SOMA All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

SOMA All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

Gamer's Little Playground

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Matthew Heraghty
Matthew Heraghty - 30.09.2023 22:25

imagine a good ending of soma;
they actuallly tried reproducing and making their own food under there and stopped the wau, they survived long enough for the atmosphere to get safer and they populated Omega, and kept going and after a while it was safer and they started to populate the surface again

VanCan23 - 18.09.2023 05:28

His reaction when he murders somebody to restore energy is jarring:

"Oh woopsy, are you well? Damn, das crazy."

As if he's stupid enough not to be aware of what he's done. Can't even muster an apology.

FLASH runs so fast his legs fly off
FLASH runs so fast his legs fly off - 27.08.2023 12:42

this is more real than u think

Bruce Man
Bruce Man - 31.07.2023 18:36

Amazing game

cyklonus1 - 13.07.2023 19:06

Man I forgot how "morally" whiney Simon was. He acts like he has absolutely no regard for self preservation and anyone that is, is a butt monkey

cyklonus1 - 12.07.2023 22:34

I remember getting killed a lot and playing this game was a challenge... Only till close to the end did I finally figure out all you had to do was look away and you wouldn't die 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣

rusty laboratories
rusty laboratories - 04.05.2023 12:48

wow im at a loas for words

Empathetic Psychopath
Empathetic Psychopath - 27.02.2023 04:29

Frictional games is amazing and this game is an underrated masterpiece.

My older brother watched me play this and usually he doesn’t but this game drew him in and at the end we were both like… wow…

We were speechless and it made us have an existential crisis lol.

Shani Pissed Off
Shani Pissed Off - 25.02.2023 03:38

Crazy that the original guy went on with his life and his copied concsiousness woke up 1000 years later

Grand Selenium
Grand Selenium - 29.11.2022 21:56

Spoiler alert:

Catherine is delusional and Simon is needy.

Cường Nguyễn
Cường Nguyễn - 19.10.2022 05:38

Bon be lu dang CHINH PHU hoi nghi cap CAO CAC loai cap viet nam cung ca ho nha do na trum trump ong trum trump tong thong My hoa ky khng mang tan nha bo tra moi loai thu ca chong lan ngoai mang chon song linh hon nem hoa nguc LAI DANG TUAN

8th Wonder
8th Wonder - 14.08.2022 12:14

Out of all the games .... This one pops up????? Here's to the one in charge of bringing this to me .... GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

One Of Many
One Of Many - 12.08.2022 16:50

I think this game made me insane.
Or I am just having issues processing that "I" don't exist.
The EGO is such a self-important little twat isn't it?

theguynamed rocitizen54
theguynamed rocitizen54 - 07.08.2022 18:20

Yeah, brain damage ain't no funny joke anymore.

Dareful - 17.07.2022 08:30

top 5 games of all time

Han Vantes
Han Vantes - 28.06.2022 19:53

Jesus Christ, this game... T_T

doc Kaos
doc Kaos - 22.05.2022 16:56

Played this a couple of times it's brilliant

NateDogg - 17.04.2022 11:30

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and then spin it
Your head will collapse
But there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?

tigerldr - 07.04.2022 17:46

Oh wow. Thanks for this vid. Not a lot of games actually hit me hard. The ending was depressing as heck. The story is amazing, if not distressing in parts (particularly the last part). Very much appreciate this!

PrimarchLogarius - 25.03.2022 08:22

Omicron is in quarantine…. Sounds familiar

MSY - 10.01.2022 08:42


Cpt. Flinch
Cpt. Flinch - 28.10.2021 01:07

Sooo they made a state of the art brainscan to test countless different medical procedures and treatments.....and what they came up with was....
An Aspirin a day and vegetables??!?
No wonder he didn't make it.

