Al-Mahdi and Black Flags

Al-Mahdi and Black Flags

Islamic Sabr

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@mohammedshafique1646 - 25.02.2024 13:00

Imam Mahdi, Dajjal (the Antichrist) Armageddon and Jesus are nothing more than metaphors and symbolic meanings.
Every century has a Mahdi, Dajjal, Jesus and Armageddon.
People take written word for real.
Sure there are small events and huge events sharing similar pattern.
The story of the flood during the time of Noah the flood did NOT engulf the WHOLE of the earth but just a part of it.
In the mind of the people it seems as if the whole earth was under the water including mount everest.

@hafizuddinghafar2867 - 25.02.2024 17:02

Khurasan is not East enough

@Edgarmaga - 25.02.2024 20:51

Yeah you are a snake sitting in the west speaking English and lie to Muslims you bastard . Madi is fake you dum shit

@flogblogging6591 - 25.02.2024 21:43

Why is khurasan weak? But everything else isnt?

@ahmedmohamed-on9lf - 26.02.2024 06:57

The army of mahdi comes from khorasan according to the hadith

@Vanguardkl - 26.02.2024 18:08

Hahahaha the fairy tales.. only low IQ people will believe all this. Entire book and Sunnah of fairy tales hahahah

@Givi313 - 27.02.2024 00:28

So this is sunni or shia ? I dont follow

@ChromeMan04 - 27.02.2024 02:50

“Khorosan” isn’t even a defined region. It includes North Afghanistan, Central Asia and eastern Iran. So which region exactly would his army come from?

@shahidanfurqan - 27.02.2024 11:10

The longer you people believe in those hadiths and continue disregarding the completeness of Quran you shall remain divided and never recognize the true Mahdi even if he is walking beside you.
If Jesus has been found returned in the East it doesn't prove that hadith true rather it will prove verses of previous Scriptures to be true because that's what they say although not exactly as that hadith. You need to understand that previous scriptures pre date your hadiths. So when Jesus or anything is mentioned in hadiths remember to search where it came from.
Bible says, it will be a faraway eastern land. That means it doesn't need to be necessarily in Arabia or Iraq or even in Middle-east. He may be speaking in a different native language or may be in many native languages or may be not even in speech but through telepathy because telepathy is the common language that we speek to ourselves regardless of differences in native languages or cultures.

@shahmoneyshahmoney9250 - 27.02.2024 20:23

well about the full asian muslim world believe in this thing thats about 1 billion muslims in asia so even if it was weak can arabs even stop us

@buzakechini2402 - 28.02.2024 11:27

Qoran doesn't say a word about Mahdi if its not in Quran then its a lie Mahdi thing is B.S lie only trust whats written in Quran

@khushbu1409 - 28.02.2024 14:11

Why is Khorasan so lightly dismissed?

@mikhailhaiqal4001 - 28.02.2024 17:39

Khurasan is the heart of afganistan....
True moslem country..follow Allah law...
I believe afganistan is the end time army al mahdi army come out from khurasan.......
It will reach Jerusalem and nothing can stop it....

@user-rd1kr4ec5k - 28.02.2024 18:11


صلى الله وسلم The Prophet )ﷺ( said: Shall I not teach you something which if you say will eliminate minor or major shirk (polytheism)?

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ أنْ أشْرِكَ بِك وأنا أعلَمُ وأَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لما لا أَعلَمُ

Allahumma inni a`udhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana a`lamu wa astaghfiruka lima la a`lamu

(O Allah I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know)

@user-rd1kr4ec5k - 28.02.2024 18:11


"Allahumagfirli Dambi Kullahu Diqqahu wa Jillahu wa awalahu wa Akhirahu wa Alaa Niyatahu wa sirrahu"

"Oh Allah forgive my sins, small and great, first and last, open and secret"

@user-rd1kr4ec5k - 28.02.2024 18:12


اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنَّةَ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ النَّارِ

Allaahumma 'innee 'as'alukal-jannata wa 'a'oothu bika minan-naar

"O Allah, I ask You for paradise and seek Your protection from the fire"

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times, Paradise will say: 'O Allah, admit him to Paradise. And whoever seeks protection from Hell three times, Hell will say: 'O Allah, protect him from the Fire."" (Tirmidhi)

@auntiesemite9295 - 29.02.2024 04:22

I ask Allah to give me life and strength to see and join them.

@user-nc7iq1ok2z - 29.02.2024 11:28

Its amazing that hardly any arab Shaikh ever talked about the talibans who defeated
superpowers and who established islamic system, arabs and their jealousy 😊

@Shorts-nn2mf - 29.02.2024 13:16

From my study and understanding, the first black flag might come from Khurosam modern day Afghanistan but the Mahdi himself came from Far East, and he might not be Arab that is why he refused to be Al Mahdi initially.

