Is the Future Cyberpunk? Science Fiction Through Philosophy and Theory

Is the Future Cyberpunk? Science Fiction Through Philosophy and Theory

Epoch Philosophy

3 года назад

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@RedManKillerOfKaiju - 28.12.2023 11:34

No it Warhammer 40k lol 😂

@valyshknee4203 - 10.12.2023 15:55

yeah cyberpunk does seem to be our future, the best signs of it are new york, and many other crime ridden cities of the US, the camera network in China, and the NEOM projects in saudi arabia, and remember its just 2023, almost 2024, imagine what it will be like in lets say 2040-2050, because we will all still be alive by then, in 2050 i will be around 45 years old, most of us will also reach the iconic 2077, which is when i will be 72 years old.

@tomassmith1519 - 01.12.2023 23:52

Neo Fascist? What the heck is that?

@lis7742 - 15.11.2023 21:45

It's almost 2024. Science fiction isn't just a story. It's a prediction of the future, some people have an ability to see into the future, based on the here and now. I'm one of those people and have foreseen loads of things that happened to be true, and I continue to read about everything and anything, and making predictions from the information. We are heading towards a cyberpunk society, fast and steady. Actually, we are already here, but it will get more extreme. I've chosen to embrace it. There is actually nothing we can do to stop it or even change it. The transition will be rough. Are you ready?

@novo_ephemera - 14.11.2023 11:00

I disagree about avant-garde and new forms of art they're happening internationally and in the club/experimental scenes. However I don't think the Cyberpunk 2077 is a our future but a future we are sold and recycled back to us by the capitalist systems and we play and watch the video game as an entertainment or copy of our own self-demise. This Cyberpunk game is an illusion mixed with our own reality. The real dystopian future I think is a cloud network or limbo or infinite dark space which imagination is engineered and futures become predetermined

@Darksoul-il3ef - 12.11.2023 17:10

East asian contries are cyberpunk societies right now

@MommaMolly - 09.11.2023 09:03

I will not let it happen

@mookiedt - 25.10.2023 05:44

Big oof. Cyberpunk 2077 was such a let down. I dislike how that game stands out above all other cyberpunk games because the gaming community only cares about high budget garbage.

@JoniniTheChickenNugget - 05.10.2023 02:46

the growth of AI from just 2 years ago when you posted this video and now in late 2023 is absolutely insane. If the trend continues I can't imagine how ingrained it will become.

@JoniniTheChickenNugget - 05.10.2023 02:44

When you break down the characteristics of cyberpunk works, it rings almost exactly the same as the majority of our real world issues today...

@vazaruspaytonas7017 - 03.09.2023 22:51

The only thing missing in the western world today is the mega building. If the Line building project is successful we will be one step closer to the cyberpunk future.

@kendrick2496 - 31.07.2023 08:56

I keep dreaming about in a cyberpunk future

@j.d.4697 - 02.07.2023 18:25

So I guess what I'm saying is, the future is cyberpunk if the future is the same as our present and our past.

@j.d.4697 - 02.07.2023 18:24

None of the conditions represented in the cyberpunk world are special or new to humankind. They have pretty much always existed.
But cyberpunk portraits them raw and unapologetically and of course with far advanced technology.
Even religion has always just been a tool and facade for retaining power over the people for the powerful, and a tool to find in an exceptionally cruel life for the people at the bottom.

@usmclucas - 08.05.2023 14:14

The only thing I like on this is that with transhumanism we can be FINALLY immortal.

@havinfun9183 - 11.04.2023 18:38

devastating? i see it more as unfair but more free’er than ever. although the life in cyberpunk may be dangerous, kill hungry, government unfair and scary, we can almost do more things. experience a life we could not live, not face all the over complicated thoughts you have to think about in our current society. all you have to do is make a living, live your life, try to have fun or find meaning, and go crazy. it’s almost the definition of yolo.

@tahnadana5435 - 02.03.2023 09:08

when you said the work of elon musk, you lost me.. im out

@ZAWFS - 29.01.2023 05:03

Brendon is the machine we need not wanted.