Aran Erem
Aran Erem - 12.10.2021 13:06

That ending. Catherine? Please don't leave me alone

Aran Erem
Aran Erem - 12.10.2021 13:06

I really liked this game

DINKIN - 04.10.2021 04:20

i think the design of the monsters is really unique

i love the sound design, sound effects, ambient textures

yes it was such an emotionally overwhelming experience

but that's part of the beauty and magic of this game

it takes you someplace deep dark upsetting overwhelming and existential emotional turmoil

but the game really gives you the opportunity to question all of these things in life we take for granted

that we don't really think about

that we don't contemplate

so when we're presented with this uncomfortable reality

it makes us feel emotions we don't want to feel

because we know we can never escape them

Lucky Happi
Lucky Happi - 16.09.2021 14:30

when you want to get scares but end up getting deppression instead

MadDemon64 - 13.08.2021 16:53

Anyone else feel like the developers should have put the epilogue before the final scene, make audiences happy that the characters got on the Ark and then bam, hit gamers over the head with a sack full of reality that the versions of the characters they played with are still on Earth?

Spectacular Spider-man
Spectacular Spider-man - 18.07.2021 11:27


blueskull1984 - 19.05.2021 03:10

i feel bad for peeps playing this the first time

Joseph Navin
Joseph Navin - 06.05.2021 20:02

They have succeeded in buying humanity several thousand years to enjoy themselves whilst trapped helplessly in a space-borne mmorpg server. What comes next after this except annihilation or erasure, given that the “humans” aboard the ARK are now reduced to stored digital data?

Seraphin - 26.04.2021 12:40

aw man I hate it when people just keep killing themselves after I scan their mind and put them in a simulation. Not my problem tho.

Jack R_D_
Jack R_D_ - 03.04.2021 21:36

This is the first time I've heard of this game, and I gotta say, the sound design is absolutely incredible. gives me "portal if it was a horror game" vibes and I absolutely love it

pingosimon - 15.03.2021 07:26

Thanks for making this!

Got a couple hours in last night. I wouldn't have finished the game on my own, just toooo slow and stressful. Glad I can experience the story here.

Victor Calubad
Victor Calubad - 03.03.2021 16:10

ApDet reyport MC pectuhr ako wet po

gronndar - 16.02.2021 01:32

Small scene but when Simon get knocked out and sees dream being at his apartment with Ashley. He is shocked and asks, how this happend and she replies: "we fell in love."
Then Simon has some seizure and wakes from dream, since Ashley did not have that kind of feelings for him. Dunno, that scene stayed with me.

PrimarchLogarius - 24.01.2021 18:44

Brilliant video... really like the eerie feeling... Tip the balance by gaining “Insight” and going “Insane”... where have I heard this before 🧐... another 2015 videogame

playland local
playland local - 17.01.2021 14:17

Simón is such a nice and good guy that make this game one of the most cruel ones out there. The voice actor was amazing and made that ending even more depressive. Is told through the whole game but still hits you.
Is like watching a friend suffer and there is nothing you can do about it... Too deep.
Awesome game. Will need some time to recover after tho.

Davi2000 - 02.01.2021 06:52

So much for a dlc or a sequel, I had a thought what if wau still exist give a take millions of years and it would change into sentient race like us no pain, no insanity just simple simple race like us humans

Axel Arias
Axel Arias - 23.12.2020 05:48

Has anybody thought about the utility of the Power Suit? I mean, here we see Simon killing the WAU by putting his arm into the thing's heart or whatever, and then it bites off his arm, then proceeding to break the Power Suit they had to obtain, and therefore letting water inside of the Suit through the broken arm Simon has now, including all the pressure, considering they're in the abyss.

So... The injury is letting the water get inside his suit, and everything seems to be alright after that, no problem. If so, what's the point of a Power Suit? 😂

drinking straw
drinking straw - 22.12.2020 08:42

Gosh this is so traumatic!! Agh!! :'(((

M. P.
M. P. - 21.12.2020 18:25

After 4 years I am probably the captain obvious here but ''Soma'' means body in greek, ''Pathos'' can mean either passion or torture, and the stations are named after Greek letters. It was a nice touch.

Adam David's Oddities
Adam David's Oddities - 18.12.2020 06:58

The human race diminished to a bunch of ones and zeros (computer language). Yeah that was grim. Apart from that, thank you for this upload. I really enjoyed just watching it as a movie experience. I've been finding I like to doing that more with games as opposed to playing some of them. I make exceptions for games that have something a little different for their game-play.

Seedilicious - 17.12.2020 00:56

The most whining I have ever heard a main character do. 🙄

The Oddball Philosopher
The Oddball Philosopher - 17.11.2020 01:23

“A good game poses a philosophical question. A masterpiece does it right in the title.” - Jontron
