Analyzing Evil: Hans Landa

Analyzing Evil: Hans Landa

The Vile Eye

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1joshjosh1 - 06.10.2023 05:53

Too much modern s*** on this channel for me.
But it's proven popular obviously cuz that's what the masses like

In Vino Veritas
In Vino Veritas - 06.10.2023 03:25

Yes, he knew it was Soshanna as while he was at the table with her he says, "so Emanuel, may I call you Emanuel?"

CarnivoreBunny - 04.10.2023 00:26

I love how Hans Landa lives while Shoshanna dies. It so accurately reflects real life. Reminds us that we indeed do live in a wicked world that is beyond hope.

Timo Ylhäinen
Timo Ylhäinen - 02.10.2023 18:41

Pretty useless and missing the point.

Dragunov - 02.10.2023 18:03


Big Wheel
Big Wheel - 02.10.2023 05:30

I believe that he grabs the girl's wrist in order to measure her pulse to see if she are scared. The family might be nervous of the ss being in their home but that likely isn't to raise their heart rates. But if they are hiding a Jewish family they know the consequences should they be found out which would be grounds for fear.

Clutch - 02.10.2023 05:27

He is similar to Lalo in Better Call Saul

Real Greaseball Sh!t
Real Greaseball Sh!t - 30.09.2023 02:01

This was a pretty good film..musical score was way off for a WWII movie and Ralf Fiennes as Amon Goeth in Schindler's List was far more evil and the absolute best portrayal of a Nazi in history. With the exception of the opening scene of IB, Hans Landa was slightly less goofier than Col. Klink from Hogan's Heroes. Ralph Fiennes blew Waltz away by a thousand country miles.

Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump - 30.09.2023 01:33

its also that hans throws the match just somewhere after extinguishing it, he shows that he has no respect for LaPadite

Βασίλης Κυριακίδης
Βασίλης Κυριακίδης - 29.09.2023 16:23

I cannot think of him as evil. He's so perfect in everything.

Andy Candal
Andy Candal - 29.09.2023 10:40

Analyzing Landa ?
Landa is a FICTIONAL character created by the mind of a script writer.
So you better analyze the mind of the script writer !

Business Development Office National Capitol
Business Development Office National Capitol - 28.09.2023 23:29

Detective Landa is like nearly all of the interpol agents hired in Germany, Austria, Belgium, etc by the SD Sipo and Kripo , unfortunately for everyone they were highly intelligent, academically accomplished and good at their jobs, making the reach of the national Socialists police state particularly effective at rooting out opposition. Landa likes being Good Cop Bad Cop Jeckel & Hyde all at once , making him a memorable villain , even better than most. In all the James Bond films , sinister and elegant, pretty much exactly what the SS was

Sage Bundgard
Sage Bundgard - 28.09.2023 21:29

I dint hink he knew ot was her later. I think he may suspect her of jewish decent which expalins his scrutiny of her, but not that she was necessarily the same girl from before.

Putin Shat Himself While Falling Down The Stairs
Putin Shat Himself While Falling Down The Stairs - 27.09.2023 10:30

The god character of the bible would be a good analysis. The most stupid, pro slavery, pro rape, misogynistic, childish, jealous, homophobic, belligerent, malignant, mean minded, murderous, genocidal, capricious, megalomaniacal little shit in all of literature.

sai aravind kondapaturi
sai aravind kondapaturi - 26.09.2023 18:47

I want my 17 minutes back

409novaman - 26.09.2023 15:09

Waltz portrayed an evil leftist, perfectly.

Stolenm3m3 - 26.09.2023 14:11

Ayo he just like me fr

One Deep Savage
One Deep Savage - 25.09.2023 06:40

Definitely one of the best villains of all time

Shannon Mayer
Shannon Mayer - 24.09.2023 07:14

Well, when he was talking to the men (Brad Pitt and his friend), he was trying to work out a deal for himself.

Chaiserzose - 22.09.2023 16:34

Landa could be flawless in french, but as an italian, I can say that a real italian wouldn't have got more than 2 casual words of what he says in the theatre's scene to Brad and the others...

Btw, Chrispher Waltz is a great actor:

he embodied the reason why you cannot help but hate some kind of germanic (so not only germans, but english and americans too) people and their sense of superiority.

