Why CYCLOPS is the BEST of the X-Men

Why CYCLOPS is the BEST of the X-Men


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SUPER FRAME - 11.05.2020 14:57

Really enjoyed editing this video, had a lot of fun with some of the details, just want to say thanks for you guys supporting my videos, really means a lot, every comment, don't want to get soppy n that, just want to say thanks for sticking with me

Robert Montoya
Robert Montoya - 18.10.2023 18:51

Cyclops is the worst xman, he's a crappy husband and father

Ultimate Slinger
Ultimate Slinger - 12.10.2023 22:54

It really bummed me out what they did to him in avengers vs X-men. My personal opinion

Van ;D
Van ;D - 10.10.2023 20:27

Fun fact. Cyclops has probably the most focus training to be a field commander as leader of the group with Xavier highly training him physically and mentally to lead the X-men

Sean King
Sean King - 10.10.2023 04:30

I really think Scott can be what Tony Stark was for the MCU.. He really is the pillar between Prof X 🧠 and Magneto 🧲.

TO ST - 07.10.2023 21:50

Best strategist, best team leader, his powers need an upgrade, especially since all the other original X-Men have received multiple power upgrades, Jean Grey - Phoenix, Iceman - now Omega Level, Beast - Genius and several physical upgrades, Angel - Archangel, Great Video, my favourite X Man!

jonathan Highsmith
jonathan Highsmith - 05.10.2023 09:03

The right adaptation of cyclops will save the mcu

Bolt - 03.10.2023 19:07

no jean grey is

C.D.V. - 03.10.2023 16:48

And then Cyclops looked within himself and destroyed existence.

xYou Vandal
xYou Vandal - 02.10.2023 03:34

Totally agree. My favorite for a while now, but it wasn't always that way. He was always presented as the "Captain America" of the X-Men, a total boy scout and teacher's pet. Once he became jaded and ended up with his own philosophy that landed somewhere in between Xavier and Magneto, he became a fascinating character.

No one in particular
No one in particular - 30.09.2023 17:48

I really like your videos. Good shit man

therelentlesswan - 29.09.2023 02:09

i came for nostalgia, nostalgia I found. thank you for the the video

Lucas - 28.09.2023 01:26

I like the arch where he turns like a sort magneto's heir, and Logan end up being director of the xavier school.

Dane Lamoreaux
Dane Lamoreaux - 27.09.2023 02:47

Cyclops doesn't just have a tactical mind and optic blasts,he also is one heck of a fighter.He standstills Wolverine.

Richie Godsil
Richie Godsil - 22.09.2023 02:26

Having a nerdy discussion at the bar
"I dunno, man. Cyclops sucks, Wolverine is the best!" 😏

*me finishing my beer
"Aight... Imma head out..." 😮‍💨

Randy Baumery
Randy Baumery - 18.09.2023 09:30

Charles fired him! I saw the clip. 😅

Incudust - 17.09.2023 21:46

I despise the xmen movies

Niles Rodriguez
Niles Rodriguez - 16.09.2023 01:14

Love him or hate him, Cyclops is iconic !

Bryce Lavender
Bryce Lavender - 15.09.2023 02:07

Idk he’s silly and I would die for him

DHRGKBQXTJR - 14.09.2023 15:18

Out of the entire Marvel Comics
and X-Men publications, there is only ONE man who is a smart, talented, capable, charismatic, skilled, humble, experienced, learning, teaching, master, student... who just so happens to have superpowers. Scott Summers. He is the one few characters who is defined by his human qualities instead of almost entirely by his power set. And this is a power he cannot control. Wolverine can retract his claws. Bruce Banner can meditate and try to calm himself down. Magneto and Xavier can just choose not to use their powers. Daredevil can just go be a lawyer, Captain America can take a day off, and Ant Man can just choose to stay normal sized. But Cyclops ALWAYS has those concussive beams with him. But instead of letting it ruin his life (or even rule his life), his best qualities are all the parts where he isn't using his powers. He is smooth, debonair, capable. Basically James Bond, but with a visor on his face. Yet he is so charming and charismatic and beautiful that you just want to stare at his smile or his hair or his magnificent body rather than the visor blocking his beauty. And while youre staring, Cyclops is planning his next move. Thats why he is the leader of tbe X-Men, and Storm, Wolverine and Xavier know it because he is DAMN good at it, no matter what circumstances he is dealing with.

Jupiter Apollo
Jupiter Apollo - 13.09.2023 00:01

Ehhhh. I've read a lot of the xmen comics and even though I admit that Scott is integral to the Xmen team as its leader(and he is the best), I've never really found him that interesting of a character. They've tried to flesh out his backstory and make him more appealing, but I just never really cared enough. Theres a reason people like characters like Wolverine, Magneto and Jean(Specifically Phoenix), they have so much history, story and confliction of ideas as characters that just speak to your nature as human, that makes them so interesting. Cyclops has the same issue that Captain america does. They are both just too square to resonate with.

