Why you Should NOT use Ruby on Rails

Why you Should NOT use Ruby on Rails

Malachi Rails

1 год назад

53,141 Просмотров

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Hey there, I'm Malachi, and I'm passionate about one thing: helping YOU succeed in mastering Ruby on Rails! With years of experience in the world of web development, I've been through the ups and downs of learning Rails firsthand. Now, I'm here to share my knowledge and expertise with you.

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Charles - 13.11.2023 18:29

Shopify 🤡

Renouncely - 09.11.2023 19:08

I need a freelancer for project in Ruby on rails ... hit me back on here if interested

Ralph St Abord
Ralph St Abord - 08.11.2023 14:06

I will use Rails, just because you said not to.

John Small
John Small - 31.10.2023 10:19

From a manager's point of view they need fewer Rails developers to do the same job as Javascript developers, therefore a Javascript project needs bigger teams and a bigger budget.

Which looks better when managers are willy waving?

a) I have a team of 20 Javascript devs and a budget of millions a year
b) I have a team of 2 Rails devs and a budget of a few hundred thousand a year.

Both produce the same product features in roughly the same time.

But (a) looks great on a manager's CV.

thetilo - 27.10.2023 20:08

Ruby on Rails MAJOR advantage is that it supports rapid development, which is essential when you are in a start-up environment. Raw speed and multi-threading only become relevant much much later, when you have millions of users and want to curb your hosting bills. Rails is an awesome framework and choice if you want to iterate fast! If you start a new project, and are open to try a functional language and don't mind a learning curve, I would recommend Elixir/Phoenix - it also has a very strong framework (naming conventions etc), and it is much faster than Ruby, and fully supports multi-threading.

Антон Марков
Антон Марков - 12.10.2023 20:33

It's 2024, people are still thinking about some low levels on the web. Apparently no one has heard of services or micro-services? )

Anton Semenichenko
Anton Semenichenko - 11.10.2023 12:14

I did not enjoy this

Khalid Bhyan
Khalid Bhyan - 07.10.2023 23:33

Guys if you had a chance to learn Ruby on Rails don't even think, just start!

Reegan Viljoen
Reegan Viljoen - 05.10.2023 13:19

All of these takes have issues
1. performance: Most performance issues will be in your database, whether you are using rails, nextjs, c# this will always be your problem
2. Low level operations, you are just plain wrong
3. Use web workers + threads wich are generally available for 10+ years and lets you run on multiple cores

Seems you just dont like rails wich is fine but dont be making up your own facts

Vu Vo
Vu Vo - 27.09.2023 10:00

I agree the last statement. Rails is not the best choice for every project. But it should be the first consideration for enterprise web application. Ruby might be slower than others languages. But the most bottleneck come from io (db query, external api call). if the language related tasks take 10ms out of 500ms of response time. using another language with 2x or 10x faster doesn’t create any difference.

Amanullah Tanweer
Amanullah Tanweer - 25.09.2023 18:47

lol i dont think you have ever used ROR, this video is joke

Maestro - 20.09.2023 15:01

1. Java and C++ are faster not because they are statically typed, but because they are ahead-of-time compiled with optimizations (which generally goes hand-in-hand with static typing, which also helps, but you clearly don't understand the difference).

1.1. What exactly is the metric, how do you measure how fast a website is? Like, is Reddit faster than Github? Can you detect what stack the server runs based on how fast you receive the responses?

2. What commonly used low level operations, exactly? I genuinely don't understand, because you haven't provided a single example. How are Rails apps limited, to what? Languages like Python and Ruby have great interoperability with native extensions, things like image analysers, database drivers etc are almost always compiled C code.

3. That's a shame, if only there was a way to launch more than one process... Eh.

Azreow - 18.09.2023 15:45

The speed comparison has been debunked numerous times. Why would you need low level support in a web framework? You're working with the browser most of the time, not the OS. If you need multi-threading, write a service somewhere else and offload that specific work there. These are legitimately stupid reasons to forgo quick development time and good developer experience.

