HIDDEN DEPRESSION: 5 Signs You're Smiling, But Depressed

HIDDEN DEPRESSION: 5 Signs You're Smiling, But Depressed


1 год назад

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Psych2Go - 10.09.2022 13:03

If you could reverse something in life, what would that be and why?

BCT2 - 01.10.2023 22:15

Y’know what I hate? Certain people see mental health problems like this and go “Is this a reference to (insert game here)?”
If they’re using a game as an example for mental health like Psych2Go does sometimes (for example, OMORI), it can be an amazing way to describe it. But if you think it’s a direct reference to a game, then you need a therapist just as much as I- … as WE do.

KingPlayz - 01.10.2023 04:47

I discovered happiness is a mask, worn by thoses who dwell in misery

Niko and Vivi land
Niko and Vivi land - 29.09.2023 15:44

I feel trapped in this body by depression and humiliation 😢

S.S🎃💀 - 28.09.2023 20:39

I have a friend with depression ❤

Cruella - 25.09.2023 20:41

I am the extrovert person,I am that perfect thingy in family,at school,in friends group.
But I always cry why others are asleep,I pretend I am happy and outgoing and make people think I don't have any issues and problems.But I haven't spend a night without pain and tear.This is my first time confessing it

ニッシー - 25.09.2023 16:23

showing all my pain didn't even helped because they think im dramatic :')

Xchara - 24.09.2023 20:39

Sigh..tbh I have been depressed for a long time...but...thanks for my friends they helped me
Even tho I thought about death because of my depression....

dav - 24.09.2023 12:48


Merbrls - 23.09.2023 09:41

I don’t why I’m sad I mean my parents died but I’m over that o have my cat my dog my friends my grandparents yes school is stressful but the teachers are nice i don’t get why

3AM - 23.09.2023 09:34

… yeahhhh this is my crush.. this is why I’m helping him through his depression

Confused Uzi who commented
Confused Uzi who commented - 21.09.2023 03:58

I smile through pain and yeah it's hard :P

Baby J
Baby J - 20.09.2023 21:25

I don't know if I'm depressed, i just feel so bad about myself that I'm not smart , I'm not pretty and I feel guilty everyday that my parents are doing so much for me but I'm not and still feeling guilty nowadays it's even hard to study . I feel like I'm lazy but i just can't stop myself from watching phone all day and doing nothing. I do tell my bf about my worries but I feel like he is annoyed by me or irritated and my mom she gets Angry as I cry and don't tell her the reason but I just can't. I want these negetive thoughts to stop . Please

Plazminx - 20.09.2023 02:41

I think the one thing keeping me from thinking I have depression is the fact that I’m not sad constantly, or even often. It’s only when I get into major episodes that cause me to think I have depression, and that I’ve put up such a good facade that I’ve convinced myself that I’m alright.

Amai - 19.09.2023 09:05

5/5 yay

mfdoomify - 19.09.2023 05:37

This video caused me to cry so much...

Medic - 17.09.2023 10:44

I’m going insane.
I’m to loud to quiet?
What’s wrong with me why can’t I just be like everyone else

Mark McCormack
Mark McCormack - 17.09.2023 10:20

I’m definitely depressed

Jake - 17.09.2023 05:50

I been laughing all week but I'm dieing inside please help amen

TheWeatherExpert - 14.09.2023 07:02

I have 3 out of 5 Signs of these 
Should I be concerned

Hamza Atari
Hamza Atari - 14.09.2023 02:23

I never talked to someone how i feel when i am by my self cause of the fear of them making fun of me as they always do.

Ra - 13.09.2023 22:31

I've been running form my fears for so long, I think I'm finnaly running out of breath. My social mask consists of covering the problems with jokes and trying to outdo myself. The only time I'm distracted is at the gym, wich is bad because I'm already big enough that people don't ask me about my feelings and emotions

The Shadow Man
The Shadow Man - 12.09.2023 19:48

I thought I might have depretion, but I guess I don't , so it might be anxiety, I don't know how to describe it, but some days I just feel like I am in a really good happy mood, and then when I realize that I am I feel like I don't deserve to be this happy, and sometimes when I wach a kids movie, I fully expect the worst, the death of our main character, betrail or just them not able to rise from the darkness the movie puts them in, I can't eat infront of people in my own house because I feel gudged or they might steel my food, and when I work out at home I have to do it where no one can see me at a time when no one is awake, I wake up more tierd than when I went to sleep. That's all i can think of right now. So what do I have

