My Necropolis League Review

My Necropolis League Review


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@subtractem - 25.04.2024 00:36

The Jonathan PoE 2 Interview will be on: Monday the 29th at 2pm PDT

@andrewnguyen3312 - 05.06.2024 13:50

Yeah, I just ignored necropolis

@Anaomilfairbanks - 04.06.2024 08:22


@EFJoKeR - 25.05.2024 15:37

My questions is...

Why are rare bosses, tougher than uniques? That makes NO sense to me? And why, in the bleeping hell, was it so damn impossible to get divines this league?

I mean, the previous 5 leagues, i've gotten my first divine before lvl 80.
This league, i had 5 characters lvl 80-86, before i finally got my FIRST... Well, found my first... I did get a couple items, i could sell for one, but i never found one....

And the reason i ended up with so many different characters, is because almost all my builds needed a Lethal Pride gem... And usually they're "fairly" cheap, but to find one that has the RIGHT rolls, either requires massive luck, or a sh!t ton of Divines...

Yes, i know... There are 3rd party programs that can calculate which numbers to look for on the lethal gems... But i'm no genius, and i just wanna enjoy the game. NOT become a freaking math professor, to be able to do so...

That has put me off quite a bit...

@bmnbl - 18.05.2024 07:55

Its amazing that builds made to kill UBERS cant do T17's lol. How is the stepping stone to UBERS be harder to do?? lol
Pls GGG never EVER repeat a league or people cant skip the league mechanic like the lantern! That is not ok!!

@pyotrrazumovsky6769 - 16.05.2024 13:50

how the hell can ppl make 5-10 divs per hour with alch & go? U have to spend 10 mirrors to be able to run 1 map per minute?
I am at most 0.8 div per hour using essence strat with 4 scarabs and on t16s. Or a bit less with vaal temple + strongboxes

@BoredFilthyPig - 15.05.2024 00:47

The changes and league mechanic (which I hate) make SSF Andy’s like me happy. The t17/Uber change/Uber drop changes mean I’ll never be able to do any of them on my limited time and not meta builds.

@cazperw3557 - 11.05.2024 21:42

Getting 500 lootbeams in a single map should never be a thing, it's out of control.

@jesusflores7323 - 08.05.2024 07:45

here's my league review. MEH. a very forgettable league all around. the things introduced need a lot of work and the league mechanic became stale 2 weeks into the league. Maybe it was unfair coming immediately after the great league that was Affliction.

@chrispierce1454 - 06.05.2024 20:14

Is there a crafting guide for the league mechanic out there that reflects the changes?

@chrispierce1454 - 06.05.2024 13:03

What's the best league starter with endgame switch potential, without having to roll a new toon

@JfkNeedsWindWall - 05.05.2024 20:27

I quit in white maps because I'm not going to play gravekeeper and forced mechanic was annoying. There's not much point playing subpar strategy in trade league

@billyharris3214 - 05.05.2024 15:36

Is he saying elk-n-go? Im to be to understand the term

@bdmac97 - 05.05.2024 15:24

Uh what’s “elf and go” or whatever he kept saying when talking about needing scarabs now and “elf and go” not really being a viable strategy now???

@Borjaiv - 04.05.2024 19:12

“5 to 10 divines an hour” - lvl 93 SSF and had 3 drops the entire league playing pretty much all league mechanics. RNG gaming.

@lukebillings3164 - 04.05.2024 17:15

I probably played for 20% as much as my next lowest play time league in four years. It was already setting up to be a low one after they amazingly did zero balancing on ascendancies, but breaking the economy and a bad league mechanic nailed the coffin shut and buried it (pun intended).

@andyzaft8827 - 03.05.2024 10:45

Been playing since beta, played most leagues to various extents. This is the first time I wasn't able to do anything with my build, I usually just play one build a league, and always pick something different, so I'm trying different playstyles and skills. Sometimes I finish 40/40 and kill everything, sometimes I don't cause I just don't have the time to put into getting there. Although not the first league where I had to give up on my first build because it just wasn't working, it is the first league where it wasn't because I felt it wasn't my fault of not farming enough to get the build to its last form, so it can do every piece of content. I considered just never playing POE again if this is how it going to be going forward. If next league is going to be similarly insane and only like a handful of builds will be able to do the content, then I will probably not play until POE2 and hope that the degeneracy that poe1 is turning into won't repeat there, or at least not for a few years.

