Dead Cells 2021 Guide - Tips to Beat 4BC w/ Example Run (Veteran Guides)

Dead Cells 2021 Guide - Tips to Beat 4BC w/ Example Run (Veteran Guides)


3 года назад

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angleofdoom - 27.08.2023 17:31

I'm still struggling with 4BC runs but heavy crossbow survival build has gotten me to the HOTK more than any other weapon. It's nearly useless without pierce, but with it you can 1-shot pretty much every enemy and whatever is behind them. By the time you get to somewhere like clock tower or King's Castle, you will be 1-shotting elite enemies too. Love it

Santiago Gil
Santiago Gil - 05.07.2023 05:31

I’m just sayin: frostbite + frost blast = gg ez in biomes. Bat + trap + ice grenade = gg ez against most bosses

Cat as angel
Cat as angel - 23.05.2023 16:13

I beat 4BC and i stuck 5BC

bloodgod bloodmaster
bloodgod bloodmaster - 21.05.2023 16:25

What happens if you kill the giant and die in the hotk?

Máté Sajben
Máté Sajben - 10.05.2023 01:09

The Giant gives you the 5th bc, so you could have just stopped there.

3Nebula - 27.03.2023 23:14

I thought you had to beat giant to get the 5th boss cell

Anastasia Palmer
Anastasia Palmer - 17.03.2023 01:32

Survival and tactics are my favorite builds
... followed closely by brutality. All the weapons are fun in this game.

With the new DLC and update items magic missile has never been more fun. Running around with my own little lightning shield, and a flame thrower turrent... sooo much dot and build up.

Minh Hoàng
Minh Hoàng - 03.03.2023 20:59

The only prob with 4bc is that it is extremely discouraging. 1 hit by zombies and the entire bar gone on second biome BTW

Runescythe9852 - 13.02.2023 09:02

I keep forgetting about the Homonculus Rune to draw in enemies without aggroing the whole floor lol. Guess it never hurts to go over guides like these

Matthew Montales
Matthew Montales - 12.02.2023 16:01

I've been playing Dead cells for over a half year now and for almost 4 months, I didn't have any progress but 2 weeks ago I beat the hand of the king from 0BC to 3BC. I'm currently in 4BC and all I could say is Gah Deymn, so hard. And always remember that we have our own way of progressing forward. And my build is Explosive Crossbow, and parry shield in my backpack, mutation is Armadillo pack, no mercy, and YOLO. Just roll around when the hand of the king throws bombs so you can deflect them and make them your own, easier life 👍

Jesse Boy
Jesse Boy - 02.02.2023 08:53

I reached 4BC without using a shield (187hrs in as of now), not planning to use it in the future either. I just cannot master it. Also, I think CM is sort of cheating coz I believe that's not how the game was meant to be played. It's all about drawing the weapons and skills, ur luck and how well u can adapt to different fighting styles throughout the run. U rightfully mentioned that's what brings the fun and has people come back again and again and again trying to beat the game. Thanks for the video!

Zero Resistance
Zero Resistance - 17.11.2022 07:54

i would never get to 4 bc without continuation mode KEKW.

Aspekt - 17.11.2022 00:23

Bro, I really hope your channel grows!!!

Tiziano Riccucci
Tiziano Riccucci - 06.11.2022 15:57

my highest damage was 100000 (crit)

SandeR87A - 13.10.2022 23:56

I got my 5bc through custom mode. So i beated the Giant on 4bc with Custom mode settings (That probably disabled achievements).
When i now run a Normal 4bc run to beat the Giant again do i still get the Steam Achievement for Absorbing the 5th BC ? Or did i locked myself now out of that and have to do a New Safefile basicly to get this Achievement ?

Jovan Dučić
Jovan Dučić - 31.08.2022 18:19

How did you get the last two scrolls? You had 28 when you beat the Giant. And then you immediately went to the throne room. So how'd you get those 2 scrolls?

Galaxy - 25.08.2022 02:16

good shop

fiendishshape - 24.08.2022 00:50

Damn, I thought 2bc wall was tough.. 4bc is absolutely brutal in comparison. I knew this game was difficult but wow!

Kabersh Shkabersh
Kabersh Shkabersh - 19.07.2022 00:03

Judging how good a color is by how much health you get from it is dumb lol

Alexis LVT
Alexis LVT - 01.07.2022 11:28

I made 42 tactics !