Ed Ram
Ed Ram - 22.09.2023 07:21

he smelled fear like a dog smells prey

KD - 21.09.2023 22:39

The Shoshanna Restaurant scene is the one instance in the movie where Hans is legitimately defeated, outside being betrayed at the end.

Hans didn't know it was Shoshanna, he wasn't a wizard. But through his detective work he suspected her beyond reasonable doubt, and was confident he could get her to crack in the hot seat. He cornered her in a way to make her as uncomfortable and frightened as possible in the instance the person he was threatening really was Shoshanna and/or Jewish.

Of course he was absolutely correct, like he always is, but unlike LaPedite she gave no language cues as to being defeated, nor did she crack and admit to it. So without that 100% confirmation, he didn't proceed. She held the farce together until he was gone, at which point the panic attack Hans was actually looking for happens.

The real question here is, given how he simply retreated when his interrogation failed, would the same have happened at the start of the movie if the Farmer didn't crack under his pressure?

Did he ACTUALLY know he was hiding Jews, or did he get the confession out of pure intimidation the same way he attempted to get Shoshanna?

Alexandre Kautzmann
Alexandre Kautzmann - 21.09.2023 18:44

I think you got it wrong about Hammersmarck death. Eventually, at this stage of the film, Hans Lada already has planning of turniing things around. And like every encounter in the film before, he already knows the plot when the bastards arrive to the cinema. IN order to be able to have the scene with the bastards and the deal he is making with the allies high command, he needs to have Hammersmarck dead since she knows to much about him. As it is told in their exchange they know each other well so she could cause him trouble in the future. THe idea it's personnal has no foundation since in the same exchange she sends him this " I know those who fell in your trap " sentence and thus was probably never really personnal with him.

Shaun P
Shaun P - 20.09.2023 17:14

Hans already knew the girls were lying because he was checking the pulse of each girl as he speaks to them. He figured Charolotte out and used the second sister to confirm his suspicions.

HundredDaysMusic - 20.09.2023 10:04

I think that he heavily suspects who Shoshana is in tbe restaurant scene but chooses not to say anything because he wants to play his hand close to his chest.

He strikes me as a man who is as much in conflict with his own fellow Nazis as any of the Jews he hunts. Knowing that the cinema owner might be Jewish gives him a very strong hand and he probably wants to wait to see what the most effective way he could play it will be, and he doesn’t care if his fellow Nazis get hurt in the process.

Ibbizzyp TV
Ibbizzyp TV - 20.09.2023 00:14

Please do Franklin saint

Jamie Bennett
Jamie Bennett - 19.09.2023 14:43

You know Hans would've been able to convincingly build a cover story for the scar. Perhaps he'd claim he resisted the Nazis, he tried to help the Jews, he betrayed the Nazis and so they branded him forever as punishment. He'd be able to do this easily given his charisma, intelligence and acting ability.

Solari just
Solari just - 19.09.2023 06:40

Evil flight alone ...hahaha w.t.f ..bunch off ashole

Dheaven J. Kelley
Dheaven J. Kelley - 19.09.2023 00:16

I like these. I subscribed today.

Twinkless - 18.09.2023 22:13

I don't believe Hans killing the british spy is out of character for him.

My position stands that he is an opportunist - servitude at SS gave him the opportunity to experience the drill, the performance that he values so greatly, so he joined their forces. He believes himself, first and foremost, to be the hawk. He is a hunter, and he thoroughly enjoys the hunt.

He had no problem betraying the SS and jumping ship to the opposite side, devising and acting in accordance to his plan all the way through. Was it because he believed in the Allies and what they stood or because he was disgusted with SS? No. It was an optimal choice for him.

So, the main points are - he thinks of himself first, and he enjoys sadistically torturing his victims, playing his detective game, playing Sherlock Holmes. Why would he knowingly pass on the opportunity to fully experience the hunt one last time? He already set up Aldo to be ambushed for negotiation, he already followed the others soldiers into the seat rows. His plan was working like a clock, and here was remaining the one last element - Bridget von Hammersmark.

She had no anymore use for Landa, or for anyone in that matter - and he had all the puzzle pieces in his hands to play Sherlock with her.