@vamps3000 - 03.05.2024 01:35

GGG do this every league and ppl still dickriding this dumb company...

@andaro8842 - 02.05.2024 22:04

I am quite happy with some of the base game changes, however, I do NOT have the required patience for the new league crafting mechanic. I also very much enjoy an alch and go strategy of more maps, less drops over the super juice strats. The first thing I did this league was build my atlas heading straight for unwaivering Vision and fear of the light so that I could completely skip the allflame mechanic as I find it very disuptive to the flow when chaining maps.

Honestly, I miss the days when I could strap on some IIQ gear like biscos, blitz through maps with my kinetic Blast Pathfinder, and maybe have to visit my stash once every 4 or 5 maps. Couple minutes per map, more time spent killing, less time processing items and trades.

The loot inflation is pretty out of hand right now. It feels like I spend more time at my stash then I do inside of maps...

I am really hoping that for POE 2, they really claw back to number of items that are dropping so we can back to spending more time killing than we do managing inventory & stash space....

@philthevibe7229 - 02.05.2024 17:58

This game is so not noob friendly its actually incredible. Had fun at the beginning but its getting so complex and you have to run such specific builds with specific stats to go late game its demoralising.

@johncady4466 - 02.05.2024 12:11

I haven’t even seen a t17 yet and can’t finish all my maps cause no one responds to sell unique maps. Not liking the last chunk of the game.

@realdestr0yer - 02.05.2024 07:41

Lol. You're so salty. 😂 I'm rich every league, but this league has made me over 100 mirrors so far. 😂😂😂

@valsouzaprod - 02.05.2024 06:30

the fact that I was forced to interact with a mechanic I didn't like and had to invest points in the atlas map in order to have a chance of getting the best rewards from the league's content simply made me hate 3.24

@Ghenesa - 01.05.2024 21:40

I have been working in development and as PM for software projects for many years. And all i can say, GG doesn't have UI/UX experts. They are firm believers developer can make best UI/UX. they are wrong off-course.

@MookieZerang - 01.05.2024 20:29

Just did hall of the grand masters except for the last boss using my totem build. But i can't clear T10 maps consistently. WTAF.

@MAFIMA - 01.05.2024 18:31

I quit early and im glad i did

@chrislastname1994 - 01.05.2024 18:14

I have yet to engage with the corpses at all.

@jakubfiala6686 - 01.05.2024 17:13

I quitted after map completion. It seems that poe is too complex to me now. Main reason were t17 maps and unpredictability.

@haroldoduarte1393 - 01.05.2024 17:12

Couldn't stand playing 20 days of this league... It was so lame after affliction.
Affliction was too good, I just couldn't stop playing that league, so lucky to return to the game on that league.

@Stoyicker - 01.05.2024 16:23

Fantastic take imo. Very good highlight of how PoE has moved from a grinding game toa "create the biggest challenge possible that can only be faced by abusing OP build mechanics" one. Not sure I vibe with it either

@ozbezarius922 - 01.05.2024 16:23

As a casual player, i will say from experience of playing this game for few years, PoE never been as casual as it is now. Literally almost every noob/casual now can achieve dream of having mageblood and 100 div + build. I cant believe in what you saying... Thats why i have opinion that content makers cant understand us, normal , 1 head players.

@mickeydusk - 01.05.2024 15:40

Been playing since talisman league. Worst league for me persoanlly and i quit about 2 weeks in.

For me it was the constant changes and patches and the annoyance of graveyard crafting.

@cjwarrington177 - 01.05.2024 15:21

I feel like a lot of the complaints mentioned here are only relevant in a trade environment.

@bravedragon - 01.05.2024 13:17

I hate corpse crafting but I love new scarabs.

@TheLukeSchnabel - 01.05.2024 08:18

My big gripe with how easy it is to craft specific bases this league has lead to a trade site filled to the brim with overpriced garbage. Just do a quick search for 100 div despot axes. 70 tons of garbage and one axe that is actually worth 100 div

@vahidrahmani6273 - 01.05.2024 05:10

@subtractem I am a beginner in POE and nearly 40 years old. I love this game however whenever I feel learn something they are adding or changing. I love this kind of video. They help people like me a lot. I don't have a time like young people because of family and working full time. Any way love the video and hope I will see more vidio like this to learn more about the game.

