To Anyone Who Never Got Closure After A Breakup

To Anyone Who Never Got Closure After A Breakup

Joey Kidney

2 года назад

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@sizohmthethwa - 18.01.2024 12:16


@user-rz6jv4tu2i - 14.01.2024 02:34

I just got broken up with without any closure he blocked me from everything but everything was going good so idk what happened

@poggydapog - 13.01.2024 11:10

Just broke up with her… to be honest I saw it coming for a while and unfortunately it was too late to do anything. She told me that she fell in love with the wrong person. I tried so hard to get to her to stay with me but now I just feel guilty for forcing her to be with someone who she didn’t love… I can’t wait for this feeling in my chest to go away. It’ll take some time but hopefully I’ll get through it

@AJM-timecop - 10.01.2024 19:45

I feel like crap every time I think of an old girlfriend from college ... from 35 years ago!

@LadyGamePlay - 21.12.2023 17:11

Thank you for that Video, it made me think a different way about my breakup a few years ago. I'm single eversince. I still think about it some times and it makes me wonder everytime... but just that you pointed it out, the way he mistreated me should be closure for me and I will make it my closure now.

@Aleyii97 - 18.12.2023 06:23

1.5yrs later and that closure still hurts I miss her 💔

@sumaiyyapatel9686 - 09.12.2023 11:45

Recently when I was writing... something came to the surface which really made me realise things differently, so the thought was that less contact and less frequencies of contact isn't inconsistent, its still consistent, as the other person knows where they stand with you.

@HamzaAli-yw2be - 06.12.2023 02:11

Powerful. Thank you.

@fleurhufflepuff2198 - 20.11.2023 04:25

"they didn't love you, otherwise they would be here"

@marionsmith5333 - 15.11.2023 22:06

I’m in that boat I can’t get off the couch I made some mistakes but my heart is broken and I don’t know how to rebound.

@misterxrd - 06.11.2023 15:20


@butterflyzdiy6827 - 12.10.2023 18:55

You just saved my life! Literally♡😢😢

@tomharvey5466 - 10.10.2023 20:48

I get crushed when male or female friendships die bc ...they tend to crash and burn so I'm looking at myself. Dang!

@muskaanbharwani7343 - 04.10.2023 04:46

The sad thing about some breakups in India are that the parents make their children breakup because they do not believe in young people dating behind their backs and if they tell their parents,they dont let them date

@petermorrissey3698 - 15.09.2023 13:55

This is me right now and it's soul destroying. Together for months, the last time we saw one another was the first time we said I love you. It was magic. Then she goes on a holiday ( obvs must have met someone else) comes home, goes cold, I hear less and less, get the "its not for me anymore text" and blocked. No chance to ask why the change of heart. From I love you to blocked in a matter of days. The lack of closure and unanswered questions are utterly tormenting. If you ever break up with your partner, PLEASE give them a solid WHY. Ok you are leaving, I can accept that, but WHY??? Tell me that and I can heal. But without it, I can only wonder....what happened? But she closed the door, like you say, maybe that's all I really need to know.

@nadou6691 - 04.09.2023 17:22

Your voice is a therapy 🤍

@yogeshrijal7294 - 31.08.2023 15:09

today kidney has healed my heart . thank you

@rmose5393 - 17.08.2023 15:42

Just got divorced after 30 years im not doing well🙏🏾🙏🏾

@EazZiB - 15.08.2023 01:17

If a woman leaves you she’s found a man with more money, if a man leaves you he’s found a better looking woman. Don’t let the coldness of reality and nature keep you down. It’s a dirty world, idealism and wish-fullness won’t get you far. Real love…. It’s a fairytale 💯

@animeentity505 - 01.08.2023 13:23

My beautiful relationship of 5 yrs ended in such an ugly way few days back i never would have guessed. I didnt get the closure i needed either and every morning i wake up it feels unreal. Why waste a person's time love everything for 5 yrs if u know ur gonna end up choosing your family in the end. People are cruel beings Joey

@neemaharaz3807 - 23.07.2023 12:49

The person who I thought was the love of my life left me 2 days ago and I've found myself as a stand still. They let me believe that everything was still okay then sprung upon me that for the past few weeks they had stopped loving me and would just be better off as friends. They're making a mutual friend keep tabs on me but this indirect kindness is making it so much harder. Kind of makes you wish they just did something dickish to make me hate them.

