Has the Body Positivity Movement Gone Too Far?

Has the Body Positivity Movement Gone Too Far?

Dr. Phil

1 год назад

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@ginakirkland386 - 12.02.2024 22:30

I LOVE how she thinks she knows more than medical science.... and Dr Phil and this other doctor. What a narcissistic idiot

@ginakirkland386 - 12.02.2024 22:27

you just want a free ride to eat whatever you want, be lazy, so you can show yourself "kindness and compassion".... and YES you ARE showing the world it's okay to be fat. It's NOT.

@ginakirkland386 - 12.02.2024 22:24

You are seriously delusional. You're still young, honey. It WILL catch up with you. Just wait.

@Rubbertramp_me - 12.02.2024 15:38

Denial is a sob lol😅

@vittoriamusso5805 - 08.02.2024 20:04

The guy caught the point.

@gillsteele - 01.02.2024 01:15

Being overweight / fat / obese is not healthy. I say this as a person who was 202kg and I've lost 51kg in the last 6 months with the help of gastric sleeve surgery. I'm down to 151.2kg right now and I am working to lose another 50kg this year. I think if you are fat and want to stay that way then that is your choice, but don't preach it is healthy because it isn't

@abigailstone823 - 30.01.2024 02:18

Beauty standards should not be as “narrow” as society likes for them to be usually. But come on. There are much bigger (pun intended) issues facing humanity than “you don’t think my rolls and mountains of cellulite and stretch marks are pwetty/stunning/gorgeous so now my feewings are hurt.”

@abigailstone823 - 30.01.2024 02:15

Fativists always like to deflect from the health issues by saying “skinny doesn’t equal healthy.” And that is very true. Skinny doesn’t always mean healthy, but Morbidly Obese ALWAYS means unhealthy. Human bodies are not designed to function well (or at all after years of the strain) under such an extraordinary load of adipose. It’s obtuse and completely in denial of reality to pretend otherwise.

@omrishaffer8461 - 26.01.2024 16:37

How can people be so delusional?

@Jocelyn_Herrick - 23.01.2024 18:56

Here’s a joke. Why didn’t God create fat angels? Because they would be known as the Fallen Angels. If you’re religious you would probably get it.

@magicworld3242 - 20.01.2024 08:08

Lexi is basically saying. She chooses to live in delusion, because it's the only way she can make it through life.

@desmondjefferson2127 - 19.01.2024 16:39

Yes, I'm sure eating healthy is toxic for her.... Like sunlight to a vampire😂🤣😂🤣

@hanj31 - 12.01.2024 12:36

these body positivity people are dying one by one

@draikneik - 10.01.2024 21:01

that movement wont last longuer than the pizza they eat in just 1 Second

@amandayee906 - 08.01.2024 18:09

Then keep ur shut dr phil

@amandayee906 - 08.01.2024 03:50

Fat or thin either way ur dead pick one it’s ur choice

@michaelriley5857 - 07.01.2024 20:34

Weight has become part of indentity in a toxic way.

@zeekay3205 - 05.01.2024 19:58

Metabolically Healthy Obese people exist - they just tend to not exist in the US, more indonesia etc- US has the deadly kind of obese

(~90% of obese people in the US, judged by fat and not BMI, have the metabolically unhealthy obesity type).

So health at every size is true, you CAN (as in it is possible to be) healthy at any (or almost any) size- it's just is it true FOR YOU.

A lot of people look at possibilities and outliers and then stick their head in the sand and say they're healthy instead of investigate their health with their doctors

@user-kv1nv9vy7x - 05.01.2024 17:37

Yes way too far and too much

@Matthew8473 - 23.12.2023 20:52

I'm transformed by the profound impact of this material. A book with akin insights initiated a new way of thinking in me. "Your Body Your Temple" by Sophia Wintergreen

@JeremiahKlarman - 20.12.2023 16:39

Full episode please?

@user-bm2hk1gv9l - 17.12.2023 04:34

Swallow ur MummA

@acaciajacqueline - 16.12.2023 21:16

Someone need to tell these stupid young people the ONLY reason they are obese and feel OK if because they are YOUNG! It WILL.NOT.LAST!

