Ep.4. What it's like to take Ritalin if you have ADHD

Ep.4. What it's like to take Ritalin if you have ADHD


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rayoflightcanada - 11.09.2023 01:29

OMG I love it , you seem to be relaxed and jolly !

Michael H
Michael H - 08.09.2023 07:33

I am 36 years old and for the past 13 years I have been avoiding the truth. I got diagnosed at age 23 but I already knew something was wrong with me at an early age. Having adhd gives you alot of challange as we all most likely experienced.

When I got diagnosed I didn't want have any sorts of medication or even talk about it. Now 13 years later I'm tired of running, tired of life and Im finnaly about to give in.

The past few months have been hard on me, Im constantly crying, frustrated or angry for no reason at all. The feeling that I'm tired of life hits me atleast twice a week. You know.. Not the suicide feeling. But the one where you think "if that truck would've hit me, it's all over. And I can finnaly rest"

I went to see a doctor and and a shrink and the advice is to try out ritalin. The very reason I'm watching this video
Im skeptical about it, Ive only heard the bad stories about it.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Fleeta Rodriguez
Fleeta Rodriguez - 03.09.2023 19:49

8 weeks I diagnosed at 69...what I multi-faceted and challenging journey it has been!
I thank you so much for putting on this video!
I will search out your other videos. ❤

Adam - 27.08.2023 13:43

I watched this video while on the generic version of Ritalin (Methylphenidate) on 2x speed.. Great video!

Özge Yılmaz
Özge Yılmaz - 18.08.2023 21:02

Its giving me a headache and makes me scared i dont know. But at the same time it calmes me down.

louison sad
louison sad - 09.08.2023 11:26

Honestly this was a great video and this really helps me understand what to expect

Icipher4 - 18.07.2023 18:16

Insightful video. I am 39 and was recently diagnosed with inattentive adhd by a psychiatrist. He prescribed me 18 mg of XR Methylphenidate, which I believe is essentially the same as ritalin. I am interested to try it to see if I can FINALLY reach my potential in my career. As someone who struggled academically and could never figure out why, other than wondering "maybe I am just not an intelligent person", it would be incredible if I had some validation that maybe it wasn't an intelligence issue, rather a neurotransmitter issue. So why haven't I taken my first dose yet? Well, I am a bit scared. I do occasionally have some physical anxiety, and I am sensitive to any sensations with my heart that seem abnormal, so I am scared to take this XR tablet and potentially have to deal with a full day of panic or heart palpitations. I guess there's only one way to find out.

Jerzy Roginski Jr
Jerzy Roginski Jr - 15.07.2023 22:57

The drug makes you anheodnic, loss of human connection it made me not motivated because my motivation is tied to feeling . I just felt like isolated and doing nothing all day I was tired and felt empty . Hate the drug absolutely deleted anything that made me human and made me feel like dissociated from myself . Also ruined libido and sensation downstairs just didn’t feel good no sexual pleasure

Tyler - 15.07.2023 06:38

i have been having extreme imposter syndrome and shame after my diagnosis and getting on ritalin. The craziest thing is i have the exact same reaction to it. It makes me really tired as everything starts to quiet down. Also my anxiety almost goes away after taking it. Thank you for this video

C - 09.07.2023 00:22

Amazing, this totally describes me aswell. I sleep so much better on methylphenidate, even before bed.

meggy - 05.07.2023 00:59


Ross Sandeman
Ross Sandeman - 27.06.2023 20:15

I forgot I was watching this lol. Had to rewatch

Tyran Curtis
Tyran Curtis - 26.06.2023 04:15

I zoned out about halfway through this video about writing a country song about ADHD person finding Ritalin. Really considering getting on Ritalin. I can’t get anything done without being distracted after a couple of minutes. Although, I’m self-diagnosed.

Laurens Margodt
Laurens Margodt - 24.06.2023 12:49

im conting when i read the comments 😂 my mind is verry explosive somethimes 😂😂

Laurens Margodt
Laurens Margodt - 24.06.2023 12:48

Im a bit scared to take my relatine cause when i was younger i used to take them but they made me a zombie , but that could also be cause i needed to take anti depressants , that was 20y ago , im a bit scared of the side effects

barry allan
barry allan - 15.06.2023 00:21

really insightful been on it 2 weeks was weird at first but it seems to be doing something hard to say ive had 46 years of this but yeah gl everyone x

iMi Cahn
iMi Cahn - 14.06.2023 22:11

Its my second month on xaggitin 27mg. I don't feel a thing but I've noticed i do 10 pomodoros a day. ❤

BingoBriano - 13.06.2023 20:40

Question, how does Ritalin affect meditations?

Nicholas Kostopulos
Nicholas Kostopulos - 08.06.2023 17:53

This gentleman is fantastic

Mm2 - 06.06.2023 09:22

i had to stop taking it, 4 days in, because it would just make me drowsy the whole day ( i have adhd)

diabetic sugar baby
diabetic sugar baby - 16.05.2023 23:26

I start taking Ritalin tomorrow morning 10mg long acting. I’m nervous to take it! O: hopefully we’ll see what happens! Thanks for the is insightful video

ONSYTE-1 - 13.05.2023 15:03

Beetlejuice HeRe.. I was taking Ritalin for 9 years then obama care went into effect and I lost my good insurance and my doctor wouldn't take the other insurance and so I lost my doctor also. mY wound care doctor retired and she gave me a script for Ritalin I started with 5 half a ten and realized I also can take it and go to sleep iT actually makes me tired..

bg xd
bg xd - 06.05.2023 03:19

I honestly feel like such a robot, it turns my vision into a video, and my emotions just stop, my appetite is gone and I turn into an NPC. But at least I can focus much better

Don Sambrook
Don Sambrook - 02.05.2023 14:01

I thought I had become deaf an hour after taking my first tablet. I didn't realize it before, but my standard state was living with the roar of a thousand random conversations going on in my mind simultaneously. I only recognized the noise in its absence.

