A Story Analysis of Demon's Souls

A Story Analysis of Demon's Souls


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@Coff33Drink3r02 - 07.02.2024 10:30

Is there a part where he states why he's playing the shitty og version and not the remake?

@jakesalem8671 - 06.02.2024 15:50

Bro I'm sorry, but if you just "hit bosses until they were dead with no consideration toward their movesets" (paraphrasing) for the likes of Flamelurker or the Maneaters, ESPECIALLY the latter, then I think you should try taking them on a little earlier if you know what I mean lol. I can see that sentiment for a ton of the bosses, especially on world 5, but come on, just Pen and Allant?

Also, as far as the whole healing thing, I get what you're saying, but I still hate it. And it directly hinders my ability to explore outside of my comfort zone and take bigger risks, like going way out of sequence with the levels. It's a huge pain in the ass to have to farm for grass. Conversely you can farm enough to make the game way easier than it should be most of the time. It's a bad system. I want to like it, but it just makes it way too tedious to tackle things outside of your AR range or 'sequence break', something I'd otherwise like to agree with you on praising.

That said I'm basing this all on my last playthrough last week. Admittedly even though I've had the game for a decade, I've only played it a handful of times. But I don't remember it ever giving me as much trouble as it did. Only realized toward the end that I was underleveled and my weapons were AWFUL (Mercury Spiral Rapier and Blind lol), particularly for bosses. Also messed with PBWT without really understanding how bad the consequences were. Popped a bunch of hard souls for levels and made a normal Uchi and my AR went up by over 100. 😭Unfortunately that was just before Pen & Allant and it actually made them laughable compared to the parts that were giving me trouble, so... subjective indeed. (Hell I even remember comparing damage on Allant for giggles. 85 with my rapier's R1, 235 with the uchi's. 😭😭😭)

Anyway sorry for the tangent, all I wanted to say is there's no way you aren't getting knocked off by Maneaters without paying close attention to them, nor two-shot without being a strong build. That and grass sucks. You could make an hour-long video titled "Why Dark Souls is better than Demon's Souls" and just leave a picture of the flask up the whole time without saying anything and I'd still agree. And probably leave a comment this long.

@bigguygabe8826 - 27.01.2024 14:39

I disagree with several points but still a solid video!

@pentexsucks43 - 19.01.2024 02:00

"Decent". Its better than Ds3 and Elden Ring, its a masterpiece

@monstertamer8681 - 14.01.2024 07:01

Hope you do a review of the remake mostly want to hear your opinion on the moonlight great sword of demons souls

@ryleyvandenbosch1123 - 11.01.2024 20:48

Gettin top from that moon grass

@Salad1354 - 29.12.2023 19:29

See my main question is I can see his main point on janky controls and all that but he decided to play the original and not the remake which I would’ve liked to see both versions and how his opinions changed when switching from ps3 to ps5

@fauxshowyo - 15.12.2023 12:57

"decent" lol dweeb

@KaiserAfini - 11.12.2023 22:57

The demons are created based on the legends of that civilization. Boletaria believed in the strength of humanity, so their demons were based on their legendary knights, because Allant's reign had attained renowned prosperity. The Armor Spider could be a creation of the burrowers, it uses lava as a power source and its covered it elaborate armor, maybe part of the lost technology of the soul arts included combat golems and this is how people remembered it. The flamelurker is probably how people remember Big M, with the explosions being how people thought of his powerful punches and the magical damage of the gloves.

@rosarialeah - 10.12.2023 11:32

Play Demon's Souls in NG+ then the true Demon's Souls begins.

@BruTalc - 29.11.2023 21:38

Demon's Souls merely "decent" and Dark Souls 2 "brilliant?"

Nah this ain't it son.

@topcover7390 - 25.11.2023 23:49

The remake was incredible and here's to hoping they remake DS1/DS2.

