THE LARGEST Ancient Battles in History

THE LARGEST Ancient Battles in History

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@andrzejdobrzynski1549 - 30.01.2024 08:03

Emperor Nero commanding battle against Carthage in 207 BCE!!! 😂😂😂 Back to History books!!!

@andrzejdobrzynski1549 - 30.01.2024 07:55

Battle of Salamis was NOT Roman Republic versus Parthia!!!( I have listen few times over just to make sure I am not imagining things). It was Greek coalision versus Mediocre Persian Empire

@lboiv001 - 11.01.2024 23:43

I was wondering how quick the above errors would be caught....pretty quick it seems. Poor research by the author on the most basic level.

@timothyhannon605 - 10.01.2024 01:00

BC no E

@IanMacDougall-oc3by - 05.01.2024 03:37

Actually "Firebombing" in modern history was used by the Allies at the end of WW2 in Europe, Dresden and another German city, over 150000 German civilians were wiped out, they were only weeks away from complete surrender. America was initially opposed to the idea urged by a vengeful Churchill. America joined and took the same idea to the Pacific Conflict with Tokyo its primary target and ultimately the dropping of Nuclear Bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

@TheOrigamiPeople - 02.01.2024 16:41

Salamis? Roman republic vs. Parthian empire. USA historians never cease to amaze me with their ignorance

@varghessmith2985 - 30.12.2023 16:48

In reality Buddas are not less martial than Hindus ! Asoka's brain went in to a shock and India suffered!

@davidbarkin8269 - 29.12.2023 02:34

Salamis? Roman Republic and Parthian Empire? What kind of drugs are these people using? 🤣

@athanasiosbairlis5563 - 24.12.2023 03:24

As professional and scholar in ancient classis battles, several mistakes are allready corrected of previous readers. I have taken in the Greek battlefields thousands of travelers/specialists (tourtripgreece gr) . The most important battles considering the size of armed forces and strategic significance (for the Greek civilization thus its evolution: "western civilization". My list for "decisive battles of the western civilization" is hereunder: 1. Salamis 480 BC 2.Thermopylae 480 BCE 3. Plateae 479 BCE 4. Marathon 490 BCE

@johncapurso9313 - 16.12.2023 01:13

Bad history, bad narration, wrong facts!,

@terrycollett603 - 13.12.2023 00:47

I hste this BCE nonsense

@geogeo1261 - 09.12.2023 11:44

Thank you for the nice video, although exist many inaccuracies. A proof reading by an expert historian before published is always a must..

@user-wk5zk4tx6s - 02.12.2023 23:03

Sorry . . . I forgot to mention the Tooth Fairy's conquest of Westeros by defeating the Night King's army of the Dead.

@user-wk5zk4tx6s - 02.12.2023 23:01

I'm afraid some of your 'facts' are laughable - you keep on mixing up the Romans and Greeks. Syracuse was an Athenian attack not a Roman one - Emperor Nero? fighting Carthage? Parthians in the Battle of Salamis? In your next Video you will probably describe the Isle of Mann conquest of Peter The Great's Russia? And the Pope Urban II's destruction of Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire. If this sounds rubbish - you started it.

@tonybananas2741 - 13.10.2023 23:41

King Hannibal?

@johnord684 - 12.10.2023 16:39

Kadesh is the second oldest battle ,Meggido is the oldest recorded battle.

@johnpablo2772 - 17.09.2023 19:17

Straight hand to hand combat look your enemy in the eyes and just kill them with brute strength
BILLIONS of lives murder out of history

@robertcook5201 - 16.09.2023 00:15

Not exactly factual in many places

@emilee507 - 22.08.2023 02:43

There is so much wrong information, 🤦‍♀️

@Nurse116 - 11.08.2023 17:04

Hey Narrator Rome was a republic during the punuc wars
Gaius Claudias Nero was the name of the General and he wasn't an emperor proclaming yourself king in Republican times was treason.
Carthage wasn't a kingdom it was a republic with its own sanate so Hannibal Barca was never a king

@Equilibruim77 - 05.08.2023 02:39

Really? You don't mention the numbers of men when naming the largest battles?

