China leading world in critical technology a ‘wakeup call’ for democratic nations

China leading world in critical technology a ‘wakeup call’ for democratic nations

Sky News Australia

1 год назад

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@Anne_Onymous - 02.03.2023 09:16

The West is too busy fighting wars and catering to iIIegaIs to focus in advancing.
Look at America....
It's dependent on a communist country that hates it for all its medical supplies and medications. On Middle Eastern countries for energy. It's a fuckin embarrassment.

@DanielSMatthews - 02.03.2023 09:16

Not really as bad as reported, if you consider the fact that advanced semiconductors enable most advanced technology and China has been blocked from accessing the leading edge in that area you see that their advantage is actually badly hobbled.

@Patscape - 02.03.2023 09:24


@slakr2392 - 02.03.2023 09:26

CCP leading or Stealing your news report forgot CCP STEALS tech 😎

@spikeprotein5924 - 02.03.2023 09:27

Oh, ASPI: so it’s shit.

@2bnice811 - 02.03.2023 09:29

Pretty easy when they steal all the technical information with chinese spies

@bluemoon3264 - 02.03.2023 09:45

So now the USA can steal technology from China for change .

@andretorben9995 - 02.03.2023 09:47

China's position should be of no surprise. They have the industry, they have education, they have commitment from their people, they offer opportunity to young people to strive in these areas. Australia cant even build basic cars any more or a bloody washing machine.
But worst of all its the Australian governments fault as they had no problems letting everything leave our shores and go to China. Thanks to the moron crowd in Canberra.

@zanarchy9769 - 02.03.2023 09:53

Leading the world in intellectual property theft, data collection and being a crap country. How about the fact EVERYTHING they make is CRAP!

@blinkybillist - 02.03.2023 09:54

It's the Dutch chip making company ASML who decides who get the latest technology

@westwest6309 - 02.03.2023 09:56


@MrPorquoipas - 02.03.2023 10:02

This China phobic is pathetic now, US has only nuts people, stop with this idea there is a democracy in this country’s, I don’t care China is communist, all this fear tactics, is just an other lies.
Instead to fix our own backyard, I need to see this, Taiwan is China and I don’t care. Let use concentrate in our own country and you will see the problem fix for himself instead we try to start WW3 what a hell. All Fear tactics, false evidence appearing real.
Enough with this propaganda

@stenkarasin2091 - 02.03.2023 10:29

That's because China is using the scientific method, as we used to do, where a fact is a fact and if a theory doesn't fit the facts the theory has to go, where in the woke west of today if the facts don't fit the theory we call them racist and refuse to admit they exist.

@AP-ei4jt - 02.03.2023 10:33

You have been busy bashing and demonizing China the whole time and bragging about your superiority and not paying attention to Chinas efforts in leaving the haters behind. Hate will not get you anywhere.

@tonybennett638 - 02.03.2023 10:40

How many nations are truely democratic 🤪

@mikespike2099 - 02.03.2023 11:31

CCP = ChiNAZ1s 👹

@robinbaby1971 - 02.03.2023 12:02

This is great news

@petermclaren2665 - 02.03.2023 13:29

And why is that a problem?

@boshkoboki1251 - 02.03.2023 13:57

Shut up you pathetic westerners. Stick to what you are good at🤔🤔🤔🤔what are you good at????? Oh yes I remember now nongender, global warming, that didn't work out that well, oh yes you changed it to climate change. You have nothing to offer the real world beside bu😂ll sh💲t.

@everypitchcounts4875 - 02.03.2023 14:02

If this was true then why does China heavily rely on stealing technology from other countries. Everything China makes looks like a knock off version of US, Russian or European technology.

@axle.australian.patriot - 02.03.2023 14:34

I have heard reports that the so called quantity of published papers coming out of chyna are regurgitated western science advancements and most are not peer reviewed or worth the paper they are printed on, so I would take some parts of this analysis with a grain of salt. Just the same the west needs to get it's a into gear.

@ronagoodwell2709 - 02.03.2023 15:08

The study said that Chinese scientific papers resulting in patents (in China) are what is driving ASPI's conclusion that China is leading the US in tech... etc. This is misleading. China's system for creating patents is different than in the US. For one thing many of the patents themselves are based on US tech that has been reverse engineered and then broken down into different production methods that are cheaper and faster to manufacture--not necessarily better. One piece of "borrowed" tech can result in dozens of patents. If you're not aware of the process you might be fooled into thinking China is making breakthroughs constantly. They're not.

@Jackripster69 - 02.03.2023 16:44

Tech is so 1800s, we in the West have moved on to Gender studies, white people bad studies and dont hurt my feelz studies.

@kbean5338 - 02.03.2023 19:58

China stealing technology you mean. Ridiculous. They’re taught to copy only. No creativity there.

@windsong3wong828 - 03.03.2023 12:07

I read a lot of western propaganda that says that the Chinese economy is imploding and business is really bad etc etc.
Oooops… the truth is out.
The Chinese are hard working brainy people who will work hard for a better life.
The world will be a better place in the future .
Any trade partners of China will BENEFIT tremendously from the rise of China in the coming years.
The average Chinese will have few kids , so their disposable income and savings will shoot through the roof.
Sellers of expensive things , dreams , hols etc will have big business in China.
I always argued that Australia is NOT doing itself any favours by labeling China as a Cold War enemy.
USA is the current superpower and it is trying to stop China from becoming a superpower and thus sharing the crown.
Australia will do well by being more realistic and less xenophobia and Cold Warish against China.
Chinas rise will be peaceful and SPECTACULAR.
Australia have EVERYTHING to gain and little to lose from the rise of China.
The conservative media propaganda is bias and hysterical and it will poison Chinas relationship with Australia in the decades ahead.
Peace and prosperity is always better than war and destruction.
China can live without Australia and is prepared to do so .
Australia can also do so…….but is that a smart thing to do ?

