Europe's Growing Irrelevance - Karin Kneissl, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

Europe's Growing Irrelevance - Karin Kneissl, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

The Duran

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@gerhard7323 - 03.03.2025 11:17

Europe, fatally, opted to outsource most of its foreign policy to Washington decades ago and its defence arguably even earlier.

It is now paying the price for those expediencies.

It, collectively, voluntarily became a client state of the US.

A US that is off in search of more useful clients in a fast changing world.

@garygatto3410 - 03.03.2025 11:14

I think when the EU has time to sit down and think about things and what this could mean for the future of the entire planet, they will get on Trump’s peace train!

@leetshots - 03.03.2025 11:12

the only way to fix europe is to do what trump is trying to do, a massive clear out of the current bureaucrats, because they wont sack themselves. this is the problem with the uk, its run by civil servants, i work with them and they are all utterly detached from reality and far less competent than they have convinced themselves they are and they ABSOLUTELY will not admit fault or take personal responsibility EVER.

@seeker2118 - 03.03.2025 11:08

Europe needs a new renaissance. The issue is there will not be a new world to exploit.

@gerhard7323 - 03.03.2025 11:06

ALL political careers ultimately end in failure...

....or if you're lucky in Brussels if you're a failed European politician.

@gerhard7323 - 03.03.2025 11:00

Europe was at its best and most dynamic when its states were actively competing with each other.

Tension isn't automatically a bad thing.

The centralizing, undemocratic, bureaucratic uber-regulatory machine that is EU and its bloated institutions have just made Europe into one big, useless blancmangey mess.

@Paulkazey1 - 03.03.2025 10:55

Ukrainian politics is complex but the Western European leaders and media act as though it's all black and white.

@johannesbrugman6551 - 03.03.2025 10:46

Great show with much fine rhetoric. Unfortunately Mercouris fails to distinguish between good and poor rhetoric.

@darrenalevi3006 - 03.03.2025 10:44

So great to hear Karin again, a great diplomat

@PaulPearce-c7c - 03.03.2025 10:37

I'm no Nostradamus however it's plain NATO is Dead Man Walking as is Europe and as for Ukraine, they are a corpse that still smells and to spin this debacle around will take 2-3 generations.

@manlypedro75 - 03.03.2025 10:36

They cannot let go of the Globalist plan because much of it hinges on Kompromat. By much, I mean a FUCKTON of it! It was the only way to guarantee bipartisan support of the big (Fr, Ger, UK) players . HOwever, in the big scheme of things, Europe has been living (and getting high of) it's colonial era boundless resources and riches. The super states (India, USA, China, Russia, Australia, Brazil) are better positioned and now aware of the fact that Europe's competitive edge (obtained through millennia of conflict) is simply not there. They are racing against the clock to maintain a hegemony that peaked in the 19th century, and ran out in the 20th. The thing is, in the 20th century, illusions were easily fabricated, indeed they were fashionable, but the audience (the populace) found themselves and each other to entertain and be entertained. To make matters worse, the biggest hit show for the masses now is discovering the man behind the curtain, the Emperor with no clothes, hence the dictatorial turn. European Elites are truly screwed!

@damaskstål - 03.03.2025 10:27

The european countries elite political - economic were so scared of a powerful workingclass so they sent the industrial production to other countries or imported workers less educated than the european workers. And there you also find the hate against Russia and China, the european politics think they are still workingclass"friendly".

@AKrasheninnikov - 03.03.2025 10:27

True independence grows from diversification. Rigid loyalties and repelling any alternatives lead to dependence. Sad how people don't understand this.

@hilarysimpson3725 - 03.03.2025 10:21

Europe will have to be taken over by China or Russia. We are demoralised.

@brian6937 - 03.03.2025 10:20

There is a lot of propaganda in the USA’s Legacy News. But it only works on uneducated and unknowledgeable people. In other words the Democrats.

@ΚατερίναΚαραγεώργη-δ6λ - 03.03.2025 10:19

Let’s be realistic and factual: the Hungarians weren’t actually punished in essence, only verbally, no major negative consequences.
They’d have been punished severely only if they were opposing the… only democracy in the M. East.

@angeloterribili3525 - 03.03.2025 10:17

The European unions leaders are desperately trying to turn the eu into a meaningfully orgonisation that wants to be a nation,because the people involved in the eu see them selves as more then they ate.van der lyne sees her self on par with trump ,putin,,without understanding that they lead country's shee only leads an organisation.because they can't get their way in nato Britain and France are in the process of creating a new monster that boycots even europe

@jdheryos4910 - 03.03.2025 10:08

Incorrect Karin Kneissl!
The astounding research in Genetic Behaviour Personality Trait Dispositions of humans over the last 25 years, has established direct correlations between belief and genetic inheritance.

Vindicating Albert Camus in his great decertation : The Rebel.
That adherence to Religion, Philosophy and Ideology are interchangeable as they are systems of belief.
In the case of Philosophy and Ideologies are systems of belief that have replaced the divinity of God or the gods with the divinity of an ideal or ideas.
So, when Kneissl wrongly states that we have returned to the war of religions she is being deceptive.
As the defeat of religion by philosophy in the Benightment in Europe was replaced between a 'Divine war of ideas between philosophy and ideology' and now the defeat of ideology as a divine system of belief.
Kneissl's personal belief investment in the 'divine ideals of 1'848 revolutionary period' is a public acceptance these facts.

