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DETRANS | Full Documentary | Short Documentaries


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@ELAusomeCath - 09.12.2023 09:06

This doc started off so sad and bleak, but the end was so filled with hope and made me feel good. I am Emma and I am an ftmtf detransitioned woman. That's the first time I've called myself a woman online in 8 years.

@M1GarandMan3005 - 09.12.2023 06:58

This what happens when the nuts take over the nut house. The Sexual Revolution of the 60's has given birth and rise to some of the most despicable acts that mankind has been capable of. Now PragerU, start making documentaries of ex-Gays.

@Samo_Wings - 09.12.2023 02:02

That one guy had a good father. Son says “might be trans”, Dad’s reaction “Get in the car, we’re going to Mexico! I’m gonna get you a prostitute son.” 😂 Also, buddy acted like it was against his will.. HE WAS 19 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD 🤣 Give me a break.

@nicoleg.7011 - 09.12.2023 00:04

You are all beautifully made by God. And He still loves you to the moon and back.
After this short life hereon earth, we will spend eternity somewhere . With God in the Best place ever, or far from gods love in hell. Please give it a chance and pray: "God, if you really exsist, please let me know. Jesus, where are you?"
Please, i want you all in heaven. Hope to see you there! Be blessed! ❤

@amandapelland - 08.12.2023 09:32

No disrespect, now there are Shims (she-him) out in the world, looks like a woman but sounds like a man vise versa -- de transitioning. What's going to happen to these kids that regret transitioning 20 to 30 years from now? This is so sad! Medical transitions have to stop!!

@vrock913 - 08.12.2023 09:20

Well done. I am a detransitioner myself.

@briansickboy - 08.12.2023 09:13

Its too bad. A lot of these girls were mildly attractive before transitioning

@sarahblaquiere3121 - 08.12.2023 06:57

"You don't have to remove your body parts to make you complete." - I wish this was the message society was pushing, not the opposite. I wish we were encouraging kids - and adults! - to feel that they're enough in themselves, that they don't have to buy, buy, buy (whether that's manufactured articles or body modifications) in order to feel whole. But that's late-stage capitalism for you...

@sarahblaquiere3121 - 08.12.2023 06:54

I hope some reparation at least can be made to those who have been so damaged by this ideology.

@sarahblaquiere3121 - 08.12.2023 06:45

People who superficially go along with "affirming" the "gender identity" of people undergoing transition treatments - they all ::know:: that those people are not the sex they "identify as". They know that women are not men, that men are not women, no matter how much they want to be. They've just been schooled (or coerced or threatened) to "be kind".

@dogpril2324 - 08.12.2023 06:33

This video is horrific and I hate commenting here cuz it'll only spread the video further, but I need to get it out. Detransitioners make up <1-3% of trans people, an absurdly tiny minority. And a minority of THAT minority are people who detransitioned because they genuinely decided they align with their birth gender - most detransitioners do so because they can't afford medical care, or because of social pressure/harrassment/excommunication/violence/etc. I have the most sympathy for detransitioners - especially those who genuinely regretted their decision for identity reasons. What I don't have sympathy for is showing the rarest worst-case-scenarios of the transgender community as if it's this rampant disease that YOUR kids might get caught up in - vote wisely or the world will end because of the transes!

The part of this story you are flagrantly ignoring is the enormous benefits, the lives saved, the lives well lived because people are allowed to transition - MY life saved, my friends' lives saved because of accepting people and medical intervention. The part you're not showing is the nightmare of years and years of waitlists, people pushed to DIY their own treatments because it's that or face a lifetime of world-shattering dysphoria where you live in fear and shame and disgust at every single facet of your being. I've had friends get abused, kicked out of their homes at only 16 years old because they came out as trans. I've seen the happiness of being accepted, and the dread and earthshattering heartbreak of being told you're just faking it. Horrific, genuinely horrific.

@sarahblaquiere3121 - 08.12.2023 06:15

How has personality become so thoroughly entwined with sexist stereotypes that your entire identity, who you really are, is considered to be your "gender identity"? I grew up in the 1980s and I thought we were getting past the belief that girls and boys, women and men, had to conform to gendered expectations. Clearly we've taken some giant steps backwards in the last 40 years.

@D00m2k7 - 08.12.2023 04:32

Fascinating how some people take longer to decide what they're eating for lunch than changing their gender.

@CBCycles - 08.12.2023 01:06

There HAS to be some kind of medical procedure that can give them their female voices back, the deep voices coming out of those pretty faces is just ghastly

@mikeworkman1252 - 08.12.2023 00:31

Took me two years to get approved for hernia surgery.. wtf?!

@srkpeneloux1025 - 07.12.2023 23:36

Whats the song she played on the piano?

@GingerWizzard1994 - 07.12.2023 22:13

The amount of transphobia here. Gross. Do better.