NobodyAskedBut… - 12.09.2023 04:49

Bro this video is fantastic! Cyclops has always been my favorite X-man, and this video brings Justice to this character. 🙏🏽

Jonas McClain
Jonas McClain - 08.09.2023 23:14

I agree with this whole video!!! I hate what FOX did to Cyclops. I always said Cyclops is a mutant variation of Captain America and FOX completely dropped the ball on that….this is why I can’t stand watching the live action movies. FOX focused way too much energy on Wolverine.

Anthony Kovach
Anthony Kovach - 03.09.2023 17:26

Great video and well said. As a 40 year fan of the Xmen, I can’t make myself watch their live action movies when the 90s cartoons flushed out the comic books characters much better. Even then, they were just sketches.

Christopher Higgins
Christopher Higgins - 02.09.2023 12:33

Main reason why I dislike the X-men movies

Rixx - 01.09.2023 15:07

You mean mutants is a metaphor

I’SE - 22.08.2023 10:13

His character is like his ability , he has the most faith in his belief because for so long he couldn’t see . But he is still able to have faith the world is around him and to keep going

Lore Master
Lore Master - 20.08.2023 11:05

Scott has just as great leadership skills as Caption America! dude is very underrated!

3lfprinc3ss - 20.08.2023 00:52

one of my biggest pet peeves in the movies was how demure they made scott seem, especially in comparison to logan. logan has his one liners, but scotts comebacks are sassy af too💀

Khaver - 19.08.2023 03:06

You compared x men with degeneracy. Lmao
Unsubscribed immediately

Lee Lemons
Lee Lemons - 18.08.2023 16:10

As a kid who watched the old cartoons on Saturday mornings I was alyways trying to be Scott. "Were muntants! Thats what we are There is nothing that needs to be cured." look me in they eye and tell me that. "IT WILL BE MY PLEASURE!" ⌐■-■ ☆゚.*・。゚

JMH - 04.08.2023 17:49

Read all the comics, starting in the late 70s.
Sorry, but Cyclops sucks! Least interesting character on that original team...

NOAH PLANET COMICS - 25.07.2023 05:13

For me cyclops was always my favorite even when I only saw the movies then I liked him more when I got more into comics

Ronald Ritchie
Ronald Ritchie - 18.07.2023 23:22

When I learned to be a manager, my model was an amalgamation of Cyclops and Captain America. Cyclops because EVERYTHING was about the team, and Captain America because he always had a plan.

Casey Smith
Casey Smith - 17.07.2023 07:05

Great points about Cyke. He is one of the greatest X-Men and one of my fav characters. He Has not been done justice in the films. To that point neither has Storm. I also think she is equally a great X-Man leader. She was with them through some incredibly difficult times and beat Cyke out for leadership without her powers. I hope they both get amazing representation in the MCU.

The FoxWolf
The FoxWolf - 14.07.2023 10:08

Oh boy his power is to be be able to look at something really hard. What a powerful and compelling character 😏

Mr Krabs
Mr Krabs - 12.07.2023 22:06

Wolverine is 5"3???

Moses Estrada
Moses Estrada - 11.07.2023 13:15

I plan on auditioning for the role in the reboot…I am not playing. Wish me luck!🙏🏼

X Vader
X Vader - 10.07.2023 16:56

My dream is that Cyclops and Batman team up

cliff woodbury
cliff woodbury - 08.07.2023 03:01

basically FOX got everything wrong and he should clearly be the leader and that dynamic should be shown often. I wonder if Wolverine was so popular they went for a money grab and they figured that was the best way to do it. If Marvel does make X-Men films I think the dynamics will be amazing because I do think they will get their character right, but I would say while there will be multiple moments with him and others (especielly wolverine) there is going to have to be a defining moment were in a heated battle with everything on the line he (cyclops) tells Wolverine to do something and you know Wolverine wouldn't listen to anyone else but after a second stearing at each other he does it and at the end of the battle they speak and Cyclops tried to tell him he wasn't trying to belittle him or anything and Wolverine stops him and says something that really puts it into perspective that even Wolverine respects Cyclops and knows he is the leader for a good reason, but then may make a sly remark like "just tone down your voice for me a little next time" so they can walk away smiling... maybe in that seen or another when cyclops questions himself as teh leader Wolverine will tell him you are a leader, my leader and a brother to me... I just think their relationship should be full with plenty of bad and good moments but it should be a bad behind friendship/partnmership....

trealsteve - 07.07.2023 21:51

Using AvX as an example for Cyclops lost me. The worst example simply because that storyline was a contrived mess to pit the mutants against other heroes. Cyclops was written so out of character to justify the book just like X-Factor #1. Not much better than those FOX-Men film versions.

Regal Shaman
Regal Shaman - 04.07.2023 01:35


Scott Campbell
Scott Campbell - 30.06.2023 21:30

I have always thought of Cyclops as the best.

midwest hook
midwest hook - 28.06.2023 16:22

I do have to make a correction to the video. MARVELS BLADE starring Wesley Snipes is the movie that kicked off the comic book movies today. No Blade no Spiderman or X Men

MrFerny7389 - 28.06.2023 09:34

I have no idea the Cyclops was such a compelling character.👍👍
