I wasted my 20s

I wasted my 20s


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Onlyconnect88 - 11.09.2023 10:59

It can't be denied some people are unsatisfiable, forever pineing its never enough. Wake up girl! By the sounds of it you've had more fun & made more happy memories than most by far! Even within the context of the developed world you're privileged. All this is attention seeking.

Hel - 10.09.2023 08:26

It’s true, many people wish their twenties were like her. That’s how life and humans are however, we look forwards for what we want and backwards for what we lost. Gaining what she has, she looks forward wishing to gain more...but since she’s lost time, she looks backwards for that lost age and opportunities.

That’s how we all are. At least she gave it her all. Giving your all will always leave the least amount of regret possible.

Maddie Fishblob
Maddie Fishblob - 28.08.2023 08:47

Bruh I just turned 20 and honestly I don’t get all the hype, I kinda wish I could skip the decade. Being new to the career world and having to build your life from scratch is already terrifying enough. But I also want to start a family & the thought of meeting guys and going on awkward first dates is even more stressful. In your 30s your life starts getting more stable and settled, both career and family wise! And at that point you’re no longer surrounded by peers your own age and aren’t expected to be social to the pt of exhaustion.

The fact that she survived her 20s and got her career started is a massive win 🔥 what she did in that decade is more than I would even hope for for myself tbh 😆

Bethers O
Bethers O - 27.08.2023 05:02

I'm thankful I grew up poor in rural Appalachia... I'm 25 and happy with my 'boring' life. I'm debt free with my own home, a decent job, and have peace. I'm happy with staying home on the weekend in my dollar general PJ set making white people tacos... I use to envy people living in big cities with expensive apartments and important careers until I got on social media. I guess the expression "more money, more problems" is real.

Ahmad M
Ahmad M - 25.08.2023 15:43

"I've never seen anyone in my entire life, who dedicates themselves and work very hard everyday, who's always on time, never lie, never cheat anybody, firm handshake.. and not get what they want. Never seen it"
- Andrew Tate

Namrata Matsya
Namrata Matsya - 23.08.2023 17:35

Well when she said that the early twenties were the worst of yu life I felt it like a motivation that I also can improve. I am 21 and struggling with my life thanks😊

TheTizmo - 22.08.2023 02:46

Women. ☕️

KarmaMacchiato - 08.08.2023 08:54

Buy a cat, you’ll be just fine. 🐱 😂

Ayesha Davis
Ayesha Davis - 04.08.2023 15:47

In my twenties I was in poverty im just now at 29 trying to fix my life and figure out what im supposed to do

Victor Valfierno
Victor Valfierno - 04.08.2023 06:27

This is click bait.

sonicleaves - 28.07.2023 08:42

They say if a woman is not marries by 30, they'll probably never have kids.

Onlyconnect88 - 21.07.2023 19:30

THIS is what's gone wrong with western civilization:
That you can be born with good health, good looks, into one of the wealthiest countries on planet 🌎 I might add (& afforded every Right & opportunity that entitles you to)...and still feel THAT WASN'T ENOUGH!!

Entitlement & ingratitude doesn't begin to describe the problem here. It literally sickens me.

Luisa Jiménez
Luisa Jiménez - 11.07.2023 01:36

Didn't we all, my friend, didn't we all... And just wait until you're in your mid thirties. But it's okay, that's just how life works. Just enjoy and try to not judge yourself too harshly, nobody comes to this world with all the knowledge.

Tony Hactavish
Tony Hactavish - 06.07.2023 18:05

I believe some of the viewers, including me, not expecting this kind of "wasted my 20's" with a lot of achievements. I hate to say it but you're not wasted your 20's, you just miss some chances. If that what you called wasted, then those who literally wasted their 20's is doomed their 20's but hey everyone suffer differently

Lisa Vorwergk
Lisa Vorwergk - 06.07.2023 11:00

I love your video. Watching you it´s like a lot of weight is falling off my shoulders. I also thought my twenties would be like in the movies.. But turns out they aren´t and that´s totally okay. Thank you💗

Ermac Jones
Ermac Jones - 06.07.2023 01:59

I did too🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm 32 now, and I already feel old😑

Expat Wealth Asia
Expat Wealth Asia - 30.06.2023 23:35

God bless you ❤

tanborambo Uddin
tanborambo Uddin - 30.06.2023 17:20


G P - 26.06.2023 05:42

Immigrant parents often put EXTRA pressure on their kids (relative to non-immigrant parents) to be "High Achieving." It's sad to say but they are essential looking for a "return" on the investment of immigrating to a country where there are more opportunities. The kids either consciously or subconsciously try to live-up to this openly declared or implied expectation from their parents. Countries like India, China, Japan (for example) are notorious for not having this concept of a "work / life balance." These are highly competitive cultures and this lifestyle is passed-down to their kids. For more independent minded immigrant children this is often a source of conflict between them and their parents. Most of the world treats their children terribly...