@gentlemanjack4083 - 01.05.2024 00:22

For me this league felt worse than lake of kalandra. It felt like open beta with so many broken and unbalanced things. Farming explosive barrels or big ghosted pokemon meatsacks as peak farming strategy ? Path of exile has become a big metamorph made of hundreds of changes and interactions and slowly season after season it became an abomination of a game. Poe needs a big balance league without extra content and no - path of exile 2 won't solve any of those problems because it's will be an entirely different game focused on different things.

@robertfink5173 - 30.04.2024 23:59

This league has made me feel like POE is no longer a game for me. I've played a lot and have been a player for many years, but in this league, I have consistently felt left out, and my ability to make currency was marginalized by insanely broken strategies. Just so we're clear, I'm not the best player, but I'm certainly not the worst—I acquired all my own watchstones and secured my 5th map slot without any help (it took 3 maps; the first two were right at the start).

I love the extra Atlas trees and the removal of sextants. I'm an 'alch and go' type of player; I dislike trading in bulk, and I'm not a fan of using TFT. It seems that if I want to engage in trading, these elements are now mandatory. I rarely post comments anywhere, but I am so unhappy with a game I have truly loved and usually take 3-5 vacation days at the start of each league.

I hope Grinding Gear Games does not forget about players like me and finds a middle ground. If that’s not possible, I will be truly sad.

@Joulespersecond - 30.04.2024 23:53

You need to adjust your definition of aspirational content if you think that T17 maps were too hard on release. That's the entire point. I think the problem was tying too many rewards into this aspirational content, since it means that farming anything other than T17 is now seen as a waste of time.

@5ManaAndADream - 30.04.2024 19:21

General take away: Play SSF if you aren't in T17s by day 4, because the balance of the game has been pretty obliterated otherwise.

Also yes, I enjoyed harvest league; all of it. I did not enjoy this garbage.

@f.jideament - 30.04.2024 19:21

After playing all of the other games in my library, coming back to this game feels like punishing myself with unnecessary complexity and anger.

@hieu737 - 30.04.2024 19:16

Only 2 problems with this league. The early exploitation in the league and shitty, clunky coffins crafting.

@samarindt - 30.04.2024 17:29

When ubers were presented as aspirational content GGG described their definition of aspirational as content that was so uniquely hard that running it was it's own reward. I thought they meant at that time that ubers would have extremely poor loot because the whole point was to be able to test your build and skill. That would also make the keystone being on the atlas a non-problem since who would pick that if not for the aspirational aspect of the challenge?

When they later implemented the ubers with better loot than the pinnacle bosses they created this situation of training for the pinnacle boss was not worth it and all characters that could not do ubers were seen as not good enough. Now they implement T17s and they create the same type of situation but with other content.

Had I implemented T17s I would have kept them unrollable but maybe not as punishing as current lvl, every map should have about 10% more drops than a well rolled T16 in total and also drop 3 whole uber fights from the boss.

That way the T17s would be more aspirational than farm worthy and the price of em would drop. At the same time so many players would test their skill against them and kill the bosses making the ubers more accessible.

@ggwp3841 - 30.04.2024 17:13

As a noob it was nice to get a headhunter for 6div lol

@serge9522 - 30.04.2024 16:30

As a casual this league was a complete turn off for me, not sure if I'll be back until POE2 is released.

@jeremyfails - 30.04.2024 16:07

I got tired of all the clicking. Especially picking up all the little bits in maps. GGGs work of combining drops seems to have been undone this league.

@SupBabyFresh - 30.04.2024 16:06

I only like bossing and it just isn’t worth

@WolfDoggie - 30.04.2024 13:06

Didn't really enjoy it too much and performance has been so terrible nowadays too but it did end up my first league I went full 40/40 cuz I usually quit at last MTX reward.
I also haven't cared much for league rewards since they changed to armor only. This was the first set I liked a lot.
It felt like clearing maps is useless majority of the time since I made more money just skipping everything and killing bosses as fast as possible.
Also screw the corpses, I pretty much ignored them outside of challenges and the ones that actually sold for 250c~ Annoying items.

@kerogre256 - 30.04.2024 13:02

I more or less give up on POE it too much.

@ZeldaxLegacy - 30.04.2024 12:39

2 raw dovine drops all league across 3 characters. No divine converts, Ive had the nodes all league for increased effect and so on. Not a fan of this one. Not seen many chaos converts and not seen as many chaos dropping as before. Seems that loot is kind of nerfed in favor of the mechanic conversion.
