Tinnitus Shimmer - Sound Therapy Relief That WORKS

Tinnitus Shimmer - Sound Therapy Relief That WORKS

Treble Health

1 год назад

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@BacKYarDsky - 09.01.2024 06:54

The shimmer is the same sound i hear in my ears,
Its just like trading methadone for heroine

@BacKYarDsky - 09.01.2024 06:52

Imagine a world where people heal people for free

@hausers690 - 07.01.2024 19:59

Tinnitus in MS also may be caused by ear muscle or eardrum spasms that affect the small bones in and around the ear. This type of tinnitus is called middle ear myoclonus (MEM), and it occurs rarely. In MEM, bones in the middle ear contract repeatedly, which creates a clicking sound

@LIBREPUB - 07.01.2024 08:06

I am giving this a try. My tinnitus isn’t severe yet, just annoying. I hope this helps because I feel it’s getting worse.🤞

@wesleypratt7735 - 07.01.2024 04:30

The worst part of tinnitus for me was when it started. Two and a half years ago I woke up with alarm clocks, ringing in my ears and in my head. I jumped out of bed, totally freaked out. After a few minutes, I realized I had what all those television commercials were talking about, something called tinnitus. I talked to four ENT’s and my primary care and two or three dozen people who suffer from mild to severe tinnitus. Some of them have had tinnitus for over 30 years. For the first 2 1/2 months I woke up in a panic nearly every morning because of the ringing. Then one day I woke up and it was no longer making me panic. It simply was part of my life. Talking with tinnitus sufferers helped as much as anything. Also my ENT and my primary care and many studies I read recommended 0.5 to 1.5 mg of Klonopin to be taken throughout the day. This literally turns down the volume of the ringing. Alcohol withdrawal is a trigger for tinnitus. Even 3 to 4 beers can trigger tinnitus for me. I can still get away with one or two just fine. But the big thing is, I realized it wasn’t going to hurt me, and that tinnitus doesn’t interfere with a productive and normal life. I did a bunch of research and talked with a bunch of people who have tinnitus. That really helped. All of them seem to be getting along just fine with their families and their jobs, and they are living productive lives even the ones who have tinnitus much worse than mine. See an ENT and follow their advice. Talk to other tinnitus sufferers. get ready to hear that there is no cure, but that there is also effective treatments. I believe mine came from the vaccine which studies support.

@sl1dewayztech - 06.01.2024 17:55

Seems to make mine worse (louder) why is that?

@lorriewingate9865 - 05.01.2024 23:27

I feel that my medications either caused tinnitus or is making it worse.

@jorgegoyco - 05.01.2024 01:29

It worked for a couple minutes, then it got overshadowed. Nice, though.

@Denisdiaz488 - 04.01.2024 16:13

I suffer every night. The only way sleep if I listen soft music asmr not loudy

@bcdrummer1962 - 04.01.2024 16:13

I’ve been suffering with Tinnitus since the 1980’s. I want to tell all of you that I get what you are going through. I also want to tell you that my experience has been that I’ve really grown used to it to the point that I forget about it for large periods of time - don’t get me wrong, IT’S THERE but I don’t consciously think about it; and when I do think about it, I use one of these great videos for relief. My sweet spot is 16k although this video is masking it pretty well. So I want you to know that YOU CAN LIVE WITH TINNITUS! Hang in there my friends, I’m thinking about you right now as I put on my headphones and tune this shit OUT!!!! :-)

@eotwh - 04.01.2024 01:07

Ive suffered with this problem for45 years. This may assist however ACCEPTING the problem and dismissing it retains sanity.

@CindiP-nm6mb - 03.01.2024 15:24

This is the closest thing I have found to what my tinnitus sounds like 24/7. It helps to let loved ones listen to it so they can relate to what I am hearing all the time. It does mask my tinnitus, so I will try it tonight to see if it helps me sleep.

@Patriot-bn9om - 03.01.2024 05:22

Well, Shimmer certainly masks my tinnitus and makes me believe it's gone. And, for a few moments after I turn off Shimmer, my tinnitus seems to be reduced. Maybe over time I could achieve a longer reduction. I've always wondered if it might be possible to erase the tinnitus pitch similar to the way noise canceling headphones work which is to use a microphone to listen to the noise then create a mirror image sine wave(s) of the sound that is heard but then shift it 180 degrees out-of-phase to cancel out the sound. But, I know that tinnitus isn't an actual sound. So, we'd have to manually dial-in the frequency we "think" we hear then switch it 180 out-of-phase. My tinnitus is multiple frequencies some high and some low that come and go not to mention some clicking sounds. I have two high frequencies that are persistent and some low frequencies that show up for short periods then vanish. Occasionally, my tinnitus simply stops entirely for 3 - 5 seconds, then starts up again. So, a device to cancel the sounds may require manually tuning to find the multiple frequencies. If this canceled what we think we hear, it would at least provide peace for a little while or maybe even permanent reduction over time. Any thought by anyone here?

