Kanban EV - How to Play - Full tutorial video

Kanban EV - How to Play - Full tutorial video

Gaming Rules!

3 года назад

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Blayne M
Blayne M - 29.05.2023 16:38

Great video, the component close-ups really help with clarity!

yddraigwen - 14.05.2023 11:22

Played this for the first time yesterday. So glad I had watched this video through twice beforehand. It made setting up and learning so much easier and I think we only made one or two mistakes for the entire game.

Nuclear Whale
Nuclear Whale - 21.04.2023 14:50

Great vid, I kept thinking, hmm I’m sure he sounds like someone famous and then It twigged, you sound like Dave Gorman 😅

Sem - 09.04.2023 12:36

got the complete bundle last week so finally digging in to learning how to play this solo first, another great video to help get up to speed

reading the rulebook along with watching each section one time through and i already feel confident to play this weighty game no issues


Adam Churvis
Adam Churvis - 26.01.2023 21:21

These rules remind me of the scene in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life where the teacher (Cleese) gives his students impossible-to-follow instructions:

"…will those of you who are playing in the match this afternoon move your clothes down on to the lower peg immediately after lunch before you write your letter home, if you're not getting your hair cut, unless you've got a younger brother who is going out this weekend as the guest of another boy, in which case collect his note before lunch, put it in your letter after you've had your hair cut, and make sure he moves your clothes down onto the lower peg for you. Now..."

"Sir, my younger brother's going out with Dibble this weekend, sir, but I'm not having my hair cut today sir, so do I move my clothes down or..."

"I do wish you'd listen, Wymer, it's perfectly simple. If you're not getting your hair cut, you don't have to move your brother's clothes down to the lower peg, you simply collect his note before lunch after you've done your scripture prep when you've written your letter home before rest, move your own clothes on to the lower peg, greet the visitors, and report to Mr Viney that you've had your chit signed."

TehPickle - 22.01.2023 05:40

Paul (or indeed anyone!), can I ask what happens in a situation where the pace car completes a half lap (for the end of day meeting) on the same day as the end of the week meeting due to Sandra ending the day in administration? I’m rather bamboozled!

I’m assuming only 1 meeting is carried out, but do both the production cycle marker, and the end of week marker both move, or perhaps only one?Is end of week scoring still performed?

Many thanks.

Andres Zarta
Andres Zarta - 26.12.2022 02:20

Thank you for the clear explanation!

Whose Turn Is It Anyway?
Whose Turn Is It Anyway? - 13.12.2022 19:25

Looking forward to trying this one tonight, thanks for the solid run through Paul ;-), we're scared of Sandra

Андрій Шульга
Андрій Шульга - 11.09.2022 17:59

Thanks! Clear and detailed enough explanation

Bob Archer
Bob Archer - 28.08.2022 19:36

I see there is a rule change for Sandra with penalizing you 1 point Plus the shits under 5.

Is there a rule change that requires you to speak on your pet project when you play it? Or did you misspeak on that? That isn't in the rules I have of the original game. Because later you did say you are not required to speak on your pet project.

(I'm asking because I am going to teach this to a group, they own the new edition.) Guess I could d/l the rules and check.

Anastasia - 13.08.2022 21:54

Thank you so much for this video. It was very helpful and saved us a lot of time figuring stuff out. And there's a lot to wrap your head around. 🤯

Oregonized Gamer
Oregonized Gamer - 05.08.2022 18:25

Solid video thank you so much, Rodney and you are the best at explaining games.

Lachlan Blackmore
Lachlan Blackmore - 30.07.2022 05:00

Thanks Paul.
This game seemed so daunting at a glance, but as always you provide excellent, concise intruction.

Nathan Cluster
Nathan Cluster - 02.04.2022 17:31

Thanks very much for an excellent overview of the rules, I misunderstood how the kanban order cards worked and this was very helpful in correcting that understanding!

Desiree Clark
Desiree Clark - 16.02.2022 03:45

Very helpful

Budi Kuesal
Budi Kuesal - 03.02.2022 01:56

Are the supply of car parts or parts voucher / books limited? Or should we substitute them if supply were empty? Thanks

lyyty - 23.12.2021 21:49

Your videos are great! I'll watch some for fun, even if I'll probably never play the game.

boardgamecloset - 05.12.2021 22:37

Playing today. Thanks for the rules refresher! Great video.

Scoogsy - 16.11.2021 13:33

I feel like after you have learned how to play this game, you could talk to Elon musk about running one of his Tesla factories.

Ben A
Ben A - 23.09.2021 05:03

Fantastic video. I am so excited to play this game now, and regret not buying it!

Bryan - 21.09.2021 06:16

This was extremely clear. Thanks for the video!

