Star Wars Galaxies in 2023.. Its Basically the Golden Age

Star Wars Galaxies in 2023.. Its Basically the Golden Age


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Skleem - 27.09.2023 04:24

Restoration added drag queens. It wont lick itself - just fwi. Wonder if they will add youngin audience members next

Pamela Braeutigam
Pamela Braeutigam - 25.09.2023 19:53

I really wish they could consolidate the servers and create an "all in one". Like a single sign on, but you could change servers. One server for each era, one for RP, Etc. I love the OG content, but want JTL.

TysonGamerPro - 25.09.2023 11:51

How are you meant to play this, ive looked it up but theres no where to buy the game!!

Tyler Stewart
Tyler Stewart - 24.09.2023 12:38

I suck so bad at this game.

MsFlemmish - 23.09.2023 20:15

Why is there homeworld music going on?

TheTruthIsGonnaHurt - 22.09.2023 13:52

SWG brings back so many fond memories. Ralph Koster was a visionary with Ultima Online and SWG!
Those were the days when developers cared about lore and quality content. That was before the dark times, before "The Korean Grindfest MMOS and Gacha Scams".
Asians killed the true meaning of MMORPG. The closest they have ever come to a real MMORPG is ArcheAge, and sadly they fell back into their old ways and made it into a P2W loot box scam.

F B - 22.09.2023 11:26

How many players is there logged on at anytime on this server?

Hagan Koscheski
Hagan Koscheski - 22.09.2023 07:36

This is far from the golden age the amount of culture conflicts over Disney VS EU has ruined some of my favorite communities in this game. It’s all turned into a conflict of your lore vs their lore unless you are just a PVPer and ignore everything that had once made the game great. It’s community is a shell of its former self and I should know I speak of these matters as they continued to happen the same month you released your video. I left this community for two years hoping it would heal but it only got worse.

My suggestion to you all? If you only like PVP stay if you like anything else leave! Even the Senators only care about PVP anymore and scoff at rpers who make suggestions on servers like Legends. On other servers it’s all just false promises. Oh and if your a Disney fan I hope your happy I tried to stay positive tried to stay neutral thinking we could all get along. And then 6 guilds fell apart on two different servers when each time a Disney fan took over and tried to force change.

Ehpic - 21.09.2023 16:01

i still remember the month SWG came out i played a declared rebel pistoleer and all i did was run into imperial towns and kite declared imps with massive bleeds from the pistol lol, spent multiple days just running around mos eisley as a declared rebel. it was so fun

AllFascists CanSuckIt
AllFascists CanSuckIt - 20.09.2023 04:09

LOVE the Homeworld soundtrack in the background! I nearly wore that bonus CD out when I was like 12 or 13.

Roma Krelian
Roma Krelian - 18.09.2023 12:33

I remember being an in-game protester shouting "stop the combat upgrade! Save SWG!" Whole lotta good that did...

MHirschi Travels
MHirschi Travels - 17.09.2023 08:43

what ended Galaxies for me was how they destroyed the PVE experience when they started copying WoW and focusing on PvP too much. They made it so we went from feeling like powerful characters that could fight (and tame) Rancors... to being knocked off of my speeder and killed in one it from a freaking Mokk Caveman! I remember needing 20 people to even go into the Sandpeople camp. Total joke. If they have a server where you can actually feel like a Star Wars hero in PvE again I would be all in in a second.

binarypower - 17.09.2023 00:27

I miss this game. There have been zero other games that have been this amazing. from multiple planets you could not only fly to but to have an actual fully populated globe... multiple planets all different things to see. So many professions. Player cities with travel hubs. Actual sustainable economy with shops and trade professions. It was so cool. Hidden paths to jedi (at one point). It was such a good game that I'm glad it died. I wasted many years of my life on that. I was totally addicted. I haven't got that invested into a game since. It kinda broke my heart.

Bryce - 16.09.2023 17:56

Which Server are you playing on?

Alpha Wolffe Studios
Alpha Wolffe Studios - 15.09.2023 18:02

does this Server have any Clone Wars armor and weapons? Also How would I be able to play this game imulator, I never played the origanal before it went offlne.

Porter Wake
Porter Wake - 15.09.2023 17:19

But can I choose my pronouns?

Noah Cockrell
Noah Cockrell - 14.09.2023 19:50

How do you play this without a disk drive? I’d love to get back into galaxies, used to play when I was in elementary school

EnterpriseKnight - 14.09.2023 15:21

you know what makes me sad? This was supposed to be Star Trek Online, but Verant Interactive and Activision coudln't reach an agreement. Verant then went with Lucas and Sony and made Galaxies.

Harley Mitchell
Harley Mitchell - 14.09.2023 09:23

Unpopular opinion, but that brief post-CU/pre-NGE era of the game was one of my favorite time frames. They were slowly, but surely working out the kinks of the professions and there was a fair amount of content. Shame thay they dumped it all for the NGE.

