In Conversation With Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

In Conversation With Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

Bloomberg Live

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@RindangArdiansyah - 30.05.2024 14:56

jokowi kalau di undang kesini bisa ga ya pake english

@user-rl3iv2jk9q - 29.05.2024 09:21

Al-Hijrah / 29 May 2024 Anno Domini :
Pinang anwar is the
" head - vampire " of the peninsular malays , and , they are proud of him and proud of what they are .
I have 43 years of experience with the peninsular malays . I do not believe that they are Muslims , not even one of them .
Peninsular malays have a semi - secret philosophy that they believe in and live by . That philosophy is deceitful and hostile to the rest of global humanity .
The semi-secret philosophy of peninsular malays is not the religion of Islamic monoteism . No global human being should ever believe that peninsular malays are muslims .
The fanciful , elegant clothing worn by peninsular malays on ceremonial occasions is not theirs , they uh ,
" appropriated " such attire from the Hindus of India ( negara Bharat ) .
Peninsular malays are not civilized peopke , they are primitives . For example , they have no written language , a criteria to be categorized as civilized . Their thoughts , their feelings , their strongly repressed behaviors , are all primitive .
Pinang anwar has a long history of lying to what he asserts are " his own people " . In the 1990s he postured and posed as a mystical leader , setting up night-time socio-political rallies illuminated only by flickering torches . He directed day-time street protests that disrupted the livelihoods and businesses of humble street vendors . He systematically subverted established governmental authority .
Pinang anwar's cousin , also from pinang , hijacked MH 370 in 2014 and MURDERED ALL of the UNAWARE UNINFORMED PASSEGERS and CREW MEMBERS .
The current rotational king , from Johor , has an illegally obtained personal fortune of over EIGHT BILLION U S. DOLLARS , has built up an illegal army as if he is a terrorist " war-lord" , and murdered , MURDERED an ordinary , innocent servant ON A GOLF COURSE IN BROAD DAYLIGHT in 1987 , and he murdered him WITH A GOLF CLUB .
Peninsular malays approve of and celebrate both of these parasitic , vampiric political MONSTERS , proven by all the adulatory , celebratoryv, and approving comments posted on many You Tube channels .
The peninsular malays have a semi-secret ideology of unprovoked aggression against Thailand 🇹🇭 , the Philippines 🇵🇭 , and Indonesia 🇮🇩 , and it is pinang anwar's " brain child " , termed "Maha Malaysia " . They demand more territory , and they demand " respect" .
Not only is everything about MH 370 suspicious , everything about MH 17 over ukraine is totally suspicious . Global humanity should demand an enforced and enforce-able investigatiion into peninsular malay society and government , resulting in full prosecutions and full reparations to victims of their undeclared , unprovoked war of aggression .

@user-rl3iv2jk9q - 29.05.2024 06:57

Al-Hijrah 28 May 2024 AD :
War Criminals of
Malaysia :
Master terrorist and mass-murderer Pinang Anwar , the " war - lord terrorist " of Johor
Regional - Global Defense . . .

@user-rl3iv2jk9q - 29.05.2024 06:22

AH / 28 May 2024 AD :
" You Tube " executives , or , whoever / whatever faceless others , that delete my posted comments , will not deter nor alter the course of my trajectory in peninsular and island SE Asia .