Andrew Meidl
Andrew Meidl - 29.06.2021 19:37

In Administration, what does the red 1 shift icon mean which is located above the list of department icons?
After choosing the 1 other department you'd like to work in, can you only use 1 shift at a time in that department? If I choose R&D, can I take the last car ignoring the Administration "spend 1 shift" icon and just spend 3 as if I had been in R&D in the first place?

Swayzee68 - 27.05.2021 18:15

Having this video loaded up next to me while I learn to play this game saved my sanity! Thank you so much for those time stamps! I just hit that button every time I was in a new section. Helped me learn the flow of the game so much better than having to stop everything to flip through different rule books to learn all the symbols and to see if I was missing anything. Thank you thank you thank you!

Phi-Long TRAN
Phi-Long TRAN - 18.04.2021 14:34

Very clear rules speech! I'm french and I easy understand ;)

destrio - 01.04.2021 04:22

Concise and helpful rules video! This type of thing definitely improves board games as a product to be enjoyed by making it easy for new players to get started quickly. As a game buyer and game night host, I thank you for your work.

Benjamin - 24.02.2021 00:22

I've been hesitant to buy either kanban or on mars for solo. I had doubts about kanban because of its complexity at first glance. This is by far the best video I've watch to understand the flow of a game and if it fits my expectations. Here, it does, I cannot wait to play it. Amazing job Paul, many thanks for this !!

Dexter Denmark
Dexter Denmark - 17.02.2021 23:50

Thank you for your efforts!!

Dean Lowdon
Dean Lowdon - 09.02.2021 20:22

My copy arrived today and I was hoping to find either Paul, Rodney or John with a tutorial and looks like Paul has delivered!

Board Of It
Board Of It - 06.02.2021 21:44

Thanks so much for this! Super clear explanation. Just about to crack into the game for the first time...wish us luck!

LinkBunnyO - 31.01.2021 00:04

Thanks so much Paul, always appreciated!

Nickoliz - 30.01.2021 23:42

Fantastic overview!!

warpo007 - 30.01.2021 04:33

Sandra terrifies me..

Jakub Koutny
Jakub Koutny - 23.01.2021 03:18

Great video, thanks.. (and great rule book :))

butz1906 - 19.01.2021 00:27

When french subtitles comes?

Alex - Bianca & Alex
Alex - Bianca & Alex - 14.01.2021 10:37

as always - best way to learn a game is search for your videos :)

Tall Mike
Tall Mike - 12.01.2021 20:53

Thanks for the video, I've been watching a lot of your tutorial videos lately and they have all been outstanding!

Psychedelicide - 02.01.2021 16:47

Absolutely brilliant game. I love all 3 versions of Kanban!

gert-jan wouters
gert-jan wouters - 31.12.2020 11:18

Great video again Paul, but one minor thing: an overview of the board would have been handy during your explantation, now it is a bit hard to follow where all the action takes place.

Ed - 28.12.2020 06:07

I'd love to see a solo mode rules video. The base rules are full of examples but not rely so in the solo rules and the playthrough is great but it's hard to find specific rules references in such a long video.

Any chance of a solo rules video like the multiplayer?

Orlando Nas
Orlando Nas - 26.12.2020 08:17

I love the redesign in this game!

Matthew Mayes
Matthew Mayes - 24.12.2020 23:39

Wonderful job, Paul! Thank you so much!

Dave Armstrong
Dave Armstrong - 22.12.2020 00:51

I have to say, Paul... Fantastic work on the rules! This and On Mars rules are the litmus by which I judge all rules. Great video too!

Ed - 21.12.2020 22:54

I've watched this twice now and after the first time, thought, "I have no interest in this game." Then, after the second watch, I thought "this game seems pretty awesome." That said, it would be my first Vital game. I'll be playing mostly solo so going back and forth a bit.

Chris the Writer
Chris the Writer - 01.12.2020 10:40

Nice video! Include something about the Supercharger Station sometime if you get a chance. It makes the Admin department much more desirable and adds some great endgame planning elements. Really liking the miniexpansion board!

Paul Incao
Paul Incao - 27.11.2020 23:57

Great job Paul. My favorite Lacerda project.

Wicaksono Adi
Wicaksono Adi - 26.11.2020 18:49

My prayer goes to whoever has the duty of teaching this game to their group....

gismo yt
gismo yt - 26.11.2020 12:24

Seen the video, got an incredible headache, but God now I just want to play it. hopefully it will arrive in time for Christmas

Patricia Taxxon
Patricia Taxxon - 26.11.2020 00:19

i have been waiting for this

Shorty Dancer
Shorty Dancer - 25.11.2020 23:19

Ahh yes, I’m so looking forward to watching this video! Can’t wait for my copy to arrive.
