The Full Story of Vault 11 - Vault-Tec's Most Atrocious Experiment - Fallout New Vegas Lore

The Full Story of Vault 11 - Vault-Tec's Most Atrocious Experiment - Fallout New Vegas Lore


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Oxhorn - 17.06.2017 21:22

Note: I should have made clear in the video that in the real Milgram Experiment, the person was not actually shocked. He was an actor, who screamed and banged on a door begging to be let out. The person pushing the button still thought the actor was really being shocked, but was assured that the shock would do no permanent damage.

One Ghost
One Ghost - 24.10.2023 22:45

Came to see an in depth exploration of one vault, stayed to consider the fact that the only reason my characters are wver considered karmically good is because I kill all the Fiends.

Flufle Pufle
Flufle Pufle - 23.10.2023 17:35

Voice 1 tried to stop the others but they unalived themselves before he could stop them.

Cal Saves the World
Cal Saves the World - 20.10.2023 15:07

Is that Maurice Lamarche?

Shawn - 13.10.2023 03:13

This vault is one of the more interesting stories in any of the Fallout games. It's horrifying because it seems so real. This is exactly what would happen in real life under those conditions.

Boo - 09.10.2023 22:02

Is this the only direct and confirmed instance of rape in the entire fallout franchise? I cant think of anywhere else its been confirmed to have happened.

I always just assumed they avoided the topic because it was too fucked up of a thing to talk about. Even if in reality the sad truth is that it would likely be very common in these types of situation :(

Parky64 - 08.10.2023 17:19

The best part is is that there is a mini nuke in a supply room

Plague 'n Play
Plague 'n Play - 05.10.2023 03:04

Vault-Tec took the trolley problem to a whole another level

John Rievers
John Rievers - 04.10.2023 20:29

This vault reminds me of a real life moral experiment. In this test the psychologist has one person sitting with a piece of paper with questions on it and a set of buttons controlling the wattage of shock the other person receives. This other person would be sitting in a room connected to wires that will shock them if they answer a question wrong. The watts go all the way to 400 watts. The psychologist asks the person to shock them with increasing amounts of watts until the test is over or they answer all the questions. Almost everyone increased the wattage all the way and made the response that they were told to do it by the psychologist so they couldn’t be at fault for shocking the other person. Very few people listened to the screams and pleas of those being shocked and decided to end the test. This vault is just like that and proves that if someone with authority tells you to do something, most people will follow blindly even if that means hurting/killing someone else. As long as the fault is not on them.

Namerif - 02.10.2023 00:33

Heres a fun thought what if the computer that blows up in the Vault was a trap from Kate to kill someone from the Justice block or it was a trap left from the rebellion

Secretly a Celebrity
Secretly a Celebrity - 30.09.2023 17:51

This is only one small story in fallout and it’s better than most blockbuster movies.

Why do people still see movies ? This stuff is amazing

Yiu Toop
Yiu Toop - 28.09.2023 21:08

This and EpicNate are just honestly the only 2 creators you'd ever need to have to learn about Fallout.

Love you both guys

Cyryl Król
Cyryl Król - 26.09.2023 12:01

the worst fallout. coudnt move around just constantly sneaking alt + f4

Mike Blom
Mike Blom - 26.09.2023 06:23

It’s great that you can murder EVERYONE in new Vegas. All the factions are awful

Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 26.09.2023 05:00

I randomly came across this video and it was a great video!

mike dubovs
mike dubovs - 24.09.2023 08:42

First time algorithm works again.. it has been many months since I was prompted for a video from you.. and I'm subd. A long time.. before 76

Dubhe Nepomuceno
Dubhe Nepomuceno - 19.09.2023 18:30

Yeah i dont see how an unarmed vault dweller can take that punishment

Seg Cosare
Seg Cosare - 18.09.2023 03:51

I was really thankful that I was able to play blind through vault 11 last month. Hadn't had a clue about what's happening but the ominous notes left behind throughout the vault was also foreshadowing what's at the end of the tunnel. Hands-down one of the most immersive experience I had in the fallout universe; satisfying dark humor!

shardinhand - 14.09.2023 07:33

man vualt tech are... were evil.. wait, is there any parts of vault tech left in modern fallout games? decendants of the companies leaders or something????