@jegannagaseras6323 - 27.05.2024 22:13

Plz remark someting, he is making fun to malaysian indians

@user-rl3iv2jk9q - 27.05.2024 01:24

AH / 25 May 24 ~
In the beginning after the confrontations of 1969 , Mahathir became Secretary of Education , and all peninsular malays seeking relief from the ancient Sultans became Mahathir loyalists . These
" Mahathir loyalists " were/are maybe more like
" constructive modernists" who believed that some measures of western secularism and modernity would mitigate primitive emotions and tribalism as well as both reduce the sway of the sultans within the population of malays AND restrict sultanic claims of absolute authority . Mahathir succeeded to enact a series of national legislation . Influenced by Western ideals , industry , and technology , . Mahathir partially tried to revoltt against westernization , partially did in fact utilize it for the broad benefit of malays. He did this by drafting and enacting policies .
It.must be understood that basically all adult peninsular malays of 2024 were educated to read and learn under and within Mahathir's policies in their public education system . The Sultans were repressed by Mahathir , he had many claims against them . Also ever-annoying Mahathir were the "Malay Classicists and/or Purists" that secretly remained loyal and subserviant to the Sultans . An example of such peninsular malays. were/are those who wanted education in Jawi , and that the Sultans represent malays in all levels of government administration and even world politics . Pen. malay influence was strong regionally because Melayu basically became the national language of Indonesia .
There are peninsular malays that are primitive and protected , the Jakun . They live in the jungles , and foreigners are not allowed any contact with them . It is likely that under the current Prime Minister they are being both neglected and pressured . It is accurate to try to understand that the early through early elder years pf Mahathir was a " golden age " for peninsular malays .
Beginning in the 1990s , Anwar's numerous supporters were mobilizing on the streets iof KL , groups of them protesting this and that , here and there . Mahathir conducted a multi-year campaign to unite all peninsular malays and this was bitter but not very overtr socio-political warfare . Mahathir over years tried to simultaneously incorporate Anwar and regulate him.
Anwar used different civil modes and cultural emotions to broaden and deepen his base of support . He would organize small night-time rallies illuminated only by flickering torches , he would lecture by day on government bureaucracy, discuss history in afternoon panel settings .

. . . and he styles it
" Maha Malaysia " .
In the early 1990s in the Jazirah Melayu , anwar' organized socio-political , night time flaming-torch , mystical " rallies" , crowds of malay supporters , most of them disgruntled about one matter over another . To his credit , he understood that he need not intimidate them after invitation , they were basically already believers . There are video-audio remnants of these rallies , this journalists does not seek them . During the 1990s , to casual outside observers , it was not understood that while anwar rallies and spot protests often held small numbers , each attendee had / represented many more not in attendance .
Over decades , while enduring repeated Mahathir campaigns to unite the peninsular malay socio-polittically , Anwar in prison was recruiting foreign , non-Melayu supporters , some Muslim some not.
1n the 1990s , Anwar was embroiled in beyond-border adventures , such as seducing the adult children of the mighty Suharto , prompting Suharto to forcibly stop his children's collusion and collaboration ( KKN = Korruptsi , kollusi , nepotisme) , a popular slogan in Indonesia 🇮🇩 . There are many examples of Anwar's evil and crazed behavior , same with the rotational king .
There were some pm s , they are , like , patriots and nationalists . They say , that , Mahathir is of Tamil descent . If this is true , it seems unlikely that family clung to the great Tamilese . Mahathir is pure Bumiputra .
Mahathir , in grandeur and splendor , was received by U.S. POTUS REAGAN , and , he was personally introduced in the Oval Office , by Bapak Bush to Bapak Reagan . This was a long time ago .
Mahathir explained all his policies to Bapak Pembangunan Reagan .
Concluding , there are incredible audio-video recordings of Mahathir in his middle years . He delivered amazing speeches in multiple forums across all of Asia .
Impoverished Pribumi families in Indonesia 🇮🇩 read specially printed books about him and his policies . Curious that the government of Indonesia 🇮🇩 allows him to give away such books to the Rakyat Pribumi ( Impoverished Indonesians ) .
Important words :
The term " peninsular malay" refers to all of them that were educated beneath Mahathir . Before Mahathir they already had self-consciousness , understanding , about their failures and successes . They actually think of themselves as Bumiputras .Here , we must begin to understand that , in centuries past , there were dissenting peninsular malays .
. . . This is why there are malays in Brunei 🇧🇳 , southern Thailand 🇹🇭 , Singapore 🇸🇬 , and. , Indonesia 🇮🇩 .
A diaspora . Mahathir and Anwar are fighting about regional affairs , and leadership among the peninsular malay diaspora . One reason this is interesting , is because peninsular malay men became oceaneers , and they crafted small strong boats to move out into regional waters to do commerce . Some amatuer scholars assert Magellan's crew was ambushed in the Philippines 🇵🇭 by peninsular malays . Centuries later , in a modern high-tech commercial planet , a portion of their population tries to expand in a clandestine war that befoggs western minds . It is not a " hot war " . It is a low-level cross-border influence war , already 30 years old , managed and directed by Anwar .
All peninsular malays , including the Jakun and the sea-suku ( families living on boats ) , are Bumiputras .
Pribumis are all the indigenous people ( sukus ) in Indonesia 🇮🇩 .
The words bumiputra and pribumi connotate indigenous sentiments , and indicate partial rejection of westernization in the peninsular and Indo - island worlds .
All of this is information that anwar denies to all of you . He offers no descriptions , no explanations , no real analysis . He never discusses his murderous cousin , the pilot of MH 370 , nor the golf-club murderous sulthan of Johor ,
now rotational king . This rotational.king is publicly , in global journalism , accused of an illegal eight-billion U.S. dollar personal fortune , and amassing and training an illegal Infantry as if he is some kind of " war - lord " . They like each other , and make public appearances together .
Anwar has evolved his flaming torch small rallies to bigger ones these days , where hundreds representing tens of thousands cheer him and adulate him .
Adulation , adulate.
~ Spanning many , many centuries , peninsular malays were originally animistic , then adoptive of Hinduism , then they declared to be Muslims . Some knowledgeable people say , but do not discuss , that pen. malays are not Muslims . Related to this , for many overlapping centuries , pen. malays were intrigued by Chinese junks and crafted products from mainland China 🇨🇳 .
It should be noted , that , the fanciful , beautiful ceremonial clothing worn by malays is Hindu in derivation .
Last week of May 2024
The above is current alternative history introducing the Malay World of SE Asia to English-speaking global humanity , written by a U.S. national in Indiana , USA 🇺🇸 .

