7479 - 09.05.2024 16:41

I swear to God if it wasn't for tradies in utes on meth this channel wouldn't exist.

@etheral9027 - 09.05.2024 16:16

at 8.00 no indicator , then he gets upset coz he is'nt let to merge easily!

@CruzSoul - 09.05.2024 13:01

Crazy how many people won their license at my gran’s bingo night

@killzor7714 - 09.05.2024 12:01

What was the song on the last clip.

@mitcheejee - 09.05.2024 10:55

legend has it, lucas still doesn't know what he is doing

@aussiebevo103 - 09.05.2024 10:49

Man what is with the truck drivers. Sheesh! Must think because they have 2 trailers they are entitled and above the common road rules

@lisadunn6027 - 09.05.2024 10:26

I did get a laugh from the two blokes at the end. Nice change from unnecessary aggro

@nr8813 - 09.05.2024 09:49

Does anyone actually stop and offer to share their footage when they see someone get slammed into? Most of the time it looks like the camera cars just keep on going. That footage could really help someone when the other party tries to do a dodgy. Of course you can't stop if it's unsafe or on your way to work and your late but more often than not it seems like people are happy to have footage for this channel and don't give half a shit about others. What a world.

@johnrowley8976 - 09.05.2024 09:42

3.24 Here we have a driver with no thought for the truckie.Just slow down impatient DH.

@nr8813 - 09.05.2024 09:41

I feel the pain of that dude who ran the light in Belgrave (not that I would). Those lights stay red for far too long and have been there for months with seemingly no work being done to fix embankments erosion or whatever is going on there.

@NayfenDublya - 09.05.2024 09:08

Classic Lucas on his bike... he always does this.....

@CallardAndBowser - 09.05.2024 08:30

Most of these videos look to me like it's drivers just being plain selfish.

@Dno75 - 09.05.2024 08:16

All the technology and AI…how and why is there not something that can search through all the footage uploaded and lead to fines, licence suspensions & maybe even arrests for these absolute lunatics!! Please!!!
……& yet I can’t look away 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

@skyworm8006 - 09.05.2024 08:09

why are the cameras so deep fried in this one

@JoelStacey-gy6qv - 09.05.2024 08:04

Standard North Lakes behaviour, back to back

@Annie1962 - 09.05.2024 07:39

last one ; dickheads hahahaha

@peterwindle4453 - 09.05.2024 07:16

The last clip is the best thing I've seen in ages

@stephenjack437 - 09.05.2024 06:13

I'm so glad I don't drive anymore.
Keep on inspiring me to never get my drivers license back you vaccinated sheep!

@ante646 - 09.05.2024 06:11

opening clip is pure steez

@harryjones8952 - 09.05.2024 05:24

They do not improve, red lights seem to be oh I’ll just keep going

@wompatom - 09.05.2024 02:06

whats with the duelcab ute drivers being so dam impatient or reckless, is it the small willy? or the false sense of superiority that you sitting taller on the road that most drivers? even in my personal experiences its 90% the time drivers of these cars are causing trouble.

@RonsonDenmark - 08.05.2024 19:48

Editor forgot to disable resamling so the everything is blurry

@PiDsPagePrototypes - 08.05.2024 19:28

Anyone know if you can register and M1-Abrahms in Victoria? I feel this is going to be the only vehicle that might be safe surrounded by all the idiots on the roads. Sure, parking and fuel will be a bugger, but survival is more likely.

@rohansully584 - 08.05.2024 17:13

That lightening though!!
