The Faithful Turk: "Çırpınırdın Karadeniz" (English Subtitles)

The Faithful Turk: "Çırpınırdın Karadeniz" (English Subtitles)

Artukî Ömer Bey

4 года назад

3,080 Просмотров

"Turk is the awaited" says a saying. Apart form daily political issues, this sentence expresses how do Turkish people think of its role in the fellow lands where people suffer and be oppressed. Turkish nationalism has always been shaped by this thought.

Although Turkey is not the richest country, it's the first country in foreign aids per income. It sent medical equipments to more than 90 countries for the pandemic including the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and China. Turkey also hosts more than 3,5 millions Syrians who escaped war. This mentality showed itself not only today but in many pages of history too.

When some German villages were in need because of a French aggression, they were waiting for Turks and Turks were there. The sultan sent them a bag of janissary clothes and it was enough to scare away the French attackers out of their towns.

When Ireland was in the Great Famine, again, the sultan sent them money, goods and medicine.

20th century was a tough century for Muslims and Ottomans. Many muslims lost authority in their own lands, also lost the unity and caliphate. In the beggining of such years, when Azerbaijanis were attacked by the allies, Turks were there. These lyrics are written by Azerbaijani poet Ahmet Cevat in honour of the arrival of the Islamic Army of Caucasus.


Çırpınırdın Karadeniz
Bakıp Türk'ün bayrağına
Ah ölmeden bir görseydim
Düşebilsem ayağına

Sırmalar tak sağ soluna
İnciler dizsin yoluna
Fırtınalar dursun yana
Yol ver Türk'ün bayrağına

Ayrı düşmüş dost elinden
Yıllar var ki çarpar sinem
Vefalı Türk geldi yine
Selam Türk'ün bayrağına
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