James - 12.09.2023 22:55

This video got really deep

I'm just some Canadian guy and I say
I'm just some Canadian guy and I say - 11.09.2023 20:21

Whoever came up with this should have saved the idea for a screenplay! 😂

Isaac's Clips
Isaac's Clips - 10.09.2023 02:07

The sole survivor of vault 11 (voice 1) is actually present in the game files, though it is cut content, and he takes the appearance of another cut character named Roy Gottlieb, the head of the justice bloc. In the wiki, it says "Although not included in the final version, at one point Roy Gottlieb was to appear "in the flesh" in Fallout: New Vegas. It is unclear what expanded role, if any, he was to serve."

Roy is the main instigator of the rebellion, heard in the holotape. I wonder how we could have possibly seen him in the flesh unless the story of vault 11 as we know it was completely different at one time, or this character;s original plan was abandoned so they just made him the voice in the holo.

Astrum Kitten
Astrum Kitten - 09.09.2023 19:58

For me the "scariest" part is that the execution is so brutal and undignified. I was expecting something like gas or like one gun aimed at the back to shoot the person but no it's a bunch of robots and turrets absolutely blasting the person.

GamiTheMighty - 09.09.2023 12:14

So this is Proably one of the worst things I could possibly ponder, but I have a theory what happened when the four tried to do a mass suicide note.

remember they said the word "Ready" this meant it was made out to be an agreed upon decision.
my darkest guess is they stood with their guns not aimed at themselves...
they instead made a grouped up systematic targeting circle.
because it would be far easier to shoot each other than it would be to shoot themselves.
when they all made their mark however one "didn't want to" so they ducked out of fear, and thus the bullets hit all of his comrades and fellow fault dwellers instead of taking him with them. its a over dramatic and solemn thing to think let alone witness I am sure.
and so when that one dweller finally opened his eyes, blood covered and shaking from the shock, he was staring at the freshly shot corpses of what was left of his home... they were all dead, systematically shot by each other and because he "didn't want to" that deadly game of chicken was the one that left him alone with no one, and so in his shock and horror, he dropped his gun probably vomited and had to let go of his memories of them and had to suffer a heavy amount of trauma due to the experience, and since he couldn't bring him self to take his own life and join them, he instead left the vault, hoping to find some way to forget, the pain, the suffering, the bloodshed, and most importantly, the horrible memories that they all wanted to forget in that that systematic attempt at susicide.

"its best that no one ever find out about it"
BANG BANG BANG BANG Sighs Body/Gun hits the floor.

Judging by the sounds on the recording alone.
that is exactly what happened.
and the sad thing is?
the machine was right.

He really was a Shining Example.
even as those he once cared about hit the trigger.
what a mess...

The Mecoptera
The Mecoptera - 08.09.2023 23:17

Something about the Milgram experiment: people were unwilling to hurt the actor because an authority figure said so, but were more willing to do so if the justification is moralistic. For example if the tester says “we need to continue for the benefit of science,” people are more willing to make someone else suffer.

If you just demand that they do it, or if you say “you have no choice but to continue” the subject often decides not to continue.

