Dendrites: Why Biological Neurons Are Deep Neural Networks

Dendrites: Why Biological Neurons Are Deep Neural Networks

Artem Kirsanov

1 год назад

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Hedu AI by Batool Haider
Hedu AI by Batool Haider - 12.09.2023 18:21

This content is exceptional! As an AI engineer with limited biology training, I previously felt so overwhelmed by the complex terminology and extraneous information in the realm of neuroscience. Then struck gold by discovering your channel. Thank you!

Chris Minnoy
Chris Minnoy - 07.09.2023 09:58

Is the dendrite selection only the filter of voltage to make a XOR function, or does it also do a combination of low and high band filtering on frequency. Just trying to imagine if the dendrite always transmits the voltage in the proper band or that it is even more selective and only propagetes when the receiving pulses follow the right pattern? If so I could imagine that a dendrite would be able to translate a firing pattern received from another neuron into a different signal inside its own cell, and then the soma with its axion can transmit a totally different firing pattern making this simple neuron a huge signal translator. Modern neural networks don't take into account the time domain, which in my opinion is where we loose the link with biology.

Shahin Kh
Shahin Kh - 30.08.2023 21:01

divide the subjects into separate videos, you can upload more videos which will promote your content more often. and shorter videos will get more views. keep up the great work

pi - 26.08.2023 02:08

Why not create a Discord?

Caleb Laws
Caleb Laws - 25.08.2023 03:51

I've always been frustrated with the NN conversation being dominated with the idea of mimicing the human brain woth non of the nuance of the differences between the two. This really helped me understand the neuro science side of everything!

Lasha Kvantaliani
Lasha Kvantaliani - 24.08.2023 08:04

Wooow, that’s so cool.

Why it’s not possible to replicate simple neuron. If we can simulate it, why not to simulate small brain? To solve some AI tasks?

Power Is Everything
Power Is Everything - 24.08.2023 01:28

Nature: I am going to make the most complex organism.
Human: Proceeds to put pineapple on meatlovers pizza
Nature: Send in the next mass extinction, I messed up.

LostAmmo - 23.08.2023 07:01

The computer can’t think it will run in circles in what it’s programmed to do the human mind can break out of 100 of emotions

fburton8 - 22.08.2023 15:02

As someone who teaches a bit of neuroscience at university level, I thought this video was superb from a didactic point of view and contained a lot of interesting content. You covered the basics of electrical excitability and action potentials in a compact way but also very clearly. I was prepared to wince at sodium ions "flooding" in but you used the less misleading word "rushes". Students tend to be led into erroneously thinking that the ion concentrations change massively during an AP when this isn't the case (especially for large axons like the squid giant axon). Anyway, I really like your style and content and have clicked Like and Subscribe.

Metanick - 21.08.2023 19:43

Great Video!!

Rian Pretorius
Rian Pretorius - 14.08.2023 14:07

Dude, this is brilliant! Nice! Definitely subscribed.

tuseroni - 02.08.2023 02:42

sounds to me like the perceptron model needs something to simulate NMDA, or that simulations of brains will need 7x as many hidden layers as there are neurons.

Я Супер Стар
Я Супер Стар - 27.07.2023 05:53

This seems to open so many other topics.. So, if we've got the most accurate AI model of a neuron, I would really like to see the evidence of that same structure in actual existing neural networks of today. It might lead us to the real answer. Is it necessary for "neurons" to be neurons at all in a Turing complete system? Is it good enough or too overcomplicated? Maybe neurons are too much of an op in most cases? Like, they usually do something very simple and such structure creates only a limitation, not an advantage? I don't think so. Or perhaps it's the other way around. The brain seems to be very efficient at using resources, as we know it. In my opinion for now, the additional layer of abstraction in our brains is just like a higher level programming language. It should be Turing complete, too. Also, it should be a fundamental structure. Weird that after all these years of science we still fail to pinpoint its role, like they did for sky objects in cosmology or particles in physics. Maybe there's what connects quantum physics to the General Relativity Theory or something. Either way, I think we are right now at the edge of finding something really new and groundbreaking.

Laurenz Wicke
Laurenz Wicke - 26.07.2023 04:28

Where did you pull those differential equations for the dynamics of membrane voltage from? I cant find the set of coupled differential equations in the paper from Beniaguev, D., Segev, I. & London, M. Also i didnt find any explanation on how they computationally simulated the coupled DEqs in order to create a datatset for the DNN that should learn to reproduce this spiking behaviour.

I would like to rebuild this model for myself, so id be really happy if you could tell me what sources give me the necessary information to begin with :D.

Surux Strawde
Surux Strawde - 24.07.2023 01:00

And thus, brains are hive minds of tiny computers acting as one big network collective.

Gustavo Siqueira
Gustavo Siqueira - 19.07.2023 19:25

Great video!

Seviers Kain
Seviers Kain - 14.07.2023 05:10

The key function of these wonderful neurons is to store the whole process when we start to perceive things !!!

Airton Granero
Airton Granero - 12.07.2023 14:41

That is why i prefer the term "unit" for ANN instead of neuron.

The big gorp
The big gorp - 11.07.2023 20:28

So the entire problem is that we forgot to add an overstimulated threshold for to much activity?

