The Simple Cure for Loneliness | Baya Voce | TEDxSaltLakeCity

The Simple Cure for Loneliness | Baya Voce | TEDxSaltLakeCity

TEDx Talks

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@clairespinks2953 - 10.12.2023 15:15

I’ve never heard so much BS in a speech on tedx. It’s beyond polite words

@waggytail289 - 09.12.2023 14:26

Why does she seem like she's talking to a class of 7 year olds? Content and delivery is my suggestion. Also, where is the UK on her world map?

@pussyhigh - 05.12.2023 13:59

This is the worst Ted Talk I've ever seen. So unhelpful for anyone actually needing help.

@emmettyoung7603 - 29.11.2023 08:11

they just give ted talks to anyone now huh?

@nathwish - 28.11.2023 13:27

You know what this lady actually does make me feel good about myself… because if SHE can be doing a ted talk, then I think I also have a chance 😅

@jamesbrean8004 - 27.11.2023 02:26

Loneliness eats away at my happiness.

@PJski - 25.11.2023 07:44

How did this make the cut at Ted...?

@Kaito1417 - 21.11.2023 23:22

Ok let me tell you how you stop feeling lonely, Get friends. thanks everybody have a great night!!

@user-re4in1hw9b - 18.11.2023 20:34

this is a joke right?

@renelovemetal - 13.11.2023 10:55

Loneliness is for dummies 😂

@veronanaidu5924 - 05.11.2023 22:41

This video is not relevant and really disappointing to watch from a Ted x. If I had not read the comments then I would have really felt insane because this video actually does the opposite of what it should.

Showing us the perfect life where one does trips with a close knit circle of friends to France like it's a Tuesday... is really setting unrealistic expectations of what having connection is or requires and makes one feel like they dont have enough of connection and closeness like what it depicted on video.
The world is dealing with war, corruption and economic crisis... majority of us can not relate to your solution because we lack connection now more than every due to the lack of two major things: time and money and this video ignores that. Almost like kicking a lonely person when they're down.

Hope many others also check the comments section like I did after watching this video just to reassure themselves that loneliness and mental health is a real thing. I feel that this talk promotes the stigma attached to mental health and it should not be that way because most of us are suffering from it now more than ever especially post covid.

Here's a reminder for anyone reading this : Life is difficult and we may not understand everything but you're not the only one... and you are not alone even in loneliness because there's millions of us out there that share the same or similar feelings.
Stay strong, we got this, better days are ahead.

@anginas363 - 03.11.2023 02:09

Let me get this straight, it's great that she gets to enjoy her life this way, but as humans, it is hard for some of us to find real connections or people to trust beyond the surface of a simple relationship, it is really hard to find connection, during this process, that is what it's called loneliness. If there's one thing i'd know is my past experiences with friends and love, and even though it hasn't gotten any better, well, i know that a change for good starts from within. Work on yourself and you'll find that being with you is enough, later on, you'll enjoy your relationships and loneliness in an equivalent way. Don't wait for someone to drag you out of this, i know that with perseverance, everything ends up being alright, it's not about time but how bad you want it. If you want to talk i'll be here to listen to the replies <3

@daysatomic - 02.11.2023 09:25

This should be pre-empted with a disclaimer that "the person you are about to listen to is a pretty, white, privileged, female that thinks loneliness is a bad audition for a reality show." Honestly, Tedx should probably take this down and/or re-title the video 'Baya goes to Europe'. Ridiculous. When you spend weeks lying in bed night after night wondering if you'll even talk or text another person tomorrow or even in the next few days, going over every social interaction you've ever had to micro-analyze why no one stuck around, contemplating death in a multitude of ways and if your distant nieces and nephews would appreciate an inheritance, or how long it would take for anyone to discover your rotting corpse if you accidentally choked - then you can represent yourself as an authority on loneliness. To me, this video is like a skit on SNL called 'Whiny Girl Fails at Something and Now Needs to Tell the World.' The cynical side of me actually wants all of Baya's friends to forget about her and really leave her alone with no one for a good number of years and then she can come back and apologize for wasting 5.1M people's time.