@TFHanisch1978 - 21.11.2022 16:05

"Science Fiction" often go together with "Social Fiction" - or utopic/dystopic Narratives,
and - "Cyberpunk" is much older than "Cyberpunk 2077" - "Cyberpunk" originally is "Cyberpunk 2020", and 2020 was "far future" in this time..
It is not about "Neolibaralism" - but about "Anarchy", an ideal of the anti-capitalistic "Punk"-movement, turned into its capitalistic dystopia.
Also the Idea of improved prothesis - the "cyberware" - wich was a topic in the 80s - was mixed up with the "self-improvement"-ideas of the 80s, and - turned into a social dystopia, that forces people to amputate parts of their body, to get this improvements - just to take part.
Why employ a worker with weak meat-arms ? So - cyberpunk made a "social-fiction"- out of the "science-fiction" of "cyborgs".
Also - still part of the 80s - the ideas of "sexual freedom" - and turned into a dystopia of a world without any sexual morality.. similar with the liberalization of drug laws..
So "cyberpunk 2020" is some mixture of the big two dystopias Orwells "1984" and Huxleys "Brave New World", taking away the idea of a totalitarian state - and replacing it with anarchy..
So - there are "big brothers" - the companies - and they base their power on both: violence and hedonism, but not in a perfect working state - but in an totalitarian Anarchy.
Sadly - the focus is alway on "edgerunners" - CyberPUNKS - having a view from "out of society"..
I would appreciate it, to get a little more the perspective of someone living in a corporate-zone the live of an employee, not really dealing with edgerunners or unemployed people on the other side of the fence, just living in the treadmill of the system, doing the ratrace,
and than getting a look from outside..

Cyberpunk 2077 gives "Cyberpunk 2020" a facelift - because the "science-fiction" has grown a little bit old,
more LED than Neon-Lights, but remains on the philosophical basement.

And several things we already have.
Not yet the "cyberware",
but plant-based-protein-products just get fancy and improve.. (ok - something for "early adopters" - real food is still less expensive)
and - in cities - the rental rates rise higher and higher.. So it`s a question of money if you want to rent a whole room, to have a kitchen, and prepare meals, or if it`s cheaper to buy prepaccked food - and own just a microwave...
As "mega-corp" i would choose the example "amazon", once an online book store, now selling everything, beeing one of the biggest world-widemedia with it`s streams, and having microphones and speakers in many housholds... (OK - it`s not "big brother" - but your big sister has a name now - she`s called "Alexa" and is more Huxley than Orwell)

@Jai53473 - 23.10.2022 12:31

No the world is not futuristic yet like cyberpunk 2077 because we haven’t got that advanced yet but I wish we did 😞

@DropoutJerome - 13.10.2022 22:22

Like you said I think out of all sci-fi subgenres cyberpunk is probably the most likely to become reality in the near future.

@solorevolutionist799 - 28.06.2022 01:07

Many people think cyberpunk looks like the game, I doubt it will. Imo the cyberpunk we will see is the one of the book Electric state, Where old clashes with the new. You can see huge structures clashing with small suburbs and giant wrecks of consumurisim. In the book massive wrecks dot the landscape of the pacific west and addictive technology is invasive, The world is a strange yet familiar one, With the book telling how its world is constantly changing and how people just try to live there lives, It shows kids playing in the snow or a man bringing the grocceries home. Because in reality socitey doesnt change in a instant, it happens over hundreds of years and you cant notice a change in its fundemental structure.

@BrawnyBuddha - 19.06.2022 04:06

Imagine cyberpunk but boring and cringey. That's our future.

@SkinnyEastBro - 02.06.2022 15:29

i think we are living in it right now. at least the start of it.

1. everyone has a smart phone (which is high tech) no matter how rich or poor (low-life) u are.

2. coorporation controls the government: try to do research on how many people in the government (not only in the US) owns a share of a certain company, usually its weapons manufacturing, food industry, energy.

3. cyber warfare technology is no. 1 priority not nuclear anymore. everything runs on the internet.