Martin Emsky
Martin Emsky - 17.09.2023 17:49

What about Ractor? This is a Ruby feature - ROR truly unsupport this feature?

Charles Hughes
Charles Hughes - 16.09.2023 01:35

The first point doesn't really seem relevant. I have doubts that the dynamically typed nature of Ruby is an at all significant source of performance issues. I would love to see a study or some concrete data showing otherwise.

gangelo - 03.09.2023 23:14

I make a very lucrative living as a full-stack ror lead application developer and using "rails is great if you need to get an application up, running and to market quickly" as a strong argument to use rails, imho is just plain silly. So what do you do after you get your app "to market", consider swapping out rails? I guess you could if you use a different front end technology, but using this argument to use rails imho is just plain silly. Rails is still a viable framework and a joy to use in the right circumstances. If rails works for you, it should work for you even after you "get it to market"; if not, consider another framework.

Mario S
Mario S - 29.08.2023 16:45

If you ever want to work with web3 I would not recommend stick with Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is the language preferred by entrepreneurs, not developers, so hoping for new features is like gambling.

Andrés Giraldo
Andrés Giraldo - 18.08.2023 21:51

This is not clickbait. RoR is dead☠️

Stephan Eberle
Stephan Eberle - 15.08.2023 14:53

All your points are valid, but also for other languages and frameworks. Without an actual goal to develop however your presented "issues" are pointless.

Pankaj Doharey
Pankaj Doharey - 08.08.2023 13:59

Did you even test the ruby VM? It is extremely fast. Niothing comes close to the speed of development and build apps fast. Concurrency has many options, web apps dont need concurrency. All fake claims.

Muhammad Aamir Khan
Muhammad Aamir Khan - 04.08.2023 13:24

no one can beat rails. I love it.

Lucas - 17.07.2023 22:56

This video script sounds a lot like it is AI generated 💀

fr0zeneye100 - 14.07.2023 15:07

Uhm so why don’t you not just use assembly? That surely is faster than Java and C++ and support all the low level you want. Why do people do things things? Like you got a bigger point to prove because you use c++? This is not helpfully achieving anything. There are many cases where ruby or php or whatever else even Fortran or cobal can be the choice for a particular project. I for example dislike node because Django is just way more secure out the box. Is Django the best programming for something. Heck no. But does it matter for the scale of the intended project? Heck no? So why should I design something ground up just because it is better instead of just coding it in plain old vanilla c? Time, budget etc comes into play suddenly. If the languages where that bad, they would not exist or be used at all. Back in the day when Java broke onto the scene, all this is exactly what we said about Java. To get something done with Java it is like writing half of lord of rings book to get hello printed in console.. but yet it still remains till this day as a top dog… if ruby was that bad, why so many jobs for that and php around? Also for many jobs in local area, I would rather go Java/ruby/php because that is just what is more requested in current location. So really horses for courses. I can do this conversation for OS all night long. But we all still use bloody windows right? But that could be because the c++ devs etc are not smart enough to make a system work as smooth and integrated as as windows on Linux… sort of chicken or egg, which came first? It does not matter. I use Mac because I can do things there windows and Linux cannot, I use redhat because I need SLAs, I use windows because all my clients use that. So which system is best? Well if I drop one system it will surely induce a pay cut that will be felt harshly.

MrTweetyhack - 09.07.2023 06:55

Rails is absolute junk

Romulo Storel
Romulo Storel - 07.07.2023 01:48

Why do you want to interact with OS with a web framework?

Victor Hazbun
Victor Hazbun - 03.07.2023 20:42

This guys knows shit.

Verbal Murder
Verbal Murder - 01.07.2023 19:06

I don't agree with the statement that Ruby and Rails can't go low-level.

I can just run C and C++ from Ruby as DLLs or sub-processes.

There's nothing that Ruby cannot do. If someone provides me with something they think Ruby can't do, and I'll do it in Ruby.