@SableLeaf - 24.11.2023 04:38

There's one point that Gingy weirdly forgets to mention or is unaware of in this video: FromSoftware - at the time of developing Demon's Souls and Ninja Blade (a game which bombed painfully) - was in the slow verge of financial bankruptcy and possible company closure. As such, a lot of Demon's Souls is reflective of that: a beautiful, experimental and messy climb up through developing a spiritual successor to avoid company death - literally a quality product of constraints. A lot of the issues Gingy has with Demon's Souls are almost all linked to this, like Yuria not being expanded (NPC quests), the lack of boss cohesion with the level, and the lore not being elaborate. As you may understand, it's hard to figure these things out with such a tight circumstance (e.g. budget, time, etc.), which naturally forced the development team to focus on gameplay elements (e.g. enemy and level design, gameplay loop, etc.) over thematic elements (e.g. story, lore, etc.). This can be plainly seen in the data-mined game files for Demon's Souls, and has been discussed many times in interviews post Demon's Souls release. Even Miyazaki said that Demon's Souls did not get the benefit of a flourishing game development cycle, which Dark Souls 1 and Souls games after had (except for Dark Souls 2). Thinking about all the hurdles the development team had to go through to develop Demon's Souls, it's astonishing that Demon's Souls exists.

As such, comparing it strictly to Souls games released after is kind of ignorant, considering that - if Demon's Souls was not successful/amazing for its time - what Souls games we have now would not even exist to compare Demon's Souls with. Shit, *we wouldn't even get Armored Core VI*. Stop and think about this for a moment. If Demon's Souls was not developed, we would've just had Ninja Blade (which sucks arse), and FromSoftware might've closed around 2010.

@jollygrapefruit786 - 23.11.2023 00:33

You're a clown lol. If you're disappointed by certain aspects being weaker in an original title than in its sequels, you clearly set your expectations too high and weren't able to analyze the game in a vacuum. Calling this game Mid is also just objectively wrong.

@ARFed - 18.11.2023 05:56

THANK YOU, I thought I was going crazy, everyone was saying you need a full official set for the bridge to drop but I remember using just the hat. I was ready to gaslighting myself into believing I was wrong

@Sigma_Vehnke - 13.11.2023 09:59

I knew nothing of this game other than The Aviators' songs on it... this was very interesting!

@realtimtamtom - 09.11.2023 13:25

why didnt u take a look at the remake of demon souls?

@deprivate - 06.11.2023 04:20

still better than dark souls 3

@nickmyers3681 - 05.11.2023 04:23

Does anyone else see how the correlations between old one and sin from final fantasy x. The cycle of sacrifice to stop a world ending event

@MrShuckedSean - 01.11.2023 17:04

I found daemon souls to be the hardest one lol. I think it's just because of how sluggish the controls feel.

@firstnameiii7270 - 31.10.2023 07:15


@duckfield2520 - 23.10.2023 11:16

This game was revolutionary when it came out. You had to be there.

@ihmpall - 21.10.2023 23:10

Git gud pleb

@sebastians8971 - 21.10.2023 21:22

Calling Demon´s Souls a (only) "decent" game has to be the biggest slander I ever heard on this channel.

@medman3000 - 21.10.2023 04:21

I'm kinda glad I played the remake

@skithness - 15.10.2023 06:58

I used the spells she taught me on her

@44gg37 - 05.10.2023 17:45

You tried talking about the story and yet completely missed the reason everybody was going into the Fog in the first place…

@Ohmagawdjr - 04.10.2023 11:09

Gotta love all the fromsoft fans malding in the comments because he called the game decent. I swear, there's not a more sensitive group out there. They just can't handle any kind of criticism.

@piyoweb - 04.10.2023 03:25

Yea, I gave up on Demon Souls before the 1st boss lol...then I played Dark Souls 1...and as I heard more lore explained from YT, I went back to it and appreciated for what it is, a base for the master Soul series to build on.

Keep in mind, Demon Souls released very early for PS3, before Demon Souls, there's only King's Field for PS2. So Demon Souls was a huge leap and completed design changes for the Souls series. And even thought Demon Souls didn't sell well for PS3, I really admire their decision not to change anything drastic. Instead, they used that experience to build Dark Souls 1, the rest is history. Thanks From Software for all these great games.

@andreworders7305 - 02.10.2023 06:23

Can you just not rescue Yurt?

