Insights into Web3, Crypto, and Cybersecurity: Dr. Hoda Alkhzaimi // The Simple CEO

Insights into Web3, Crypto, and Cybersecurity: Dr. Hoda Alkhzaimi // The Simple CEO

The Simple CEO

4 недели назад

88 Просмотров

Hi there. In this podcast episode, Dr. Hoda Alkhzaimi, Director of the Center of Cybersecurity at NYU Abu Dhabi, and host Dimitry Krasnogor discuss the implications of web3, digital assets, and cybersecurity on the financial and technological landscape. Dr. Hoda highlights the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity and its role in securing digital transactions. They explore the potential of web3 to revolutionize financial systems, the challenges of regulating emerging technologies, and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. The conversation underscores the need for balanced regulation, innovation, and the integration of cyber assets into financial assessments.

*Follow Dmitry Krasnogor's channels*

00:00 | Coming up
00:01:03 | Introduction to Dr. Hoda Al Khzaimi
00:02:55 | Web3 technology and its potential
00:06:44 | Challenges and immaturity of web3 technology
00:13:19 | The role of banks in web3 and digital assets
00:16:51 | Decentralized finance and governance in web3
00:18:56 | Cybersecurity and its interdisciplinary nature
00:21:54 | Regulations and decentralized nature in emerging technologies
00:23:43 | Crypto Payments and Fiat Exchange
00:25:15 | Crypto Custodians and Due Diligence
00:27:18 | Stablecoins and Volatility
00:28:19 | Cybersecurity and Crypto Primitives
00:30:12 | Market Investment and Emerging Technologies
00:31:17 | Web3 Paradigm and Ethical Considerations
00:34:13 | Virtual Assets Misuse and Traceability
00:39:23 | Regulation and Standardization
00:41:29 | Cyber ETFs and Cybersecurity Valuation
00:44:44 | Closing Remarks and Future Discussions

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#Web3Revolution #DigitalAssets #Cybersecurity #FintechInnovation #FutureOfFinance #UAEdevelopment


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