@bradleymurphy580 - 01.03.2024 02:52

This wahabi knows nothing

@joejr.cocker9997 - 01.03.2024 04:59

Right now - there's 124 mahadi around the world 😤

@jundullah900 - 01.03.2024 11:21

It is not black flag but black fighter jet from pakistan . Read muhammad qasim dreams

@Ali_313-77 - 01.03.2024 16:09

the Mahdi has come
the Mahdi has appeared !

@user-uu6tx6zt7q - 01.03.2024 21:58

The Hadith about Mahdi are there sahih hadith?

What i have read is they are daif. It is acceptabele but we should also work hard

@user-rv5my7jr8m - 01.03.2024 22:32

❤for good Muhammad mashalla ils font être à-côtés plus le monde avec moi Muhammad mashalla moi frère 🎉❤🎉❤🎉pllis forr good 🎉❤

@tdkj0k3r94 - 02.03.2024 07:16

I don’t trust anything a Muslim or Islamic person says because they don’t follow the only two gods to exist and that is Julius Ceaser and Alexander the Great.

@hogman3543 - 02.03.2024 08:29

It's Afghanistan

@rizwanali649 - 02.03.2024 09:57



As much as the British colonial government tried to eliminate this land. The map is still existing in the history books.

Today's Arabs are too weak. So weak, that they need magnifying glass to watch the destruction of Gaza through a magnifying glass (mobile phone).

People of Khorassan are real men, they don't take any nonsense from anyone. I have personally met these people.

Classic example, Taliban destroyed Americans and their puppy British within days after losing the 20 years of war.

Imam Mahdi army is waiting for arrival of Imam Mahdi. And it looks like, it won't be very long indeed


@ArcFoundationDirector - 02.03.2024 21:55

⚡️⚡️We Have Omitted Nothing in the Book ~ Quran 6-38 Al-An‘am⚡️⚡️

⚡️The ORDERS IN AL’QURAN 5-55 ARE CLEAR: Obey Allah, The Messenger (Muhammad ﷺ) and The Faithfuls -The First Imâm of Islâm Âli and The Imâms With Him.

⚡️NDIGËL YI CI AL'QURAN 5-55 DA ÑÔ LÊRR: Wawlu lên Allah, Rassûl Wi (Muhammad ﷺ) ak Âman Yi - Njëkk’ël Imâm’u Islâm Âli ak Imâms Yi âk Môm.

⚡️WAWLU lên LÊRR’É NDIGËL Yi ci Al'Quran wër’ci Imâm yi. Âya’u Wilâya Wi Al’Quran 5-55 DOY na dalil’i nêmmat’ëlu tombb wî,

⚡️ALL MUSLIMS must Obey The Clear Orders in Quran about the Imâms . The Âya of Leadership - Quran 5-55 is ENOUGH evidence of this fundamental point.

⚡️The majority of Muslims are deceived, ignorant and distracted away from REAL ISLÁM.

⚡️The Muslim REJOICE and WORK for The Gate, Shields and Keys of Knowledge to Be Accepted by The City of Knowledge.

⚡️Obeying The FAITHFULS OF THE RUKU-ZAKAT (Qurân 5-55) EVENT is a matter of OBEDIENCE TO CLEAR DIVINE ORDERS. It is NOT a matter of CHOICE.


‎إِنَّما وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسولُهُ وَالَّذينَ آمَنُوا الَّذينَ يُقيمونَ الصَّلاةَ وَيُؤتونَ الزَّكاةَ وَهُم راكِعونَ

⚡️⚡️ "The Faithfuls Who Maintain the Salât and Give the Zakat While Doing Ruku" mandated for Authority are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm.

⚡️⚡️The Âya ( Sign ) of Leadership is revealed after the famous Ruku-Alms-Giving Event by the First Imâm Âli - Alayhi Salam- FATHER of the 11 Imâms.

⚡️⚡️Beside the Ruku-Alms-Giving Event, Note well also the “YOUR GUARDIAN” for many Guardians and the “THE FAITHFULS” for The Imâm Father of Imâms.

⚡️Beside Al’Qur’an Muhammad Rassul’Allah - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam ordered clearly to Follow The Two Weighty Fundamentals: Al’Thaqalayn

⚡️Quran REFERENCE the 12 Imâms through Âli - Alayhi Salâm and Muhammad Rassûl’Alllah - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm - APPOINTED Âli at Ghadîr.

⚡️⚡️Those who disobey, deliberately ignore or negate the Twelve Imâms of Islâm are in grave misguidance are on the way to Hellfire.⚡️⚡️

⚡️Njëkk’êl’u Ñârr’i Nêmmat’ëlu Dîs Yi / Dîs Yi - Al’Thaqalayn - Al’Qurân, Ñârr’êl Wu Dîs Wî RÉK - Fukk’ak’Ñârr’i Imâm’u Islâm Yi ñô ko mën tâwil.

⚡️The First of The Two Fundamentals/Weightfuls-Al’Thaqalayn - Al’Qurân, The Second Fundamental - Ahl’Al’Bayt ONLY can interpret it.

