Zeiss 55mm f1.8 vs 50mm f1.4 Portrait Lens Comparison

Zeiss 55mm f1.8 vs 50mm f1.4 Portrait Lens Comparison

Julia Trotti

4 года назад

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@dentReviews - 21.02.2025 08:55

You need to do this test again with lens hoods.

@dirkziegler9580 - 19.01.2025 16:27

The 50mm F1.4 has quality issues. I have tested two of these lenses and both were decentered (hope this is the correct word in english). The left edge wasn't sharp, the right edge was sharp. I do not trust anymore in SONY's quality control and have ordered now the 55m F1.8. I am curious if this lens is better.

@maksimivanov5516 - 01.01.2025 11:40

Unedited photos are much better and cleaner than florence pack applied, sorry

@olo5881 - 22.12.2024 18:41

55 beter

@brugj03 - 27.11.2024 02:31

The 55mm is nice lens but the 50 is better. Ik like the Gm colors they are neutral without being boring. The Zeiss has to much gold brown to it.
I have both.

@Big_belly_kingdom - 15.08.2024 17:24

Can you suggest that Sony introduce second generation Zeiss lenses?

@marcotropic - 16.07.2024 23:54

The 3D pop on the 55 is crazy. How is the GM unable to beat it?

@TheBearOnHighway1 - 14.07.2024 02:37

I like the look of the 55mm. The 50 is wonderful and consistent but the 55mm just has a 3D pop to it. Thanks for the comparison review Julia.

@ersway - 25.05.2024 21:56

Very nice video. I'm checking out reviews at the moment as I've just purchased a mint used 50mm1.4. Slightly in doubt now though but I think the deal breaker is chromatic aberration with the 55mm which isn't explored in this vid.

@michaelajoseph6856 - 31.03.2024 09:19

Thank you for a very informative video!

@TheSixFilmStudio - 19.03.2024 08:59

Excellent work, thank you sincerely for doing this.

@ChrrZ - 22.07.2023 02:02

great comparision julia, thank you very much!

@Anna-gv7vo - 08.07.2023 07:06

I really love your photos and vídeos! Thank you

@Big_Sierra - 03.05.2023 01:59

Lovely video. Honestly for the price difference, I think the 55 is still a home run in 2023. :) for $500 I’ll be adding it to the bag. Thanks for the content!

@kenlor71 - 04.02.2023 06:02

Sorry, but you lost me the second I saw you holding your camera like a complete amateur.

@modelnaturephotography - 24.11.2022 04:14

Why didn't you stand a bit closer with the 50mm lens.

@PinoyMukbangPro - 03.11.2022 19:06

That extra 5mm sure gave the 50mm F1.4 a run for it's money. I have the 55mm Zeiss and I must say it's a compact lens.. makes it good to carry inside malls and security woudn't mine using with the compact A7C.. Who would have thought you are using a professional grade camera.. it's so small.. one would think it's a cheap prime lens.. but it's a Zeiss.

No reason to upgrade to 50mm F1.4.. Maybe 1.2 GM?

But it's true.. the 50mm 1.4F is flatter.. which make it a good lens for moody shoots..

@umiumi2638 - 04.10.2022 17:50

I seem to like the 55m better

@johannbekker6175 - 07.04.2022 16:07

55 isnt a budget lens at all

@igoryudnikov6198 - 01.04.2022 00:41

Omg) you photo skills are so good, you are even do not think how to compose a frame, nice to see this metal white box among bamboo grass in this so good location.

@SuperPicinka - 14.11.2021 20:04

I think the camera with Zeiss 55 is set to EV +1, while the other with 50mm is set to 0... :-)

@nattylo18 - 30.07.2021 19:04

What is your Florence preset thing in Lightroom?

@riz6392 - 29.07.2021 11:53

the 55mm lens image are more sharper than 50mm, any one agreed also ?

@onegreenev - 25.07.2021 07:40

Still hanging with my 55mm Sony/Zeiss. I will, when available again, buy the 50mm 1.2 GM. Nice comparison video. For a budget lens you can't beat the Sony/Zeiss 55mm. It just rocks the town. But I need the GM glass for my Sony A1.

@gbmv1441 - 25.07.2021 07:31

Julia, thank you. Reach out to me as needed, pls.

@Sirfunkymonkey - 18.07.2021 16:15

50mm 1.2 GM haha

@edross2826 - 10.07.2021 04:09

The model is really gorgeous...

