Educational Unranked To GM ECHO (91% Winrate)

Educational Unranked To GM ECHO (91% Winrate)


11 месяцев назад

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@falcodarkzz - 20.12.2023 13:55

The hilarious part is when gold players blame their team for the loss 'DPS doesnt understand they have to shoot Echo.' How can they be so unaware that there is a gigantic dps diff? Just admit the other team has a great player and you got dominated for goodness sake.

@faisalalamoudi8383 - 15.12.2023 10:13

Do a genji one

@romantheroman98 - 12.12.2023 17:59

What if you have copy as ana and your real ana mate gives you nano and then you have nano. Can you make nano nano blade?

@romantheroman98 - 12.12.2023 15:58

His aim is crazy, you can climb easy with that aim. Playing on ps5, the limitation you have with a controller on aim is frustrating

@romantheroman98 - 12.12.2023 15:52

Bronze is harder than masters

@ohno7153 - 10.12.2023 03:11

watching top players smurf and act like it’s educational is fun..staggered ur team in that unranked match instead of just dying.

@milanodeschnitzel7495 - 09.12.2023 00:41

Insanly good tips. I have 4 hours playtime on echo and people already say im crazy on her

@skuxx4670 - 07.12.2023 15:09

why does he shoot the fuck out of the zarya bubbles

@AlsoLizard - 07.12.2023 05:31

The thumbnail gave me a nightmare last night. Is it AI generated?

@hardoolafkarjus7512 - 07.12.2023 05:15

mercy pocketing u makes it 10x easier try to do it with shitty support

@LuizViniciusVini - 04.12.2023 12:05

Dmg dmg dmg

@Mystic-Misfit - 02.12.2023 07:40

New to the spot, Popped in recommended after I recently got back into Overwatch. I'm learning a lot!

@MarcosHenrique-pm6tn - 01.12.2023 03:56

a sombra to gm would be awesome

@Ember_Vale - 29.11.2023 22:31

This is why I play quick play. I play for fun. If I wanted comp I’d make sure to be better and learn. 😂❤

@EuSouRCS - 28.11.2023 06:25

The counter pick to Damage is more Damage.

@bidensbabytoe1657 - 25.11.2023 16:18

why is he kinda…

@JuanRodriguez-rd9nd - 25.11.2023 13:02

It’s always easier when a mercy knows how to play mercy with an echo. So frustrating being echo, going up, and mercy not coming with

@matlee9832 - 23.11.2023 09:50

this guy is like overwatch Andrew Tate

@dravious - 22.11.2023 16:54

Whole team watched Awkward's video's and we lose every round. Why? Because "who should push payload? Doesn't matter, not you".

Kidding ofc, love the vids and helped me improve on so many points. My main problem now is mostly aim, but I can work on that.

@arichey1486 - 22.11.2023 04:34

Your aim is 90% of your win rate. I suck haha. I am so jealous!! Thanks again for another great vid. You're killing it.

@noanorden7326 - 19.11.2023 02:02

Thank you for speaking the truth Awkward

@D4rw1n3ldr3d - 04.11.2023 23:41

Hey akward, i know this is an older video, but i haven't seen anything about whether you do coaching or not and how much it costs

@FlipHybrid - 31.10.2023 18:50

"No offence" XD

@Red_Alpha_J - 28.10.2023 04:03

love the gameplay. Love learning. But man I had to mute the video half way through because he just won't shut up about how he's so much better than everyone and everyone sucks lol. Like bruh half your video is literally you sitting in the que bashing your own chat, stfu XD

@s3acow - 26.10.2023 21:56

Only watched 2 matches so far but I've already learned a lot as a new ow player, thanks!

@tovick1643 - 26.10.2023 01:52

Copying mercy can be valuable for a sneaky res xD i had that happen 3 times in one match and it had me stunned for a few seconds lol

@TheRusty - 25.10.2023 23:09

I think a lot of this comes down to just three things
1. Know fundamentals (your hero's abilities, positioning, angles)
2. Know how the map works (healthpacks, cover, paths and geometry)
3. Have a good attitude and focus on improving yourself (i.e., recognizing your own mistakes rather than focusing on others)

@ronswanson2345 - 25.10.2023 20:41

I completely under stand the lessons being taught, but at the end of the day, taking an off angle is great, if you have the aim to get something done... Otherwise you are wasting your own, and your teams time lol - 'why are my teams never bad', because you are carrying them son ;)

@doodgoi9102 - 24.10.2023 11:50

Man, these guides are great but i bet awkward is such a prick IRL. So much bs comes out of his mouth its crazy. Saying you cant play comp for fun is stupid, and even worse was saying anyone thats good at anything has an ego. I swear it has to be bait

@ikiyou_ - 23.10.2023 18:54

I've been having a lot of fun with Echo lately and I've never been higher than Masters 4/5. I've seen some of your videos and know how it worked before with Tracer, so I gave this hero a try.
I finally hit GM5! I have a sticky note beside my monitor that says to always just hold M1, I found myself not shooting enough. Thank you for these videos. I hate people that comment stupid shit on these videos because THEY WORK.

@mikepiazza2000 - 22.10.2023 05:03

How do I say damage in Hebrew and Russian?

@samthibert6527 - 20.10.2023 20:34

To compare “bad teammates” is like playing with bad master players for him. Also “bad” teammates is usually just not communicating

@aydellik1 - 19.10.2023 03:58

I play off angle, I'm doing constant damage, never a moment when I'm not. My team is sitting so far back you might as well consider them at spawn 24/7 Payload princesses. and my off angle means nothing bc even when my OA is good, my team does nothing to capitalize on it. They back off when a enemy tank is w+m1 into all 5 of them, and enemy tank doesnt die.

@ball2hard_2k62 - 15.10.2023 01:54


@oskareriksson8551 - 14.10.2023 23:19

Thank you man, your videos are truly the best and help me so much to improve, i just hit Diamond on Zen❤

@louisedyhlen3234 - 13.10.2023 12:26

who is he talking to?

@Chaos486 - 09.10.2023 22:44

One huge advantage I notice in your videos (on PC, whereas I play on consol) is your ability to switch between targets as soon as they pop up. I feel like aiming at that speed is much more difficult on consol than it would be with a mouse. Love the content.

@imoutsidethebox2266 - 06.10.2023 08:10

The thing I like about you the best is how blunt you are it's fucking hilarious my guy

@mirkodelorenzo3755 - 01.10.2023 12:50

Thank you sensei

@LKS25 - 30.09.2023 06:46

pls unranked to gm GENJI amazing videos

@IonutBirgauan - 29.09.2023 18:07

Pure Gold