@allasindhuja1135 - 22.07.2023 11:40

I loved him a lot and he was madly in love with me then one day as parents were looking for matches for my marriage I asked him about commitment the very next day he started treating me as a friend then I left speaking then he came back this time he blamed me for everything emotionally broke me badly and then again he fighted for me I thought I should speak with him just I said hi he blocked me I snt even know wt was my mistake and after 4 and half months it just hurts really very badly I was waiting for closure and I'm tired with my life but ik still very damn badly hurt

@beingpallavi3272 - 20.07.2023 15:21

How about doing let go meditation ?

@SABATORTX - 16.07.2023 06:49

I feel so empty its scary i feel like i am 10thousand feet under water I hope my heart get better on day. To anyone who is still hearting remember as long as you are alive you will be fine I promise❤

@theonegamerr - 11.07.2023 11:36

In the end when you said ‘if no one said it to you lately im proud of you’ I cried

@kblanc955 - 09.07.2023 23:18

I feel lost , empty , tired , sad , scared , angry , betrayed, useless. Like im floating in endless pitch black darkness , falling asleep has never been harder in my entire life , ive never had times when i dont eat for a whole day and not feel hungry , my colleagues always ask me if im doing okay cuz the smile thats always on my face is gone. I cant smile from the heart ,i dont feel happiness , just the facial muscle moving making it look like a smile . Everything i do and see reminds me of her , text shortcuts , passwords, things in my room , the bed , the pillows , clothes in the cupboard ,shoes , cups and mugs in the cabinet , toothbrushes , shampoo , towels ,the hair comb , the couch , the bike that drive us both to and from anywhere u want to go . Only now do i realize i have nothing without her , no picture with only myself in it to change my profile picture ,no close friends , no hobby that i like , no song that wont remind me of her when i listen to . Im breaking apart ,but theres nothing i can do about it , its as if there no meaning to anything anymore , i dont know what to do next , i forgot how to live like back when i was still single , i just use work as an excuse and as a way to distract me from thinking too much , drink the pain away only works for the night ,come tmr morning and shits all over the place again, i dont think id have the courage to love again , im so tired

@y0urgff378 - 18.06.2023 07:49

I feel like a failure

@CrystalDatingCoach - 15.06.2023 16:11

It's Over. That's Closure. Why should you Care why they ended it?? Just move on!

@legacy1407 - 03.06.2023 05:37

ueah probablu no closure like u say

@rsbrehm - 22.05.2023 21:40

I feel my constant obsession for closure is tied directly to my need to see Justice in order for meaning to exist, in and of itself. Without both, or either, I get a steady burning feeling of anger and righteous indignation. Think "The Book of Job" but much less severe.

@jaymalik2407 - 22.05.2023 13:25

Sir, you made it feel like a personal therapist, I wish I was here when I needed it. Thanks a bunch anyway! ✨🤍

@dr.maazasif5424 - 17.05.2023 04:38

Thanks buddy... This was helpful. ❤

@Jakilyn - 15.05.2023 19:52

I was hoping for at least a goodbye

@Kimbyj78 - 13.05.2023 06:35

I end up loving a person for who I think they can be if they do what I think they should.

@christinemartens5067 - 04.05.2023 18:41

OMG when you said you were proud of us at the end </3 - that made me cry - thank you for this video!!!!!

@jrandallgilmore8907 - 03.05.2023 06:36

I think the closure I want is him apologizing for all the lies and manipulation. And I know I’ll never get it because I know he’s fundamentally incapable of it. I should be able to move on but I can’t. My head says I need to but he stays in my head all the time and I keep waiting to hear from him even though I said no contact and I know it’s not gonna happen. I’m so tired of checking my phone in case I got a text that’s never gonna come. Every guru on here says I need to focus on my own life and find a passion to pursue, but I have no passions anymore. I don’t care about anything. I don’t want to do anything. I just want to forget but I can’t. How am I supposed to love my life when I hate it?

