Why I Don't Invest in Real Estate | Flashback Zindagi of Imtiaz Rastgar

Why I Don't Invest in Real Estate | Flashback Zindagi of Imtiaz Rastgar

Flashback Zindagi

1 год назад

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Born in the first half of last century, Imtiaz Rastgar is a little older than Pakistan. Born in Jalandhar District of Eastern Punjab, he moved to Pakistan when the family moved here. He was schooled in Rawalpindi, PAF College Sargodha but could not follow his passion of flying as a profession. He graduated from Punjab University with a degree in Commerce and became an entrepreneur while still in college. Starting with Rastgar Engineering in 1967, which now exports to more than 70 countries around the world, he has founded and managed a number of Companies and businesses. His companies excel in the engineering domain. Rastgar Air Compressors is a market leader in distribution and service of industrial air compressors. Asian Institute of Industrial Air is a unique social enterprise which has partnered with universities and created a Center of Excellence in Compressed Air at the National Textile University, Faisalabad Pakistan.

Apart from his entrepreneurial pursuits, he has followed his passion in the fields of skill
development and economic development. He has remained involved in Skill Development Council, Engineering Development Board, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Pak- Austria Fachhochschule Institute of Applied Science & Technology, Air University, Pakistan Auto Parts and Accessories Manufacturers Association, Pakistan Foundry Association, Pakistan Aerospace Council, and several other initiatives. He expressed his passion for training and up-scaling SME sector in Pakistan through offering trainings in exporting skills from the platform of CBI Netherlands, where he worked as an External Expert and now provides export related consultancy via PMX.

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