Legacy Blitzwing: My Black Black Heart Burns

Legacy Blitzwing: My Black Black Heart Burns


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Zim_zap_zombi - 19.09.2023 02:57

What joints do the big hulk hands have

Geese - 18.09.2023 06:51

a lot of people dont know that legacy does not focus on g1 accuracy its supposed to make designs fit in with the wfc show honestly i this that decision sucks all the tfp figures are inaccurate because of it and suck only thing legacy does right is armada some g1 characters and the idw designs

Megatron84 - 09.09.2023 21:45

Also the titans return one had a (pretty good) Megatron retool.

Gleamingcolt - 05.09.2023 07:44

There’s only one blitzwing I like (in terms of character, design wise, they both are cool) that is animated blitzwing.

I saw this guy in stores, and thought of picking it up, sadly I didn’t.

Bonelop's Fish Market
Bonelop's Fish Market - 02.08.2023 20:09

The laser fists on my copy were broken out of the box. Which is fine.

Isuck - 20.07.2023 08:08

Blitzwing singlehandedly has the WORST justification for a leader class figure. Every of these post siege leader class figures at this point all at least had SOME justification for their leader pricepoint whether it be actual more complicated engineering and/or some extra accessories that added more play features to the figure or were an important/iconic accessory for them. So what did hasbro do to justify Blitzwing's price? Throw in the most random shit possible and call it a day. Those laser hands are an absolute insult to this figure and to leader classes in general. It'd be better if Hasbro just didn't include anything than put those worthless pieces of plastic in there. I don't even think the figure is that bad, but he is a VOYAGER, not leader

Hicketts Is Epic
Hicketts Is Epic - 21.06.2023 04:54

Still so thankful for this video, because every time I look at my Siege Astrotrain, and think “man, should I get that Blitzwing to pair with him?” And get a good reminder why I haven’t gotten Blitzwing lol

jorik's strange stories
jorik's strange stories - 28.05.2023 14:31

To this day, i only found shockwave and jhiaxus from wave 2 in my country, and wave 2 is the one im most interested

Shadow Mewtwo Z • 2.5B views 12 seconds ago
Shadow Mewtwo Z • 2.5B views 12 seconds ago - 24.04.2023 23:20

Coming Soon: Legacy Blitzwing Commander Class. Just the Leader one but with pointless parts
Jokes aside, this figure isn't great, I'd rather get the Studio Series and too much for a leader

Cornelius Nelson
Cornelius Nelson - 20.04.2023 01:11

I saw a video that really made me dislike the figure. The animation team in g1 got his rank mode backwards, and his jet mode was colored in a way on the original toy to have the mind erase the tank junk on the wing, they didn’t design the toy like that because they wanted to, they did it because that’s all they could do, so they used a really good use of color theory to have the human brain fix that. The animators were just to simple brained at the time to understand what they were going for.

Then for whatever reason legacy designers decided to keep the bad mistake of the past while sculpting the figure in a way that you can’t turn the tank turret around to look correct, or format the wings in a way where the look somewhat decent, rather than having the kibble be shaped of the wings which is actually less distracting than what they did. They decided to do slap a brick of loose panels under it.

don’t even get me started on the arm panels, who designed those, the person who designed Tracks legs? Then those big hands, I was actually really excited for them, thought they were cool and could got well with other figures. sadly the actual port inside them is too short for any one to hold onto. Blitzwing can’t hold onto them, all so they could be stored in his tank mode which makes it look worse than it already does.

I don’t get this figure, I can’t keep my hands off of him because how fun it is to pose and transform, yet it hurts to look at him. wish I could say that for astrotrain who hurts to look at and is not fun to play with. I hear people say that earthrise astrotrain is so much better than titans return. now while I didn’t get Tr astrotrain I had TR sentinel prime, that mold is so much cooler looking and fun to play with, and it’s not shorter than Megatron. I know that ER Astrotrain is scaled for his train mode, which was a smaller Japanese train. frankly I don’t care, in the cartoon he was able to fit so many decepticons in him in both modes, and he was huge in most shots in robot mode. he should have been a commander to equal out Jetfire. Also love how much he played into the series on netflix shows up at the end as big as Omega Supreme to do nothing and never appear again.

The fact both astrotrain and blitzwing are shorter than siege Megatron (who in my opinion is already too short) is just dumb. then SS separates it’s triple changers into two figures. It seems like hasbro hates Triple changers in recent years as the only decent one is Snapdragon, who still isn’t that good of a figure. I love both of the decepticon triple changers, love blitzwing design, grew up with animated after all, and I have always loved trains, so to see them get such mediocre figures is terrible.