@pbztex - 30.10.2023 20:08

The video is called "A simple cure for loneliness", yet all she talked about was how she has a boyfriend and close friends with whom she hangs out and travels a lot... And she also promoted herself... Never even mentioning loneliness or anything that the title promised...

@xelliose - 30.10.2023 07:04

the real question is, who gave her this TEDX spot? must be a simp for her looks? I think she is a fairly pretty white woman who is athletic and she can speak clear american accent.

@protoeuropean9012 - 29.10.2023 06:42

ORIGINAL TITLE : "I'm a delusional bubblehead and have no clue what loneliness really is"

@stevenmajic - 27.10.2023 19:30

Good for you that you have friends to share with. What about people that don't have friends??? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to make new friends??? My 2 friends of over 50 years passed away over the past 3 years. I am single, don't have any other friends and now at age 60 struggle making new friends with the various meetup groups I belong to. Any suggestions as I find this lack of connection you are referring to is causing more loneliness and depression depression

@alexfinn7989 - 23.10.2023 03:43

This is the worst ted talk i have seen.

@kierlak - 19.10.2023 20:48

Loads of negative comments but I see this video has many positives in my view:

- she speaks that cure for loneliness is connection. Meaningful relationship. Not having lot of people but people who understand you, hear you, see you and value you.

- she talks about rituals (she just shared what works for her: friends get togethers, trip abroad) but people are missing a point I think. It's about making your own rituals (whatever your circumstances are). Let's say you have zero friends, etc. How about you find a local support group (even let's say something difficult happens: e.g. you loose someone to cancer: meet some people who's beem going through similar experience, talk, connect), walking group, book club, running club or anything that is of interest of you and stick to it. Go out of your comfort zone. Is it easy ? No ! It's freaking hard. Anxiety might be kicking in, etc. Making friends is stressful. But creating those "rituals" and maintaining them is key.

Btw: this comment section also shows how we are as humans. Negative comments drive negativity. You wanted to post something positive, you see lot of negative one, what you do ? You jump in a negativity train. In psychology it's called: "follow the crowd mentality". But on other hand some people may genuinely wanted to share their dislikes and I fully respect that too.

@samanthafranklin9948 - 18.10.2023 11:56

Oh my god these comments realise I have enough with my small group of friends, and I can see why these commenters DON’T have friends. Don’t be a Debbie downer or negative Nancy people. If you don’t like the video, try to take one thing away from it and move on. Or how about realise you’ve found some people you can laugh with or relate to RIGHT HERE and reach out? Thank this lady for helping you find people with a common denominator.

@cindistewart3979 - 17.10.2023 03:45

The worst talk ever

@paulinegorbett3344 - 15.10.2023 15:01

Well that was a waste of time 😂.

@siat11 - 13.10.2023 21:25

Look at me. I drink rose wine with my cushiony friends and then go to Paris with them...

@infiniteyouth18 - 13.10.2023 11:20

I surrounded myself with the wrong people growing up, i eventually fell out with all of them, if i was around the right people i would have still had friends to this day.

@ant5611 - 12.10.2023 12:05

My experience of Loneliness feels like you stuck in a loop that you cant get out. You have to keep working because you need to pay for the rent. Despite efforts to make new friend. It seems like everyone become so defensive and busy for new relationship. The loop I cant get out.

@stars_for_night_lights - 11.10.2023 07:36

This woman is CLUELESS. My ritual? I wake up everyday ALONE. No friends, no family, no support system, literally not ONE person. I try to muster up the energy to get out of bed, and get through the day emotionally, mentally and physically. Then, I go to bed early because I'm bored out of my mind. I wake up the next morning and do it all again. Woman, you are from MARS. You honestly have no idea what loneliness is. You are the LAST person on Earth who should be giving this talk. Wow.....🤦

@bluemeister7 - 11.10.2023 06:29

I initially decided to watch this since I've never seen a TedTalk with so many dislikes...then disliked it myself after just 5 min. Sure, everyone has their own threshold for what they can cope with, but the anecdotes she shared felt like she was comparing her paper cut to my gaping wound.

