Aion 5 - Christ: A Symbol of the Self - Jordan Peterson's Nightmare

Aion 5 - Christ: A Symbol of the Self - Jordan Peterson's Nightmare

Max Derrat

4 года назад

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George Coggins
George Coggins - 19.09.2023 02:01

Well Done Max Well Done
Luciferious Sidriel Christos

Holden Kim
Holden Kim - 13.09.2023 22:15

Does anyone know the name of the creepy music he uses at the beginning and end of these videos?

my profile is your future 😼
my profile is your future 😼 - 20.06.2023 15:08

Christ/Budda/Brahma etc. or whatever depends on your belief= higher consciousness
Devil/evil being or could be a super villain from a comic or some evil bastard=lover consicusnes
Subconscious= animalistic neutral thougts instincts burried images could positive or negative?
Heaven=higger vibrations dimensions
Hell= lover vibrations dimensions
Good= hig pozitve frequency's
Bad= low negative frequency's
Consicusnes= our percpection or reality
Super consicusnes=holy guardian angel/the hero or the wise old man etc.... depends on your imagination

Pray Unceasingly
Pray Unceasingly - 17.06.2023 23:41

Jesus didn't become the A & O. He always was. His earthly life was perfect because he always was.

Geo Mpon
Geo Mpon - 20.05.2023 16:11

Am I the only one that finds the "mind blown" connection of the Jungean cross points regarding Christ with the fact that Christ was crucified, not that mind blown? I mean, punishing with crucifixion was a common practice of that era, and the cross served as a torture method, it was not specifically chosen for Christ. Also, having a 4-point system to interpent something is not that uncommon or mind blow, again, it's a structure of two opposites. It's like having a three point system and saying that it is mind blown, because Christ was a part of the Holy Trinity (btw I have watched your vid on the triad).

Majik 1111
Majik 1111 - 15.05.2023 20:31

Jesus was not an actual historical person. There is no contemporaneous attestation for Jesus outside of the gospels, which are mythological fiction. The way Jesus becomes the Self is when people project their own Higher Self onto the Christ figure. In the beginning of the journey this is is a way to experience the Self as an object outside of one's Self. However, one must ultimately withdraw the projection of their Self from Christ and locate the Self where it belongs, in one's own Soul.

Majik 1111
Majik 1111 - 06.04.2023 14:06

Many people have become Self Realized. It takes a lifetime of inner work. The "Self" is not only an archetype or image however. It is one's own spiritual nature or Soul and it is our transcendent, Divine Self. One must integrate the shadow, which has many layers, like peeling back the layers of an onion. The Self Core is literally a spark of the Divine. What does it feel like? It feels like bliss, love, strength, joy, true happiness, and a feeling of being whole. Jung was wrong about the Self. Yes, there is a Self image and the archetype. However the Self is actually your Divine Soul. It is hidden underneath all the layers of karma, wounds, represses instincts and emotions, and complexes.

A.brainboom.O - 17.03.2023 19:09

Oh shit. It's terrifying, yup.

occultst - 28.10.2022 05:50

carl jung aion
check it out

RoseGoldHunii - 12.08.2022 04:41

This content is amazing, just wow

Lucian Maximus
Lucian Maximus - 22.04.2022 21:36

Many Kudos

roger edwards
roger edwards - 17.04.2022 03:23

self cant get out of self

Brendan Golledge
Brendan Golledge - 25.02.2022 22:06

If the cross represents a pair of axes, then can't it represent almost anything?

Tempo - 31.01.2022 04:39

Wow! You articulate these complex concepts with a graceful restraint of your expansive vocabulary, in a way most acclaimed scholarly psychologists lack more often than not. Love the effortlessness you portray in this series so far and have been waiting to find such a palatable orator, such as yourself.
My original intrigue into this research was triggered by an unforgettably intense and personally transformative mystical experience. I’ve spent these past 12 months trying to comprehend what my initial impression of this experience‘s meaning and significance was. I discovered Jung shortly after but found his vast research to be overwhelmingly scattered through his collections of scholarly literature, such as “Aion”. I now understand my experience as the moment my ego was faced with my shadow as a successful integration of my negative repression’s. I was reborn in spirit and became liberated from subservience to my shadow’s impulsive projection onto the world around me. You compiled my entire year’s worth of research into 6 minute videos, which is very humbling and positively reminds me how much I have left to discover in my endeavor to know myself.
I hope you see this and know your work is truly admired... and, of course, I’m now subscribed! Cheers🙏

Joseph Dias
Joseph Dias - 17.01.2022 20:14

So good, your whole Aion series. I started reading Jung because Peteraon too. I would only understand a tenth of Jung without your help.

LiMitZplus - 10.01.2022 00:58

If we bring the unconscious into conscious isnt there an unbalance of the opposites

Dark Omen
Dark Omen - 08.01.2022 15:23

Problem is christ wasn't put on a cross but rather a pole with his hands nailed above his head and not pointing to the sides. The cross comes from bael worship.