@larsha01 - 18.04.2023 13:14

I did the breaking up but I still don't feel closure. I wonder how they are.

@kodyduclos5845 - 04.04.2023 08:18

“We had a person change entirely” 😭😭😭

@alexlesjak3504 - 19.03.2023 18:59

Coming from someone that got everything worse happened
From the beginning when she dumped me to the point where she was doing everything just to hurt me and make me jealous just because she new that i will see that and hear about it from our mutual friends…
And after all that shit she put me true now 4 months after our breakup.. now comes the final part she started dating my best friend
I guess this is the closure i got from her :/

@elcharrua1063 - 11.03.2023 11:13

Sometimes we are the problem

@hlhshero1185 - 28.02.2023 05:48

i just want to thank you for your content you have just helped me through my first actual heartbreak and that means the world to me so keep doing what your doing

@shreenjandutta7152 - 27.02.2023 20:57

Relationships and toxic endings like these make me realise why I was so much better being single lmao
Avoidants and narcissists never give you closure cos deep inside they are just emotionally immature cowards who can't even communicate and lack huge accountability
Good riddance.

@azzylu_u4585 - 23.02.2023 17:19

He played hot and cold with me for weeks, then told me I was manipulative and abusive because of my mental health and disorders, and then he yelled at me for like 40 minutes to shift the blame on me before disappearing from my life. It was a freshman relationship. He was my best friend. What the hell.

@NicolasCharly - 23.02.2023 13:36

I'm the one that left. After 11 years. From one day to another.

I'm the bad one in the story, I know.

But I can't get closure. She's there, in my mind, every day. I speak to her, in my mind, every day. I hear her voice, in my mind, every day.

Almost a year now.

Life do be funny that way.

@DaveTahDinero - 22.02.2023 16:09

It’s been a year
I feel as tho I am the same person she met and left
I have left myself stuck and I feel I needed closure because I dont understand not love myself the way I need too

@shreenjandutta7152 - 22.02.2023 13:50

Thank you so so so much,Joey
Disinterest is closure and I've learned it the hard way man
Thank you so much ❤️

@knutewales1171 - 10.02.2023 17:46

I packed my stuff, left a note, left the house and we've been No Contact for 80 days. I have no reason to reach out and I don't think she'll risk it herself.

@finch1422 - 04.02.2023 22:44

I suppose I’m just writing this to scream into the void.

My boyfriend of one year left me and it’s hit me hard. He didn’t say it in person, he did it over text. Just a week prior to that text he was talking about marriage and kids and a future. And then he left. He said that he was just too busy with college and no longer has time for the relationship, whereas I know he dropped his hardest classes and spent most of his time in his dorm playing video games. I thought I was going to marry that man, I had given him so much of my time and effort and now I realise that it was never being reciprocated. When we did things together, he was always texting his friends. When we went on a vacation together, he ignored me for hours and played video games even though I was in the same room as him and took time off to go on the trip. When I broke down crying and told him I was struggling with my depression worse than I had in over a year, he told me that he didn’t think he could be there for me. While I was blinded by his sweet words, I didn’t see how shallow he really was though the relationship. I didn’t see that he never was truly there for me even though I was there for him at a drop of a hat.
Now I’m trying to move on. It’s only been a few days. I find myself crying a lot, but I don’t know what for really, because I always feel angry and betrayed by him. I’m trying to find who I was before the relationship, but I’m floundering because of all these built up frustrations and emotions.
I’m not really proud of myself. I went head over heels for the first person to show a hint of interest in me (didn’t help that I had a crush on him while we were in middle and high school together). But I didn’t take the time to see if that person was really there for me.

I’m heeling, I really am. For now, I think if I focus on myself, I’ll learn that I’m the only one who can love me how I need.

@lansothungovung4159 - 10.01.2023 08:45

Just broke up yesterday... I can't still accept she left me my trust was broken how can I trust someone else now she just ended our 3years relationship for someone else n she choose him over me
I'm just a living dead

@eatyourlatte - 09.01.2023 02:05

It really hurts so badly without closure, I’d definitely feel so much better with one. but I guess no matter what I got to pick myself up and move forward.
