The Rise of Skywalker Backstabbed me, so I Reworked the Whole Sequel Trilogy - Star Wars

The Rise of Skywalker Backstabbed me, so I Reworked the Whole Sequel Trilogy - Star Wars


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@omeganeoz - 25.06.2024 04:02

Yes yes yes i agree, or well kinda, i dont like the movie but the spectacle thing is so true, but i hate the way they killed snoke

@werideatdusk - 05.06.2024 12:19

Do STAR TREK GENERATIONS next, keeping the same constraints - Kirk and Picard together, no time travel, destruction of the Enterprise-D, major subplot for Data, etc...

@thomasmoran8958 - 04.06.2024 04:27

Another thing that would make this trilogy better would be to have more new designs of spaceships and stuff. Wouldn't it be nicer if disney didn't just reuse OT spaceships and stormtroopers but make them look slightly different? How about we got newer, unique, never before seen ships instead? I remember seeing another video that talks about this perfectly.

@Redding128 - 11.05.2024 09:50


@ShockBlast-mw3td - 30.04.2024 16:30

Rey as a force plague. Now that is really a plot twist I wasn't ready for. Haven't even finished the video yet, but wow. I like this idea a lot.

@michaelsinger7008 - 22.04.2024 02:55

This is whacky and weird quiet fun.

@vincelupo8419 - 10.04.2024 20:48

Pretty tight!

@thomasmoran8958 - 23.03.2024 01:32

Wanna know why this one actually worked when the movies didn't?

It's because this guy actually planned it out.

@madhbh - 21.03.2024 07:37

I still to this day cannot believe that they did not make Finn a Jedi. When the Force Awakens first came out and Finn picked up that light saber I was so fucking hyped to see a storm trooper turn Jedi and that perhaps the movies would be about the Jedi coming back but… nope

@emperorvader283 - 18.03.2024 13:15

One problem is that people understand droids. It’s established that people shouldn’t be able to understand the droids. To be fair even OT & PT break this a couple times, but people really shouldn’t be able to understand them.

@decadesyearoldthingsreview6595 - 24.02.2024 05:32

I watch this in every six months. You did well

@workshopkid37 - 21.02.2024 21:30

The problem with the sequels were that it was unlikely to succeed from the start. Anakin already brought balance to the Force. Luke found the middle ground between the dark and the light. How could Rey resolve something without disrespecting the stories that came before? Maybe she fought something outside of the Force completely. But what kind of evil in Star Wars operates outside of the Force? There was one character in Legends named Abeloth, who was chaos, death, and evil personified. She was like the Anti-Force. The Force itself hated her. She feeds on fear, so Rey’s character arc could have been that she overcomes fear, thus defeating Abeloth

@LeadersOfAFreeMind - 14.02.2024 20:41

Proves my point basically any random fellow Star Wars nerd could have written better than those bunch of number crunching idiots.

@gabbodelaparrawrites - 03.02.2024 21:52

This was really good!

@moonlightglassworks1898 - 24.01.2024 12:17

This shit was way better

@sungod9797 - 23.01.2024 08:11

I’m confused, what motivation does Rey have to fight the resistance? They didn’t do anything to her, and she doesn’t gain anything from this. Also, she blindly does everything alongside Kylo just because he told her she was a “force plague”? Like idk, I don’t understand Rey’s motivation in your story after she learns her origin

@fawfulfan - 22.01.2024 18:51

Congratulations. You finally created an origin story for Snoke that I like even more than the fan theory that he was secretly Darth Plagueis.

@jmuk3571 - 20.01.2024 11:40

Go watch Mauler’s review

@nleo9166 - 18.01.2024 03:32

If you want to rewrite the season 8 of game of thrones. Watch the white queen and white princess.
Game of thrones is based on the war of the roses.
If it ends the way history dictates the Sansa stays married to Tyrion, and has 3 children.

@lolzipants - 12.01.2024 16:02

This is beautiful. Thank you

@UgoStrange - 04.01.2024 09:18

Okay, bro that Luke was always dead twist was INSANE!! I didn't see that coming and it MAKES SO MUCH SENSE why he'd remain on that island. BRO! That was legit amazing. I haven't even finished this video yet but I'm seriously damn impressed by literally everything you laid out THAT twist is easily the best freakin' thing I've heard at the start of the year and Rey being a Force Plague, BRO, seriously genius stuff.

@ixfindxhope - 30.12.2023 02:37

Please make more rewrites!

@setofreakinkaiba8553 - 24.12.2023 00:42

I really liked your Rey, she was so interesting compared to the original.