Trans rights are human rights!

@tupums15 - 07.12.2023 16:42

It should be stopped! Detrans takes such bashes from TRANS community as traitors etc. Trans community should be divided from LGB without T

@taniadickerson9935 - 07.12.2023 06:28

I'm a proud trans woman and I will say some people like daisy do have mental illness and get confused like in some detransitioners cases some symptoms may comfort to gender dysforia and they see REAL TRANS kids on internet so they are confused but what about all the trans people before there was an internet who wasn't exposed to transgenders they transitioned on their own ... everyone not trans true and children can be impressionable but some children are really truly trans and we need the support of our transformation from our families

@Amanda.Ray02 - 07.12.2023 03:19

My name is Daisy and I am a woman 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@sandro3182 - 06.12.2023 21:51

why this horrible people are called health professionals? this all is caused by bad parenting and "therapists". all this "gender clinics" should be closed and all "health professionals" who after 2 hour talk green lighting gender affirming treatment should go to jail

@cmmndrblu - 06.12.2023 17:45

This is the conflux of puberty, social media algorithms, and corporate laxity, and it is victimising young people.

@cyano741 - 06.12.2023 05:53

This needs to stop.

@im_Yogi - 06.12.2023 03:58

I'm me, 30+ years old. This documentary was very interesting. I can't imagine how doctors allow and also suggest teenagers to do these operations. Their body and brain isn't fully developed yet. Most teenagers are insequre about their appearence.
I have done nothing to my body, yet. Still on the waiting-list to undergo double mastectomy. But that's it, bc im not fully committed to transition to a guy, therefore i'm not allowed to undergo bottom surgery. That's totally ok with me. Sadly that stops me from getting sterilized which I want. If I want that i need to pay for that myself.
And NO, I don't want to give birth to my own children. There are a lot of kids without parents...

I really hope this twisted world is gonna change. I've also heard ppl transitioning just bc someone else told them to. A former friend was incredibly proud to be a woman, somehow she now want to transition. I told her a couple of years ago I was gonna do it, she told me a couple of months ago...that scares me. She didn't have issues with her chest, she was showing a lot of her bodyparts in the summer without even questioning it. I wonder how she suddenly changed her mind and that scares me, I really hope she's informed what she's getting into, what it means in the long run. She's still very feminine in her behaviour and appearence.

@octopiarejustwetspiders - 06.12.2023 02:01

current trans teen here to let you know that 98% of trans people remain identifying as trans after transitioning and that many, many detrans individuals express support for trans people and healthcare. that’s the other side of this story: healthy, happy, successful trans people. the other side of this story is the 73% reduced suicide rate. the other side of this story is that most trans youth are forced to wait years filled with therapy, consent, parental consent, and psych evaluations before they can even start to think about medical transition.

please learn from a variety of trans people with a diverse array of experiences. we’re here and we don’t deserve erasure, we do deserve healthcare.

@holliewvvvs - 06.12.2023 01:31

Why is this being framed as if those interviewed were minors when undergoing medical/surgical transition? They were both adults- why not mention that part?

@qwertyboo - 05.12.2023 14:47

Beuatiful cinematography they really put effort into it

@qwertyboo - 05.12.2023 14:42

She is beautiful, she looks like Blake Lively

@justforjacob - 05.12.2023 07:35

this is honestly so hard to watch, especially hearing your old voice, and realizing my niece's voice is actually gone forever.

@justforjacob - 05.12.2023 07:28

i lost my niece to transgenderism and i miss her every day. we had a bond. the person he is now is someone i don't know and someone who does not want anyone to know them, someone who closes himself off and hardly speaks anymore. someone who doesn't like to be around anyone who doesn't affirm their choices. someone who seems so full of sadness. i miss her, but i still love him, and i pray for him every day that the choices he makes will bring him happiness, because that's all i want for him. even if i don't know him anymore.

@kevinbratcher2221 - 04.12.2023 22:34

These people needed guidance, not misleading.

@Phoenix-ov5gg - 04.12.2023 11:48

All these doctors violated the hypocratic oath.

@YamYam-qn7qn - 04.12.2023 10:38

It's all about sterilizing people while earning money with it.

@danielleperry5679 - 04.12.2023 08:12

You used trans creators’ content without their consent to spread your propaganda. One tragic story is not representative of all stories. When trans kids don’t get this treatment, they kill themselves, or at the very least most of them want to. You aren’t protecting kids rights to life, you’re taking away something that can save them. Bigots.

@bustamantedavid - 04.12.2023 02:51

These people suffer enormously and the only solution we can do is to listen to them and help them accept their gender at birth through psychological, emotional and spiritual help with the help of Jesus, only he can restore the soul of the person.

