7 things I needed to know before having my second baby!

7 things I needed to know before having my second baby!

Hey Shayla

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@lyndsireed1793 - 13.11.2023 10:53

Lol my first baby is an extremely observant baby and my second isn't here yet so I'm not sure how she'll be but I've wondered about this.

@karendinkel9040 - 03.11.2023 07:51

The biggest shock of going 0-1 babies was the lack of sleep/interrupted sleep. I won’t like the lack of sleep that happens with taking care of newborns when we have #2 but I’ll be more prepared for it

@pool8party - 14.10.2023 02:24

My postpartum with my first makes me dread going through the newborn stage again

@pool8party - 14.10.2023 02:20

My issue is that the only way my toddler naps during the day is by cosleeping so how do i cosleep and sleep with my toddler and also have another baby?

@Denny-up3pi - 31.07.2023 23:55

Wow I wish I could decide if I should have my 2 nd baby… my pregnancy was ok and delivery too but I didnt like postpartum period… just afraid that it would be a lot harder but I would like to have 2 kids😂😊

@marydolim4108 - 26.07.2023 18:18

I'm really struggling with this guilt that my toddler won't be the only baby anymore. She's such a sensitive child and I'm very worried about how she will adapt.

@ivanavasic7228 - 22.07.2023 12:27

I really loved how grounded and sincere you spoke about this, without sugar-coating it. You really made me feel at ease and less scared. I feel that the biggest challenge of motherhood is not as much the abundance of obligations (not that it isn't a factor), but the dialogue in your head and the constant overthinking.

@kravda07 - 14.07.2023 12:56

I’m about to have my third and doing bedtime by myself is currently my puzzle! We’ve taken screens mostly out of the picture but I think they are about to make a come back.

@jbmop - 14.07.2023 00:14

You eat your placenta? That’s disgusting and definitely not beneficial in any way.

@claireyang1478 - 27.06.2023 20:11

Idk why I teared up a bit when you said don’t worry you won’t have love for two don’t even think about I. I felt so guilty when I think about having another one.

@emilyhudson8455 - 04.06.2023 02:04

Thank you! I’m newly pregnant with a 9 month old OMG Eeeeeeek

@HollyLauletta - 01.06.2023 05:33

Thank you for making this 🥹

@sparrowgrimwork3530 - 20.05.2023 22:23

My first is 4 weeks today and even though i had a healthy, all natural pregnancy, I've been having hard time with the postpartum depression. Breastfeeding has been more difficult than expected, since my mature milk came in she hasn't wanted to latch. So after a few nights of breakdowns I exclusively pumped every couple hours. Im so tired. I hold her all day and night long because I have anxiety if i put her down she wont be breathing when i pick her back up. I love her so much but I miss the freedom i had a year ago. And i feel like all the support from pregnancy is gone now that shes born, my whole family decided to "give me space to bond" well i feel like im drowning. Being a sahm alone all day is hard, even with a great partner because he works 8 to 12 hours a day. He is excited that my six weeks is almost done, but the closer I get the more I am having anxiety about getting pregnant again. And he doesn't want to use protection. I want to get healthy and strong again first, and feel good for our wedding in a few months. I feel guilt for not "enjoying" every moment with my baby but I'm so depressed. Its hard enough since i promised him we could get a kitten next week. I am so not ready to take on another pregnancy, and the constant fears of miscarrying again like the first time. 😢

@ginapurcell1732 - 02.05.2023 05:57

Watching this again 😅

@laceygrant9470 - 30.03.2023 21:35

I laughed you put the * that’s my toddlers not yours* cause currently laying down 30 weeks pregnant while my 16 month old is napping and I thought he had woken up early for a second 😂 but thank you for this video I needed this for sure cause I’ve been freaking out about what’s it’s going to be like with 2 and losing my sleep again 😫😂

@madelynbishop6637 - 29.03.2023 14:20

So glad I watched this! I’m about to have my second and I am so glad I am not alone is some of my freak out feels. Thank you for making this ❤

@xXCourtneyLee13Xx - 28.03.2023 20:54

My kids are 9 years apart and very very different. My daughter is quiet, never cried, up for any adventure. My son was a preemie, super fussy, still super fussy at almost two, never wants to leave the house for adventures. And my pregnancies were very different too. Almost perfect 1st pregnancy until my fluid dropped and had to have an emergency c-section at 37 weeks. 2nd pregnancy was sick the whole time, pre-eclampsia that turned into severe eclampsia and had him via emergency c-section at 30 weeks.