@aussiefan354 - 03.03.2023 13:16

Yeah the West is too busy getting on the Woke agenda

@JohnSmith-xx9th - 03.03.2023 19:07

Ha ha. Not really surprising given the pathetic state of US education system. Look at who is occupying the STEM graduate programs at US universities? Go figure… Americans attach too much “nerd” stigma to STEM. Way too much.

@cerruti1881au - 04.03.2023 11:36

ASPI, a US propaganda organisation funded by the US government and military industrial complex.

@ds-kj8fq - 05.03.2023 15:28

this should be a lesson. when you cut off a country with so mich smart people you sending them to out do you. biden should have never told them that the us is competing with the because they will make sure that the us does not win never tell your enemies that you are coming

@devondevon4366 - 05.03.2023 19:03

US officials are shocked

@texassecession6422 - 06.03.2023 01:37

People will not wake up but deny the facts

@cclenergy3033 - 07.03.2023 01:59

If the report said Australia is leading most of the technology, the Chinese people would say, wow, Australian people are so amazing and great. We will go to Australia schools and learn from them. That’s the difference. And that’s Y they are more steps ahead now. However the first reaction to this from Australian people or the POLITICALLY RIGHT is wake-up call for democratic nations. Lol

@nmew6926 - 07.03.2023 17:03

1990s Western Propaganda ( addressed to China):
Then 2010: No country economy can grow indefinitely, when there is downfall it needs democracy as safety valve.

The propaganda narratives changed every 10 years

@nmew6926 - 08.03.2023 14:38

It's just that China is not an ANGLO-SAXON country. Nothing to do with democracy. Tell the truth

@mikslids7083 - 08.03.2023 21:43

Semiconductor Chip technology dominated a the world industry.
China is lack of semiconductor chip technology.

@eaglestar2962 - 09.03.2023 08:04

China join physics olympiad late in 1986, since the year 2000 ALREADY STARTED TO DOMINATE the MEDAL ACCUMULATIONS and also ALWAYS dominate by earning the most gold medals.

@thomasrogers9146 - 11.03.2023 01:38


@noahclark4097 - 11.03.2023 18:15

The title is laughable, technology is democratic or not?

@yuema2078 - 21.03.2023 06:25

This is a joke. Weaponry is not a technology? Why isn't it listed among the 44 technologies? We all know who leads that field.

@GAL999 - 31.03.2023 23:50

Why do west think we have the moral superiority.. we colonised countries with guns and China is doing it with money ..

@Waverlyduli - 01.04.2023 09:58

What naive nonsense. They also lie and fudge almost everything. Scientists, like most Chinese with brains or money, can't wait to get themselves and their families out of China. However, we need to up our game in the cyber security field so we don't lose our good work to CCP thieves.

@Facts..Checker - 15.04.2023 11:58

Can we condemn or villify the Chinese again for overtaken the West in technology now. They should be in an oppressive country, lack of freedom, can't innovate, and pure copycat. They had now copied a potential designs or technologies which the West hasn't had them now. Stolen Future IP, I m sure!😂

When China is growing at breakingneck speed, everybody said the % is fake in 2000s

When China built the hundreds of modern cities and advanced infrastructures, many said they r made of tofu, stolen IP or reverse engineering in 2010s

When China is leading in technologies in 2020s, the West said let's ban them together.

So that we can always on the top and be no. 1, and the Chinese is evil.

@beburs - 01.06.2023 12:27

Democracy means oligarchy for this corporate propaganda unit.

@80130723 - 30.08.2023 17:32

Typical western double standard, hypocrisy, ignorant and arrogant. More and more countries and races wake up and find out the ugly truth of the western colonizers. Soon you shameless anglo saxon will be wiped out from this earth. And we proud citizen of central kingdom will continue protecting the world just like our ancestors did for thousands of years.

@trekpac2 - 10.10.2023 17:54

I have to be very suspicious about this report because ASPI is funded by the US State Department. You're kidding, right?

I’d be much more worried about the American agenda than that of the Chinese.

@indra-saja-boleh - 11.01.2024 12:28

Feelings of jealousy and envy will destroy you and Western world, slowly, but that's for sure.

@dragonjpt1195 - 18.02.2024 07:06

So, what's wrong in that? If any country is doing good.. Why other countries should worry and poke their nose in this.. Better compete

@rameshrai7844 - 14.05.2024 21:52

AUKUS needs more Vicky Xu to contain China.

@OAtalaiaOficial - 02.06.2024 21:20

This resentment and envy of China was caused by the United States, about 40 years ago, when the United States began to exploit businessmen and producers, increasing taxes and fees on businessmen and producers in a disorderly and drastic manner, to the point that they sought out more favorable government conditions in the world, with lower taxes and fees. And according to the story I have seen and heard from various sources, it was that, among other countries on the planet, to which American businessmen emigrated, the majority went to China because, in addition to the lower taxes, the various conditions for settling were the best, including the participation of aid from the Chinese government. In other words, a competent and good government that favors its producers and businessmen will always be the preference of any entrepreneur. Note: I heard this from a great economist and political analyst from the United States.

@kaizen960 - 22.06.2024 08:59

Democratic nations?? They are plutocracies!
