When you have sanded a woodworking project and before you apply a finish, wipe the surface with a damp rag. The water swells any wood cells that may have been crushed by the sanding process. It also causes any loose wood fibers to pop up. When the surface dries, give it a light sanding with the last grit used. This will smooth out any irregularities and knock off the loose fibers. This technique is called “water-popping” and it greatly improves the wood surface for finishing. Stains and finishes penetrate deeper, cure smoother, and look better.
And please visit the WORKSHOP COMPANION GENERAL STORE where we offer a wide selection of Nick's BOOKS and PROJECT PLANS in digital format: https://workshopcompanionstore.com/ . All our plans feature both English/Imperial and metric measurements. And you can pick up one of Nick’s books FREE just for visiting!