If you think you’re paying too much in taxes, chances are you may be right. There are tax planning strategies that can help save income taxes, avoid capital gain taxes, and pass on more wealth to the people and causes you care about.
In this video we discuss various tax planning strategies you can use to save on your taxes and increase the impact of your financial and charitable planning efforts. Some of the topics we will cover include:
• 2023 Updates to Tax Brackets, Contribution Limits, and More
• Planning Needed Due to the Elimination of the Stretch IRA
• Double the Impact of Your Retirement Account
• Roth Conversions
• Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
• Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs)
• Common Mistakes in Giving to Charity
Managing your taxes efficiently involves a clear understanding of the tax saving opportunities available to you. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of how to plan for the upcoming year to save money on your taxes.
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Hammond Iles Wealth Advisors is a Registered Investment Adviser.
This content is not to be considered investment advice and is not to be relied upon as the basis for entering into any transaction or advisory relationship or making any investment decision. Hammond Iles Wealth Advisors "Hammond Iles" is a federally registered investment advisor with the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration with the SEC does not imply their approval or endorsement of any services provided by Hammond Iles. Hammond Iles Wealth Advisors does not provide tax or legal advice; consult your tax or legal professional regarding your personal situation. This content is based on the views of Hammond Iles. The concepts discussed are for educational purposes only. This content includes the opinions, beliefs, or viewpoints of Hammond Iles and should not be relied upon for entering any transaction, advisory relationship, or making any investment decision. Other organizations or persons may analyze investments and the approach to investing from a different perspective than that reflected in this content. Nothing included herein is intended to infer that the approach to investing discussed in this content will assure any particular investment results. All investments involve the risk of loss, including the loss of principal. The content includes data, graphs, charts or other material reflecting the performance of a security, an index, an investment vehicle, a composite or other instrument over time. Past performance, and any performance reflected in Performance Material, is not an indication of future results.
#Hammond_Iles_Wealth_Advisors #tax_planning_strategies #tax_planning #reduce_taxes #finance #investments #insurance_strategies #charitable_giving #charity #impact_planning #impact #retirement_planning #roth_ira #roth_conversion #money #retirement