@johnrichardson373 - 27.09.2023 16:43

You missed pretty much everything. No wonder you dont like it

@JozefLucifugeKorzeniowski - 20.09.2023 08:37

playing it when it first emerged, without precedent, is an experience that cannot be replicated and imparts a special quality to it that garners a seemingly undue amount of ardor to it. I feel bad for those that didn't experience this and played dark souls as their first souls game. in a vacuum dark souls is better for a variety of reasons, this is patently obvious and it's silly to argue otherwise and even more silly to make a serious counterargument to the former. it seems now that the souls franchise has made a contribution to the video game medium at the fundamental level. experiencing dark souls first will enrapture someone as something great previously not experienced will but I will contend that experiencing something great previously non existent will enrapture someone greater and is a far more powerful experience. and unfortunately, those who didn't get this won't ever get the same enjoyment out of demon souls as those who did, I'd argue that that enjoyment exceeds what everybody got out of experiencing darks souls first because I experienced dark souls too, and while I enjoyed it didn't thrill me as much as playing demon's souls did because demon's souls wasn't an improved iteration of anything, it was a radical innovation.

@HektikTattoos - 13.09.2023 10:08

This game sucks, platinumed dark souls 1 but couldn’t play an hour of this

@Yught - 08.09.2023 03:26

Reading the comments is making me really happy. Is refreshing seeing people recognize Demon's Souls and what was lost with the new installments.

Unpopular opinion but for me Dark Souls 3 is the worst one, is the one that feels the fardest away from what Demon's Souls started.

@iBuyFeetPix - 28.08.2023 10:26

pretty bad take on the game overall.

@GRiznitDShiznit - 23.08.2023 16:45

It’s hard for a Souls OG like myself to listen to even fair criticism of Demon’s Souls.

What these later fans don’t understand is that we actually had to fight and BEG just to get Demon’s Souls over here in the west. It wasn’t even supposed to release in the US until Atlus saved us!

And then when it came of it was the game that started the Souls genre. It was a masterpiece.

All the things people love about DARK SOULS Series, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, even Sekiro, Demon’s Souls did first. Yeah, the later games had the advantage of Hindsight, but for the most part the magic was already lost because us Demon’s Souls OG’s already put 500-1,000 hours in Demon’s Souls already.

Everyone tries to fairly critique a rate Demon’s Souls but if you weren’t there fighting to just get it released over here in the US and played it for hours on even before another Souls title was even teased, you don’t understand.

Demon’s Souls is and will always be a GOAT’d game for me, and when everyone was freaking out over how good DARK SOULS was, I wasn’t impressed.

At the end of the day, all DARK SOULS was was an open-world remake of Demon’s Souls with better lore. Basically played it already.

@Korbi-rv1vv - 19.08.2023 20:16

the thing with the Shrine of Storms and the Truth behind their "Demongods" is well presented in the 2001 game gothic with the Swamp Brotherhood and the Sleeper behind it

@JellyJman - 17.08.2023 08:25

You are actually correct about your takes in this video to be honest. I played this game back in 2009 and thought it was so cool and I played dark souls. Playing the remake made me realize that this game is pretty bareboned compared to their other games lol. I know I shouldn’t compare it to future material but this game’s story is pretty much just a video game akin to 90s story and it just has a fraction of what they will put into dark souls Bloodborne or Elden ring. Anyway I liked it but it was pretty tounge in cheek lol.

@metalheadisme8389 - 16.08.2023 22:25

Ok, now imagine playing through these levels and fighting these bosses when Demons Souls came out and you had never played a souls game before. Now you can imagine why it was so fondly remembered. Of course later iterations mastered boss design and made a lot of things better, that's what you are supposed to do, learn and grow.

The choice to have the remake be as similar to the original was a double edged sword. Great for the memberberries, yet not as satisfying for those who never got to experience it when it came out on PS3. Count me in the memberberry crowd, as the experience was like nothing I had played before. It's fun to go through it again and relive that.

@jacob-210-9 - 13.08.2023 00:34

The world tendency is annoying. I’d rather the game just be hard af the entire way through and all my gear work the same.