@mrsindianmonroe - 25.03.2023 00:44

This came in clutch girl! We have a one yr old and I'm 4 months preggers with second and feeling very overwhelmed where before it didn't hit me. I was like" yeah let's have two!" Not thinking how am I Honda keep one quite while the other sleeping or giving the oldest enough attention tion and not feeling neglected and bath time when it's just me due to hubby's off schedule he has so it's a one man show around here lol oh and also two dogs one who is about to turn two and has alot of energy while trying to attend to him😅 you've mentioned the book idea would love to buy that kids book but how when uour 1 yr old doesn't know how to read just go through the illustrations and read it to her? And didn't think to have tv off until I put the new born down will definitely use that trick😊 again thanks for this video and will be watching many more

@enchantedtomeetyou01 - 20.03.2023 03:53

How did this come EXACTLY when I needed it?! Your timing is always impeccable🤌

@peaselco - 18.03.2023 01:14

Found out I’m pregnant with baby #2 on Valentine’s Day, the day after my daughter’s first birthday! The immediate mom guilt I felt after realizing my time with just her is now limited is unmatched. Thank you for this video!

@suzescoo - 17.03.2023 18:14

I love this!! We’re planning on #2 and have been so nervous about it. Thank you for this!!

@amanda.c.ice. - 17.03.2023 06:09

I have a 11 month old and a 2.5 year old and I definitely agree with everything you said! I didn’t know how I would do bedtime or nap routine by myself (husband works nights) but I figured it out and now I feel like a pro. TV for my toddler when I have to put my baby down is a game changer!

@chelseawoodall3361 - 17.03.2023 03:44

I’m 3 months away from moving up to 4 kids. 😬 Send help! Haha! But seriously the 1-2 transition was the worst for me, cause #2 wouldn’t sleep anywhere but on me for 6 months, it was so so hard. I also basically wore him constantly for the first few months. 0-1 wasn’t bad at all really, but I’m an introvert so that makes it easier. 😂 2-3 was actually great cause my hubby was home for 3 months with COVID lockdown, hello silver lining! (That kid also slept like a freaking angel!) we’ll see what this last one brings!! We can do this ladies! 💪

@hannahceline8978 - 15.03.2023 06:40

Hey! 😊 not sure if you'll see this or not but as your video popped up in my suggestions, I felt God knock at my heart to comment and let you know that He loves you so much and desires a relationship with you. He sees your greatest joys and deepest wounds. He sees you. He has never left your side though I know it can seem like it sometimes. ❤ not sure if you do know Jesus or not and if you might find this silly but I just had to listen to the Lord. I felt awkward and kind of had a little battle in my head but I can say for a fact that Jesus has changed my life and His love is better than life itself and when He speaks I'll listen! He found me when I was in a deep dark hole and He saved me from the things I struggled with. You are so treasured and valuable to Him, you are worth more than any of us could ever know or fathom! If you haven't looked to Him in a while, or ever, I implore you from the bottom of my heart... seek Him. You will find Him! His word assures you of that. And maybe this is for someone else reading this as well, I'm not sure. But I truly believe He wants to reach someone through this message. Whatever you're going through, He knows, and He loves you just the same. But He doesn't want heaven to be without you. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (Jesus speaking) the One Who has overcome the world can overcome the things that have overwhelmed you! Draw close to God, and He will draw close to you. I won't make this comment any longer. But know that you are so very deeply loved and wanted by our Creator. 💕

@hannahherber3951 - 15.03.2023 04:02

Thank you so much for this video! 33 weeks pregnant with my second baby boy and they will be almost exactly 2 years apart

@shelleyswink6489 - 15.03.2023 03:23

Thank you for this!!! I just got a positive pregnancy test which will put my kiddos at almost exactly 2 years apart. Excited but also WTF. So thank you. I love your videos!