@zaitcev0 - 03.03.2025 10:07

"London wants to get back (into Europe)..." - Oh, Karin, you're such a card. London never stopped trying to merge with the globalism. It's the people of Britain that put a check on that.

@paulrasmussen3858 - 03.03.2025 10:07

Here you have it..ADULTS in the room SPEAKING THE TRUTH.

@AKrasheninnikov - 03.03.2025 10:03

Awesome company, thanks for sharing

@Sabiola007Mr - 03.03.2025 10:03

When it comes to offering one's NAME - It is important to remember THESE TWO THINGS:
Your surname or family name represents your Karma. Your first name represents your Talents.
When you offer your surname - you are PROTECTED by silent forces - good or bad - which are associated with that family name - e.g. Bush - Clinton - Thatcher and so on. When you offer you First name - you lose this protection. That's why people often say "Just call me Dave or Mary or John - no need to be formal" - But there IS a need to Protect yourself from those who wish to meddle with your talents by becoming closer than they have any right to. In meetings it offers even more protection and a level playing field. This may sound hard to put into practise these days but reflect on how it's almost impossible to refer to any enemy or opponent using their first name - and then ask yourself WHY? So once former friends become new enemies - along comes a CHANGE OF NAME! or in some cases - one cannot even bear to utter their name - unless it's something like Saddam which sounds like Soddem anyway - so that's OK init!

@Smudger6938 - 03.03.2025 09:55

I wish you'd say it like it really is. It's not the Europeans per se . Do you think that Starmer and Macron etc al are deciding these policies. This is being dictated from on high. Alexander has already alluded to it. It's about global financial markets and power, access to minerals etc. We need to be clear about this

@agneslorie - 03.03.2025 09:39

Please explain Crimea because it used to be Russian and there was no formality to give it to Ukraine. Also NATO wanted its own military base there?

@stromo_182model - 03.03.2025 09:34

Mute yourself Alexander! Jeez, noone wants to hear your nasal breathing

@incog99skd11 - 03.03.2025 09:33

Karin left out Farban in her German corporations list. By design. Possibly, she is very brilliant.

@JennyEh-c5b - 03.03.2025 09:30

Not planning on watching this just saying new world order is trump talks and Putin walks. What else do we need to say heat believe or accept??
March 3/25

@deepvalley6698 - 03.03.2025 09:29

The illusions european liberals have regarding Europe are falling apart, and they don´t cope very well.

@DerykRobosson - 03.03.2025 09:27

Good versus evil, A versus B, Europe latched on to Hegel like a dog to a bone that isn't willing to relinquish it. The lack of defining things that Glen refers stems from Kant.

@bridgettedenise - 03.03.2025 09:25

Very interesting

@veroniquesteeno3960 - 03.03.2025 09:12

Eu is guilty of Ukrainian genocide

@christophersmith8316 - 03.03.2025 09:10

How will you stop arms sellers when the police have to look away from human smuggling

@veroniquesteeno3960 - 03.03.2025 09:10

Yes, even Switserland is not neutral anymore.

@peterfeatherbone6268 - 03.03.2025 09:09

Greetings from Australia

@mirjanagavrilovic4275 - 03.03.2025 09:06

Thank you ❤

@christophersmith8316 - 03.03.2025 09:06

Notice that neither Putin nor Trump wants to talk to the EU about anything

@veroniquesteeno3960 - 03.03.2025 09:03

We need to start to say: as long as it Not take it anymore.

@urbansetter1 - 03.03.2025 09:01

From what I can see from history Russia has been isolated from the world since ww 2 due to the US. Europe needs Russia.

@HaraldinChina - 03.03.2025 09:00

It's almost painful to watch these old guard European diplomats, because it makes us think of the likes of Kaja Kallas or Baerbock! How has our continent fallen.

@perfectcaptain - 03.03.2025 08:56

So numerous "black holes"..... spending millions per day on four star migrants, and more arriving every day.

Veterans sleep rough, pensioners struggling in winter, young girls being made unsafe ... etc

But the war mongering grand-standing leaders,of Britain can find money for 5,000 missiles, and whilst Rachel Reeves almost gloats on passing more tax payers money to Zekensky

Yet all supported by liberal lunatics like sheep jumping over a cliff.... how utterly stupid

@irashishonkova8626 - 03.03.2025 08:51

Wait They fired her? My god! I didnt even know!

@PotapychM - 03.03.2025 08:51

Oh! What a guest! She is very famous and respected in Russia. Thank you!

@Inna19780212 - 03.03.2025 08:45

Fantastic discussion! Gloomy but totally realistic. Many thanks❤

@d1c186 - 03.03.2025 08:16


@Lord.murugan - 03.03.2025 08:03

I really thought europe wid support the ukranians AFTER peace was achieved......but it seems they want to stay relevant by promoting war ...using it as some kind of a bargaining chip against the us..... absolutely fuking insane...🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

@CariMachet - 03.03.2025 07:57

Please get a GIANT MUTE BUTTON to be able to mute Alexander when others are talking WTVF

@martinetti123 - 03.03.2025 07:57

the "Ukrainiac"-EU politicians not only cause their own irrelevance, but also pose a security risk for the whole of Europe❗

@d1c186 - 03.03.2025 07:57

Why are they right wing radicals because they disagree stupid statement that’s the whole problem with Europe right there

@rickthompson8122 - 03.03.2025 07:50

That’s amazing the EU and UK leaders are not talking to Putin. Then complaining anyone who is.