@sararodriguez948 - 09.10.2023 22:56

Umm maybe the topic shouldn’t of been loneliness 😭😫😂

@noot5365 - 06.10.2023 06:39

these days i feel like im missing something because of my lack of friends... but that doesn't mean i'm lonely. i live with my parents who i talk to, i have great chats with my fellow TAFE students, my collegues and this is because i have the skills and confidence to connect with people. i don't think my life is perfect and i really want to learn how to approach people and get their number and organise meet-ups but IM STILL NOT LONELY. i have the self-awareness and awareness of other people's experiences to understand that having no people and no network is extremely alienating and terrifying.

@raktim1772 - 30.09.2023 21:33

Video shud be taken down

@crimzon5100 - 29.09.2023 19:19

Women doesn’t know bout real loneliness

@htjedevries3831 - 27.09.2023 02:20

Did so much to be relaxed and be comfortabele and like to talk share experiences and notice my friends dident like that and start talk down be jalouse at stupied things than i get tired it cost energie while i did my best sta friendly warm but after a while i did not want to have friends who behave like that im always mis good company from good emothanal balansed people

@CHANNELItsJames - 23.09.2023 20:47

What do pretty girls know about being lonely

@ibrahimmohammednur5078 - 20.09.2023 16:18

yes very smart lolinees reason

@hometv-sr - 14.09.2023 21:01

The most useless and idiotic ted talk I have ever heard. Come on guys you can do better. This was such a waste of time. No skill or talent and what a click bait on that thumbnail. LoL

@iklobus - 10.09.2023 20:41

Isn't the problem of lonely people that they DON'T have Friends? She should check her privilieges. Makes me sad.

@onlyconnect88 - 08.09.2023 09:10

I find the comments more comforting than the lecture 😂

@aisforapple2494 - 07.09.2023 06:30

"Reality television is neither."
- Me

@lr8504 - 27.08.2023 01:14

summary: feeling lonely?
read the comments on this video… {{hugs}}}

@brianwise4571 - 24.08.2023 19:57

I am a clinical therapist, and this is just BS........

@blubla7675 - 21.08.2023 19:28

She's like that one teacher you really hate that treats kids like idiots

@paullewin8615 - 19.08.2023 21:20

No.. it depends what stage of life were in. It's not possible to rid loneliness, we all have to learn to live with it.

@Semsem-hw5cg - 18.08.2023 06:13

I wish one day I can be here .. in your place, talking my story to all the world with a very pleasure ending:)

@felipesadventures - 14.08.2023 01:25

To be honest, yes, this is not a good talk about loneliness. But not a bad one about being disconnected. If she restructured it better, the message could’ve landed with more people probably

@sauraveazaad5999 - 10.08.2023 20:13

I left ....


@insaneoflex01 - 08.08.2023 06:27

Lol. The only woman who can give men advice on loneliness is Nora Vincent and she deleted herself because of her time spent “being a man”

@kryzs_kornhell - 07.08.2023 10:20

She has great arms

@artwithmamafairybreadd - 03.08.2023 03:50

… the face of disaster and tragedy in France, she curled up with mates and had Rose’….did she forget 80 odd folks just got killed and their families didn’t give a toss about “ finding a ritual “?..

@artwithmamafairybreadd - 03.08.2023 03:46

She’s so out of touch with loneliness…
She should stick to her Monday night rituals with buddies and Rose’….oh yeah, and Paris….show off

@anniemayflower9187 - 02.08.2023 13:47

Those blue zones are in the goldilock zones where live is easiest to live you think its connection im going to say NO its because life is most sustainable there