@bcc7777 - 04.12.2023 02:28

"They" say one of signs of being trans is hating your voice... Doesn't everyone hate their voice? I always have... 🤷🤦🤬 I was and have been different from all girls I know. I'm glad I grew up in another Era. 😔🙏❤️ Many kids don't like who they truly are. We are God's children.

@evagiacomelli5027 - 04.12.2023 02:04

The question is that nobody feels good in his o her body at 13 years old! You are so fluide and you don't like yourself in the way you are. But wait! Wait because everyone at this age feels that bad emotions, depression and sadness. You cant stay in your body because is not yet complete and you are in a middle way , reaching for your identity. But your body is not your identity! Is like a car . If you enter in your car you don't say YOU ARE THE CAR!

@Raphael-2 - 03.12.2023 19:12

Lesson of the story, if you want to help those kids and society you have to be open minded, treat people with respect and accept everyone's differences. It is clear that most gender issues people face who eventually lead to transgenderism or suicide are created by the environnement and the society those kids have to live in.
We need to accept people for the way they are. That's what true "wokism" should be about. Love, tolerance, respect of each other.
I say that because I see many people complaining about woke or trans propaganda, while still being the reason why it exists in the first place. If you want a kid to feel good in its body despite being different, don't be homophobic, don't shame and bully people then wonder why they hate themselves and want to be trans so they can fit into the mold society impose them.
This is a simple insight that people should have. There is a problem in the society but this is not a one way issue, do your part.

@Raphael-2 - 03.12.2023 18:53

Listening to those heartbreaking stories make me realize how lucky I was. Despite my troubles I never thought of surgery as a possible solution because I only believed in the power of Nature to make a woman or a man.

It's going to be weird for me but I feel like this is a good place for me to share my story.
I wanted to be a girl for so long as a kid. I was like a mistake that didn't fit with boys but couldn't fit with girls either.
I just felt like a failed and degenerate being who would never find its place.
Dealing with this as a kid and teenager was destructive for my mental health, and seeing the approach and signs of puberty was terrifying because the last thing I could hold on to was being a kid.
The more I grew up, the more people saw that I was not normal and it made me feel miserable. I couldn't even hide it. Having almost no male figure didn't help.
To ease my pain and build hope for my life, I was constantly fantasizing and imagining what my life would be as a girl. A life where I could be myself, fit with other girls, be happy and being liked by a boy. I even had dreams about transforming into a girl and being the happiest I had ever been. It came to a point where I was just praying for God and Nature to finally fix their mistake and let me be myself.
Now this is where I'm lucky because despite feeling all of that, I knew one thing very clearly. Only nature could make a woman or a man, and I would rather be a weird real boy than a normal fake girl.
If Nature had made a mistake, Nature would fix it and otherwise I would have to live this challenge and accept myself.

Now I'm in my 20s and I have no desire to miraculously be changed into a girl like I used to. I know that I am a boy and even though I face many challenges and have a long way until I figure out my true-self, I know this is the right way.
I'm glad that the doctors didn't find me when I was a teenager, because they probably would have made it harder for me to accept myself as a boy, my birth sex. This documentary is important because I think of all of the kids and teenagers who don't necessarily have the discernment I had and can be tragically led to make mistakes.

@ninar.173 - 03.12.2023 16:34

I did not want to be a female when I was 8 it stopped when I fell in love age 17 and I am a happy woman of 57 with 2 children. I am glad I was born so early there was no way to fake being male that time.

@imranxalamin - 03.12.2023 13:51

the west is doomed

@robyn7165 - 03.12.2023 04:47

This is so sad, the godess Ishtar has returned and these kids are the androgenous religious test subjects. I pray they all fully recover.

@morowasowa6327 - 03.12.2023 01:36

Welcome back! Brave, authentic, great young people! 👍

@Thronsohn - 02.12.2023 17:40

You do realize this is a right wing Christian propaganda video, yes?

@hippo319 - 02.12.2023 12:51

During 2019 there were 165,000 double mastectomies in the US according to the graph in this piece

@just_jenn6391 - 02.12.2023 09:37

It is just heart breaking that Children are given permission, in a sense, to make life changing decisions before they are legal age to get a driver's license, vote or legally drink alcohol. In my younger years, I was the one who spoke up when parents treated the children like mini adults. Today, while there are those parents that feel that it's out of their hands and only love their child so much that the risk of losing them... that thought is devastating, Parents have to remember that they can't not allow anyone else to make decisions for their child and the child is not an adult capable of making those decisions. I don't have all the answers, no one does, but I do know if someone suggested altering my child's body, I'd be seeking answers on my own before depending on someone else's words, doctor or not! I'm not going to say what I suggest should happen to the medical people for even having the thought of doing this shit to children, calling it their profession, being money hungry over a single care for humanity and what's words would get me banned from this platform... I pray for all affected by this. God Bless.

@crazycatlady8285 - 02.12.2023 09:25

Daisy you are a strong woman!