I do not understand how anyone could defend either of those figures, also you complain about long legs, I can get by long legs as long as the knee is in a spot that it’s useful. ER Astrotrain has his knees so high up, his shin is like 4 times the length of his thigh.

Chapel John
Chapel John - 18.03.2023 00:16

One piece of articulation you missed is the waist, it turns.

- 48
- 48 - 23.02.2023 16:31

Personally I think the worst part is that the figure itself is good, but they tried to justify the leader price in all the wrong ways, such as adding the hands instead of focusing more on the alt modes

FISTERBLISTER - 16.02.2023 17:06

Is it just my figure or does the visor have a mold line on it ?

FISTERBLISTER - 16.02.2023 17:02

Got it on sale for 37 dollars
still feels like the giant hands are such a waste of plastics

Scourgeisoptimusprime - 15.02.2023 07:27

Will you be getting legacy black Zarak?

One Track Mind
One Track Mind - 12.02.2023 01:50

Personally I like it

AidenMB - 28.12.2022 23:01

I finally got him and he's decent. He has the problems mentioned above but mine seems to assembled by a drunk person

king prime
king prime - 26.12.2022 22:17

I just got Studio series bb arcee and ironhide and this guy I have to say I have a little bit of buyers remorse for him

HECKLER Productions
HECKLER Productions - 09.12.2022 23:25

It’s always so ironic to me. There is always something that is universally hated in the transformers community is something I actually like. XD

Michael Dunlap
Michael Dunlap - 02.12.2022 23:24

Now, The pervert side of me would say I LOVE the tank dick. (I have a tendency to sorta be a pervert in some areas. XD)
But Really tho, that tank dick looks fucking stupid.

bahamutskingdom - 19.11.2022 21:27

Now that I have the figure, the only good form is the robot. The rest was so depressingly bad. I mean when my G1 version is actually better...............

The Infinity Block
The Infinity Block - 13.11.2022 09:14

Funny enough, the on G1 toy the thrusters were actually meant to be on the front, making the G1 Show Tank innacurate with the toy, and therefore giving the Legacy version G1 accuracy, that's not even accurate to itself.

megatronacepticon - 09.11.2022 06:22

G1 Blitzwing had 2 balling alt modes and a robot mode that took the hit to make the vehicle modes good. This figure took that and flipped it, giving us a killer robot mode with two suffering alt modes.

The Infinity Block
The Infinity Block - 04.11.2022 09:00

I honestly was expecting the jet mode for Blitzwing to be goofy as hell before the leaks, but I was not expecting the tank to have an erection.

Ed1993 - 03.11.2022 04:51

watching this guys videos at 0.75 speed

Salman Edy
Salman Edy - 02.11.2022 16:13

"Everything else sucks so much dick, that it's competing in the prostitute Olympics."

My sides hurt. 🤣🤣

LucasThePrime - 02.11.2022 15:16

It would be so good if it was an upgraded TR Blitzwing (ankle tilts, sword wielding wrists, wrist/waist swivel) with the Takara Legends color scheme. And I’d love it if they changed the hands to random guns. Edit: THE HANDS PARTSFORM??!! I thought it was hinged similar to CW Devastator.

Winnie Ho
Winnie Ho - 02.11.2022 06:06

When I watched this on tv I got a transformers prime ad on this video

Grim Squeaker
Grim Squeaker - 29.10.2022 21:55

What makes a good figure depends on priorities.

Personally the top thing I want is a good g1 bot mode for my chug shelf and this delivers in spades.

The second thing I want is an interesting transformation. Again this is pretty good on that front.

And third is a good looking alt mode.... so kinda a double fail here on that one. But I gotta say it's not enough to make me not love this

Scourgeisoptimusprime - 29.10.2022 05:58

Is it bad I find both alt modes appealing and I really really want this

Mocha Lavender93
Mocha Lavender93 - 27.10.2022 19:27

I just watched a review that was kinda nice to this figure. It didn't feel right until I watched this review tear this guy apart.

Beedrillbot 121
Beedrillbot 121 - 22.10.2022 03:10

I just got this figure with it being the second new TF from the Siege-Legacy toy lines that I have.
It is much better than the Thrilling 30’s figure in every way. Like it isn’t even funny how terrible that mold is. I missed out on TR since I only saw a Blitzwing once, then picked up Galvatron which killed my interest in Transformers till about a year ago when I got Energon Starscream for cheep.