Joel Lim
Joel Lim - 20.06.2023 07:29

I was hustling during 20's and neglected everything else. from partying to growing a bigger network of friends and now that I am in my 30"s, i regret. it is all about balance and I was too extreme. I don't know what to do to fix my 30's

Marton Virág
Marton Virág - 17.06.2023 13:20

My expectaitons were a little too igh too but I do not feel I wasted my twenties. I gained tons of expereinces I just need to organize somehow. XD ADHD brain does not make my process easier unfortunately. What would I do without the hobby of journaling. <3 I realize how much I enjoyed most of my job interviews, I met a bunch of amazing people, and if I add all those simple interactions: they are together making a whole circle of happiness. <3 We just have to learn to appreciate the little things too. Of course, big moments are spectacular as well but the little genuine act of kindnesses are what makes my day the greatest of all. I am going to 29 this year in October, and I hope my 30s will be as rich in experiences as my 20s and my teenage years. <3

Dark Archon
Dark Archon - 14.06.2023 18:13

Wasted your 20s? You have solid career and you think you WASTED your 20s? Get the fuck out of here. You'd waste them if you had no career AND no fun. Like many other people, including me, did.

Mr Lots-o'
Mr Lots-o' - 14.06.2023 04:04

This video gave me anxiety and only made me feel worse about myself!!!

Anton Boludo
Anton Boludo - 12.06.2023 18:27

You were living your twenties partying and fucking.

How were they wasted?

You had your cell phones already? Stop complaining.

"Friends" is a silly empty American sitcom.

B B - 11.06.2023 06:39

Wow. Wait till you see my 20s.. or my spouses, who was being shot at in combat in his 20s. Yours is definitely great compared to most

Old Tiger
Old Tiger - 09.06.2023 15:12

@Akta Are you ready? This is a long comment but it's going to help a lot of people.
I'm an older guy in my 50s, a few things to pass along to you and all. What I did in my 20's, I stalled out a bit. College wasn't for me even though I had some professors that wanted me to pursue a masters degree in a certain area/field.

The main thing that I tell younger people is whatever you want to do in your life and you need any sort of training, certificate or degree DO IT NOW then you won't have to worry about it later on. While I was able to get the training I needed in my 30s and I am REALLY at the very top of my field (including salary), looking back NOW, I wish I started 10 years earlier in my 20's. It's not easy when you are in your 30's to look at your 20's... To really gain and get that perspective is when you are in your mid 40's and then 50's, then you'll have a lot of perspective looking backwards.

I don't regret my decisions and I gained a lot of knowledge all through my 20's and 30's... but if there is ONE THING that I can help you younger folks out there is again, TRY to do whatever training you need for whatever career you are pursing as soon as possible, then enjoy your life more in your 30's and beyond.

Also one last tip and a BIG one. either on paper or in a document file on your computer, write out a plan of where you are now, and where you are trying to go to. And have a backup path in that plan in-case things do not work out for your primary job focus. Sometimes, one plan for a job will turn into another job role. Trust me, this helps a lot.

Anyone Can Float With God
Anyone Can Float With God - 08.06.2023 18:50

Amazing wisdom... we'll learn from experience🤣💯💯

Rhea salez
Rhea salez - 08.06.2023 01:00

i actually wasted my 20s i didnt do well in school and that made me confused what i wanted to do with my life i am currently in the medical field , one thing i would tell you
Your 20s hit fast! So focus on what you want to be come because baby without a degree or rather an education people treat you like crap i was in retail deparment and that made want to go back to school secondly, try not to compare yourself to other, work on yourself!
Thirdly its okay if you failed..😢 i did and i was very embarassed but i realize i was not alone!