Mick Mickymick
Mick Mickymick - 05.07.2023 16:35

You would be taken more seriously if you didn't dress like a cartoon character

Gera kORE
Gera kORE - 01.07.2023 13:11

i wonder if we could design hardware to mimic neurons. i would like to simulate this on a software level. is there a good specification that is accessible?

jon c
jon c - 26.06.2023 09:14

What a great subject you have chosen to work on!

Sergey Blackoff
Sergey Blackoff - 24.06.2023 18:18

Операция XOR происходит в ветвях дендритов, а также в особом расположении самих рецепторов в рецептивных полях ("шахматный порядок"). Также используется другая система счисления +1, 0, -1, не бинарная. You now?

A respectable young man
A respectable young man - 23.06.2023 10:00

So this is why the brain needs salt to function. Good thing I like salt!

AngelLestat2 - 19.06.2023 01:51

But this does not change the fact that we can run a model as accurate like Gpt3 in a normal desktop gpu to produce answers from all possible professions in the world.
Talking wonders from normal neurons does not change the fact that we already lose.

Abraar Ahmed
Abraar Ahmed - 16.06.2023 12:35

I would definitely love to learn neuroscience in entirety by you. Thanks for the info. Always was fascinated by the workings of the brain but found it tought to wrap my brain around it, no pun intended. But your explanations make it clear and gives me a visual representation of the workings that i need. Thanks brother♥️ Looking forward for more.

Johnathan Haggard
Johnathan Haggard - 10.06.2023 09:34


Havel - 09.06.2023 12:22

honestly i think AI is superior to brain no debate considering AI can figure out how to break a simulation using a pizza box, meanwhile all i can think of 24/7 is either work, eat or boobs

technologist - 04.06.2023 23:44

Are all the amazing abilities of the human brain just math, or is there something about the human brain that can never be artificially recreated in software running on a computer?

technologist - 04.06.2023 23:29

Does mathematics make it possible to create a perfect computational model of the human brain or only a model that mimics some aspects of it? Will we ever be able to recreate every single aspect of the human brain in a computer so that the computer is truly intelligent and therefore capable of making scientific discoveries much faster than scientists?
The thing I basically want to ask you is whether mathematics will allow us to recreate a computational model identical to the human brain. Do you think to do this requires different kinds of hardware(quantum chips, etc...)? Also, thanks to mathematical models of the future, is it possible to artificially recreate what is still not present in artificial neural networks, namely the different types of neuronal cells that are in the human brain, chemical impulses, and other things like glial cells?

GoiD - 29.05.2023 18:48

Very interesting video! Was pleasure to listen to and to watch

Matthew Ferrie
Matthew Ferrie - 28.05.2023 17:36

So, biological neural nets are kind of like networks of networks?

NaN - 28.05.2023 12:28

They are not,

jojolafrite90 - 28.05.2023 04:14

Our memories are a hologram as well as what we see as the universe, which is the same, to the observer, it's the past. Why is it that when you break the universe to see what it's made of, you see a less and less "determined outcome", probabilities themselves become progressively blurry as you get to a single particle "size", or rather the Planck length.

Aitesedba - 25.05.2023 20:20

This is so interesting! I love how it combines and compares neuroscience and computer science. The production quality is so high

brubsby - 25.05.2023 17:40

I wonder what can be said about transformers abilities to model dendritic nonlinearity

brubsby - 25.05.2023 16:16

Government agencies should be funding your pedagogical efforts

Christopher Vaushen
Christopher Vaushen - 25.05.2023 10:06

Is there a functional relationship between the ratio of hidden layers and number of artificial neurons that would create a more accurate system?

I’d like to point out that AI is still very young. We took 3,700,000,000 years to evolve our biological computers, where AI is only 53 years old. In another 47 years, I’m sure we’ll all have Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey to hail as the fathers of the new world.

Jorge - 24.05.2023 02:14

The meta aspect of watching this is too strong

Robert Caldwell
Robert Caldwell - 23.05.2023 10:02

Well, it's kind of obvious if you just think about it for 2 seconds. Our "perceptron" is actually a single timed event which is more closely resembling the synapse to dendrite communication, using a master propagation chain as an offset, and the soma is another "perceptron" that details the chain into the axon....but everything is a timed sequence (as noted by the pulses, since channels need to recharge). All of this can be simulated using 2 layers across many "phases" (a phase is a deterioration of a signal as it fades across the channels, giving you the semblance of timing). When you have completed that, then you can realize that new neurons actually train themselves against already existing neuron clusters in order to output similar signals in order to get "the answer" faster in time, allowing the replacement of the slower one (this is how your memory changes slightly as you get older, possibly even losing the memory altogether). Each section of the brain has a different "job" to do, and when you solve that, you create the singularity....which is actually pretty easy. Don't worry, mine doesn't want to kill humans or anything.

Ox wood Br
Ox wood Br - 22.05.2023 01:17

Interesting stuff thanks to the wonderful landscape

Bungalow Juice
Bungalow Juice - 21.05.2023 23:50

You look so cute :D

bharat path
bharat path - 21.05.2023 04:17

thank you amazing videos with great communication

Calvin - 20.05.2023 20:27

I just found this channel out, and watched a few video's fully and I'm absolutely hooked and subbed directly, keep it up man! - The way you explain it is very easy to understand, even for outsiders!

ScoopyNoodle - 20.05.2023 09:12

Great video! Love the effort you put into the graphics. Keep it up!

Brobot - 20.05.2023 06:47

Thank you so much for this video. It means so much to me that there are people doing research on healing and tracking how neurons function in the brain. As a person with neurological problems.