@ccptube3468 - 02.08.2023 08:11

Why can't you do more time with research instead of these litters of Fictional Histories?

@Erulin68 - 22.07.2023 16:37

The Battle of Thermopylae wasn't fought by 300 Spartans vs the Persians. The Greeks were led by 300 Spartans... but the Greeks had 7.000+ men there who each took turns on the front lines to let those that had just fought rest.

@holy.alahgodmarkanthonycap2124 - 18.07.2023 00:50


@holy.alahgodmarkanthonycap2124 - 18.07.2023 00:48


@holy.alahgodmarkanthonycap2124 - 18.07.2023 00:37

الدين الإسلامي! كل كفار أبيض في أمريكا يجب أن يُقتل!

@stevef1525 - 14.07.2023 11:36


@sirdudleynightshade8747 - 14.07.2023 09:38

You Americans never fail to amaze me how you mix up and muddle World History
to the extent that you do.

@Mercvrio5369 - 06.07.2023 17:51

The battle of Metaurus was indeed fought between Rome and Carthage. But the "Romans were led by notorious emperor NERO" is nothing but a fallacy - wrong time, wrong person. Who wrote this???

@pilonpatrick573 - 01.07.2023 04:45

Nero, Emperor during the Punic War, under....the Roman Republic ??? that is ludicrous.

@uxb1112 - 30.06.2023 04:25

Good documentary spoilt by the WOKE annotations of BCE instead of DC.

@rascalferret - 19.06.2023 11:46

So... is this misinformation??

@bradjustad3527 - 17.06.2023 15:08

Learn your history Narration is INCOMPETENT

@ico5677 - 12.06.2023 17:08

Battle of Metaurus ... what Emperor Nero has to do with the battle, since he was born almost 250 years after that? Who else spotted the mistake lol

@wendellwelling2896 - 12.06.2023 04:36

Hannibal and Nero were separated by hundreds of years. Scipio Africanus was the Roman general who ultimately defeated Hannibal after several initial victories by Hannibal

@myronkaisides6791 - 11.06.2023 18:48

The siege of Syracyse whas between Greeks and Romans, nothing to do with the Carthege!

@nicod1361 - 08.06.2023 23:59

"king Hannibal of Carthage " ?? when these programs make rookie mistakes like this it makes one wonder how much of their material needs to be fact checked ?

@387tallen - 08.06.2023 18:15

Many errors in the English audio for this video.

@markhackett2449 - 03.06.2023 08:13

No mention if the c. 500 bce Ganges Plaine seasonal and chess like ritualized battles wherein armies of half a million met, 1 million on the field, so clogged and entangled after days of nonstop fighting the armies would call ceastation of hostilities to srperate the forces and regroup to begin anew. These battles were largest single battles in history...gibbon, wells history if world are 2 sources.

@blairweinberg6279 - 02.06.2023 20:53

The Nero from the battle of Metaurus wasn't fucking Emperor Nero, you even said it was the Roman Republic. There weren't emperors yet. Different Nero, you clowns. Are there zero fact checkers for these videos?

@DS-ud6ys - 02.06.2023 20:32

Nero, Napoleon... close enough for me.😁

@barksdalehales438 - 02.06.2023 08:39

I guess historical accuracy was not a priority in the making of this video. Did the writers actually attend school or is this a home schooling failure. Wow I didn't know that Nero fought Carthage.

@allanwrobel6607 - 01.06.2023 00:32

Sorry - A Roman Emperor, and Nero to boot, fighting Hannibal during the time of the Roman republic!
Please Goggle Nero. Plus other mistakes highlighted in comments below. I've had enough of this drivel.

@simplesimon3283 - 31.05.2023 10:09

You really can't believe these history stories ...written by the victors!

@marchellochiovelli7259 - 31.05.2023 03:28

Imagine...if you live as long as some these guys did, fighting for 45 days. And of those fighting who made it out alive?

@johnsmithe1379 - 29.05.2023 22:40

Lots of mistakes. Nero vs. Hannibal? Fire whoever wrote this, can't trust any of it.

@84moeman - 28.05.2023 20:34

Just lazy 😂
