How Is Life for Rusyns in Ukraine? (I Visited Zakarpattia)

How Is Life for Rusyns in Ukraine? (I Visited Zakarpattia)


2 года назад

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Мигаль Кушницькый
Мигаль Кушницькый - 04.07.2022 11:48

Trying to generalize my own view of the situation - it's not that Ukraine really oppresses Rusyns that much, it's just Rusyns themselves do not create enough of the demand to be noticed, so Ukraine is simply getting away with just ignoring the whole thing.
Do you want Rusyn to be taught in schools? Great! But who actually asks that? 3-5 people? Most of the oblast silently accept whatever the government assigns for the education, so these demands are to be ignored.

TsunaTsurugi - 05.04.2023 23:13

Afghanistan is abit weird comparison. Germany would fit much more, altough its just part of german history that the nation is made up of many "countrys" that have their own ethnocultures and there is so much that its really hard to say that german is a single ethnicity as there are many.... alone in Baden-Württemberg we got Swabians, Franks and Alemans altough in the modern time its basicly impossible for people to care much about the sub divisions and people usaly just associate with the "Land" of Baden-Württemberg or one of each to be more detailed.

Altough only Bavarians like to call themself a seperate free state xD

And in ukraine as in many countrys people feel National but also "local" Patriotism. Altough that doesnt i want to talk Rusyn identity small.

R.A. Pamme
R.A. Pamme - 08.01.2023 21:13

How ironically, Ukrainians that fight Putin's narrative claiming that there is no such things as Ukraine and Ukrainians, do exactly the same to Rusyns! HOW EVEN DARE YOU? RUSYNS DO EXIST. RUSYNS ARE NOT UKRAINIANS. RUSYNS HAVE RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION. ACCEPT THIS, OR YOU ARE JUST LIKE PUTIN.

Julian Ivanov
Julian Ivanov - 30.12.2022 17:10

Here's a few things that should kept in mind:
1. You're visiting a country during wartime. I highly doubt you being watched had anything to do with your ethnicity. In fact, I even doubt you WERE being watched. Personally, to me it sounds like you WANT to be oppressed to win over sympathy for your cause.
2. You're promoting what could be considering separatism, within a country that's been fighting separatists since 2014.
3. Many Rusyns have historically identified themselves as a distinct group of Ukrainians. Look at the establishment of Carpatho-Ukraine in 1939. Is it any wonder notions of Rusyn separateness only exist OUTSIDE of Ukraine? To me, it seems like a classic case of divide and conquer.

To reiterate, I'm not arguing that Rusyns don't exist as an ethnic group or a nationality, as that is something that only they themselves can decide on. BUT, I'm calling bull on the "oppression of Rusyns", especially when historically, many, if not the majority of them considered themselves to be a subgroup of the larger Ukrainian ethnicity.

Additionally, I find it hilarious that you described Tajiks as "Persians who live outside of Iran" and that you said they "speak Farsi". By that same logic, Rusyns are Ukrainians who live near the Carpathian mountains and speak Ukrainian.

Furthermore, you claim that they don't care about being Ukrainian because that's something their taught in school, but they allegedly care about being Rusyn. All over Europe, but especially Eastern Europe, people adore their local regional identity more than their national identity. That's literally it. These people accept Ukrainian as their national identity and Rusyn as their regional identity. Your forcing your own beliefs of upon them and claiming that they don't see things the same way because they're being "oppressed".

R - 16.12.2022 16:39

Can we just already split Ukraine?

Me as Romanian also want back my land.

Master Mutaito
Master Mutaito - 03.11.2022 17:40

I don't really have a formed opinion on these topics but you taking an interest in my region is nice.

Raphael Alexandre
Raphael Alexandre - 27.10.2022 17:17

here in the state of Paraná located in Brazil, there are several descendants of Ukrainians and Poles who fled from the ancient region of Galicia during the Austro-Hungarian empire and because of the wars that continue to this day in Eastern Europe.

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc - 30.09.2022 08:44

Tell your Rusyn groups to join Russia.
Ukraine needs united people who want to form a country.
You were watched BECAUSE YOUR FOREIGN.
Join Russia and take your culture there where Russian language will be forced on you.
Good luck.

Jada Rose
Jada Rose - 17.09.2022 04:46


top kek
top kek - 19.07.2022 22:16

american LARPers are the worst 😭

john hrobuchak
john hrobuchak - 12.07.2022 00:23

And you didn't take me!

C. P.
C. P. - 08.07.2022 10:47

Oh really ?can you proof that you are visit Ukraine or just talk from some garden about it. But anyway, although what I demand from a person who uses maps that are confirmed by various theories of the distribution of ethnographic groups, and simply says that this is propaganda and that it is not. when different approaches to the same issue are simply used (by people who have spent years researching these issues). go to university to finish your master's degree, learn how research is conducted in the scientific field and new theories are presented and what basis is needed for them. Because just your words are not enough.

patriotpioneer - 07.07.2022 05:37

FYI: Since your back, Get A New Cell Phone(not kidding)...

OrkosUA - 06.07.2022 19:33

So we have a guy sitting and talking bullshit about Ukraine. What an amazing "evidence". especially considering that you are just an American who just got brainwashed by political rusynship

Karen Varian
Karen Varian - 06.07.2022 16:01

This is not normal times in Transcarpathia. There is a war going on. They are more suspicious of non residents because of the potential of them being spies. You are a male traveling yourself, not connected to a humanitarian group and connected to Rusyns. There are Rusyns that have been connected with seperatist groups sympathetic to Russia.

Daumantas Julius
Daumantas Julius - 05.07.2022 23:25

I think you were most likely watched, not because of you are rusyn, but simply because you are an American who walks around the Oblasť during the war.

Jareov Vichenko
Jareov Vichenko - 04.07.2022 17:35

How many Rusyns did u meet?

anovergy - 04.07.2022 14:12

There's no such thing as rusyn or ruthenia, today it's ethnonym of Ukrainian nation. Sub-ethnos at best. Slovakia has about 30k and Ukraine about 10k. Why not go there and cry more about poor rusyn. Hutsuls have more ethnocultural features but they consider themselves to be part of the general Ukrainian ethnos. Only you have notions of separatism. Which russians always love to use in their media. After russian invasion since 2014, of course expect SBU to watch your separatist asses. Слава Україні 🇺🇦.

Alexander Brodski
Alexander Brodski - 04.07.2022 10:15

I respect highly the Rusyn people and culture. Best wishes from an American descendant of ethnic Bulgarians from the region of Aegean Macedonia (in Greece)!

Lord of Gamers
Lord of Gamers - 04.07.2022 07:30

This should really blow up so people know the truth about what the deal is. My bro you had the balls to go there after making videos against the Ukros AND IN THE MIDDLE OF WAR. Ultimate respect 💰

S E - 04.07.2022 06:28

Can you tell me why Rusyns are being watched and squelched? Or could you give me a place to look it up? My grandparents are from Serendne and I knew my whole life , I am 66, I was Carpato-Rusyn. I knew we had no country to call our own. They were told to write Czech in the US, but we knew we were never Czech. Thank you for what you are doing.