@FoodFitnessAlways - 28.06.2021 16:11

Hi Julia, love your videos! Where did you get your harness from? I think it looks awesome! :)

@wysysi516 - 09.05.2021 15:09

I can see the eye shot with 50mm f1.4 is consistently sharper compared to 55mm

@michalbajza47 - 06.05.2021 17:23

hah the real budget 50mm lens is the Sony FE 50mm f1.8

@silcostoni - 05.05.2021 02:28

I see the 55 a little blueish ,but its make the pic look more beautiful

@samir1481 - 30.04.2021 08:17

Thanks you for this video Julia.
You really helping me starting photography.

@troydiehl4466 - 08.04.2021 06:27

The 55mm was the first lens I bought for Sony. It is amazing! I pair it with the 24 gm now and yeah buddy 👍. Highly recommend it

@Tzadeck - 04.04.2021 17:53

I really want the 55mm just as a walk around and street photography lens. Right now for portraits I use the Sigma 85mm 1.4 DG DN, which I'm really happy with and makes me feel like I don't need a 50 1.4.

I'm all about the GM 35mm 1.4 though. Gonna drop a pretty penny on that once it's actually readily available. The 55mm will have to wait, haha.

@peterchau19 - 03.04.2021 03:42

Considering nabbing the 50 1.4 for $1000, thoughts?

@tchlin - 19.03.2021 16:38

Aren't they both kind of expensive? Sony 50mm 1.8 oss is budget. Great photos as always.

@PH61a - 08.03.2021 21:11

Yes I bought the 55 yesterday. Thanks for your video...

@PH61a - 02.03.2021 19:43

Great comparison video. I am considering buying the 55 as there are so many pros for this lens. It seems like flare is the only con. Very pretty model by the way!

@scrooge0 - 28.02.2021 21:28

I own the 55 and I love it. It’s tiny and about 90% of the 50 so I really don’t see a need to upgrade. I don’t have autofocus issues but I do think one thing you didn’t touch on is that the chromatic aberration of the 55 is terrible. Literally every photo with bright lighting has blue and purple fringes everywhere that needs to be corrected.

@Tony-bn6sm - 28.02.2021 08:53

Love your tutorials... only just found you and going through them all.... was wondering what the external monitor is that you use as it wasnt plugged into the hotshoe.... I also went to your blog to see your gear list and all it does is take you to something called KIT which seems nothing to do with your camera gear... anyway looking forward to seeing all your videos over time....

@nathanbryant1134 - 28.02.2021 04:02

I'm so bummed they pushed the 35mm 1.4 back. That fire that happened caused shortages in material. No date in site as of now.

@granthorner - 28.02.2021 03:07

great review as always, can I ask what dual camera strap you're using pls?

@nunomarques3547 - 28.02.2021 01:15

Really nice video, i'm just not sure if i'm correct - Are you using a filter on your 50mm and none on your 55? And please correct me if i'm wrong :) I would also love to get a recommendation of the filters you use!

@AFR0MAMBA - 27.02.2021 04:55

When is the 50mm 1.4 GM coming out??

@Goncalopb - 27.02.2021 02:29

My first FF lens was the nifty 50 from Sony, the 200€ one. I then upgraded to the Zeiss 55 because the regular 50 is horrible for anything remotely professional for a billion reasons that would probably match any other brand's cheapest 50. The Zeiss is probably one of the most "magical" lenses I ever used, it has a character to it that no other 50 for Sony has, plus it's small - Really small. I eventually sold it and bought the Zeiss 50 1.4 but it never really felt like an upgrade, it felt like a "why did I spend more than double the price of the 55 on this". After all of those, I bought the Sigma 50 f.14 and that, for me, is the sweet spot for this focal range on Sony. The Sigma feels the Sharpest, the smoothest, the best focusing, and I feel like I can be blindfolded and have a great shot regardless.
TLDR: Sony 50 1.8 if it's all you can afford; Zeiss 55 for premium quality, magical look and onion bokeh; Zeiss 50 was the only lens I ever bought that I have literally no feelings for... can't explain; And the Sigma is the workhorse that makes you ask why you ever had any other 50 =)

@chuttanlal219 - 26.02.2021 04:45

1 lakh mai best camera wedding k liye photography with lens batye

@Electronix - 26.02.2021 04:40


@happylandings102 - 26.02.2021 02:11

Where did you get your camera strap? It's really nice.
