DnD Accessories I Wish I Bought Sooner

DnD Accessories I Wish I Bought Sooner

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commandoslayer - 25.10.2023 07:35

Buy fantasy-themed wizard hooded robes for the players to wear: a purple or dark-gold robe for the dungeon master, and black and brown robes for the rest of the players.

Jamie Connor
Jamie Connor - 24.10.2023 08:46

Um Dm guide and monster manual for a beginner, yeah I don't think so. Just the players guide and dice

Angelicus -
Angelicus - - 19.10.2023 23:58

Before reading the books, check with your dm. Some (all of the ones i have played with), prefer that players go into it knowing nothing.
*Less chance of number crunching
*More suprises during play, what is that monster's weakness?
*Less, "nuhu, the rulebook says this"

So yeah, check with your dm what they prefer.

The dm im playing with now, is DMing a community build homebrew or whatever i should say. Hidden behind a paywall so even if i wanted to check everything i cant. And after playing it i cant go back to vanilla anymore.

Bobby O'Neill
Bobby O'Neill - 19.10.2023 17:43

How are those little ladder things better than a glass for flying minis?

Bobby O'Neill
Bobby O'Neill - 19.10.2023 17:37

No offense but the weather, mood, and direction dice seem incredibly unnecessary. You’re the dm, deciding what the weather is and the mood of the npcs in order to keep the players having fun and direct the campaign in the direction you want is basically your job. I can’t imagine a situation where I, as the dm, am completely indifferent to the weather, but it would still be enjoyable to maybe make it rain for no reason.

And having the players roll the dice seems like an even worse idea. The players should be trying to get in the mindset of their character while the dm controls the world around them. Giving them the out of game chance to randomly affect things in game sounds completely immersion breaking

Bobby O'Neill
Bobby O'Neill - 19.10.2023 17:26

The rules are free online and have all of the information in the players and book and dm handbook. It’s also much easier to search through a computer document.

Jake Holmes
Jake Holmes - 15.10.2023 01:52

One of my best weird dm accessories I got is a d6 that has; Yes, No, Yes and, No and, Yes but, no but. This dice has been so helpful for those moments when you’re unsure of something. I often get my players to roll it and it’s been really fun, mostly when they ask if there’s something in the room I haven’t planned for or something like that.

Also sand timer. For moments where you want to build tension.

Warren Bartlett
Warren Bartlett - 13.10.2023 04:47

The DnD accessory you should buy is RuneQuest. Or Warhammer Fantasy. Or Hyperborea. Or Symbaroum. Or..... you get the idea

Dayton Pannell
Dayton Pannell - 12.10.2023 15:57

Yo... A dice to determine npc mood?! I didnt know how much i wanted one until now

Trey O'Kelly
Trey O'Kelly - 10.10.2023 03:49

Sir Eggs McMilk!

Bryan Lariviere
Bryan Lariviere - 09.10.2023 18:53

dm screen is not needed for me. I use my laptop which hides my notes (Since it is all on a Word document.
And i have a dice tower that faces away from my players so i see the role but they do not. Essentially it is a DM screen, but smaller once set up. (it also gives me access to the board without having to lean over the DM screen.)
if i was old school and did not use a laptop then yes, a DM screen is needed, but i use my Laptop to organize notes and keep track of things, Load maps so i can set it up and keep track of initiative, monsters and HP.

I also have PDFs of the books I own as a quick reference. I can't carry 20+ books from session to session, so I have PDFs. But there are also sites that have all the tools you need.

Friedensbringer - 09.10.2023 16:10

Sorry pal, stopped the vid after you suggested "tiny dice" in a vid with that title - I have been playing for over 20 years, and - while cute and in my collection - tiny dice are NEVER a good idea. Under no circumstances. Not once.

daimyo2k - 09.10.2023 05:13

I'm laughing the the books you have to read now-a-days to play D&D. I have friends that have gone old school and have started playing by that classis "Basic Rules" booklet. They say it's less stressful, less complicated, and much more fun.

UnknownJorge - 07.10.2023 13:48

Personally, the number one thing missing here are index cards. For me they are the most versatile item at my table. I use them in prep to organize encounters, they can be quick initiative trackers, they can replace magic item cards by writing the magic item on them, you can use them for handout notes and messages, you can draw terrain features on them, etc etc.

Helegbrod - 06.10.2023 15:59

You could have stopped at the notepad.... I've been RPG-ing for about thirty years, you pretty much don't need anything else other than your own inspiration.

RapterMaster - 06.10.2023 03:04

I personally hate the battle maps books. With groups of 6 played and a large table, playing on such a small surface with 18+ minis is super annoying. We didn’t even try it. I would highly recommend getting “The Master’s Atlas” for the same price. It is a customizable game board that comes with tons of pieces. Do not even consider the book, it’s worthless and way too overpriced.

Henry O'Henry
Henry O'Henry - 05.10.2023 06:21

Great list! Unfortunately quiteva few things you suggested was kind of dice. Toy can actually solve that problem by just using google to roll a d20

Glyff - 04.10.2023 23:02

You do not need a dm screen. Some of us don't use one at all, and fudge in the open. It's a matter of DM style.

Shantorey Wilkins
Shantorey Wilkins - 04.10.2023 20:27


Ken Roach
Ken Roach - 04.10.2023 02:52

For traps, dungeon designs, and NPCs, don't forget that magical device known as..the Internet. It's the largest and most powerful database and search tool in the history of the human species. Use it.