@emmafoxley9120 - 14.03.2023 21:59

I so need this video right now. I’m 20 weeks pregnant with number two and absolutely freaking out about how I’m
Going to manage 2 kids. My first is very clingy and attached to me and will only be 20 months when baby 2 comes 🫠

@krystalcrosaro9153 - 14.03.2023 13:45

1 to 2 was so much harder for me. My kids are total opposites though. My daughter was relatively easy. She napped routinely for 2-3 hours and was awake for the normal wake windows... My son on the other hand refuses to nap unless we're driving in the car or if I lay next to him after nursing him and as soon as I get up he's up. My daughter refused to sleep in bed with me when she turned 4 months but my son I don't see leaving my bed anytime in the near future 😅

@annatrumbo6891 - 14.03.2023 05:29

I want two under two. Is that too much to want? My son is 6 months

@jaimierou - 13.03.2023 21:01

My husband goes back to work very soon from parental leave. His schedule is very all over the place and more often than not I will be doing bedtime routine alone. I am very much looking forward to your videos on that topic. It will make me feel less alone!

@cnlepine82 - 13.03.2023 04:15

So relate to the “be here now” mantra. I’d have these moments where I felt so raw and overwhelmed. I’d hold my daughters face to mine and just focus on the softness of her skin… magic!

@cuhdence9075 - 13.03.2023 01:59

You didn't link baby wrap/carrier!! What is your favorite?

@rachelveizaga8577 - 12.03.2023 23:29

I thought this was helpful, and I’m not even pregnant with a second yet but I have wondered “how…do they do it??” The sleep thing is what is the most anxiety inducing for me too, that has been the hardest for me while becoming a mother.

@user-xn4ov1th7k - 12.03.2023 10:13

u are the best as always ❤️❤️

@annaw2812 - 12.03.2023 06:30

Interesting idea about 'going to the one that will remember'. I'd be prioritising the baby though as she is still forming her attachment (during the first thousand days) while Aliyah is already attached and can understand that you will come, just not immediately. Not coming to the baby will feel like abandonment at this point. Hard to win either way though! love your content!

@amyberube6814 - 11.03.2023 06:01

Thanks for this ❤️

@morgancroce7499 - 10.03.2023 21:47

This is the video I needed! Due in July with baby #2 and some days I feel like it’ll be a walk in the park and other days I’m panicking about how we will make everything work 😂

@meaganfigueroa630 - 10.03.2023 21:45

I'm in this boat!!! 2 months away from having our second baby girl, who will be 1 week away from my daughter's 2nd birthday! Haha. Thank you for thinking of people like me :) <3

@shelbiee-97 - 10.03.2023 13:54

Due any day now ❤️ (official due date is Wednesday) with baby #2 ❤❤❤

@herpesbiscuit - 10.03.2023 11:47

You always seem to address my concerns as soon as they occur to me. We do things so very similar, but you are a few steps ahead (i have one 9 month old) i just wanted to thank you for your content. As someone who lives in a foreign country with no mother friends and no family around i am really isolated. You add so much to my life!!! I really appreciate everything you post, you have inadvertently helped me through a lot of issues that have popped up for me in motherhood. Thank you!! ❤️🥲

@MommaBeeb - 09.03.2023 23:56

I just had my first - she’s almost 3 months old! And I’ve been wondering how the heck people have a second. 😅 This is helpful!!

@karisbrown9475 - 09.03.2023 19:20

can you do a video on encapsulating your placenta? i’ve been thinking about it!

@darcieanvil991 - 09.03.2023 12:09

The caption for the background noise, I appreciate it more than you know!

@llshindyll - 09.03.2023 07:28

Thank you for taking the time to share! This has helped alot!

@missloretta - 09.03.2023 03:57

Very helpful! Thank you.

@elishathompson3400 - 09.03.2023 03:57

This video couldn't come at a better time! 35 weeks with baby number 2

@Helena-vh2fj - 08.03.2023 23:56

Thank you so much for this series!

@jkriscunas1 - 08.03.2023 22:09

RELATABLE CONTENT! I'm due in May with #2, and my son will be 17 months old when she arrives. I am grateful to not have that pre-mom terror of the complete unknown, but my brain does get stuck on the tiny everyday logistics of doing the newborn thing alongside a [very active!] toddler. My current mantra is a little less woo: "Complete idiots have figured this out, so you can, too."

@ammoniteashley6408 - 08.03.2023 20:22

Hi there! I'm super interested to know more about placental encapsulation. I'm wondering if there is any momma's out there who have had a pregnancy without doing placental encapsulation and a pregnancy with doing it, what differences did you experience? ❤