@StevenSmith-mk5fg - 25.05.2022 12:49

I only see two paths for humanity. Either the Cyberpunk future or a collapse in high technology society and a return to localisation. A kind or more advanced version of the pre enlightenment era. Neither of the two look great from the perspective of the height of the 20th century. If the future is Cyberpunk then it will be a long time before it looks like what we see in the movies though. We have a tendency to overestimate the progression of technology to a massive deal. Just take the 80's for example. Back then, we thought we'd have flying cars, hoverboards and would be on the moon/mars by now. We're nowhere near any of that.

@scientistx5717 - 24.05.2022 16:12

Don't forget deus ex

@Foogi9000 - 14.05.2022 04:18

I just want cool Cybernetics

@shizuwolf - 09.05.2022 16:13

I prefer solarpunk

@dante340 - 17.03.2022 09:45

California's major cities are already extremely Cyberpunk-esque. If you visit LA and SF, you will find large colorful corporate owned skyscrapers juxtaposed with city streets permeated by poverty and filth. Hence, "Night City" being located in California.

@LogicGated - 02.03.2022 23:00

The transhumanism was my favourite aspect of cyberpunk.

@cerveshred - 20.02.2022 03:31

City is guilty, crime is life, sentence of death, darkness decends

@FastCarsNoRules220 - 08.02.2022 10:30

I would prefer to have a 1950s style Atompunk future, but sadly I don't think that will ever happen.

@fezzv3566 - 18.01.2022 16:31

Very interesting video, you are probably right that the future of our civilization is heading in this direction, but how much time will pass before we see the world just like in cyberpunk 2077, blade runner or neuromacer? I think it has to be at least one more century, even though medicine and technology are advancing super fast and it's just a matter of blinking before we have mechanical prostheses or chips in the brain, even though the gap between rich and poor is growing, it's not that big , even though large corporations are richer than some countries, it's hard to say now or imagine that they would take over the role of governments or have private armies. What do you guys think, how many years do we need to bring the world to this state?
By the way, it's very interesting what you said about art, namely that nothing is really new anymore and just recyclable, very interesting theory.
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@elainehelmont4647 - 08.01.2022 23:00

The future will be either communist or like a cyberpunk future,it will all depend on how ruthless and immoral paid soldiers can be.
If they are very immoral and don't mind at all shooting everyone they are paid to shoot even if innocent then the future will most likelly be a cyberpunk dystopia.

@raymanavichdemonslayer5929 - 26.12.2021 03:54

I think the future will look exactly like cyberpunk 2077

@DeusExNihilo - 30.11.2021 06:13

cyberpunk is a vision of technological stagnation, if the promises of a technological singularity are to be believed

@nofckinone2068 - 09.11.2021 03:57

Fucking patron takes 30% of your money bro.
Video is great!

@MS-il3ht - 12.10.2021 15:27

*It’s Friedrich Nietzsche

@breakbot519 - 26.09.2021 07:05

These comments are pissing me off bro I wanna know if I can be a god damn cyborg or not I don’t wanna know about your theories you think are deep😐

@yj_chew - 22.09.2021 12:45

What movie is the clip from?

@animanoir - 20.09.2021 04:46

within cells interlinked

@ZuluDFA - 17.09.2021 19:56

Except the future is already here.

@zan1971 - 16.09.2021 18:49

I don't think any government would allow a company to have more influence than it. That's why laws and Parliament exists. But the corporates could merge with governments and keep all governments corrupt. And sometime later people will lose the ability to vote, not because they can't but because it won't matter.

@Mach5Johnny - 16.09.2021 11:44

We’re all in it right now!

@davidbrown9237 - 13.09.2021 03:31

It's already here, we're just in the very early stages. The Cyberpunk we see in the movies and depicted in art is the 22nd century. My guess would be that the Cyberpunk period will be the last hi-tech period in our history as a species and will last a couple of centuries before humanity goes back to a more localized/lower tech civilisation. That's assuming humanity manages to survive ofc

@esotericmissionary - 12.09.2021 15:43

This video is bullshit. Mike Pondsmith stole every cyberpunk idea in this game from William Gibson's Sprawl series, which encapsulates Johnny Mnemonic, Burning Chrome, Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive. And, to quote Mr. Gibson, "The future is already here, it's just not spread out very even." Meaning all these ideas are state of the art last millennium. ☝