So, in my opinion, you can count that scene as his form of twisted farewell to his career of the Jew Hunter. His final hunt, and Bridget as his unfortunate rat. And as his hunt was finished, he resumed to act on behalf of his plan, ordering to capture Aldo immediately.

Great character, and a wonderful movie. Thank you for the essay.

SkulF - 18.09.2023 06:07

My thought the first time watching it was that he never saw her face. She was hiding under the floor. So i didn't think he knew who she was. It would totally be in his character to know exactly who she is and just likes hunting her, yknow, cuz he's the jew hunter. I think i sit in between now. I think he didnt know at first cuz he'd never seen her face, but i think he caught some kinda sense or hint of something she gave away, like the circuits connecting in his head. He just didnt act on it right away. Watched this the other day again, great movie, great villain.

Lukas Schwuchow
Lukas Schwuchow - 18.09.2023 03:14

Do Rico from paid in full

Seth Hancock
Seth Hancock - 18.09.2023 00:51

I’ve always really enjoyed how the film presents cultural differences between American and German as the only reason Landa gets his comeuppance at the end of the film is he assumes that the American army is the same as the Nazi in that if you disobey an order you will be executed but obviously he doesn’t understand that the American army wouldn’t care as killing SS soldiers was in most cases applauded by a lot of people in ww2 due to how evil they where his arrogance ultimately costs him.

Jose Loor
Jose Loor - 17.09.2023 17:02

She was a double agent the actress

Jose Loor
Jose Loor - 17.09.2023 16:50

He’s a smart person who know game theory very well. He just happens to be in the enemy side.

TheMount - 17.09.2023 10:31

I would say that Hans probably wouldn't have such a big problem about that last twist at the end. After all, he had a deal with the allies, and the remaining basterds broke that by hurting and even killing their prisoners. I'd say as soon as Hans gets to the united states, he will drag them to court martial.

Ozzblahing - 17.09.2023 06:10

My take is that Landa didn't know he was sitting across from Shoshanna, but he suspected she was some kind of dissident. The reason he killed Bridget was because he was an opportunist as you stated - he killed her to replace her in Operation Kino.

Joe Geist
Joe Geist - 17.09.2023 05:36

When he makes her wait for la crème after ordering deux verre de lait at a cafe…he was letting her know, that he knows, she is Shoshana the dairy farmer. Letting her live aligned with his plan. After all the SS picked her up from the cinema and brought her to that lunch. She was an easy get for him anytime he wanted. He relished that but if cat and mouse torture for her. Not sure I can think of a worse villain in a movie.

Petrila Christian
Petrila Christian - 16.09.2023 08:55

U have to do Littlefinger

Paul Peters
Paul Peters - 15.09.2023 18:37

I thought he was studying the daughters body language as to where she would not look. First he got her scared then sat back and watched her. As a SS i thought possible rape not an issue.
As for the strudel he knew who she was of course and was playing with his prey like a well fed cat. He is evil after all.

Kedar Paul
Kedar Paul - 15.09.2023 09:01

He is taking pulse reading when he is holding the hand longer than usual.

LostBoys Eh
LostBoys Eh - 14.09.2023 23:49

It was really dumb for this “genius” to not kill brad Pitt and let Ryan take him in. He knew brad hated Nazis he knew the story’s he even gave brad the knife BACK. And on top of that he knew that they heard him make the deal. It’s either pure plot convince that the final scene happened or he was never that smart to begin with.

Pythagorasaurus Rex
Pythagorasaurus Rex - 14.09.2023 23:27

I was sitting in the theatre with a friend of mine watching the movie. After the movie I said to my friend that Waltz must deserve an award for his acting... Anton Chigurh and Hans Landa.. one the greatest villains in movie history released in cinema within just two years. Great time to watch movies!

renee pound
renee pound - 14.09.2023 20:08

Can you do Hilly in The Help?

Kevin Boudreaux
Kevin Boudreaux - 13.09.2023 22:52

God I absolutely loved the ending of this movie. I was snickering in my seat then laughing really hard from the moment brad Pitt asks Hans whether he’s gonna want to remove his uniform

François Dillinger
François Dillinger - 13.09.2023 18:27

Is he really evil or was he doing gods work?