@LiterateHare - 07.08.2023 23:32

I played the remake on Ps5, since I had never played this first one. I really like it, but I did also notice that the boss fights were really easy. World 1 and 2 were difficult for me. The last boss on 2 was hard, but that was mostly since he 1-hit me with me not leveling vitality at all. But I didn't die to any boss after that until the Penetrator. Still, liked it until I started going for the trophies and realized I HAD to play until NG+2 to get them

@dongodongo12 - 07.08.2023 22:51

Decent is an insult

@MoreLoreThenThereSeems - 06.08.2023 14:56

I find it very funny how you look for lore yet completely misunderstand astraea’s almost fundamentally.

@doctorqrow3452 - 02.08.2023 21:47

Going back to play Demon's Souls after being a Dark Souls fan for so long (the original PS3 version); I saw it as a rough draft for what the first entry of Dark Souls would become. And I ultimately respect it for that.

@spoots1234 - 31.07.2023 19:12

The issue with this review is context. Read the whole comment to understand.
Demon's Souls is only best if you've played it first. This game wasn't designed with expectations in mind; like players coming into the game prepared for what it was. The later games assumed you might have played the first one, and those were designed accordingly.
As a result of your experience, your build was cohesive with what you know works in the souls series, you fought enemies with strategy and bosses felt easy because you had enough health, armor and damage etc to kill them by simple dodging and tanking. On top of that, you use the word gimmick a lot - you were prepared and were looking for hidden gimmicks.
If you played this game first, you'd have felt the fear, frustration and emotions that others would have felt if this was the first Souls game they played. Most people ran back to the start of the level to bank souls and level up before fighting the boss. Bonfires actually served to make Dark Souls easier. Most people died a lot, which made their world tendency darker - which gave more item drops, but made enemies harder and they dropped less healing grasses. Most people didn't know that having lots of health is how to play a souls game - My first build focused on dexterity, armor and poise, with a longsword, so no stagger like axes provide - this was an unknown quantity and most people, unless they accidentally realized how axes worked on their own, would have just graduated to bigger slower greatswords. Then there's the world tendency mechanic that would have sucked new players into wikis and how to trigger doors that would open under certain world conditions etc. For most people, the boss difficulty was still high and it came as a relief when you could beat a boss in one or two tries.
That said, it's impossible to un-learn what was taught to us over the course of many games. It may be, that this original iteration of Demon's Souls and its exact remake stands to fuel nostalgia for those who played the first in 2011, instead of reinventing the game for seasoned souls players.
Demon's Souls to me though, will stand as From Software's truest vision of the series, with them pivoting to the Dark Souls series solely because Sony owned the rights to the lore and i'd assume they didn't want to limit sales to another Sony exclusive when the Xbox 360 was outselling the PS3 at the time. As a result though, the lore of the Dark Souls series does feel like a less impactful mirror to this series because everything was basically a dance around copyright infringement. It can also explain why a sequel was never made of Demon's Souls, because they used their sequel material in Dark Souls, and now the copyright situation works in the other direction. It is what it is, and sadly that's likely what happened with Bloodborne as well. To me, and probably many others, this was the best in the series, but that experience is entirely conditional on what you've played before.

@tolstoy143 - 23.07.2023 02:34

This was the Dark Souls Beta, and while not bulletproof it marked a sea change in game development away from QT mashers to something much more immersive and thought provoking.

@LlorDrei - 12.07.2023 05:47

Quite honestly, now that we've gone through three Dark Souls games, Elden Ring, and the rest, they should really remake Demon Souls, using what they've learned from the later games.

When I say remake, I mean leave it, basically, exactly as it is. But add more lore. Give more flavor explanations on the people, equipment, places, and the bosses to truly understand them. Improve the AI of the monsters and bosses to equate to later games. Give you options to help free and save people you wanted to in the original, but couldn't.

Not making a new game with the same name, but update the original to fully fit in with what came after.

@MrColors23 - 10.07.2023 20:38

No offense but if this is your gameplay, you kinda suck at the game.
