Given the Master is the guardian of the Seed of Creation, the thing that makes vampires even possible, yeah, hes a pretty big deal
Ответитьthis is the vampire equivalent of a girl bring the new jackass boyfriend to get beat by daddy
ОтветитьWho’s face would you rather look all for all eternity😂😂😂
ОтветитьI see everybody calling the master angel’s father-in-law or Darla the master’s dad I see it this way the master made Darla Darla made angel so technically well I think that son, but you don’t really have sex with your own, but then angel made Druscilla so daughter, but still you don’t. And then spike so grandson I don’t know that’s just my weird way but
ОтветитьThe warmth of the relationship between Darla and the Master always fascinated me. He clearly only let Angel live because she loved him, and the whole thing has this air of "Dad who knows his daughter is in love with the idiot, better to let her make her mistakes so she'll come home when it all goes bad than burn the bridge and ruin their relationship forever."
ОтветитьGood video
ОтветитьI guess 'The Master'
never had Any Hair....
The Master looks like Nosferatu the vampire.
ОтветитьAngelus: Whose face do you want to look at for eternity, mine or his ugly hide?
ОтветитьWith all of Liam's own daddy issues I guess there was no way in hell Angelus was going to be respectful upon meeting Darla's "dad'.
ОтветитьAngelus even makes Stalin look like a puppy yeah.
ОтветитьThe acting is so good, the Master was so much better written in his brief appearances on Angel. He was a pantomime villain in Buffy.
ОтветитьMaster make vam me
ОтветитьAngelus is as bad ass as Hannibal Lecter.
ОтветитьOk I'm also Angelus
ОтветитьAngel with an irish acent ah jaysus
Ответить“No…let them go. They won’t last… I give it a century.” 😤
ОтветитьLike the spirited daughter bringing her rogue of a boyfriend home to meet her father!
ОтветитьAnyone no how old The Master is to have lived past the human curse? So would that mean if Angel, and Spike live long enough they will too??
ОтветитьWow, this vid was posted 1p yrs ago and ppl are only now commenting on it
ОтветитьWhere did angel snd angelis come from. His real name was Liam. Is Liam short for angel or something
ОтветитьTo be honest, the master called it with their relationship it was destructive asf, they thrived on it but she happily left Angelus for dead to escape Holtz. And then banished him after the curse. So was it love or just usefulness
ОтветитьFunny how Angelus' speech here mirrors Spike's in Buffy Season 2 about the benefits of living among men, whereas Angelus is the one who wants to destroy mankind by raising Acathla then.
ОтветитьI Love this. Angel acted so scared of the Master in Season 1 of Buffy but yet Angelus has met him in the past. I think this was fun history. It needed to happen. As much as I wanted Angelus to throw some blows with the Master.
ОтветитьI like his accent. Sounds like Shay Cormac.
ОтветитьHis Irish accent is a bit... not good
ОтветитьThey were together for 150 years. So the master was wrong on this one
ОтветитьAngelous insulted his father-law, got the shit kicked out of him and steal walked out with Darla.
ОтветитьThe master= fruit punch face
ОтветитьAngel always gets the chicks 😉
ОтветитьAngelus, the Latin word for angel
ОтветитьAngel vs the master would of been great to see
ОтветитьSay what you want about the Master but he did love the whirlwind four even if they didn't stick to vampire dogma.
Ответить"He won't last. I give it a century"
And sure enough it's about a century before Angelus gets cursed with a soul.
I like that this scene shows that Angelus changed from his younger years to when he comes back in Buffy, he goes from not wanting to lay waste to the world to when he's in Buffy he literally attempts to suck the world into hell, subtle character progression lol
ОтветитьHow did Angel lose his Irish Accent!?
ОтветитьTo think of his reaction to Connor had he stayed underground in Sunnydale
ОтветитьWhen you don't need mirrors you don't have to care about how you look.
Living in the sewers is nothing to brag about.
I know that the First appeared as the Master to Spike but I would have liked to see if Spike and Drusilla had met him.
ОтветитьI can understand living underground but you'd think the Master would build underground palaces rather than just living in sewers.
Ответитьepisode and season please 👍
ОтветитьI thought the girl looked familiar. Turns out it's the same actress who famously asked "how do you write women so well?" in As Good As It Gets.
150 years is a lot of mileage.
ОтветитьExcellent Angel scene .Got a similar girlfriend relationship. I give it about 30 years lol.
ОтветитьTop Ten Anime Betrayals
ОтветитьIf the master was turned as a child and lived this long would we have a bald vampire child with an ugly face? Now when I think of it Buffy and Angel never once fought a vampire under their teens