Fourtly i would say if you focus on school and know what you want to become before your 20s thats a plus because you wouldnt be broke in your 20s and you would be graduating with a degree
With a degree you can get endless of oppurtunities

H.J - 07.06.2023 10:51

Honestly I am 25 now, and I have only achieved what I could. Recently I had to quit my job because they didn't appreciate my efforts, this was I thought a dream job, where I could be in control of things, but they turned on me. Afterwards I started learning Mandarin Chinese, but I wasn't happy so I am now going to reduce it. I am struggling to know what makes me happy and sadly I am envious of a lot of you. I feel like the only way I will be happy is to look at my core values and interests...

Thomas Ipkiss
Thomas Ipkiss - 06.06.2023 17:41

I think most people enjoy their 30s even more than their 20s

Simran S Nath
Simran S Nath - 05.06.2023 06:29

This video was exactly what I needed to hear right now. This was phenomenal, thank you.

a - 02.06.2023 13:15


Tracy May
Tracy May - 28.05.2023 01:25

If she wasted her 20s, then what did do! 😢😢😢

Joe Beta
Joe Beta - 25.05.2023 23:28

Is she really complaining?? I think what she wants is validation. 8 minutes wasted. Maybe she meant she never slept with a Chad.

Aya Ayman
Aya Ayman - 25.05.2023 18:18

No offense, she didn't waste her 20s I think it was great she achieved alot which makes the video's title unmatched with the video's content. Overall thanks for the advice ❤️

Splashstorm04 - 25.05.2023 16:48

....OK. this video was just to brag lol.

The 3 Dots Guy...
The 3 Dots Guy... - 25.05.2023 00:44

I wasted all my teenage years doing drugs and got sober when i was 19... And there for lost all my friends... And ive not made any new friends since then... Ive been alone for the past 3 years with only ppl i could call more than a college was my ex girlfriend and my current long distant girlfriend...
My life is so bad... Only thing i do is go to work, run and workout(cus otherwhise i get depressed and i want to stay in shape) and then i sit on my computer all day... Every day is the same and has been a really long time... Im just so tired of my life... I live next to a night club and everytime i pass it when its open there are girls on mini skirts and drunk dudes acting like idiots... And i feel so bitter for missing out on it and never getting to have that cus if i drink im gonna relapse. And with who i would do that anyway with?
I just wish one day i would wake up as somebody else. Im so tired of this all. I also have very strong social anxiety for the lack of interacting with people...
Im one of those ppl who ud look and think id have everything together but in reality my life is literal hell.

Idk im just rambling nonsence and i sound like a whiny little bítch but i just have to get it out of my system

Mono gram adikt
Mono gram adikt - 24.05.2023 18:35

dont even try to gloat about wasting your life until your in your 50s, thats where the real master losers exist

Lilwarrior - 21.05.2023 06:46

I wish I had traveled in my 20s, now 35 still haven’t traveled. With bills, saving up for a house it’s just not easy to “have more fun”. Now looking at the cost of a little weekend getaway at the beach is going to cost over $600. $200 per night and plus service fees and other bologna 🤷‍♀️

ToontownPinkplushes - 21.05.2023 03:51

wow influencers are so cancer

Lightspeed - 20.05.2023 09:19

I did to

karolina bochnak
karolina bochnak - 17.05.2023 19:05

oh girl, you have no idea how thankful i am for this video..

Chris R
Chris R - 17.05.2023 08:33

I think I found the perfect balance between socializing and career. Grateful for that, most of my life has been full of bad luck and bad choices.

Stefan Gherman
Stefan Gherman - 04.05.2023 17:10

I have 20 years old right now. And as far they go for the moment, they went, this period represented a period of maturization and change for me. And I felt that I catch up with some things that I missed in my high school years.

Tamy Anansi
Tamy Anansi - 21.04.2023 03:05

thank you sm for this vid ... I feel so lost at this moment.. and your video make me hope a little bit more. Thank you!

Andrew Pipitone
Andrew Pipitone - 20.04.2023 07:57

Listen to Saduguru for wisdom.

Apollo Ferrero
Apollo Ferrero - 09.04.2023 06:55

thank you so much for this video, currently having a quarter life crisis and this helped me a lot. I don’t even have social media because I can’t see the “highlights” everyone posts. some days I feel great and ready to take on the world but others I feel like im not doing enough or not doing the right thing at the right time. happy to know im not the only one in their 20’s that’s felt lost/uncertain about life

Jordan peterson
Jordan peterson - 08.04.2023 14:47

Thank you 🥺 ❤❤
