Which DJI Goggles Does Bardwell Prefer? Integra, Goggles 2, V2- FPV Questions

Which DJI Goggles Does Bardwell Prefer? Integra, Goggles 2, V2- FPV Questions

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@mikespeedyfpv321 - 26.04.2023 00:13

I've had my V2 goggles for nearly two years, and I've never had a problem yet

@grimfr7528 - 26.04.2023 00:16

Got my v2s last week my drone hopefully this week cant wait to fly

@Belly_Lint - 26.04.2023 00:19

Not having battery wires with the integra and a small radio like the tango 2 makes fpv feel so much easier to set up and move and maintain. It feels way more freeing.

@maplefpv - 26.04.2023 00:27

if ur flying both analog and digital (and dont wanna carry multiple goggles) v2s are the only choice

@xxxplode5999 - 26.04.2023 00:39

bardwell would be a nice guy to smoke weed with :D

@matthewbradley8971 - 26.04.2023 01:24

I respect the folks with v2's who justify them simply because of the investment. This stuff isn't cheap. However.. The image quality between the V2 and 2 is almost stupidly night and day. The oled screens are nice, don't get me wrong but the real advantage is 1080p vs 810p. Coming from someone who absolutely loathed everything DJI for years and years, it pains me to give then that much credit.

@yotwist_ - 26.04.2023 07:04

I wanted goggles 2 so bad, for their size and looks mostly, but decided to stick with V2 for now. V2 simply has more value for me as a user: can use with o3, can use with vista, can plug in a module and use with analog for tinywhoop, can use now with sims through moonlight

@RiDLEY09 - 26.04.2023 07:30

G2 For me , I set my O3 AU Recording to 2.7k 60fps and 60fps in my visuals in G2 Goggles is impressive than a higher frame rate or whatever in a Analog Goggles. Maybe that is Great for me coz I'm just doing a Flow style, cruising cinematic, and Mid Range in my Quad. But I think If I will gonna do a bando bashing freestyle, clarity is my choice than latency. 100fps is a lot for me tho.

@kizerme - 26.04.2023 22:15

The biggest issue for me is the lack of AV/HDMI input for analog receivers in the Goggles 2 and Integra.

@TheZolon - 28.04.2023 18:05

Will the Integra bind to the Vista vTX? .. I have been thinking of upgrading goggles, but don't want to have to upgrade all my quads out the gate.

@QSpeedRacer - 29.04.2023 21:03

New dji goggles dont fit over glasses like v2?

@congminhhoang3318 - 18.05.2023 06:09

Hi Joshua ,
At this time, does goggles V2 + tx dji V2 + Vista can bind together ?

@iiLongyyHD - 18.05.2023 12:40

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you’ve mixed up the V1 Goggles and the V2’s which actually run at 144hz not 120hz vs the Goggles 2 at 100hz yeah?

@OCD_FPV - 30.05.2023 21:52

I am absolutely torn between my V2 in my G2. On the one hand, the G2 set my face perfectly and I love the OLED, but the vignetting is horrible for me. So bad to the point where I fly my V2, instead of the G2. Waiting on a thinner foam that will bring my eyes closer to the lenses.

@did3d523 - 04.06.2023 17:23

V2 better than integra or Google 2 .... they ruin there mode with bad design and lens too small in new goggle... SHAME !!!!!

@LukasLampe - 06.07.2023 13:25

does anyone know if this is still applicable? im thinking of buying the v2 because all videos 2 months old are saying the v2's are nicer because of fitment and refreshrate and stuff, but i dont know if they brought out some stupid update that makes it less attractive to buy

@RADERFPV - 12.07.2023 21:09

Recently got the G2's and love them. The OLED panels are a huge upgrade from the LCD's in my V1's. 1080p screens are nice too.

I considered the Integra's, but felt the 44 fov would be a little small flying 4:3, and not a fan of the built in gps module. I'd rather spoof my gps location with my phone, too many Karen's out there.

@THEBIGK4HUN4 - 26.07.2023 20:00

I just got the new protek35 1.4 6s HD with the new runcam wasp. I was thinking of getting the goggles v2

@urbanmythfpv3121 - 04.08.2023 12:12

Been out the fpv game since covid is v1 goggles obsolete I've not upgraded firmware or used them in last couple of years

@rcrc2340 - 17.08.2023 21:28

One problem with the integra is the strap length is fixed and you have no option to extend or replace it. I've had to return mine as they were pressing into my face so tightly it was too painful to use.

@brageveeldee5825 - 11.09.2023 11:01

i have a question. Do the v2´s aldo work for racing droner. i have a son who likes to do tricks and racing but aldo would like to go on longer triks and make nice filming in the mountains and follow the familie while on the bicycle or similar. I does not want to do any races where most people recommend an along googles?thanks.

@DouglasLippert - 06.10.2023 23:20

If you live in the U.S., Integra > Goggles 2. No wires. ‘Nuff said.

@7bo0ob - 04.11.2023 01:45

Are all of them.compatible with o3 unit and vista Unit....I have V2 I need to switch and restart to bind...are goggles 2 and integra same thing I need to switch to bind from o3 to vista or the opposite and lost the previous bind

@ChrissyChrisFPV - 13.11.2023 21:31

This is a money tactic that DJI did it's like one of the other isn't as good by itself as like the DJI FPV Digital goggles, it's like you need both

@codeElectro - 03.02.2024 08:19

Can I use the DJI Googles V2 with a TX16 Transmitter with Crossfire Receiver ?

@JetJockey_RC - 23.06.2024 07:48

I have been enjoying V2s since day one! The optics on the smaller googles are weird for me personally. Waiting for that juicy new O4 system to make a move.

@scottdonoghue7276 - 28.06.2024 16:54

Whst about the goggles 3 with avata2 bit of a let down no t.v link very heavy and in uk need wires to phone very clubersome do you think they will have an update to use as screenview and maybe v.r link ?

@avifruchter - 17.07.2024 07:40

Is the issue that you must connect goggles 2 to a phone for Remote ID relavent if I'm not using for a dji drone? Meaning if I'm flying your QAV-S 2 do I still need to connect goggles 2 to a phone? And if so better because simpler to purchase the Integra?

@stoneriiderz - 03.09.2024 20:08

goggles integra run few miminutes then automatic shutdown, need solution

@edozieedoga6030 - 15.09.2024 07:35

Does anyone know if the DJI goggles do Geofencing? I work at a school that is right near a navy base The base gives us permission to fly provided we stay below 400 feet, but the DJI mavic doesn't care about that. I want to get a digital VTX system for my acro drones, but I don't want to if I'm going to get something that isn't going to work based on where I can fly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@damaylaphoenix1155 - 08.10.2024 03:30

is something wrong with my goggles v2? compared to my integra the screen is almost black and white . the color on the integra pop . it is exactly what you would see with your normal eyes. also i love that i don't need my phone!

@ozFe_pv - 07.11.2024 01:01

Is it possible to hear the drone sound by wearing headphones while flying with DJI FPV with Goggles 2? For example, I can do this with the goggles v2 model.