@LonganLee - 25.05.2024 17:09

Superpower country may become just Big Country in the Bi-Polar world? What happens if all smaller states do not take sides? What happen to the Super? Will smaller states benefit in a bi-polar world as both powers need to compete harder ?

@svdpro5631 - 25.05.2024 11:58


@DMAConnection - 24.05.2024 14:10

Super love a PM that speaks so well in the global stage... Thank you

@karldonitz8056 - 23.05.2024 02:09

I believe malaysia under pak Anwar Ibrahim will grows up to the next level, because we Indonesian know who he is. He has a long and close relationship with our great politicians, especially with our two former presidents, with our president Jokowi, and with our president-elect Prabowo. Regards, Mr. Prime Minister.

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:08

This one understanding underground di suaring kat buttonlah in kun payagun di swan go intramah tenis okey

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:08

This one understand in doktor recorruption okey from palestin understand 2% from saksi stop in this one is stop business okey perang palestin understand the procedure 2 version i stop this wanted depression stop from umat palestin everything

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:07

This one the stand in islam understand dunia everything kaabah in dakwah in kaabah centre everything all di bawah lima waktu kusyen trade pramuka penis okey rizwan danger in rukun five finish pram kak button okey happy in gentle in nabi muhammad alaihissalam fram umat kuning in akhirat tingkap baitullah

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:07

This one the stand in islam understand dunia everything kaabah in dakwah in kaabah centre everything all di bawah lima waktu kusyen trade pramuka penis okey rizwan danger in rukun five finish pram kak button okey happy in gentle in nabi muhammad alaihissalam fram umat kuning in akhirat tingkap baitullah

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:07

This one the stand in islam understand dunia everything kaabah in dakwah in kaabah centre everything all di bawah lima waktu kusyen trade pramuka penis okey rizwan danger in rukun five finish pram kak button okey happy in gentle in nabi muhammad alaihissalam fram umat kuning in akhirat tingkap baitullah

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:06

This one the stand in islam understand dunia everything kaabah in dakwah in kaabah centre everything all di bawah lima waktu kusyen trade pramuka penis okey rizwan danger in rukun five finish pram kak button okey happy in gentle in nabi muhammad alaihissalam fram umat kuning in akhirat tingkap baitullah

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:05

Dishwani nomad old dead okay baby dead this one understand acting promiseraal israel di san france from eye everything