Kevin - 26.06.2023 03:21

man who started coding last month

MrUserasd - 20.06.2023 03:02

The main reason to not use Ruby/Rails is to allow Rails developers to continue being more productive and earn more :)

Shufflepack - 07.06.2023 03:11

Ruby on Rails is a dynamically typed language. Since RoR is not a language, I know you have no idea what you are talking about and feel no need to waste another minute. Good luck

unknown-user001 - 04.06.2023 10:08

github is built on ruby on rails

Ricardo Júnior
Ricardo Júnior - 26.05.2023 09:23

None of these are valid reasons to not pick ruby for web development...

waakaa11 - 23.05.2023 12:11

kinda useless video. very populist. a few, little positive points very manipulatively presented. reduce the setting and finished is a subjective image. but unfortunately opinion is not knowledge and knowledge always requires a context.

Eric - 13.05.2023 21:44

Cool video, but would have appreciated a more detailed comparison. For example, how about instead just stating that Rails has lack of support for low level operations, give explicit examples of this. What exact low level operations are not supported? Other than the lack of specifics, good video. It’s always important to point out the flaws in the tools we use and love 😊

Francesco Mari
Francesco Mari - 10.05.2023 00:09

The reasons to use Rails in 2023 are exactly the same as in past years: if you need a framework to quickly go to the market, test and iterate your business ideas with a fast feedback loop, Rails is still unbeatable. If you need something crazy fast you have plenty of alternatives, but using languages and frameworks that can't get you the same productivity level of Ruby and Rails.

Matter Of Time
Matter Of Time - 06.05.2023 19:45

216 dislikes vs 54 likes? 😅

AlexLun - 30.04.2023 18:56

Agreed. In my experience we used Rails mostly when a local shop/hotel/store wanted to have an online platform for sales. These guys are not Tesco, these guys are not Airbnb, they surely are not Amazon. So for their needs Rails works just fine and its cheap and fast to develop.

John Turknett
John Turknett - 28.04.2023 17:37

I would double/triple check all of your facts before teaching other people the wrong things. Some of your statements are correct while others are used out of context.

While Rails is a framework with all the limitations of ruby, rails does not compete with other languages directly. Web development is not systems development and does not require the same level of performance. Also, ruby is written in c, all of the lower level file access APIs are written in c... and when you scale horizontally like you do in server pools, you don't run into multi-thread concerns.

Elton Santos
Elton Santos - 27.04.2023 08:00

I already entered the video giving a dislike and not recommending the channel to anyone :)

Weezy Carter
Weezy Carter - 20.04.2023 13:13

So you're comparing rails to C++ and java and even said ruby on rails is a dynamically typed language when it's a framework written in ruby? Even though I agree with you on the performance part but ruby on rails is one of the most powerful frameworks if you gonna judge it compare to other frameworks and not just the performance, every frameworks got it's own pros and cons you gotta understand what this framework is about before doing such a video

User - 18.04.2023 19:40


KommaAchtKommaEins - 16.04.2023 14:19

I considered other frameworks that were deemed cool. Especially in Golang. Nothing beats Rails.

Josué Schorr
Josué Schorr - 11.04.2023 18:29

não pode usar, quando não sabe usar de modo profissional

Teemu Viljanen
Teemu Viljanen - 09.04.2023 12:53

What??? Well ok, thank you for educating me! Which one is better for coding keyboard or spare tire? Rails or C++? -> All please Unsubscribe this nosense channel.

doctorale84 - 07.04.2023 03:20

lol Rails is not less scalable, there's huge apps running on it, what's less scalable is the code written by shitty devs on it

Mr Borja
Mr Borja - 06.04.2023 21:22

what a crap video

ace - 30.03.2023 21:00

Crystal is the new Ruby

Code with Aus
Code with Aus - 30.03.2023 09:00

I think Rails is great if you are a single developer and want something quick and stable going, everything out of the box