Ian Finley
Ian Finley - 05.09.2023 05:41

Maybe im looking too far into this but i think Obsidian put rats and preying mantises as enemies in here on purpose as a symbolically...what do you call a person that has betrayed someone or has done a vial deed? A rat...And praying mantises eat their own..much like the vault dwellers "ate" there own in vault 11...

mahegaGUM - 26.08.2023 03:15

Such a sad life, Nathan and Katherine must have been outcasts within the vault the moment the justice department targeted them. Katherine truly loved her husband. I think at the moment of her death, she was content knowing she was the one to die instead of him & all that she suffered wasn’t in vain. I wish we got to see Nathan’s perspective of these events. Since he was the only one that calls her Kate, it can be lead to believe that he was the one that graffitied the “I hate Kate”, but I feel like it may have been Kate herself who did the graffiti to help her election. Judging by how devoted she was to Nate, Nate must have loved her just as deeply. That’s my take.

Random Shitposts WIth Alex The Partypooper
Random Shitposts WIth Alex The Partypooper - 24.08.2023 04:14

New theory!: Preston Garvey is the dude who survived vault 11 (this is a joke but it would be funny)

Ramiro Gandolfo
Ramiro Gandolfo - 21.08.2023 05:30

Voice 1 did nothing wrong

Epicgamer6949 - 20.08.2023 01:30

i did independence Vegas (siding with yes man)

NoReaSoN2CaR3 - 19.08.2023 16:30

It’s Doc Mitchell, he’s the last vault 11 survivor

Cowboys4lyfJV - 18.08.2023 19:23

Dang the lore of this fault is so good!

Coffee Addict
Coffee Addict - 17.08.2023 23:19

The only thing Katherine did wrong was not killing Roy first, if she targeted him first things would have worked out better

Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan - 17.08.2023 10:37

I tried Fallout New Vegas. I strongly disliked the color palette, which I found very offputting. I disliked the neutered crafting as well. It's the only Fallout game I played that I disliked, which is baffling to me because so many people think it was the BEST Fallout game (which I think is Fallout 4, and easily).

Lauren - 16.08.2023 17:39

Anybody else think Voice 2 was too upbeat? It's almost like the actor didn't know the context of her lines.

Also, I think the final survivor might have been Gus, the archivist.

Kevorkyijan - 15.08.2023 13:32

if an authority tells me over a speaker to kill someone ...i'll find that voice ...and i kill him instead

Julian Hernandez
Julian Hernandez - 14.08.2023 23:50

I related vault 11 to what happened in Niptón and how the Legion saw how they all only thought of themselves as something sinful.

TheAllSeeingEye - 13.08.2023 05:06

You really gotta wonder if some remnent of valt-tec is still around

Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 10.08.2023 15:03


ItsMrZeth - 10.08.2023 13:39

Not sure if you read comments to 6 year old vids, but here is my little input on the "morality of the wasteland" part. I suspect people judge Vault-Tec by todays standards, because the Vaults were supposed to be psychological experiments first and shelters second. As I understood from the lore Vault Tec would simulate an apocalypse event to make people go into the vaults and conduct the experiments anyway, so we can freely judge them by todays standard. The "it's the post apocalypse so you need to adjust your morals" could work for other aspects, but not for Vault Tec. Imho morality stays morality. It's just the difficulty of keeping you humanity that changes and people in the comments are willing to make excuses - like the ones in the game world - that justify extreeme behaviour. I like those touches in a game, makes the characters more believable.
I wonder what became of the last survivor of Vault 11...
Loved the vid, gonna keep going through all the vault lore.

Kenneth Kitchens
Kenneth Kitchens - 09.08.2023 18:47

It's called Herd Mentality

SQL YouTuber
SQL YouTuber - 09.08.2023 16:00


Andrea Engen
Andrea Engen - 09.08.2023 00:58

Just as you said "I have never in my life done something so depraved" my character ate the corpse of someone she was looking for 😅

ZerqTM - 06.08.2023 21:24

fucked up story... quite possible that it would happen like that...
humanity is a fucked up species

WeedSoilABC - 06.08.2023 08:15

Fantastic !

PanzerJäger Tiger Porsche
PanzerJäger Tiger Porsche - 02.08.2023 05:20

The Vault sacrifices were around for more than 16 years, from what I researched the Vault was abandoned in the late 2100s.