I will say this, those damn energon hands really make me wish they would remake the Energon combiners soon. Like we just got a okay version of every single G1 era combiner (except Liokaiser and Menasor cause fuck those figures.) can we please get improved versions of the Fall of Cybertron Bruticus and the Maximus combiners.

Bonn The Gibus
Bonn The Gibus - 07.10.2022 08:07

I love this thing tbh, I dunno I just really love it, heck I prefer this over the TR one, and I own that figure too. The reason why I liked this more is obviously the robot mode (obviously, he has better proportions and articulation), but suprisingly the tank mode too, granted the COCKpit is hideous in the front but comparing both tanks, the Legacy one looks way better.

The TR one looks gappy on the front, I don't really how it looks like someone chopped off the front of the tank. Heck I prefer the front COCKpit tank, over the jet booster front of the TR one (however its like choosing the lesser of two evils, both have very comprimized tank modes).

Now the jet mode obviously TR takes the cake, its better no question.

Not to mention that my copy of TR Blitzwing has weird qc (loose joints and leg panels wont tab in),
Now on its own, I think its fun, it's not the best (and especially not worth leader price, at least the aged TR one is worth the voyage price), but I thinks its more fun.

Nintendo Convert
Nintendo Convert - 06.10.2022 04:55

It’s not without it’s flaws in both alt modes, but damn, I love this figure! I’m not picky about accuracy because at the end of the day, creative teams can change the look whenever they want. As long as it’s recognizable to source material and otherwise well done, I won’t get upset. For example, I love Studio Series Soundwave from the Bumblebee movie.

It’s kind of like trying to identify what Captain America looks like. What’s he have, at least 100 suits? How about Batman? Is he blue, blue and gray, black and yellow, just black, black and gray, gray black and yellow, etc.

Phantom_Games - 10.09.2022 15:31

Actually titans return is more accurate due to the fact the original g1 toy before becoming blitzwing had the thrusters in the front and the cockpit in the back. The people drawing the show where just dumb when they transformed the figure.

Harpy Beagle
Harpy Beagle - 08.09.2022 19:41

This guys I 70 dollars where I live lol

Dead End !
Dead End ! - 07.09.2022 16:30

I will not pay full price for this. Nor will i pay for only 15% off... needs to be 25% off or more

trence5 - 01.09.2022 08:31

He looks sooooooo good in robot mode, but when I look at the price - and the size, it's gives me more reason to just stick with my TR one.

MechanWhal - 01.09.2022 07:34

I’d almost rather they redesign the robot mode completely if it meant the alt modes didn’t end up sucking so badly.

Marcelino Soliz
Marcelino Soliz - 29.08.2022 05:14

I guess you think you're being edgy but honestly, you're trying too hard.

Kyle Moylan
Kyle Moylan - 28.08.2022 09:12

So if I wanted to get a Blitzwing I should get the Titans Return version?

David Baker
David Baker - 23.08.2022 10:01

Your review made me realize that I don't really like him. Thanks for stopping me from wasting my money!

JV9012 - 21.08.2022 23:25

Actually, there are ALOT of people who want g1 accuracy, and according to the videos I have seen... Those kinds of peolpe are realy demanding when it comes to transformers, especially g1

Speed Demon
Speed Demon - 18.08.2022 06:37

If you get this angry at this Blitzwing figure then I’d hate to see how angry you would get if you had to spend 6 hours a day with modern 8th graders who scream their fucking heads off.

Nate - 14.08.2022 23:46

Just got him and uh…. People really think the titans return one is better? The jet mode is fine to me but I love the tank and robot of the legacy soooo much. TR had a pretty cool jet mode but a meh tank and robot mode. Idk I’ll take this anyday over the TR especially with how horribly the TR looks in anything but an A stance. Legacy also has a lot better feeling plastic, the TR always felt like a bit of a chip bag to me. Tbh even as much as I like this if blitzwing isn’t a big character to someone and they already have TR I can see why they would pass.

Benti-main - 13.08.2022 21:29

(before u ask i'm fina act like a dinobot) me think legacy is full of baaad bwastews and swoooords legacy kinda sucks isf the rest aint shiot

mang kanor
mang kanor - 11.08.2022 04:07

cheaper built more expensive becuz the fans are suckers

rattrap productions
rattrap productions - 11.08.2022 01:40

The tank looks good the cockpit isn’t that bad and the titans return tank kind of sucks but i think the plane sucks on the legacy and the titans return jet rules!!!
