What is a CARBON FOOTPRINT? How to calculate and reduce it? | Climate change

What is a CARBON FOOTPRINT? How to calculate and reduce it? | Climate change

Sustainability Illustrated

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Sustainability Illustrated
Sustainability Illustrated - 11.12.2020 22:06

Hi everyone, here do you live? What is YOUR carbon footprint? And what you do to reduce it? Feel free to share in the comments below... 😊

Gary Ailes
Gary Ailes - 24.11.2023 01:28

Funny how videos like this leave out so much. What's the carbon deficit of an electric vehicle? How much more carbon has been generated just to get it ready to run on the road? How is half of the population ever going to get out of poverty without a consistent source of energy? This is a nice way to help people feel good about themselves without recognizing the entirety of the problems that come with what is called to solution.

NewHampshire LifeStyle
NewHampshire LifeStyle - 18.11.2023 19:46

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and has no effect on climate.

Andrew Bodor
Andrew Bodor - 13.11.2023 22:20

Hey dummies; only .04 percent ( way under one percent) of our atmosphere is made up of CO2. Our food and other plants must have it to live. Mars has over 70% CO2 and is not warmed at all because of the concentration. And, YOUR PAID "SCIENTISTS" say that .04 percent is BAD; you are crazy!

Asylum - 02.11.2023 17:43

Mine is 0 to 17 %

Mrs K Khan
Mrs K Khan - 22.10.2023 06:35

This video is so elaborate and interesting! Using it to teach carbon footprints to my global perspectives students!

Elionai Víctor
Elionai Víctor - 28.09.2023 23:30

O mundo sofre. Não adianta ter uma grande economia, enquanto a Terra queima, é hora de parar de ser egoísta e só acusar.

The world is suffering. There's no point in having a big economy while the Earth burns. It's time to stop being selfish and just accuse.

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Joshua Werner
Joshua Werner - 27.09.2023 20:57

The carbon footprint is oil company propaganda to shift responsibility off of themselves. If you care about the environment your target is them.

Pasindu Ishan Pathirana
Pasindu Ishan Pathirana - 24.09.2023 11:44

Im researching about construction industry carbon footprint calculation..... I reffer that RICS has been introduced carbon footprint concept for the every construction projects as same as Bills of Quantity..

Ajay Makwana
Ajay Makwana - 20.08.2023 14:41

Hi , I would like to connect with you.

To discuss about Event based Carbon foot print reduction stretegy

John Mark Goa
John Mark Goa - 25.06.2023 20:57

Excellent explanation 🙏🙏 thank you..

L2SM - 30.05.2023 11:30

mine is 454 million metric tones a second just joking it is 3.88 metric tonnes a year

Keerthana - 10.05.2023 17:20

Thanks i learnt what is Carbon Footprint ❤️

Belisario H. Romo
Belisario H. Romo - 02.05.2023 15:43

I know woke people hates numbers and real data ..they hate science..they prefer "consensus" anyways here some data"
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the global estimates

The relationship between CO2 concentration and temperature increase is logarithmic (not linear!) and use the same climate sensitivity assumption, the increase in CO2 concentration from 600 ppm to 850 ppm would result in an additional temperature increase of approximately 0.6°C.

And you want to reduce Petoleumm Coal Gas, Nuclear and CO2 emissions...WHy???

Here is a table with columns for levels of atmospheric CO2, grains production, average human life expectancy, and global GDP:

Year CO2 concentration (ppm) Grains production (million metric tons) Average human life expectancy (years) Global GDP (in trillions of USD)
1960 316.97 876 52.6 11.3
1970 325.68 1,130 58.1 23.5
1980 338.70 1,348 62.9 33.1
1990 354.26 1,751 66.4 40.2
2000 369.47 2,152 68.8 64.3
2010 389.85 2,729 70.8 74.7
2020 412.50 2,782 72.6 83.6


************** All petroleum consumed in the planet per year (2021) calculus of WFP (Warming Forcing Potential IPCC method and formulas)

Assuming an average radiative forcing of 2.5 W/m2 for the emissions resulting from the combustion of 35 billion barrels of petroleum (based on the estimated warming potential of 63.8 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent), we can calculate the resulting change in energy flux and atmospheric temperature forcing as follows:

Change in Energy Flux = 2.5 W/m2
Area = 5.1 x 10^14 m2

Radiative Forcing = 2.5 W/m2
Temperature Forcing = Radiative Forcing * (1 / (4 * σ))^(1/4) = 0.068 K

