Dear Sir; i am 42 age, and found accidentally Mass on left renal while ultrasound for abdominal, as per CT report dated 22-06-2023 below; what to do next and this treatment will be partial or cardinal nephrectomy???
An exophytic lobulated soft tissue intensity mass with internal calcific foci and small area of internal fluid attenuation is seen at lower pole of left kidney approximately measuring about 7.2x4.6x4.1cm, showing mild peripheral enhancement on post contrast image. it is roughly 3mm away from pelvicalyceal system of lower pole calyx. no medical extension up to psoas muscle is appreciating. it is reaching up to lateral abdominal wall with minimal perilesional fat stranding. no thickening of lateral conal fascia seen, peri renal fascia are normally visualized. left kidney measurement 9.8x6x2.4cm. right kidney measure 10.3x5.2x2.5cm. both kidneys are of normal size. no calculus or hydronephrosis seen. both kidneys are normally concentrating contrast.