1百萬人未轉eVisa,邊個要申請,點解要做?BNO港人ETA聯署破萬! #BNO簽證 #evisa #移民英國

1百萬人未轉eVisa,邊個要申請,點解要做?BNO港人ETA聯署破萬! #BNO簽證 #evisa #移民英國


54 года назад

17,031 Просмотров


Your eVisa will be used to confirm your right to travel to the UK if you travel internationally. You should check your current passport or travel document is linked to your eVisa before you travel.

If you manage the UKVI account of any family members you should also check that their current passport or travel document is linked to their eVisa before travel.

You can check the travel document linked to your eVisa and update it if required at https://www.gov.uk/update-uk-visas-immigration-account-details/update-your-ukvi-account

You need to update your passport or travel document information every time it changes to avoid travel delays.

While carriers should be able to check your eVisa automatically, you may still be asked to show evidence of your immigration status as we transition to eVisas. You may therefore find it helpful to create a share code in advance of travel and carry it with you. You can then print, write down or otherwise store the share code to be able to provide it when needed. A share code is valid for 90 days so can be created in advance of travel. You can find more information about share codes at https://www.gov.uk/view-prove-immigration-status

If you manage the UKVI account of any family members you will be able to generate a share code for them as well.

Carrying your BRP/C cards even if expired
If your BRP or BRC card issued through the EU Settlement Scheme, expires on or after 31 December 2024, and you continue to have permission to stay in the UK, you should carry this card with you when travelling internationally. Carriers such as airlines will be allowed to accept these expired cards for travel to the UK until 31 March 2025.

If you no longer have a BRP or EUSS BRC, or were not issued with one, your permission to travel will be checked through other means.

If any of your family members hold BRP/BRC cards expiring on or after 31 December 2024, they should carry them as well when travelling internationally.







攜帶過期的 BRP/BRC 卡

如果您的 BRP(生物信息居留許可)或 BRC(生物信息居留卡)是通過歐盟定居計劃(EU Settlement Scheme)簽發的,並且其有效期在 2024 年 12 月 31 日或之後到期,而您仍然持有在英國居留的許可,那麼在進行國際旅行時,您應該隨身攜帶此卡。航空公司等運輸機構將被允許接受這些過期的卡作為入境英國的旅行憑證,截止日期為 2025 年 3 月 31 日。

如果您不再持有 BRP 或 EUSS BRC 卡,或者從未獲發過此類卡,您的旅行許可將通過其他方式進行核實。

如果您的任何家庭成員持有有效期在 2024 年 12 月 31 日或之後到期的 BRP/BRC 卡,他們在進行國際旅行時也應隨身攜帶這些卡。


UKVI 有關 eVisa 查詢途徑:更新英國電子簽證: https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk/y/inside-the-uk/evisa-online-immigration-status 

UKVI 有關 eVisa 查詢途徑:更新英國電子簽證: https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk/y/inside-the-uk/electronic-travel-authorisation-eta





#BNO簽證 #英國簽證 #BNO_visa #移民英國 #BRP #eVisa #ETA #英國ETA #英國eVisa
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