@m.v185 - 16.12.2023 02:06

This dude called his girl fat on cable tv lmao

@ingridgallagher1029 - 14.12.2023 15:13

Nope sorry. A certain level of fatness SHOULD be stigmatized. To be obese is irresponsible on several levels. Its irresponsible to the loved ones in your life, because you're less able to care for them or have active experiences with them. It's irresponsible financially because you're likey spending money you don't have to feed this habit ( no pun intended), or at least should be put to better use like saving and investing. And it leads to a misuse of medical resources and tax dollars, which is irresponsible as a citizen in general. To live life as obese and to choose to do nothing about it is arrogant and selfish. It is a physical manifestation of a lack of discipline and emotional maturity on the most fundamental level.

@sharonbrecht8872 - 12.12.2023 06:48

Wait till she hits menopause......if she lives that long

@jamesstewart3505 - 02.12.2023 19:55

Is she the one that dies at 37?

@KrispKiwi - 02.12.2023 12:34

My heart goes out to her, If I'm reading her body language correctly I think she's in a lot of pain. You can sense a feeling of wanting to be accepted. I hope a year on she's doing okay.

@quantomic1106 - 01.12.2023 09:27

I'd love to see her walk a mile and see if she'd still manage to speak.
Too bad Darwin doesn't do a good job on the human race anymore.

@LittleImpaler - 28.11.2023 01:39

I wonder how far she'll let herself be fat. Where does it stop for her.

@LittleImpaler - 28.11.2023 01:25

I hate the Body Positivty movement.

@patapillar - 26.11.2023 03:31

As a former obese person, I lost over 100lbs, calling fat people names and questioning everything they put in their mouth doesn't help them loose weight. It made me eat more because I felt it was impossible. The only time I was able to loose and keep it off was when I was ready to do it for myself. Best decision ever.

@viquiben4919 - 17.11.2023 14:00

If there is something worse than a narcissist is a fat narcissist.

@themontrealgirl95 - 16.11.2023 22:58

accepting my body=being in denial and not wanting to change

@gSWG3R - 15.11.2023 11:10

Body image aside - health consequences will remain the same regardless of whether you're comfortable with your body's weight and shape.

It's always young people who promote the fat acceptance "movement." You will be regretting it when you're 50 and older.

@SuperNewMom1 - 13.11.2023 16:33

She was so not prepared for this Dr Phil interview and has no idea what she’s talking about. She is confused.

@Whateverxo56 - 12.11.2023 18:46

It’s a cult. Enough said. And the spokespersons are a bunch of money loving preachers. There’s a difference in saying: I’m fat and I understand science and what a healthy body is BUT it’s my life, my body and my choice. And it’s a very different thing in saying: IM FAT AND ITS AMAZING AND VERY HEALTHY. SCIENCE IS WHITE SUPREMACIST!! One is problematic but still grounded in reality and the latter is a CULT! Unscientific and delusional very dangerous religious cult.

@davidvdmerwe1997 - 10.11.2023 22:35

How much is the body positivty movement contributing to climate change? That dream cream covered chocolate caramel melting minature mouth orgasm - it's wrapped in plastic.

@kaiyugunther1177 - 06.11.2023 01:25

The love of her life is an 🐷obese himself. Not surprise by his full support.

@hellize4212 - 04.11.2023 12:42

Yes, it did

@Raynzia - 28.10.2023 10:11

This idiot isnt listening. I was 446 pounds and worked to get down to 220. I would have been dead had i not done something about it. Shes just in denial because she wont accept shes just lazy and has no drive to do anything to help herself and would rather whinge herself into an early grave

@andyandyandandy9 - 28.10.2023 01:28


@EddieCCanegetitin - 26.10.2023 19:52

I compare this to incels wanting super models and they start calling for incel positivity

@Again-AGN - 24.10.2023 22:43

Take the “phobic” off these things. I’m not “scared” of fat people, I’m not scared of gays, straight, trans or in between. I just don’t chose to embrace those lifestyle choices for my own. I accept everyone and let everyone be who they are.

@karavera - 22.10.2023 09:00

All these obese body positive people are young… the gluttony effects your body over time. It effects every single organ and cell in your body. In their 40’s, they’re all going to have serious health problems. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

@miekesmit7012 - 18.10.2023 21:32

It's great you accept yourself. You are accepting infertility and early death

@miajmosley - 15.10.2023 18:09

Nobody wants to be fat and held back, its like crabs in a bucket

@miajmosley - 15.10.2023 18:05


@ismaileee - 10.10.2023 19:35

A Beta Male and Beluga whale enter a bar - and immediately the city inspectors shut it down for the excess weight limit on the flooring 😅