Kyler Loves You
Kyler Loves You - 01.01.2022 04:03

I think I'm starting to understand why it's terrifying. From my understanding, to achieve nirvana, one must open up and let their shadow be known. Either to themselves or to others. And when we do this, we open ourselves to be as close to our ideal self as we can be. By acknowledging, accepting, and possibly sharing our shadow, we become godly. I could be wrong, I'll have to watch all the way through to find out. Allowing our id to be known, whether to ourself or others is a very horrifying thought

OnceTheyNamedMeiWasnt - 30.12.2021 00:55

Thank you for this video. I have struggled for over 25 years with the nightmare at the heart of a breakdown I had in my late teens. The vision of isolation, horror, and hell I saw has been impenetrable for years. I feel as though Jung's ideas (and your brilliant and lucid explanation of them) are finally helping me to process some of what I experienced.

Nnnnm Hughuuhhjiijj
Nnnnm Hughuuhhjiijj - 22.12.2021 19:19

The amount of times, you said the word, "Light" made me think that, I was watching a Kingdom Hearts lore video.

J M A - 02.12.2021 01:21


Salvador Hernandez
Salvador Hernandez - 23.11.2021 18:06

Jordan Peterson=Antichrist

Brendan Hall
Brendan Hall - 07.11.2021 15:07

The "explanation" in minute four makes no sense, really. It was the darkness in Jesus that let him go to hell and free the souls? Had Jesus freed SATAN from Hell, I think you could argue that.

Calley Michelle
Calley Michelle - 07.11.2021 07:36


bob ray
bob ray - 17.10.2021 05:22

lol what? i know of no one who strives to be perfect like Jesus. i know church goers and they are total jerk offs.

AndrewFerrer3d - 07.10.2021 12:23

Christ is not the symbol of self, we are. And he came to save us from it. He is the exact opposite of a self. We cannot do anything without first considering ourselves, because all inevitably are bound to a self, but he can. The only way Christ can have a self is if light can have a self, which it can’t. Because he is the way and the truth and the actual light of life and the world. Imagine you were shut in a dark tomb for 100 years and after that you were allowed to see a spring of light. The moment that light hits your eye is the equivalent of the words of Christ. They are light and they lead to all truth and have no self, they are of a nature too pure to even be called pure.

Jonathan Klassen
Jonathan Klassen - 01.10.2021 02:53

Except beasts are conscious, and indeed wise, a fact that people don't like to accept. What beasts lack is knowledge, not consciousness, so in reality we are closer to machines, and they are closer to themselves as machines have outpaced us in their knowledge and processing capacity, AI has already become 'smarter' than us, (if you don't believe me ask Siri). So to borrow the language used in this discussion the animals are gods, where we are egos - machines. Understand this and you will understand why native cultures do not put themselves above the beasts, but instead places themselves below the beasts and reverence them, as we have the least amount of connection to ourselves, where they have the most.

- Rakoo - AMV
- Rakoo - AMV - 26.09.2021 10:47

The reason why i disagree with jung is in the fact that he defines the self as christ to me that'ss a blatant error. Christ is a creation of man, which is imperfect by nature, a person that reches his "self" would be perfect, but perfection is an impossibility when it comes to human psyche therefore christ, a human creation can't be defined as perfect and thus it can't be defined as the self, so we killed christ, and it doesn't matter because christ was flawled by default, what even are those moral ideas that make christ perfection? When christ was created being gay was immoral, among other things, are we supposed to strive towards that? What is christ? Nothing, the only thing it could be is "the idea of wanting to be a better person" that however has not died, i don't think that the concept of becoming a better person has died in this day and age, although some edgy kids would be more than ready to explain how human society is in such a low state, totally ignoring the atrocities we did back when christ was created, the amount of people that could justify murder and torture based on ethnicity or ideals 2000 years ago is not even comparable to now, to some this might hit harder than a rock but yes, we are better than in the dark ages.

Audrian Rafaladhika
Audrian Rafaladhika - 05.09.2021 21:05

Tldr christ bang the antichrist?

Chris Parker
Chris Parker - 26.07.2021 19:43

YHWH - Oneness of God
Elohim - Allness of God

While Christ may be a symbol of the self, it must be remembered that all ancient symbols carried multiple meanings. As above, so below.
Really, the only way to know the self is to let go of the ego completely. When you know your true self, you will know that you are one with the all, and all with the one.