Therefore, the estimated atmospheric temperature forcing resulting from the combustion of 35 billion barrels of petroleum is
approximately 0.068 degrees Celsius (or 0.122 degrees Fahrenheit)

****************** Now the cars

According to the IPCC, the pre-industrial temperature is estimated to be about 0.63 °C below the 1986-2005 average temperature. Therefore, if we assume that the current global temperature anomaly is about 1.1 °C above the pre-industrial temperature, then the estimated atmospheric temperature forcing resulting from automobile emissions globally would be:

Temperature Anomaly = 462.09 K * GtCO2^-1
Estimated Global Temperature Forcing = Temperature Anomaly - 1.1 °C
Estimated Global Temperature Forcing = (462.09 K * GtCO2^-1) - 1.1 °C
Estimated Global Temperature Forcing = 0.0015 K * GtCO2^-1

global temperature forcing resulting from automobile emissions would be about 0.0015 degrees Celsius per gigaton of CO2 emitted.

To estimate the total temperature increase caused by automobile emissions globally, we can multiply the annual temperature forcing from automobiles that we calculated earlier (0.081 K) by the total annual CO2 emissions from automobiles globally (5.69 billion metric tons of CO2 per year):

Total Temperature Forcing from Automobiles = 0.081 K * (5.69 billion metric tons CO2 / 1 gigaton CO2) = 0.4619 K

Therefore, the estimated total temperature increase caused by automobile emissions globally would be about 0.4619 degrees Celsius, assuming all automobiles on the planet travel an average of 10,000 miles per year.


Soil respiration emissions are around 98 gigatons of CO2 per year, and for biotic emissions, the estimates are around 2.3 gigatons of CO2 per year and around 0.33 gigatons of methane per year.

Using the same formula as before, the atmospheric temperature forcing from soil respiration would be:

(98 * 10^15 g) / (2.13 * 10^13 g) = 4.60 °C

And the atmospheric temperature forcing from biotic emissions would be:

((2.3 * 10^15 g) + (0.33 * 10^15 g * 28)) / (2.13 * 10^13 g) = 0.103 °C


lou - 13.04.2023 15:33

carbon offsets in theory work, but in actuality, it's a load of rubbish. you are basically paying companies to promise that they are not going to cut down a tree for a certain time. basically just a way for companies to make money under the premise of acting sustainably

Y. A
Y. A - 05.04.2023 20:42

Eat less meat 🍖 😂😂😂😂
So stupid
Go eat bugs then 🐛
Those who are asking you to eat less meat are the ones who have the highest carbon footprint

Malki Wijayanayaka
Malki Wijayanayaka - 22.03.2023 13:38

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Nobody1962 - 01.03.2023 15:18

A way to recycle human waste into food and drink is needed. Also recycling human bodies into food would help tremendously.

1XM_MX1 - 17.02.2023 10:27

Green house gases are by nature supposed to be absorbed by trees and plants to grow. It is only because of an imbalance in nature caused by us where we cut down trees and also burn more fossil fuels that we have this problem. This means we really should be growing more trees and plants and not cutting them down as much as possible. We need to be regenerating a healthy eco-system that is more balanced. Our modern way of life living in the cities is unnatural and resource intensive and also unhealthy. We need to look at how our ancestors lived and strive to live simpler lifestyles that is also close to nature.

Strava Marketing
Strava Marketing - 17.02.2023 03:18

My name is Carson and I am also Canadian. My wife and I lived in Edmonton Alberta, Canada. We drove a large pickup truck and ahuge SUV, out home was big with three furnaces. We sold our home and our vehicles, shut down our business and moved to Colombia South America where we have only bicycles, no furnace and no airconditioning as its 23 degrees here every day 365 days a year. We still utilize electricity but here in Colombia its almost 100% hydroelectric. Our food is sourced from a 15 km radius from where we live as that's how they roll down here. We even buy clothing, cookwear and other products that are all made locally. I loved your video and I am excited to see just how much we have reduced our carbon footprint.

Ryan Earnest
Ryan Earnest - 07.02.2023 08:58

How much has the climate changed on earth in 4.5 billion years? Did it change without human footprint, or does the earth constantly change and maybe even adapt?

Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper - 03.02.2023 03:47

I reduce my carbon footprint by holding in my farts.

k m
k m - 02.02.2023 14:09

So here’s the bottom line. According to the IPCC’s own data, man-made CO2 output levels are 3% of 3% of 0.1% of the total Earth’s atmosphere. That’s 0.000009%! That’s 9 millionths.