Pink Freud
Pink Freud - 04.06.2022 19:32

Whenever I try to beat 4BC, I kill HOTK and he just gives me a note saying “investigate the giant” or some nonsense…who is the giant? I want to play 5BC how do I do that

Average deadcells fan
Average deadcells fan - 23.05.2022 10:36

Some mutations got nerfed Gastronomie heals now 65% and not 100% so dont be shocked guys

Average deadcells fan
Average deadcells fan - 23.05.2022 10:14

Im taking sometimes way to much damage on elite enemies

Arceli Biagtan
Arceli Biagtan - 03.05.2022 17:29

I know custom mode is not cheating but c'mon
We all wanted to beat a game legitimately
Except for people that wanted not to struggle, i accept that

That one guy you just can't remember his name
That one guy you just can't remember his name - 15.04.2022 23:15

Is it just me or on 4 BC the Hand of the king can't be rooted or stun

DRAGOTEAM 2769 - 25.02.2022 16:16

how do you get the shop to be all the same colours?

salmon with feet
salmon with feet - 25.02.2022 13:27

I tried to master the parrying at 0BC and im glad i did

dokuganryyu - 27.01.2022 18:39

Sill not 5% but im getting to 5BC even if its the last thing I do in this game

Antifa_Support - 11.01.2022 19:16

A 3 bc player (can't even beat any of the first set of bosses) watching a 4 bc guide be like:
Yep, that's it.
Got it.

Dies in the second biome immediately
Edit/Update: I finally got to 4 bc with the weirdest combo I've done: Spite Sword + Face Flask (The Unkillable)

sir quagsire
sir quagsire - 07.01.2022 02:51

I use the 3x the recovery time,vampirism,meat skier sword,giant killer,and last but not least ice armor,Ice armor is important so when you are low in life you use ice armor to be able to tank any 1 hit and then use vampirism,jump into a group of monsters and use meat skier and wala all you hp is almost full,also equip talent that slows enemies down when you hit them and the one that increases defense and attack both are in red talents,and increase red only and if you cant increase green,when you do both you power up giant killer,this has worked for me anywhere from no cell to I am currently on 5 cells,also before you die instantly restart game and you will be able to re start last saving point,but when you defeat the last bad guy,you have to kill yourself in spikes because the game won't let you restart game,all data is saved

Simon Noelle
Simon Noelle - 01.01.2022 13:11

Just got into 4 bc and i cant even get out of prisoners wuaters now

thanh pham
thanh pham - 22.12.2021 18:43

5bc please

Philippe Dubois
Philippe Dubois - 11.12.2021 23:26

I was stuck on 4BC for so long coming close a few times. Beat it today but i didnt unlock 5BC...apparently you need to kill the giant ;(

Wsio - 16.11.2021 04:28

War Spear isn't actually that bad of a weapon, in 2.4 I'm assuming this is from 2.4 since it's buffed, it has a pretty good biome clear in brutality since you can use it with Killer instinct for your skills and Predator to close the distance to your enemies, you just need a weapon like Sadist Stilleto or Rapier on your backpack to deal with bosses

Edge of the Internet
Edge of the Internet - 23.10.2021 21:06

damn. 4bc seems really intimidating so far, but i managed the previous difficulties as well, so i know i can do it.

Shoe Bill got drip
Shoe Bill got drip - 01.10.2021 11:10

I go to hand of the king at 4 bc fight him just to realize that you got to fight the giant

cosmic salad
cosmic salad - 25.09.2021 09:12

Tysm, I jus got the 5th bsc

Gib - 24.09.2021 22:39

after leaving the game for about 3-4 months I'm trying to finish it in 4BC....

I'm suffering

ScreenPop - 12.09.2021 20:00

laughs in Armadillopack

Ved Aryan
Ved Aryan - 25.08.2021 08:27

I was surprised they used harder better faster stronger as the name of achievement, until I saw they were a French studio

SuperCanayaZ - 20.08.2021 19:54

Only 4%? I'm not as bad as I thought

Mu Jones
Mu Jones - 14.08.2021 20:04

I did it yesterday! =D 4 BC Yeeaaaahhh! Thank you.

Filipe Almeida
Filipe Almeida - 14.08.2021 02:02

Started two weeks ago, just got to 4Bc , what a rush! So in love with this game..

Boxcar - 08.08.2021 23:10

Still can not beat HOTK on 4BC. I never have anything left for backup at that point.

Eman Trejo
Eman Trejo - 24.07.2021 01:03

Just beat 4 bc with cursed sword only as yea

Eman Trejo
Eman Trejo - 23.07.2021 19:12

I just beat 3 bc with cursed sword

Michael Long
Michael Long - 22.07.2021 02:25

Thoughts on using Armadillopack to parry instead of holding a shield?

hauserrer - 18.07.2021 09:26

Omgggg yessss. I am stuck on 4bc for so long now. The for sharing such valuable knowledge!