Ryan - 13.09.2023 17:33

It's crazy that this game actually looks good at this age.

Jagick - 13.09.2023 12:13

This is pretty damn late but you should be able to rename your ships in your datapad.

Sum guy Noname
Sum guy Noname - 12.09.2023 15:28

can you be a jedi?

snwbubble - 12.09.2023 10:22

is that homeworld music in the background?

FunWithAJ - 11.09.2023 10:17

Unfortunately the specific server is run by unprofessionals who are trying to steal identities and don't allow teenagers to play on the server with their parents.

Sainguin - 10.09.2023 09:03

Glad to see SWG getting some love.

I'm gonna say for any people looking to get into SWG for the first time, you should probably checkout SWG Legends first.

It's the most active server by miles, a difference between 1000+ at peak times and 100+ at peak times on other servers, and it's by and far the most developed and well maintained server available.

I genuinely recommend it over any other server for people completely new to SWG, or even old players looking to come back. SWG isn't SWG without a big community to make it feel like the living universe it is.

Brian - 08.09.2023 18:49

there are way to many Rebels on Resto but i still love it

Donald Xavier
Donald Xavier - 08.09.2023 00:48

Master Creature Handler was the best class.

Wiselle - 06.09.2023 22:48

you need to get the droid comps to boost your ship, and fly at 3/4 speed for the best dog fighting

Gonz216 - 05.09.2023 22:04


Gonz216 - 05.09.2023 21:59

Anchorhead for me was Mimi, a CM, coming in and destroying everyone with diseases. The cantina was full of injured and recovering people.

A N - 05.09.2023 10:32

The problem with the game is it is meant to be highly populated and filled with player generated content. Without people everywhere, it just feels empty.

Jace Lagneaux
Jace Lagneaux - 05.09.2023 09:56

Looks about as good as starfield and it actually has vehicles

That Sketchy professor!
That Sketchy professor! - 05.09.2023 03:55

Honestly. Even with the perma death aspect. Being a Jedi would be amazing fun in this game. As it stands. I'd be keeping that shyte to myself too. Not even my friends would know :) either that or my name could accidentally give me away LOL

Plushie - 04.09.2023 02:51

I started playing Galaxies after the CU so it really doesn't bother me at all and the shear playercount of Legends is just amazing, so it'll always be my main server. I might try out restoration at some point but it looks a little lonely and the class system doesn't really seem that interesting to me on paper.

Alex - 04.09.2023 01:26

Im pretty active on the EMU server. Glad to see others getting into swg.

Virtual Game Lounge
Virtual Game Lounge - 02.09.2023 22:08

I got used to the changes in SWG, and Legends basically lets me continue the game as I played it, with some new content as well

Zero Neutral
Zero Neutral - 02.09.2023 20:36

Ironically, it's the dark ages for the franchise in general.

floatshake - 02.09.2023 13:08

ty for the vid! are there any major differences between the servers in terms of the space sim aspects?
also noticed a comment mentioning one server needs a copy of original game too, ty

Renegade Acre
Renegade Acre - 02.09.2023 07:03

Frylle McIro - Bria imp launch thru combat upgrade

True story: This game's flora harvesters inspired the micro-scale vegetable farm in my backyard. It only takes 1 lot. 💀

BirdFeetGaming - 02.09.2023 06:27

Quick question what Reshade did you use? AS in mod or program, I would love to use it in my game, thanks

Lithari - 02.09.2023 01:16

I remember when you had to be given the languages from a player with each new was cool, players gave the languages for free....The Community was communities, unless they are a small close-knit group are toxic and unreliable.

J Hoover
J Hoover - 01.09.2023 23:20

I might check this out since it would be pre-new movies..

Consequator - 31.08.2023 12:57

SWG is one of those games that actually gets better the more people are around unlike other mmo's that are basically single player games with other people running around in them that often just get in your way.

notoxingreenliving - 31.08.2023 11:43

Brings back memories from 2003ish 2004ish played for a little hot minute but got sucked into EQ2 back in those days...still enjoyed this immensly

12crows1 - 31.08.2023 10:38

In the Original you had to find holocrons to tell you which professions to master in order to unlock jedi or you could just master them all 1 by 1. You EARNED Jedi in the Original and they were crazy powerful! Then they ruined the whole game with that idiotic update. Making hundreds & hundreds of hours of grinding worthless and jedi just another class anyone could have! After that the game just died. I'm still bitter about it.😉

Chuck - 31.08.2023 09:30

Wait whaaaat? There are private servers???!!! I need it!

dirt poor
dirt poor - 31.08.2023 09:07

I tried playing on the most common player ran server but got lost in the questline after the starter zone and basically just quit -_-
