How to Get What You Want By Letting Go [The Backwards Law]

How to Get What You Want By Letting Go [The Backwards Law]

Mark Manson

1 год назад

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@amoscity7920 - 16.06.2024 12:29

Mark, I read your book and I want to say a very big thank you.

@oogabogacheeseballs6162 - 15.06.2024 10:50


@Katarinaarising - 13.06.2024 00:47

if your looking for real and not fake i failed dont stop the search on me move your spending alot of time on this
i expell my self
imagine people with amazing iq have their shit together ,happy savings on top leave their schedules the mighty , supperfun life to comment on the lazy sleeping housemaid and comparing them with iphone not fair you confirmed nothing was but your still their its you with no hobbies we were born in corruption and unfairness someone being nice is shouldnt be a crime
if their not it let them go dont be filling their eyes with sweet words and use the same mouth to discredit their existance
keeping quite is not weak
you make a person a topic everysigle day but for you u cant stand forgive late go of what someone critised about you two years ago # i know who iam and i accept my self cant let words define me and you
wanting peace is not crime if thrive in chaos go to warzones find someone else
jugde people on what they watch ur love for attention is off the chats
they are happy comedy 😢what is so funny
change focus stop trying to show a low level people how good ,clever , full women your are yes you know math , gifted curved , this that respectully stop looking for approvel
you it benefits you and you family walk your walk leave other people its not you to write their story
how about you write yours

@World.21 - 12.06.2024 23:03

U can't decid to let go it comes naturally life isn't a swiming pool

@Deeps825 - 12.06.2024 20:43

Once my dad noticed how scared I was to experience the roller coaster. Then he gave an idea to overcome it. We are afraid only when we hold on the stuff that gives us the safe feeling. If we allow to experience it and without the dependency on the given safety feelings (our mindset), we will be enjoying instead of getting scared.

@juswolf22 - 10.06.2024 05:23

Going to try this with finding a drummer for my band

@Cetty22 - 09.06.2024 08:42

I'm an actor and I was obsessive a year ago because I couldn't book from any self tape, even community theatre (which is my roots) I couldn't book. I became obsessive because I thought it all meant that I wasn't meant to do this because I was trying so hard and having nothing come from it. I got an audition that I didn't care about and it was A COMMERCIAL WITH DREW BARRYMORE. I booked the next one after too because I felt confident in myself and let go. I've been starting to spiral and this video showed up to remind me to let go again, thank you :)

@FilimontheFilipina - 06.06.2024 18:44

setting this as my alarm thank u

@ndumisonyalungu2111 - 05.06.2024 21:43

Thank you 💙🙏

@patrickgoins9445 - 05.06.2024 16:37

Wu Wei!

@Uncommony - 04.06.2024 18:05

I got everything I want by understanding the rules of the universe. Please take the time to understand this. Stay Uncommon!

@netflicks2952 - 03.06.2024 06:34

The dog analogy is really cool!

@netflicks2952 - 03.06.2024 06:29

I agree with this your inverted curve!

@netflicks2952 - 03.06.2024 06:28

It's rational!

@yoya4766 - 31.05.2024 19:39

he's a real turn off, whereas the AH quote is interesting. Which tells he's trying too hard to appear like he doesn't care. So until you genuinely let go any pretence at i'm chill/cool etc. won't work.

@yoya4766 - 31.05.2024 19:36

this is sooooooooo boring.

@jacobstephens6073 - 31.05.2024 00:34

But why did you rotate the graph?

@bibi-decaffinated5586 - 30.05.2024 15:43

A lot of love to you from the Beautiful Islands of Trinidad and Tobago 💞. Great content.

@zangbang9381 - 30.05.2024 13:32

Osho said it before it was cool

@adzeliaf - 30.05.2024 10:02

"to teach it (mind) to achieve what it desires by giving up what it desires"

"you do this by relinquishing control, not because you feel powerless, but because you are powerful. Because you have decided to let go of things that are beyond your control"

"you decide to accept most of the things you do in your life will result in failure. And not only is that okay, it's the only way to get back to the surface to breathe. to do it again"

@heylife5038 - 30.05.2024 08:37

That’s how I fixed my game. I used to try so hard to make the opposite sex like me till I stopped and started allowing myself to be single. I started not wanting relationships anymore and suddenly I became this magnet lolll

@thaivangreenfield3004 - 29.05.2024 21:04

Taking it easy can be the hardest thing. Thank you for breaking down the mechanics of why seeking meaningful romantic love has left me less happy than before. I wonder if doing nothing will lead to even more loneliness vs trying?

@reignman2103 - 28.05.2024 01:27

Holy shitballs! Im gonna order that book right now! Wow!