@karenscott6390 - 03.01.2024 02:48

I developed tinnitus in June 2023 some who suffer from it say they have trouble sleeping but I sleep like a baby.
I distract my mind by watching TV listen to music and white noise for sleep.
Camomile tea is relaxing.
If I drink coffee it goes to 10 but if I don’t drink coffee it goes down to 4 or 2 sometimes 0
There are ways to get relief.
The worst time is late night or early morning in the still night.
They have spray to spray babies pillow to make them sleep 💤 that helps with the white noise.
Just get your brain distracted. and listen to movies or music. Don’t dwell on it or it will drive you nuts. Good luck all sufferers

@dancoleman8467 - 02.01.2024 20:53

My tinnitus rings loudly with a center frequency of 2350 Hz. Can you help me?

@drupidrops - 02.01.2024 00:17

How do you listen to this? With earbuds, stereo speaker or with the phone on one side of your head. If by phone, then on the side with tinnitus or without tinnitus?

@tgregg75 - 01.01.2024 23:45

Pretty close to my level. Thank you for making this!

@jj-ft8sn - 01.01.2024 20:51

I’m trying this now as I have reached intolerance with this. Can’t stand it anymore. Coping is becoming very hard.

@nitinlem - 01.01.2024 18:15

Just close both the ears with fingers. Hear tinitus sound loud for a minute and then release the fingers and hear this sound therapy for a moment before you get on with your work .it makes mind forget the Tinnitus sound for a while.

@mathewkinross - 01.01.2024 17:01

I learned to love my tinnitus.
Spend time concentrating on it, the after a few months it gets pushed away.
The more you accept and learn to enjoy it. The better your outcome

Dont let it depress you. This is a major fault in people with tinnitus.
As the brain will create other things like depression, sadness and anxiety.

Accepting it, listening to it and treat it like if you have an extra arm that does nothing but dangle there.
Aftera while the trauma of having it dwindles away.
I promise. And yes i have a savage case .
She gets loud lol

@chickennuggets5387 - 01.01.2024 11:53

is anyone here 18 and got tinnitus I feel shit knowing i’m going to have this for the rest of my life and it’s my fault for listening to music too loudly in the first place

@user-zn6rs1uf1m - 01.01.2024 10:52

Tin Tin care pack of Planet Ayurveda has helped many patients in managing tinnitus

@deniseward6172 - 01.01.2024 08:41

Ménière’s disease here so tinnitus is my life 24/7. Along with all the other Menieres crap! Thank you

@robertstacchini9494 - 01.01.2024 01:26

I’ve been dealing with this noisy head
Listening to the Bible every night
It’s the only way I was able to sleep
I don’t think I’ll ever give up the habit of listening to the Bible every night
But I definitely love what this is doing
I’m impressed
This is a winner it has given me relief
Maybe I could use this during the day
And stay with my program at night listening to the Bible
Will it make my decision I’ll definitely be in touch. Thank you so much.
Peace, peace, peace

@KairuFreestar91 - 31.12.2023 21:56

this is just tinnitus PLUS tinnitus
but for real do i have to listen to the whole ten hours for it to work or what?

@usedmeats2618 - 31.12.2023 12:52

I was just thinking about how I've become a custom to my flare-ups and Google sounds to ease tinnitus and THIS FRICKING WORKS my flare-up is gone I WILL BE REPLAYING THIS NOISE DAILY THANK U GUYS AND GALS

@3lttlbrds - 31.12.2023 10:55

Started having ringing in my ears after post concussion syndrome from an accident in 2021. Most of the concussion symptoms reduce but that ringing in ears still persists with dizzines and balance issues still. Frustrating af, giving this a try !

@denial-and-error-mn4iw - 30.12.2023 06:50

I will give it a try. Been dealing with this for 40+ years now . When I was a kid in school it was so hard to focus and I always wondered what silence and peace and quiet meant.

@20121961 - 29.12.2023 19:50

Yeah, it successfully drowns out my tinnitus with a very similar, louder sound! Achieves nothing!