@lachydragneel - 11.12.2023 13:59

If I were to rewrite it I would make Rey the villain and Kylo the jedi.
Something like Rey destorys lukes monetary leaving few survivors. Ben would be roughly halfway in his training so he can do jedi things but he is still learning. So the movies would start off with the resistance forming and Ben on a journey to learn what it means to be a jedi with the guide of some force ghost and with rey on his tail (maybe she wants to kill the skywalkers).
And instead of revealing Palbatine to be alive Rey is revealed to be his granddaughter or something.
Maybe in the end of the second movie or in the third movie Rey and Ben have no choice but to work together to survive that interaction will allow each other to see the others side and that would lead to Rey rejecting the dark side and her master with the next time we would see Rey she would have a white light saber

@Arob4343 - 09.12.2023 06:23

This reminds me. I did a reimagining of the sequel trilogy too. I also came up with a better finale for The Flash (CW), I came up with it before the real one aired

@yurp7444 - 05.12.2023 03:34

It's the everyday people saying,
'Give me the pen...MOVE'
For me

@sewing3049 - 04.12.2023 18:19

I'd change the scene to wear he throws the lightsaber to wear he just gives it back to Rey/Finn as he walks away. Maybe he puts a little force behind it or something

@sewing3049 - 04.12.2023 17:50

recently rewatched the Last Jedi, and there is so many more random plot twists than i remember. the movie feels like Johnson forgot he wasn't making a knives out movie

@michaeld2587 - 04.12.2023 13:34

Hmmm…. I rather like the idea that Rei is Palpatines granddaughter and thus, heir to the empire, but I’ll take it.

@ivrishcon-abarth38 - 02.12.2023 05:31

Putting identity politics FIRST kill anything and everything.

@Arc_titan_go_boom - 28.11.2023 19:39

I actually really fucking enjoyed this. Obviously way better than the original,you took characters like rose who I hated and made them likeable. And took underused characters who I loved like phasma a bigger role. I love what you did with Rey and kylo. Good job

@yurp7444 - 28.11.2023 01:09

The passion n this title

@NotMyRealName6 - 27.11.2023 05:50

Unfortunately, this has the same biggest failing the official one had. On top of everything the movies did, and I could go on at great length to what I hated about them but now's not the time, you failed to fix one thing the films did not do, far more unforgivable, especially in hindsight, than anything the films did do to the characters, lore, etc. The one, very simple thing fans wanted most.

Luke. Han. Leia. Together.

@robbie_the_mastermind2176 - 11.11.2023 19:38

So Ray is a Goku but is nerfed for the plot so she can’t mery sue her way around problems.

@f-zilla7347 - 08.11.2023 20:44

Finn being the hero would never work with Disney because they wanna suck up to China.

@h.a.z.m.a.t5072 - 04.11.2023 04:39

If Ackbar is the one to do the hyperspace kamakazi then there should be a scene just before where some first order admirals are looking out confused at what the resistance is doing until one of them realises and says: “Its a trap!” Ackbar pulls the lever and rams into them at hyperspeed.

@jakefisher3328 - 27.10.2023 02:48

This version of Finn is a GREAT character.

@elenadirectorofmiiss7942 - 24.10.2023 23:40

I really enjoy that Finn, Phasma, Rose and Poe getting a true arc...

@benlime1235 - 24.10.2023 00:23

The main problem with Rey being 'no one', for me, was how Kylo told her, as if he was talking directly to the audience. No one would talk like that otherwise. Why would he tell her she was no one in that way, as if she was expecting to be empress of the universe or something? Okay, tell her her parents were drunks, or scum and villains or whatever but the way he told her they were no one, as if he was shocking her because she expected something else was just so dumb and obviously RJ talking to the audience like we had somehow annoyed him by theorising who she might be, almost like it was a plot thread intentionally set up to be theorised, in a movie franchise where true character identity revolations have played an important role for decades.

@batmanneedssome200 - 16.10.2023 06:52

Onjectively youre wrong. The movie should be rewritten like this: old buff Luke wakes up from his nap. Grand General Han Solo comes up to him and asks if he had a good nap. Luke then says “Oh, Han I had a horrible dream of some bitch thinking she was a force user and that I was a hermit” Han then chuckles and says yeah that sounds retarded. Then they go off on another adventure to defeat the remnants of the empire and Darth Maul and no one bothers to even give the garbage disney filth of a sequel trilogy the time of day

@houserhouse - 11.10.2023 17:52

This is so good because it takes Finn, a character that had endless potential, and actually TRIES to make his story matter

@romanian_thief - 27.09.2023 21:41

This was such a good one. Luke being dead the whole time and Rey being a Force Plague were such good plot twists, I didn't expect neither of them

@conneraldeqn9751 - 25.09.2023 00:13

Heres how I would do the sequel trilogy:

Episode 7: Exile of the Chimera

Episode 8: The Undead legion

Episode 9: Prophecy of the Twin Suns

@insertmemorableusernameher6795 - 22.09.2023 23:08

The parallel between finn and kylos identities as defectors is so good, i have no idea why they didnt do anything with that

@Comegetmebitch - 10.09.2023 19:31

I actually thought about your Luke twist while watching tlJ but I love how you implemented it, it’s an amazing twist and one that makes sense.

@FillingPotholes - 08.09.2023 22:24

The best part about this rewrite is the idea that Luke was always dead, he just never admitted that for his sister's sake. It makes up for Luke not being around for The Force Awakens perfectly. Honestly should have been the route Rian went with TLJ
But only makes me realise what an awful idea it was to have Luke missing the whole of TFA. The aren't many coherent reasons for having him abandon his friends that doesn't ruin his character, so why even have him missing in the 1st place?? JJ's writing choices really make no sense. What could he have possibly been setting up??

@1celess - 29.08.2023 22:48

An Anomoly? Holy crap. The goosebumps?