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:05

Dishwani nomad old dead okay baby dead this one understand acting promiseraal israel di san france from eye everything

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:05

Dishwara destination in penis dunia di suami masjidil aqsa penis dunia masjidil aqsa connecting from kaabatullah connecting from centre

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:04

Emas di suara understand dekat friend from air di suara distance focableting okey this one beli pram complex iconnecting from siswane connecting palam israel pemiking peramai okey how many in understand how many understand in believe in islam dunia dunia number one

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:03

This one destiny subahanallah subhanahu wa ta'ala connecting from allah subhanahuwataala this one understand it allah subhanahu wa ta'ala 24 lintas b number one connecting in hard

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:02

Jus sidratalamustaki malaysia subhanallah subhanallah subhanallah tasbih

@RudyAbdullah-ey1eg - 22.05.2024 21:01

This one understand sri dataran mustakim this one in jus okey everything just

@user-nb3eq1pp7o - 22.05.2024 19:55


@lelun482 - 22.05.2024 15:58

this person is al munafikun al juburi

@idawati8413 - 22.05.2024 08:40


@shengshenglia6170 - 22.05.2024 07:24

Proud of Malaysia PM, the host also did her homework by digging in the harsh question to ask😂

@evanchanel3169 - 22.05.2024 05:15

Gestur tubuh Anwar Ibrahim, saat berbicara sangat baik...beliau adalah pembicara ulung..

@mjusmaime4524 - 22.05.2024 02:28

Terbaik PM Anwar Ibrahim.... Proud of you....

@tokwanhusin8438 - 21.05.2024 16:26

Agen belumbuk

@mohamadanuarariffin8294 - 21.05.2024 16:02


@shuhaimihashim6096 - 21.05.2024 14:58

Puan Haslinda pon feninggggg hahahahha

@Getwellsoon96 - 21.05.2024 13:23

Ber ber ber saya ulam esok minyak turun🎉

@thechieftain7346 - 21.05.2024 13:13


@user-vw5rt8cj8l - 21.05.2024 12:25

Right now,his is the one who raised voice no for genocide,we should support him

@Fjkll434 - 21.05.2024 10:16

He & PH should have brought back govt-run English medium schools, but he didn't do so. Maybe he was afraid of Dongkey Zong, the Malaysian Chinese educationists association who preferred Mandarin.

@user-oc7vm5tr8y - 21.05.2024 09:33

Brilliant!. Much ❤ DSAI.

@zackshahalam - 21.05.2024 08:16

Buka mulut je......

@leejeje6001 - 21.05.2024 08:14

Kalo pak janggar yang kepilih yang diatas panggung ada 3 orang😂, yang 1 translator, kalo gak yang nempel di kuping ada 4 alat😅

@jamalbinmohamed6206 - 21.05.2024 04:12


@kcchiok - 21.05.2024 03:53

imagine if Malaysia under PMX earlier back then after Tun M, how amazing the country will become
you asked the wrong question, you have to ask PMX what is the thing not challenging haha!
everyday PMX faced uncounted challenges haha and he is doing well, economy progressing well

@sg1965sg - 21.05.2024 03:24

This is why Malaysia 🇲🇾 will NEVER beat Singapore 🇸🇬

@sulisismail742 - 21.05.2024 02:23

Sprm😂was görüp your deputy pm was corup 47 kes on his head most your govemen all corup…!!!

@sulisismail742 - 21.05.2024 02:17

Bull shit walk pis on the runing pmx Malaysia…!!!

@user-js3dl9ws2m - 21.05.2024 01:01


@user-fh3yx9vw7v - 21.05.2024 00:08

He suffered & humiliated so much by corrupt leader.
Hope he can get rid of corruption in Malaysia.

@user-jx5rg4hz6b - 21.05.2024 00:06

🤣🤣🤣. Kaki wayang kuat

@rusman69wahid94 - 20.05.2024 20:34

zionist channel

@Izi-uv8ex - 20.05.2024 19:55

The Great Leader

@anwaryeopkamaruddin - 20.05.2024 18:39

yes, you are correct when you probe the question to him in selecting prosecuted opposition individuals especially but lay down on his deputy prime minister.....