@TheNobleBard - 24.05.2024 21:48

"Like everyone else, you want to learn the way to win, but never to accept the way to lose. To accept defeat, to learn to die is to be liberated from it." - Bruce Lee

@m2pozad - 24.05.2024 21:41

I've seen a version of this play out in several sports, where my first relaxed and low expectations provide surprisingly good initial results. Then, later when trying to improve those results by applying detailed techniques, things fell apart for awhile during a transition phase towards a visioned technical mastery. But that mastery was rarely achieved, because it was too easy in the beginning to feel like an actual accomplishment, so I lost interest.

@Chris9699 - 24.05.2024 08:34

This hit me in the face so fucking hard! Basically I have been trying too damn hard for years!!! That’s why I never let me desires come to me. People watch this video more than once.

@stacebone - 22.05.2024 21:24

I disagree. At least with the way he’s explaining it. Certainly allowing negative thoughts in the mind have a negative effect, but there is a pursuit. It take specific work towards a goal. It’s clear.

@grafplaten - 22.05.2024 10:52

Too many adverts!

@davidjones8043 - 20.05.2024 05:51

Sex, alcohol and traveling has NEVER had diminishing returns for me... Idk what to tell you.

@kutup333 - 16.05.2024 07:43

Man I gotta listen to this everyday but then what if I want to let go too much?!?! lol

@fricohun - 07.05.2024 13:11

The myth of Sisyphus, basically.

@aronmeza - 06.05.2024 05:23

amazing man.

@bigboss5487 - 04.05.2024 11:39

This is the best thing I've received in my life

@PatrickKadian - 27.04.2024 19:43

5 minutes? That’s a good start for freediving…

@jeanineevereux - 26.04.2024 11:20

This is why I don't give a fuck anymore. 😎

@nomercy8989 - 25.04.2024 13:09

Well I'm going to give it a try. See if she falls in love with me when I stop trying haha

@JasonLee-pr4sx - 25.04.2024 05:00

This is Daoism.

@ScottGoesHiking - 22.04.2024 06:24

I had a very dark last couple of days and this was a great video to watch. I need to repeat this in my brain daily because it sure seems true.

@transmutology - 21.04.2024 17:43

Actually the easier secret to drownproofing is to relax completely and maintain a certain volume of air in the lungs. You can then float just enough to keep your face out of the water. I have floated this way with hands and feet clasped for 10 minutes easily.

@zenostrixster - 21.04.2024 11:54

For me letting go of the desire to be loved seems to be an example.

I have this person i really like and before i kept worrying about what she thought of me and legit couldnt look at her. I started avoiding her out of fear and at one point i realized this was killing me inside.

So in my mind i accepted that i can not predict the future and that all i can really do is hope. I accepted the fact that i could litterly be told to "Get Lost" and focused purely on doing the right thing which was to apologize.

I apologized and was forgiven like its no big deal. She told me to take it easy and that i didnt need to apologize for that.

Needless to say ive fallen more in love with this women and its like i simply feel like i want to make her happy.

Paradoxically its making me happier and more postive.

I realized that thinking about yourself and your own selfish desires actually makes you less likely to get it.

But if your motivation is self trancending than it feels really relaxing and like the stakes arent that high and you feel better and more motivated.

Ive started living to make others live better and i am feeling more motivated and have better connections

@nupur5060 - 21.04.2024 05:10

Does this apply to people with adhd lol! If I let go, I’m not going to get anything done

@Anupamr15 - 17.04.2024 18:18

Leagues ahead of other Channels. 👍🏻

@nimsaywafa8571 - 15.04.2024 07:47

This is Islam's philosophy. Islam means literally "surrendering" or "resignation". It's all about surrendering oneself to the reality. And God is the reality of all realities.
Took me 25 years to understand this even though i was born muslim.

@FisherOfMen705 - 15.04.2024 05:55

Mark Manson! I feel like this has direct applications to me quitting smoking but maybe I'm just not pin pointing how...any thoughts? Please help I've been trying for months.

@xwey - 15.04.2024 01:21

It's a really good video, and I agree with almost everything. However, when you said that acting confident makes you insecure, I have to disagree with you. For me, acting confident has somehow turned me into a more confident person. The reason for that is that the longer you try to become someone, the more you will turn into that person. This also goes greatly along with the saying "fake it till you make it".

@nebyuyonas1233 - 13.04.2024 04:01

this is eye opening

@Crazylenibaby98 - 11.04.2024 23:20

Who else thought of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the scene where Harry, Ron and Hermione have to pass that crazy-growing plant (don't remember the name of it) that will grow faster the more you try to fight against it?