Luffy - 12.09.2023 15:10

ur videos are literally my therapy

Yolanda - 12.09.2023 12:37

I had all of these signs before I even knew I was depressed I kept a smile on my face and nobody knew I was suffering in silence I was depressed for 5 yrs and isolated myself from everyone the last yr I finally was able to ask for help how to cope with depression because it lead me to try and commit suicide on 3 different occasions

Ender_teen13 - 12.09.2023 08:13

Sometimes at school, if I get a low grade my parents get mad at me and think I was “rushing” and won’t let me get another word in to try an tell them the truth so I always try and do my homework, even putting it first from myself and some other times if my friends I feel a small sensation that it was because of me, I try and ignore it but some days it’s just harder for me and I just pour myself into drawing or writing a small story I’m doing wich just leads to bad grades

Potato _123
Potato _123 - 10.09.2023 13:10

One day I told my friend I have depression and she just went like : Omg why are u such a drama queen what are you depressed about why are you even depressed are even in your teens yet only the teenage get depressed. I told her bro like every age gets depression not just teens . She said to me just shut up you are not depressed you always smile also you don’t even look depressed stop acting so old you know it doesn't look like you. You're just a lazy freak who thinks she's depressed.

Vallery_Lifestyle^^ - 09.09.2023 19:15

When I see ur videos they help me to say that I am not alone.....I have gone through this before and it helps me that I am not the only one there's people out there that might understand.❤ I love ur videos if u could please comment in this I would be happier for a while❤

Mary Silveira
Mary Silveira - 09.09.2023 07:24

I've been been dealing/feeling depression for years on end up to the point now to where I haven't felt happiness and can no longer really feel any feelings associated with happiness.

Because of various mental illnesses that I have, my family usually goes to those problems first and brings it up my doctors, which I definitely don't appreciate.

So I do my best to be outwardly happy when inside I'm completely miserable.

Whenever someone asks me about my feelings or whether or not I'm happy or suicidal especially when dealing with mental health, health, I've learned that best way for me is to lie to them and tell them what they want to hear.

Because as bad as my depression might seem it definitely won't get any better staying in a psych ward.

jan bernard ceracas
jan bernard ceracas - 09.09.2023 07:03

Maisie is that type of girl she smiles to the pain because of our behaviors to her maisie i see if you're reading this comment we are all sorry

Skull only on yt!
Skull only on yt! - 08.09.2023 06:38

I idk why all this makes sense to me bc I do it.

I want frinds
I want frinds - 08.09.2023 00:27

wth im 13 and i have all the signs 💀

boomblaster - 07.09.2023 16:38

I am suffering

Lixuanghu2 - 05.09.2023 23:27

Credits to voice actor doing this multiple times per day

CaptainGoji54 - 05.09.2023 17:42

I refuse to believe I have depression even tho I fill all the boxes

tired - 03.09.2023 07:55

Most of the time, I feel I’m too young to have depression and think I’m just dramatic. Is that a sign?

MimMiao - 03.09.2023 02:03

I'm afraid of venting cos I fear they would pity me, put me aside, feel awkward around me cos I'd ruin their happy mood.

Starr Sober
Starr Sober - 02.09.2023 10:24

Welp, I guess I have hidden depression. Bc all these sighs are what I do in public and at home

yue en
yue en - 01.09.2023 17:08

thank u for the talk it help me and with my thought of dying

Hoody K
Hoody K - 26.08.2023 16:38

I Hate these. just gonna repost: MOST PEOPLE, are living in a shallow world with no real experience in having problems. like seriously most have probably never been actually stressed their whole lives. You ever been homeless? Lost all your friends? Family abused you? Lost jobs and belongings? Ever even injured? Kids are so sheltered and spoonfed these days its ridiculous. Emotionally Immature is what most people are, the slightest things make them panic. Seriously go out into the world. Read real events, good and tragic. Set your bar higher. still in my 20s by the way.

Rifilon - 24.08.2023 01:42

i discovered that happiness is a mask, worn by thoes who dwell in misery

-suicide mouse

Lord Megatron G1
Lord Megatron G1 - 23.08.2023 02:15

I've told my mom, few minutes ago, that I might have depression as well, and she shouted "YOU HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE, YOU HAVE EPILEPSY, AND SO, YOU CAN'T HAVE DEPRESSION! EPILEPSY CAN MAKE YOU HAVE MISERABLE MOMENTS AFTER A SEIZURE ACTIVITY! THOSE KIDS WITH DEPRESSION DON'T HAVE EPILEPSY! STOP MAKING YOURSELF MISERABLE!!!!" and I just screamed "F YOU, MOM! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY FRICKING EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS! I AM GONNA KILL MYSELF, AND YOU ARE GONNA CRY AND SAY "OH! WHY DID DANIEL MAKE CATIE COMMIT SUICIDE? I AM GONNA KILL DANIEL, FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE! WAH WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!" And you will risk getting your fat ass into jail!!!!" And I stomped out of her room and I went into my room, and I slammed myself down on my bed, and I have scars from selfharm moments I experience.