Antony Hickin
Antony Hickin - 30.01.2023 15:46

I'm planning on increasing my carbon footprint every year eff em all

AJ - 09.01.2023 22:21

Carbon footprint conspiracies. Do I need to wear a tin foil hat to join this cult?

WBI Going Global
WBI Going Global - 09.01.2023 11:25

The fourth industrial revolution is a scam from the start.

Edwin Almeida
Edwin Almeida - 05.01.2023 15:00

Hello. Eat less meat? It's bullshit.

Bob Shaw
Bob Shaw - 03.01.2023 05:14


Keyla Olmo
Keyla Olmo - 29.11.2022 01:06

Thank you for the information 🙏 do you have a video of how to fill out the GHG form? I work for a small jewelry company. I have no idea how to enter all the information in the form. 🙏

Emma - 28.11.2022 03:13

Elaborate the plain and for who people vote and why.

G_ - 27.11.2022 17:07

Don't know whether to fight pollution or warming, and they are clearly not the same thing.
If you are concerned about warming, should know that at 70%, the main greenhouse gas is water vapor.
In that hypothesis, both the excessive warming and the release of greenhouse gases are equivalent in a nuclear plant and a coal plant.
On the other hand, the burning of vegetable fuels is neutral in terms of CO2 balance.

M.Carline Francois
M.Carline Francois - 11.11.2022 23:05

Hi Alex , Your video is very important to me. However thermal energy has pros and cons. I read that it triggers earthquake because of the digging of the soil; it is location specific. Please tell me what you think.

M.Carline Francois
M.Carline Francois - 11.11.2022 22:05

Thank you so much for this video rich in important information

Charlie Sierra
Charlie Sierra - 06.10.2022 00:59


Charlie Sierra
Charlie Sierra - 06.10.2022 00:59

Co2 is good for the planet. I can't believe you get paid by the global warming hoax industry to produce the crap video promoting lies. Co2 makes up 0.30 of the total gases on the planet. You fool

Kitsuna - 19.09.2022 23:20

The wind turbines are actually not recyclable so they have to bury them in the ground sadly

Pascal Rosier
Pascal Rosier - 12.09.2022 08:07

You are a great presenter!

Mini rotor
Mini rotor - 01.09.2022 10:58

Your forgot to include the carbon footprint of the items you own/use/replace[ the mining-transport-manufacturing-replacing-recycling...You only mentioned carbon footprint of using these items...

738polarbear - 30.08.2022 05:54

Does anybody really truly believe that all these INCREDIBLY STUPID SELFISH STARS GIVE A RATS SHIT ABOUT CARBON AND THE PLANET OR THE REST OF US . NO OF COURSE NOT . They are just hypocrite s . Wake up people for ficks sake.

Alan Dampog
Alan Dampog - 26.08.2022 17:20

I dont care what my personal carbon foot print is. capitalism and oil and gas corporations are at fault for destroying the environment. capitalism must end now.

Bradley Young
Bradley Young - 30.07.2022 01:22

Got a 2 before trying to reduce 😂 I live in the UK

Brent Dillon
Brent Dillon - 21.07.2022 23:58

I think the best way is to have a totalitarian government tell us and track US and our carbon footprint I'm really excited about all of it and maybe we can have a credit score that tells us if we're bad or not and if we have a bad credit score we can't do anything that would be great so all of us that would have a good credit score and good carbon footprint can be happy

I K - 20.07.2022 01:46

Climate change is a lie.

D K - 18.07.2022 06:57

So you have also fallen for the lie created by BP, who coined this phrase years ago, while they hide behind, still responsible for the biggest cause of the footprint, pretending to be the good guys.
Follow the money, selling credits is the biggest scam as well.

Cindy Finlayson
Cindy Finlayson - 03.07.2022 08:08

Please explain why Greenland is growing instead of melting due to “climate change”. Thanks.

Russell Ziske
Russell Ziske - 02.07.2022 04:31


Avi Ji
Avi Ji - 08.06.2022 14:52

POV: Your teacher brings you here

Agam dêêp vlog
Agam dêêp vlog - 04.06.2022 16:13

Thanks sir today is not my exam I checked your mistake 🙂 🙃 🙏 😅 😌

Derick Jackson
Derick Jackson - 01.06.2022 17:32

Hey. I need to calculate the carbon footprint for my employer. I can use the CO2 calculator and gather the data. NP. Is that all I need to calculate the carbon footprint for a business? Is there anything else I would have to do to confirm it's a solid carbon footprint calculation?