@nycgatita - 29.12.2023 04:32

Cortexi, yes or no? I know, if it sounds too good to be true, but is there anything redeemable about this formula?

@msvenaacgranzella8010 - 28.12.2023 20:26

I have multiple layers of Tinnitus. The main sound reminds me of my ceiling fan hum when it has been running for too long. For months I would wake up at night and turn it off thinking that the low-level hum was from the ceiling fan. I would notice that the volume of the hum would decrease when the fan was turned off and for weeks I thought the remaining sound was another fan in the house. Then I realized that the hum was inside of me!! It is constant and it gets loud in a quiet room and sometimes my perception of it breaks through daily noise. There is a second sound that rides on top of that one. It sounds very similar to this shimmer sound therapy. Most of the time it is a steady tone and is infrequent. Occasionally I will pick up on a swishing noise that is in tune with my heartbeat, but separate. Although it tends to be in sync with my heartbeat, it's separate from the sometimes hard thud of my heartbeat which I mainly hear on the left side, usually after exertion. I have been conscious of my tinnitus for a few months now and I know that it isn't going to just go away. Some days I think that I am getting used to it and other days, I am very aware of it...especially at night when trying to fall asleep. I now realize that I do need to have some hearing tests and the input of an audiologist. Should I start by making an appointment with an ENT? Thanks!

@90ForLifeTeam - 28.12.2023 18:40

This actually overstimulates and worsens my tinnitus.

@sallyhaydon4282 - 28.12.2023 11:55

It gets bettter, I often have days when I can hardly hear it. Keep going, you will get to the other side I promise. Reduce stress salt and sugar. It works ❤

@Orange2863 - 28.12.2023 07:05

Not help whatsoever. I still hear the ringing and your crickets don’t mask the sound in my ears.

@cleanqueen75 - 28.12.2023 05:41

My husband had the mumps and a high fever and it made him deaf in one ear when he was 10 years old. He has terrible tinnitus in both years. The nerve from his inner ear to his brain has shorted out causing him to be deaf in that one ear. Hearing specialists say nothing can be done.

@timothyluckey5020 - 28.12.2023 03:46

My tinnitus is caused by the auditory nerve(I've had it tested). Does your system fix it? Thanks

@celestesand4133 - 27.12.2023 13:02

Dr Mandell said to reduce your sugar intake if you suffer with tinnitus.

@user-zw1oy5pm3s - 27.12.2023 12:36

As I understand it, no treatment for this will be found in the foreseeable future because it is not profitable?

@jp7357 - 27.12.2023 09:15

Now I’m really confused. My tinnitus is around 11khz, this 4.5khx loud sound track is incredibly loud and annoying … am I missing something ? Why swap one annoying souls for a louder annoying sound ???

@bjacres7057 - 27.12.2023 07:56

My tinnitus sounds like crickets. I've had it so long that I don't remember when I didn't have it. I'm 66.

@CatCmdr - 27.12.2023 06:52

This mimics the sound of the blood going through your blood vessels that you can hear louder in your head! ❤

@D.Frasure - 27.12.2023 04:08

wow I almost forgot I had this playing because it's a normal sound I'm used to.

@D.Frasure - 27.12.2023 04:05

The same frequency as my Tinnitus, amazing. mine gets loud but for some reason it never drives me crazy. this is the first time in many years I have a quietness in my head.

@aluckyman9308 - 26.12.2023 11:25

Why do you say "sound therapy that works" yet offer no ideas on how to use this therapy? By "works", do you mean it will reduce the tinnitus after you listen to it?

@mrBDeye - 26.12.2023 08:54

It’s pronounced tinnitus, not tinnitus. I hope you realize that you’re saying it wrong.

@sugarrayrobitussin5073 - 26.12.2023 05:42

My phone is on maximum volume with the speaker 2 inches from my ear my tinnitus is still louder.

@golusharma8033 - 25.12.2023 19:07

Sir, I am just 20 years old and i am suffering with tinnitus for the last 6 months. What should i do?

@curtiszzzchicago - 25.12.2023 15:35

So I got a wind farm cranking away in the wind now Christmas morning. 18 mi away from me, bouncing between 19 and 9hz, AT a dbspl level of 0 to -10.
And this does nothing because it can't stop the sound pressure waves from disrupting the resonating frequency of my body and it's DNA...
And praying for the day when I just die naturally, or by whatever means,,,, not by myself, just dead and resting..
Please God, take me.