Harry potter shorts 1317
Harry potter shorts 1317 - 22.08.2023 19:58

Today I had a competition and I lost it and I was trying to smile in school but when I got home I burst into tears in my bed 😢

Widojay2048 - 21.08.2023 22:40

Oh no. No, no, no I don’t have depression, I can’t have it. Number two hit deep though. Not five as well

Toy Optimus Prime
Toy Optimus Prime - 21.08.2023 03:58

My teenager friend Catie has been showing signs of depression, but she was diagnosed with epilepsy, as she does suffer from epilepsy, but she could be having another problem, which could be depression, because of what happened to her in brick and mortar schools, and in foster care, she was bullied and abused in in-person schools, and foster care, and she is still an epileptic person, but she could have depression, and she is afraid to tell anyone because they might not believe her, and they might tell her that she is just faking it. She is still sad, but she acts like she is not depressed, but she knows things are going down, and I've seen her self-harm attacks, as I had seen knife caused scars on each of her arms and legs. She can't have a safe space to process anything, because of her toxic older brother, no matter how many times she tries to tell him, he won't listen and he always says "DEPRESSION IS A MADE UP THING! IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" and so on, so Catie doesn't have a door to her room, because of her brother kicking down her door, and she wanted to kill herself, but at the same time, she wants to kill him, but she doesn't want to be thrown into jail, and lose all hope for her dreams to become real. Her dreams are to become a famous video game designer. She is afraid that she might not make it, too, and she slowly loses motivation, and she rarely does her chores. Her bedroom is a mess, but her bed is near her doorway, and she always has a fear that her brother would come in with a woodcutting saw, and saw her head off, but she remembers the day that her brother threw a metal cup at her head, and gave her a scar on her eyebrow. The injury in her eyebrow is now a scar, but on that day when the metal cup yeeted at her face, it wasn't a scar, it was a bloody mess, but luckily, it was taken care of. Catie wants to throw a metal cup and maybe even a glass jar at her brother, and scream "HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW, PUNK?!?!?!? I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER EVERY PAIN YOU CAUSED ME TO SUFFER, AND I WILL MAKE YOU FEEL THE PAIN I WENT THROUGH IN FOSTERCARE, AND BRICK AND MORTAR SCHOOLS!!!!!!" At him. She is in a cyber school, and she always says "hellos! How is everybody doin'? I am great as always!" In the chat during her live lesson classes, basically, zoom meetings that her school has. She has been fighting depression, secretly, and she knows part of it, and she always tries to be perfect, and such, but she doesn't feel like it wax enough, and she thought drowning herself in the bathtub once, but an inner voice that sounded like Scatman Crothers said "don't kill yourself, you're needed, and you could be a hero, in any way. You could act like a mom, to a 5 year old kid, who went to the park on his/her own, and is being stalked by a creep eho preys upon kids, because you look like an adult, instead of a 17 year old teenager. You can use your appearance as an advantage to deter pedos and such, but sometimes an advantage like that, can come with a disadvantage, such as if you are trying to get a boyfriend who is around your age, the parents of a teenaged boy would say "she's a pedo. Don't talk to her." Until you showed them evidence that you were a teenaged minor girl, and adult men who would target adult women to rape, would go after you too." then Catie stopped herself from committing suicide, and so she hasn't tried again at all, and she has been thinking of the possibilities that she has. Also, she wants to try to find a way to get more things to fix herself up with, but she can't afford them, and she has mugwort tincture as her medicine for her epilepsy, because of the bad side effects of the medication that doctors prescribe, and her parents fought to get her off the medicine tthatthe doctors prescribed to her, and now, she has mugwort and mugwort tincture as her medicines, for her epilepsy. Catie also wishes she was better at speaking and sometimes, she wishes that she was not an epileptic person, and sometimes, she wishes that she could find a boyfriend for herself, but she can't and such, and she rarely goes outside, and she is occasionally paranoid, scared, and anxious.

Catie does compare herself to others, and her mental conclusion is she is inferior compared to others.

Addison - 20.08.2023 00:39

Straight up me

Komi×homura - 19.08.2023 22:40

I'm greatful?? Venting doesn't help first all and second others in the comments suffer things worse than grooming

eggman empire
eggman empire - 18.08.2023 07:54

All of the above