⚡️ The Imâms of Islâm start with The One Born in Ka’âba, "The Faithful Who Maintain the Salât and Give the Zakat While Bowing Down." In Quran 5-55

⚡️ The Twelve Imâms of Islâm ( ٱلَأَئِمَّة الإسلام ٱلْٱثْنَا عَشَر, al-ʾAʾimmah Al’Islâm Al-ʾIthnā ʿAshar )

1️⃣⚡️The First Imâm of Islâm : Ali ibn Abi Talib ʾAmīr al-Muʾminīn (أَمِير ٱلْمُؤْمِنِين) (Commander of the Faithful)

2️⃣⚡️ The Second Imâm of Islâm : Hasan ibn Ali | Al-Mujtabā (ٱلْمُجْتَبَىٰ) (The Selected)

3️⃣⚡️ The Third Imâm of Islâm : Hasan ibn Ali | Sayyid Ash-Shuhadāʾ (سَيِّد ٱلشُّهَدَاء) (The Master of the Martyrs)

4️⃣⚡️ The Fourth Imâm of Islâm : Ali ibn Husayn | Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn (زَيْن ٱلْعَابِدِين) (The Ornament of the Worshippers)

5️⃣⚡️ The Fifth Imâm of Islâm : Muhammad ibn Ali | Bāqir al-ʿUlūm (بَاقِر ٱلْعُلُوم) (The Opener of Knowledge)

6️⃣⚡️ The Sikth Imâm of Islâm : Ja'far ibn Muhammad | Aṣ-Ṣādiq (ٱلصَّادِق) The Truthful

7️⃣⚡️ The Seventh Imâm of Islâm : Musa ibn Ja'far | al-Kāẓim (ٱلْكَاظِم) The Tranquil

8️⃣⚡️ The Eigth Imâm of Islâm : Ali ibn Musa | ar-Riḍā[29](ٱلرِّضَا) The Pleasing

9️⃣⚡️ The Nineth Imâm of Islâm : Muhammad ibn Ali | At-Taqīy (ٱلتَّقِيّ) The Allah-Nearing-Revering)

1️⃣0️⃣⚡️ The Tenth Imâm of Islâm : Ali ibn Muhammad | An-Naqīy (ٱلنَّقِيّ) (The Allah-Nearing-Purifying)

1️⃣1️⃣⚡️ The Eleventh Imâm of Islâm : Hasan ibn Ali | Al-ʿAskarīy (ٱلْعَسْكَرِيّ) (The One of The Garrison Town)

1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Twelveth Imâm of Islâm : Hujjat Allah ibn al-Hasan | al-Qāʾim (ٱلْقَائِم) (The Riser). Al-Mahdīy (ٱلْمَهْدِيّ) (The Guided).

@QwerAsdf-xm8ec - 02.03.2024 22:18

You are weak.
Bootlickers Asslickers of west

@Glahtech - 03.03.2024 04:19

Ur my favorite percher top man of religion ☯️ at this time 😂❤🎉 meeka

@Glahtech - 03.03.2024 04:20

Please Allah bless this man a safe live

@Glahtech - 03.03.2024 04:20

In the name of Muhammad Allah mhmannad 😅

@alina4617-1 - 03.03.2024 09:22

Jesus is coming soon.. be prepared

@Peerni215 - 03.03.2024 17:06

The Mahdi has come. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Ahamdiyya Muslim Community.

@taahirahussain2447 - 03.03.2024 21:54

I can’t wait for this day

@yintotheyang6433 - 04.03.2024 13:16

People have been waiting thousands of years for Jesus and Mahdi 😅

@Marius-ii7mb - 04.03.2024 14:31

WHAT A LOAD OF OLD NONSENSE. I can't believe you actually trust this fantasy crap from "Abu Dawood Al tirmidhi" as the truth from God. Dude... you're off the straight path and you know it. That's why I see you uncomfortable in this video as you recant the crap

@stephenclark8844 - 04.03.2024 21:44

Islam is false

Jesus lives

Luke 13:3

@stephenclark8844 - 04.03.2024 21:44

Jesus is Lord

@stephenclark8844 - 04.03.2024 21:44

John 14:6

@Cansquared - 04.03.2024 22:46

There's nothing better than a Star Wars story. lol, the poor guy didn't even believe 😅 Islam of the past is no longer taken over by fairytales and logic is gooooone .

@nooracamilla7172 - 11.03.2024 07:42

Yasir qadhi was talking about khilafa in his new video.

@danishshahzad8367 - 17.03.2024 02:54


@paulattaboyatreides6414 - 19.03.2024 18:38

The amount of times Imam Mahdi is mentioned in the Quran is……0

@shahmoneyshahmoney9250 - 27.05.2024 08:11

iraqis r fake syeds they r turks go check there dna test they arent arabs

@shahmoneyshahmoney9250 - 27.05.2024 08:24

if its iraq then how come the queshis dont mess with the iraqis like they always pick on us from khorasan alhu baytas aka queshis r our ugly uncles pakistan is run by the queshis

@user-gq4rv8ke9p - 05.07.2024 07:07

You are wrong IRAQ is in the North of madinah not East