Lona - 01.05.2023 17:50

I cried the first time after I took it because what the heck was I comparing myself with all my life (35 years) before? No wonder I couldn't keep up with the people without ADHD. I'm so thankful that it works so good for me now!

MikSIK. - 21.04.2023 23:09

Ritalin makes sense to help you sleep, Adderall on the other hand = good luck.

Ritalin is nice because it’s not (typically) neurotoxic and in the normal IR formulation, the half-life is insanely short which means great for dosing control* at the expense of having to be on top of your doses, stomach interactions (what you eat, etc). For Adderall, you take it later in the day, you better be absolutely dead tired or have something to bring you down.

Zayra Roa
Zayra Roa - 20.04.2023 15:01

i’m just starting on my journey too !! hope this changes my life ! makes it better 🙏🏽

Kenobeanz - 05.04.2023 17:34

So glad you mentioned sleep! When I told my Dr I’ve been sleeping so much better since being put on Ritalin she was baffled. Glad to know it’s weird. ❤

obtuse angler
obtuse angler - 04.04.2023 09:58

I'm at that starting point of my journey!

Ming Mongo
Ming Mongo - 27.03.2023 19:43

I tried it. Didn't sleep for a few days. It's not for me. I'm guessing my attention problems come from a different source than usual.

mxfern12 - 22.03.2023 21:23


s p y d e r_33
s p y d e r_33 - 18.03.2023 19:23

Was recently prescribed generic Ritalin due to my normal medication adderall xr 20 mg being on a nationwide shortage. Didn't work for me whatsoever and gave me stomach pain.

Still waiting for this shortage to end lol

+1 subscriber

Sentinel_Intelligent - 16.03.2023 04:09

It also increases blood flow to the prefrontal cortex

gregg barclay
gregg barclay - 14.03.2023 01:42

Thank you for a very informative presentation. I am still seeking an qualified practitioner to provide a
diagnosis at age 66!

Sergio Ramos
Sergio Ramos - 03.03.2023 16:50

Amazing.. you just explain with exactitude my experience with CONCERTA which is similar to Ritalin. And there are so many people with wrong ideas or believes about those medicines.. it helps me so much

The Drunken Tarot
The Drunken Tarot - 03.03.2023 16:12

I’m 53 just diagnosed and will start on 10mg today we’ll see.

Stephen Shilcock
Stephen Shilcock - 20.02.2023 11:44

Very useful, thank you. Diagnosed in Jan [aged 51] and have first titration appointment today. I think they are putting me on Elvance [lisdexamphetemine]. You nailed the symptoms perfectly… I listened to a podcast where the comedian being interviewed talked about adult ADHD, whilst describing what seemed like me! Thus my journey began..

YungGucci B
YungGucci B - 12.02.2023 21:20

Only on 20 mg rn😁

Eric Anthony
Eric Anthony - 10.02.2023 21:40

jolly good sir

Era - 08.02.2023 10:16

Thank you for sharing your meaningful insight. It's been really helpful. I've recently got diagnosed with ADHD and as a female all of my life makes sense right now. I've been contemplating about medicating myself with Ritalin but your video has been a great help! Now I know what to do and what not to do. Thank you.

Dork Anderson
Dork Anderson - 01.02.2023 12:19

For the livd of g-d don't mix with weed. Gonna jack your paranoia to 11

LaChouSalle - 01.01.2023 05:06

I wish I could skip days like you do, but for some reason if I don't take ritalin, I get moody. It's like an antidepressant to me and works better than any SSRI that I've taken, but then not taking it causes me to have emotional withdrawal where I'm just not interested in things.

stage hand
stage hand - 28.12.2022 14:33

Is being intermittenly tired part of adhd? I was wjde awake watching this but after 5 minutes im tired again...?

RAH - 14.11.2022 00:00

Anybody else out there been told they're too old to try the stimulants? I'm so aggravated - would really like to see just for a minute what it might be like to have a better integrated brain function after a lifetime of struggling.

Sharine - 10.11.2022 23:14

I was wondering if anyone here didn't get as much benefit the first time. Today was my first time and I felt very sleepy, and although I was able to notice more quickly that I was distracted, I remained very distracted.

The INFJ Goyim
The INFJ Goyim - 09.11.2022 03:49

Adderall is relaxing. The Psy Doc said I had as bad of ADHD as anyone he has ever seen. If you can control your environment and your attention with limited stimuli and a low carb diet you can manage without.

ADHD is really Executive Function Disorder just to be clear. Brian wants to do everything at once and now and has a hard time waiting. ADHD brains are faster than Normal. Sensory stimuli is the worst.

I fucking hate noise, almost all kinds of noise.

J RR - 09.11.2022 00:40

Just found your channel and I'm so glad to see more late diagnosis adults sharing their experiences! I'm a 35 year old female. Got told by a psychologist this year that it's very highly likely that I have severe ADHD combined type. He did an assessment but just couldn't give me the official diagnosis. Where I live you have to go through state run clinics to get an official diagnosis and to be able to get medications. So I've been waiting for six months for my first appointment at the state run clinic. It's coming up in a month and I just want to get it over with so I can start the therapy and medical treatment. I'm so done with being stuck in a chaotic brain. Now that I know there is help out there, I just want it yesterday. 😆

Sophia - 07.11.2022 18:09

When a drug stops working for you it means your Body/Brain is addicted…. I rather haben the world accept neuroatypical people.
I know we want to survive the everyday life in this current society, but there must be an other solution than pupousefully accept addiction.