Consciousness (thoughts, emotions, ancestral and personal memories) embedded within the electromagnetic field of the body, called the biofield. It exist as standing waves in the EM field. Biophoton emissions are also related to consciousness. The biofield is connected to the flow of electricity throughout the body. Turbulent areas in the biofield resulting from mental and physical trauma, unresolved emotions, stressful experiences, etc., restrict the free flow of energy through your body and its energy centers. If certain parts of your body don't get the necessary charge, you end up with ailments and illness. This is how the mind controls the body. The mind can influence your field, thereby influencing the free flow of electricity throughout your bodies electrical circuit. I imagine this must have something to do with the healing aspects of Christ. And they certainly knew about the biofield. A physicist named Stan Tenen, has shown that the very first verse of Genesis has a pattern that forms a toroidal shape. He first made the form by taking the first verse of Genesis and writing each individual letter on beads strung along a bead chain. He starts with the letter "bet" because "In the beginning" is beresit and beresit is bet. Starting with bet, all the letters of the first verse of Genesis paired up with the same letter or with a letter in a symmetrical position in the alphabet (aleph - bet). The pattern it created "folds" in on itself and creates and toroidal shape. From the toroid vortex, he found a shape that forms every letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the fruit whose seed is in itself. The toroid. The electromagnetic field and energy vortex that exist from the smallest scales all the way up to the cosmic scale. It has also been shown that it is the EM field that gives life its form. So the EM field, the toroid (torah?) gives form to life and to consciousness. They had to have known this knowledge somehow. Too many coincidences.

Science is going to find that ancient mystics were sitting on top of the mountain of knowledge long before them. I'm not sure Jung would've even known.

SIF - 20.07.2021 06:16

Aion makes me nearly Manic with Joy and reverence for my own journey and that I might share in the knowledge of Christ with people around me. I truly feel such deep gratitude when I contemplate the works of Jung because I feel as though in small part - I've had my own microcosm of a Journey like he did depicted in the Black and Red books.

We are afforded grace like no other beings in the cosmos - and that is a truth that runs deep into my soul. God Bless you all ✝️

Ashley Carriger
Ashley Carriger - 15.06.2021 09:33

You should try Tool 🙃

A Wad
A Wad - 28.05.2021 03:34

the cross to me always meant opposites at each side, and above and below bottom to top, christ is where these four aspects meet, in the middle

A Wad
A Wad - 28.05.2021 03:31

if Christ is the perfect balance of opposites, than there is no anti Christ, the union if the two opposites are in perfect balance.

Tyler Maxwell
Tyler Maxwell - 26.04.2021 18:59

Jesus didn’t “become” the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. As you stated, He is, was, and is to come. Becoming the beginning and the end is an oxymoron

Marcelo Facundo Nizetich Vega
Marcelo Facundo Nizetich Vega - 19.04.2021 11:49

Wow. I got into your stuff pretty late, but this is amazing work. Would you be interested in making more series like this one for the other books in Jung's collection? 'Cause that would be awesome.

Holden Sachs
Holden Sachs - 12.03.2021 02:43

Oh no I scurred 😬

Bereket Weldegerima
Bereket Weldegerima - 08.03.2021 21:12

God is light and there is no darkness in him.

Petrus Andrade
Petrus Andrade - 23.02.2021 06:14

The last part gave me chills. Oh boy

Unseen.Warfare - 21.02.2021 03:07

My God

Doug R
Doug R - 20.02.2021 18:42

The scripture calls Christ the inner man (eso in greek, eso man)

𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐏Œ𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒 - 13.02.2021 07:19

Fear of God. I don’t understand it, and I don’t think anyone does anymore.

Daniel Kibira
Daniel Kibira - 29.01.2021 12:20

It is written in Romans 10: 6-10 " Let no man strive to say Who shall ascend up into Heaven (the highest perfection) to bring Christ down or who shall descend into the lowest hell (the deepest horrors of darkness & annahilation) to revive the Christ but rather the proclamation of our salvation has been made accessible to us that in believing and proclaiming His triumphant Lordship we shall be saved.🤯
Philippians 2:8-11 This Divine Man Jesus confronted the ultimate darkness and overcame thus God The Father reserved for Him His Son the highest position of glory and honor, and all will marvel at That Name overcome with humility.

Dr. B. DaMorya
Dr. B. DaMorya - 14.01.2021 23:51

Think Carl Jung, think Shutter Kane. No wonder Peterson was terrified after seeing the stark terrible turn the book takes from chapter 5 onwards. Neomystic Jung's chicanery, to insert theurgic agenda into then a fledgling subject 'psyche-logy', starts from here. He 'logically (!!!) deduces' that there has to be an antichrist from the definition of the self. Is that antichrist inside everyone head? YES you born sinner. Integrate him by farting on the teachers meal.
Until chapter 5, Jung prepares his dungeon (a Plato's cave), that is just right for the epistemic editing of any agreeable man. The purpose was to successfully upload the cult's crap into receptive minds.
That is why Freud and other researchers denounced Jung.
Where is the ample experimental data to support his '-logy'. Let's observe the collective archetype's response to deal with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Why didn't the collective archetypes, bearing atavistic adaptive behavior against the outbreak of virulent viruses, made few billion people respond irrationally.
How come people across the world simply don't know what to do. It is the scientists who have to tell them to resort to social distancing.
